import { useState, useContext } from 'react'; import TemplatesFeatures from './components/templates-features/templates-features'; import KitContentCheckbox from './components/kit-content-checkbox/kit-content-checkbox'; import CptOptionsSelectBox from '../cpt-select-box/cpt-select-box'; import GoProButton from 'elementor-app/molecules/go-pro-button'; import Box from 'elementor-app/ui/atoms/box'; import List from 'elementor-app/ui/molecules/list'; import Heading from 'elementor-app/ui/atoms/heading'; import Text from 'elementor-app/ui/atoms/text'; import Grid from 'elementor-app/ui/grid/grid'; import { appsEventTrackingDispatch } from 'elementor-app/event-track/apps-event-tracking'; import { SharedContext } from './../../context/shared-context/shared-context-provider.js'; import './kit-content.scss'; export default function KitContent( { contentData, hasPro } ) { const [ containerHover, setContainerHover ] = useState( {} ), sharedContext = useContext( SharedContext ), { referrer, currentPage } =, // Need to read the hasPro value first from the props because the plugin might be installed during the process. isProExist = hasPro || elementorAppConfig.hasPro, getTemplateFeatures = ( features, index ) => { if ( ! features ) { return; } return ( <TemplatesFeatures features={ features } isLocked={ ! isProExist } showTooltip={ containerHover[ index ] } /> ); }, setContainerHoverState = ( index, state ) => { setContainerHover( ( prevState ) => ( { ...prevState, [ index ]: state } ) ); }, eventTracking = ( event, chosenPart ) => { if ( 'kit-library' === referrer ) { const command = && ? 'check' : 'uncheck'; appsEventTrackingDispatch( `kit-library/${ command }`, { page_source: 'import', step: currentPage, event_type: 'click', site_part: chosenPart, }, ); } }; if ( ! contentData.length ) { return null; } return ( <Box> <List separated className="e-app-export-kit-content"> { ( { type, data }, index ) => { const isLockedFeaturesNoPro = data.features?.locked && ! isProExist; return ( <List.Item padding="20" key={ type } className="e-app-export-kit-content__item"> <div onMouseEnter={ () => isLockedFeaturesNoPro && setContainerHoverState( index, true ) } onMouseLeave={ () => isLockedFeaturesNoPro && setContainerHoverState( index, false ) } > <Grid container noWrap > <KitContentCheckbox type={ type } className="e-app-export-kit-content__checkbox" onCheck={ ( event, chosenPart ) => { eventTracking( event, chosenPart ); } } /> <Grid item container> <Heading variant="h4" tag="h3" className="e-app-export-kit-content__title"> { data.title } </Heading> <Grid item container direction={ isLockedFeaturesNoPro ? 'row' : 'column' } alignItems={ 'baseline' } > <Text variant="sm" tag="p" className="e-app-export-kit-content__description"> { data.description || getTemplateFeatures( data.features, index ) } </Text> { 'content' === type && <CptOptionsSelectBox /> } { isLockedFeaturesNoPro && <GoProButton className="e-app-export-kit-content__go-pro-button" url="" /> } </Grid> </Grid> </Grid> </div> </List.Item> ); } ) } </List> </Box> ); } KitContent.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, contentData: PropTypes.array.isRequired, hasPro: PropTypes.bool, }; KitContent.defaultProps = { className: '', };