<?php /** * Plugin Name: Display Recent WordPress Posts Widget * Description: Displays recent posts from a WordPress.com or Jetpack-enabled self-hosted WordPress site. * Version: 1.0 * Author: Brad Angelcyk, Kathryn Presner, Justin Shreve, Carolyn Sonnek * Author URI: https://automattic.com * License: GPL2 * Text Domain: jetpack * * @package automattic/jetpack */ /** * Disable direct access/execution to/of the widget code. */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } require __DIR__ . '/wordpress-post-widget/class.jetpack-display-posts-widget-base.php'; require __DIR__ . '/wordpress-post-widget/class.jetpack-display-posts-widget.php'; add_action( 'widgets_init', 'jetpack_display_posts_widget' ); /** * Registers widget Jetpack_Display_Posts_Widget */ function jetpack_display_posts_widget() { register_widget( 'Jetpack_Display_Posts_Widget' ); } /** * Cron tasks */ add_filter( 'cron_schedules', 'jetpack_display_posts_widget_cron_intervals' ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.CronInterval.CronSchedulesInterval /** * Adds 10 minute running interval to the cron schedules. * * @param array $current_schedules Currently defined schedules list. * * @return array */ function jetpack_display_posts_widget_cron_intervals( $current_schedules ) { /** * Only add the 10 minute interval if it wasn't already set. */ if ( ! isset( $current_schedules['minutes_10'] ) ) { $current_schedules['minutes_10'] = array( 'interval' => 10 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, 'display' => 'Every 10 minutes', ); } return $current_schedules; } /** * Execute the cron task */ add_action( 'jetpack_display_posts_widget_cron_update', 'jetpack_display_posts_update_cron_action' ); /** * Run the Jetpack_Display_Posts_Widget cron task. */ function jetpack_display_posts_update_cron_action() { $widget = new Jetpack_Display_Posts_Widget(); $widget->cron_task(); } /** * Handle activation procedures for the cron. * * `updating_jetpack_version` - Handle cron activation when Jetpack gets updated. It's here * to cover the first cron activation after the update. * * `jetpack_activate_module_widgets` - Activate the cron when the Extra Sidebar widgets are activated. * * `activated_plugin` - Activate the cron when Jetpack gets activated. */ add_action( 'updating_jetpack_version', 'jetpack_display_posts_widget_conditionally_activate_cron' ); add_action( 'jetpack_activate_module_widgets', 'Jetpack_Display_Posts_Widget::activate_cron' ); add_action( 'activated_plugin', 'jetpack_conditionally_activate_cron_on_plugin_activation' ); /** * Executed when Jetpack gets activated. Tries to activate the cron if it is needed. * * @param string $plugin_file_name The plugin file that was activated. */ function jetpack_conditionally_activate_cron_on_plugin_activation( $plugin_file_name ) { if ( plugin_basename( JETPACK__PLUGIN_FILE ) === $plugin_file_name ) { jetpack_display_posts_widget_conditionally_activate_cron(); } } /** * Activates the cron only when needed. * * @see Jetpack_Display_Posts_Widget::should_cron_be_running */ function jetpack_display_posts_widget_conditionally_activate_cron() { $widget = new Jetpack_Display_Posts_Widget(); if ( $widget->should_cron_be_running() ) { $widget->activate_cron(); } unset( $widget ); } /** * End of cron activation handling. */ /** * Handle deactivation procedures where they are needed. * * If Extra Sidebar Widgets module is deactivated, the cron is not needed. * * If Jetpack is deactivated, the cron is not needed. */ add_action( 'jetpack_deactivate_module_widgets', 'Jetpack_Display_Posts_Widget::deactivate_cron_static' ); register_deactivation_hook( plugin_basename( JETPACK__PLUGIN_FILE ), 'Jetpack_Display_Posts_Widget::deactivate_cron_static' );