<?php namespace Elementor\Data\V2\Base\Endpoint\Index; use Elementor\Data\V2\Base\Endpoint\Index; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } /** * Class SubIndexEndpoint is default `Base\Endpoint\Index` of `SubController`, * it was created to handle base_route and format for child controller, index endpoint. * In case `SubController` were used and the default method of `Controller::register_index_endpoint` ain't overridden. * this class will give support to have such routes, eg: 'alpha/{id}/beta/{sub_id}' without using additional endpoints. */ final class Sub_Index_Endpoint extends Index { /*** * @var \Elementor\Data\V2\Base\Controller */ public $controller; public function get_format() { return $this->controller->get_parent()->get_name() . '/{id}/' . $this->controller->get_name() . '/{sub_id}'; } public function get_base_route() { $parent_controller = $this->controller->get_parent(); $parent_index_endpoint = $parent_controller->index_endpoint; $parent_controller_route = ''; // In case `$parent_index_endpoint` is AllChildren, it cannot support id_arg_name. if ( ! $parent_index_endpoint instanceof AllChildren ) { $parent_controller_route = "(?P<{$parent_index_endpoint->id_arg_name}>[\w]+)"; } return untrailingslashit('/' . implode( '/', array_filter( [ trim( $parent_index_endpoint->get_base_route(), '/' ), $parent_controller_route, $this->controller->get_name(), $this->get_public_name(), ] ) ) ); } }