<?php namespace MailPoet\Config\PopulatorData\Templates; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; use MailPoet\WP\Functions as WPFunctions; class FestivalEvent { private $template_image_url; private $social_icon_url; public function __construct($assets_url) { $this->template_image_url = 'https://ps.w.org/mailpoet/assets/newsletter-templates/festival_event'; $this->social_icon_url = $assets_url . '/img/newsletter_editor/social-icons'; } public function get() { return [ 'name' => __("Festival Event", 'mailpoet'), 'categories' => json_encode(['standard', 'all']), 'readonly' => 1, 'thumbnail' => $this->getThumbnail(), 'body' => json_encode($this->getBody()), ]; } private function getBody() { return [ 'content' => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'vertical', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'horizontal', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'vertical', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'spacer', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => '#0a5388', 'height' => '20px', ], ], ], 1 => [ 'type' => 'image', 'link' => '', 'src' => $this->template_image_url . '/festival-header.jpg', 'alt' => 'festival-header', 'fullWidth' => true, 'width' => '1320px', 'height' => '879px', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'textAlign' => 'center', ], ], ], 2 => [ 'type' => 'spacer', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', 'height' => '36px', ], ], ], 3 => [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '<h1 style="text-align: center;">Pack your glowsticks, <br />Boomfest is back!&nbsp;</h1> <p></p> <p style="text-align: center;">Duis tempor nisl in risus hendrerit venenatis. <br />Curabitur ornare venenatis nisl non ullamcorper. </p>', ], 4 => [ 'type' => 'button', 'text' => 'Duis id tincidunt', 'url' => '', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => '#0a5388', 'borderColor' => '#0074a2', 'borderWidth' => '0px', 'borderRadius' => '5px', 'borderStyle' => 'solid', 'width' => '260px', 'lineHeight' => '50px', 'fontColor' => '#ffffff', 'fontFamily' => 'Courier New', 'fontSize' => '18px', 'fontWeight' => 'bold', 'textAlign' => 'center', ], ], ], 5 => [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '<p style="text-align: center;">Maecenas scelerisque nisi sit amet metus efficitur dapibus!&nbsp;<br />Ut eros risus, facilisis ac aliquet vel, posuere ut urna.</p>', ], 6 => [ 'type' => 'social', 'iconSet' => 'full-symbol-grey', 'icons' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'socialIcon', 'iconType' => 'facebook', 'link' => 'http://www.facebook.com', 'image' => $this->social_icon_url . '/08-full-symbol-grey/Facebook.png', 'height' => '32px', 'width' => '32px', 'text' => 'Facebook', ], 1 => [ 'type' => 'socialIcon', 'iconType' => 'twitter', 'link' => 'http://www.twitter.com', 'image' => $this->social_icon_url . '/08-full-symbol-grey/Twitter.png', 'height' => '32px', 'width' => '32px', 'text' => 'Twitter', ], 2 => [ 'type' => 'socialIcon', 'iconType' => 'instagram', 'link' => 'http://instagram.com', 'image' => $this->social_icon_url . '/08-full-symbol-grey/Instagram.png', 'height' => '32px', 'width' => '32px', 'text' => 'Instagram', ], ], ], ], ], ], ], 1 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'horizontal', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'vertical', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'divider', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', 'padding' => '13px', 'borderStyle' => 'dashed', 'borderWidth' => '2px', 'borderColor' => '#ffffff', ], ], ], 1 => [ 'type' => 'spacer', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', 'height' => '28px', ], ], ], 2 => [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '<h2 style="text-align: center;">Confirmed Lineup</h2>', ], ], ], ], ], 2 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'horizontal', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'vertical', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '<h3><em><span style="color: #bae2ff;">Main Stage</span></em></h3><p>Quisque libero<br />Nulla convallis<br />Vestibulum Ornare<br />Consectetur Odio</p>', ], ], ], 1 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'vertical', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '<h3><em><span style="color: #bae2ff;">New Acts Stage</span></em></h3><p>Nulla interdum<br />Massa nec<br />Pharetra<br />Varius</p>', ], ], ], 2 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'vertical', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '<h3><em><span style="color: #bae2ff;">Comedy Stage</span></em></h3><p>In pulvinar<br />Risus sed<br />Condimentum<br />Feugiat</p>', ], ], ], ], ], 3 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'horizontal', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'vertical', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'spacer', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', 'height' => '20px', ], ], ], 1 => [ 'type' => 'divider', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', 'padding' => '13px', 'borderStyle' => 'dashed', 'borderWidth' => '2px', 'borderColor' => '#ffffff', ], ], ], 2 => [ 'type' => 'spacer', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', 'height' => '20px', ], ], ], 3 => [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '<h2 style="text-align: center;">New to the festival this year</h2>', ], 4 => [ 'type' => 'divider', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', 'padding' => '9px', 'borderStyle' => 'dashed', 'borderWidth' => '2px', 'borderColor' => '#ffffff', ], ], ], 5 => [ 'type' => 'spacer', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', 'height' => '20px', ], ], ], ], ], ], ], 4 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'horizontal', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'vertical', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'image', 'link' => '', 'src' => $this->template_image_url . '/street-food.jpg', 'alt' => 'street food', 'fullWidth' => true, 'width' => '499px', 'height' => '750px', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'textAlign' => 'center', ], ], ], 1 => [ 'type' => 'spacer', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', 'height' => '20px', ], ], ], 2 => [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '<h3>Award-winning Street Food</h3><p>Nullam pharetra lectus id porta pulvinar. Proin ac massa nibh. Nullam ac mi pharetra, lobortis nunc et, placerat leo. Mauris eu feugiat elit. Pellentesque eget turpis eu diam vehicula convallis non <a href="http://www.mailpoet.com">luctus enim.</a></p>', ], ], ], 1 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'vertical', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'image', 'link' => '', 'src' => $this->template_image_url . '/happy.jpeg', 'alt' => 'happy', 'fullWidth' => true, 'width' => '499px', 'height' => '750px', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'textAlign' => 'center', ], ], ], 1 => [ 'type' => 'spacer', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', 'height' => '20px', ], ], ], 2 => [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '<h3>Prepare to&nbsp;dazzle with our Glitter Run</h3><p>Donec quis orci at metus finibus tincidunt. Sed vel urna sed urna maximus congue eu et turpis. Nulla tempus hendrerit justo eget molestie. Vivamus quis molestie lacus. Donec commodo odio a nisi feugiat, vitae egestas mi.</p>', ], ], ], ], ], 5 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'horizontal', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'container', 'orientation' => 'vertical', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], ], 'blocks' => [ 0 => [ 'type' => 'spacer', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', 'height' => '20px', ], ], ], 1 => [ 'type' => 'divider', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', 'padding' => '13px', 'borderStyle' => 'dashed', 'borderWidth' => '2px', 'borderColor' => '#ffffff', ], ], ], 2 => [ 'type' => 'footer', 'text' => '<p>Mauris tristique ultricies ullamcorper. <br />Don\'t want to hear from us?&nbsp;<a href="[link:subscription_unsubscribe_url]">'.__("Unsubscribe", 'mailpoet').'</a></p><p></p><p>Add your postal address here.&nbsp;</p>', 'styles' => [ 'block' => [ 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', ], 'text' => [ 'fontColor' => '#ffffff', 'fontFamily' => 'Courier New', 'fontSize' => '13px', 'textAlign' => 'center', ], 'link' => [ 'fontColor' => '#ffffff', 'textDecoration' => 'underline', ], ], ], ], ], ], ], ], ], 'globalStyles' => [ 'text' => [ 'fontColor' => '#ffffff', 'fontFamily' => 'Courier New', 'fontSize' => '16px', ], 'h1' => [ 'fontColor' => '#ffffff', 'fontFamily' => 'Georgia', 'fontSize' => '36px', ], 'h2' => [ 'fontColor' => '#ffffff', 'fontFamily' => 'Georgia', 'fontSize' => '26px', ], 'h3' => [ 'fontColor' => '#ffffff', 'fontFamily' => 'Georgia', 'fontSize' => '24px', ], 'link' => [ 'fontColor' => '#ffffff', 'textDecoration' => 'underline', ], 'wrapper' => [ 'backgroundColor' => '#8d062b', ], 'body' => [ 'backgroundColor' => '#0a5388', ], ], ]; } private function getThumbnail() { return $this->template_image_url . '/thumbnail.20190411-1500.jpg'; } }