<?php /** * Flickr Short Code * Author: kellan * License: BSD/GPL/public domain (take your pick) * * [flickr video=www.flickr.com/photos/kalakeli/49931239842] * [flickr video=49931239842] * [flickr video=49931239842 w=200 h=150] * [flickr video=49931239842 autoplay="yes" controls="no"] * [flickr video=49931239842 autoplay="no" controls="yes" w=200 h=150] * * <div class="flick_video" style="max-width: 100%;width: 500px;height: 300px;"><video src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/kalakeli/49931239842/play/360p/183f75d545/" controls autoplay ></video></div> * * @package automattic/jetpack */ /** * Transform embed to shortcode on save. * * @param string $content Post content. * * @return string Shortcode or the embed content itself. */ function flickr_embed_to_shortcode( $content ) { if ( ! is_string( $content ) ) { return $content; } if ( false !== strpos( $content, '<div class="flickr_video"' ) && false !== strpos( $content, '<video' ) ) { return jetpack_flickr_video_to_shortcode( $content ); } elseif ( preg_match( '/<iframe src="(https?:)?\/\/([\da-z\-]+\.)*?((static)?flickr\.com|flic\.kr)\/[^\"]+\"/', $content ) ) { return jetpack_flickr_photo_to_shortcode( $content ); } return $content; } /** * Transforms embed to shortcode on save when the photo param is used. * If embed content can not be transformed to a valid shortcode, * the embed content itself is returned. * * @param string $content Embed output. * * @return string Shortcode or the embed content. */ function jetpack_flickr_photo_to_shortcode( $content ) { preg_match( '/<iframe src=\"([^\"]+)\"(\s+height=\"([^\"]*)\")?(\s+width=\"([^\"]*)\")?/', $content, $matches ); if ( empty( $matches[1] ) ) { return $content; } $src = esc_attr( str_replace( 'player/', '', $matches[1] ) ); $height = empty( $matches[3] ) ? '' : esc_attr( $matches[3] ); $width = empty( $matches[5] ) ? '' : esc_attr( $matches[5] ); /** This action is documented in modules/shortcodes/youtube.php */ do_action( 'jetpack_embed_to_shortcode', 'flickr_photo', $src ); return '[flickr photo="' . $src . '" w=' . $width . ' h=' . $height . ']'; } /** * Transforms embed to shortcode on save when the video param is used. * If embed content can not be transformed to a valid shortcode, * the embed content itself is returned. * * @param string $content Embed output. * * @return string Shortcode or the embed content. */ function jetpack_flickr_video_to_shortcode( $content ) { // Get video src. preg_match( '/<video src=\"([^\"]+)\"/', $content, $matches ); if ( empty( $matches[1] ) ) { return $content; } preg_match( '/(https?:)?\/\/([\da-z\-]+\.)*?((static)?flickr\.com|flic\.kr)\/photos\/([^\/]+)\/\d+\//', $matches[1], $matches ); $video_src = esc_attr( $matches[0] ); // Get width and height. preg_match( '/style=\"max-width: 100%;(width:\s(\d+)px;)?(height:\s(\d+)px;)?/', $content, $matches ); $width = empty( $matches[2] ) ? '' : 'w=' . esc_attr( $matches[2] ); $height = empty( $matches[4] ) ? '' : 'h=' . esc_attr( $matches[4] ); $controls = false !== strpos( $content, 'controls' ) ? 'yes' : 'no'; $autoplay = false !== strpos( $content, 'autoplay' ) ? 'yes' : 'no'; /** This action is documented in modules/shortcodes/youtube.php */ do_action( 'jetpack_embed_to_shortcode', 'flickr_video', $video_src ); return '[flickr video="' . $video_src . '" ' . $width . ' ' . $height . ' controls="' . $controls . '" autoplay="' . $autoplay . '"]'; } add_filter( 'pre_kses', 'flickr_embed_to_shortcode' ); /** * Flickr Shortcode handler. * * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes. * * @return string Shortcode Output. */ function flickr_shortcode_handler( $atts ) { $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'video' => 0, 'photo' => 0, 'w' => '', 'h' => '', 'controls' => 'yes', 'autoplay' => '', ), $atts, 'flickr' ); if ( ! empty( $atts['video'] ) ) { $showing = 'video'; $src = $atts['video']; } elseif ( ! empty( $atts['photo'] ) ) { $showing = 'photo'; $src = $atts['photo']; } else { return ''; } $src = str_replace( 'http://', 'https://', $src ); if ( 'video' === $showing ) { $video_id = flick_shortcode_video_id( $src ); if ( empty( $video_id ) ) { return ''; } $atts = array_map( 'esc_attr', $atts ); return flickr_shortcode_video_markup( $atts, $video_id, $src ); } elseif ( 'photo' === $showing ) { if ( ! preg_match( '~^(https?:)?//([\da-z\-]+\.)*?((static)?flickr\.com|flic\.kr)/.*~i', $src ) ) { return ''; } $height = empty( $atts['h'] ) ? 'auto' : esc_attr( $atts['h'] ); $src = sprintf( '%s/player/', untrailingslashit( $src ) ); $allow_full_screen = 'allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen'; if ( class_exists( 'Jetpack_AMP_Support' ) && Jetpack_AMP_Support::is_amp_request() ) { $allow_full_screen = str_replace( ' oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen', '', $allow_full_screen ); } return sprintf( '<iframe src="%s" height="%s" width="%s" frameborder="0" %s></iframe>', esc_url( $src ), $height, esc_attr( $atts['w'] ), $allow_full_screen ); } return false; } /** * Return HTML markup for a Flickr embed. * * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes. * @param string $id Video ID. * @param string $video_param video param of the shortcode. * * @return string Shortcode ouput for video. */ function flickr_shortcode_video_markup( $atts, $id, $video_param ) { $transient_name = "flickr_video_$id"; $video_src = get_transient( $transient_name ); if ( empty( $video_src ) ) { $video_url = ''; if ( ! is_numeric( $video_param ) ) { $video_url = $video_param; } else { // Get the URL of the video from the page of the video. $video_page_content = wp_remote_get( "http://flickr.com/photo.gne?id=$video_param" ); // Bail if we do not get any info from Flickr. if ( is_wp_error( $video_page_content ) ) { return ''; } // Extract the URL from the og:url meta tag. preg_match( '/property=\"og:url\"\scontent=\"([^\"]+)\"/', $video_page_content['body'], $matches ); if ( empty( $matches[1] ) ) { return ''; } $video_url = $matches[1]; } $provider = 'https://www.flickr.com/services/oembed/'; $oembed = _wp_oembed_get_object(); $data = (array) $oembed->fetch( $provider, $video_url ); if ( empty( $data['html'] ) ) { return ''; } // Get the embed url. preg_match( '/src=\"([^\"]+)\"/', $data['html'], $matches ); $embed_url = $matches[1]; $embed_page = wp_remote_get( $embed_url ); // Get the video url from embed html markup. preg_match( '/video.+src=\"([^\"]+)\"/', $embed_page['body'], $matches ); $video_src = $matches[1]; set_transient( $transient_name, $video_src, 2592000 ); // 30 days transient. } $style = 'max-width: 100%;'; if ( ! empty( $atts['w'] ) && is_numeric( $atts['w'] ) ) { $style .= sprintf( 'width: %dpx;', $atts['w'] ); } if ( ! empty( $atts['h'] ) && is_numeric( $atts['h'] ) ) { $style .= sprintf( 'height: %dpx;', $atts['h'] ); } $controls = 'yes' === $atts['controls'] ? 'controls' : ''; $autoplay = 'yes' === $atts['autoplay'] ? 'autoplay' : ''; return sprintf( '<div class="flick_video" style="%s"><video src="%s" %s %s /></div>', esc_attr( $style ), esc_attr( $video_src ), $controls, $autoplay ); } /** * Extract the id of the flickr video from the video param. * * @param string $video_param Video parameter of the shortcode. * * @return string|boolean ID of the video or false in case the ID can not be extracted. */ function flick_shortcode_video_id( $video_param ) { if ( preg_match( '/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?flickr\.com\/.+/', $video_param ) || preg_match( '/^https?:\/\/flic\.kr\/.+/', $video_param ) ) { // Extract the video id from the url. preg_match( '/\d+/', $video_param, $matches ); if ( empty( $matches ) ) { return false; } return $matches[0]; } elseif ( is_numeric( $video_param ) ) { return $video_param; } return false; } add_shortcode( 'flickr', 'flickr_shortcode_handler' ); // Override core's Flickr support because Flickr oEmbed doesn't support web embeds. wp_embed_register_handler( 'flickr', '#https?://(www\.)?flickr\.com/.*#i', 'jetpack_flickr_oembed_handler' ); /** * Callback to modify output of embedded Vimeo video using Jetpack's shortcode. * * @since 3.9 * * @param array $matches Regex partial matches against the URL passed. * @param array $attr Attributes received in embed response. * @param array $url Requested URL to be embedded. * * @return string Return output of Vimeo shortcode with the proper markup. */ function jetpack_flickr_oembed_handler( $matches, $attr, $url ) { /* * Legacy slideshow embeds end with /show/ * e.g. http://www.flickr.com/photos/yarnaholic/sets/72157615194738969/show/ */ if ( '/show/' !== substr( $url, -strlen( '/show/' ) ) ) { // These lookups need cached, as they don't use WP_Embed (which caches). $cache_key = md5( $url . wp_json_encode( $attr ) ); $cache_group = 'oembed_flickr'; $html = wp_cache_get( $cache_key, $cache_group ); if ( false === $html ) { $html = _wp_oembed_get_object()->get_html( $url, $attr ); wp_cache_set( $cache_key, $html, $cache_group, 60 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ); } return $html; } return flickr_shortcode_handler( array( 'photo' => $url ) ); }