/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { useState, useEffect, useCallback, useMemo, useRef, useLayoutEffect, } from '@wordpress/element'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import FormattedMonetaryAmount from '@woocommerce/base-components/formatted-monetary-amount'; import { Currency, isObject } from '@woocommerce/types'; import { useDebouncedCallback } from 'use-debounce'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import './style.scss'; import { constrainRangeSliderValues } from './constrain-range-slider-values'; import FilterSubmitButton from '../filter-submit-button'; import { isValidMaxValue, isValidMinValue } from './utils'; import FilterResetButton from '../filter-reset-button'; export interface PriceSliderProps { /** * Currency configuration object. */ currency: Currency; /** * Whether values are loading or not. */ isLoading?: boolean; /** * Whether values are updating or not. The update starts when the price slider is changed. */ isUpdating?: boolean; /** * Maximum constraint. */ maxConstraint: number | null | undefined; /** * Maximum price for slider. */ maxPrice: number | null; /** * Minimum constraint. */ minConstraint: number | null | undefined; /** * Minimum price for slider. */ minPrice: number | null; /** * Function to call on the change event. */ onChange: ( value: [ number, number ] ) => void; /** * Function to call when submit event fires. */ onSubmit?: () => void; /** * Whether to show the filter button for the slider. */ showFilterButton?: boolean; /** * Whether to show input fields for the values or not. */ showInputFields?: boolean; /** * Whether to show input fields inline with the slider or not. */ inlineInput?: boolean; /** * What step values the slider uses. */ step?: number; } const PriceSlider = ( { minPrice, maxPrice, minConstraint, maxConstraint, onChange, step, currency, showInputFields = true, showFilterButton = false, inlineInput = true, isLoading = false, isUpdating = false, onSubmit = () => void 0, }: PriceSliderProps ): JSX.Element => { const minRange = useRef< HTMLInputElement >( null ); const maxRange = useRef< HTMLInputElement >( null ); // We want step to default to 1 major unit, e.g. $1. const stepValue = step ? step : 10 ** currency.minorUnit; const [ minPriceInput, setMinPriceInput ] = useState( minPrice ); const [ maxPriceInput, setMaxPriceInput ] = useState( maxPrice ); const wrapper = useRef< HTMLInputElement >( null ); const [ wrapperWidth, setWrapperWidth ] = useState( 0 ); useEffect( () => { setMinPriceInput( minPrice ); }, [ minPrice ] ); useEffect( () => { setMaxPriceInput( maxPrice ); }, [ maxPrice ] ); useLayoutEffect( () => { if ( inlineInput && wrapper.current ) { setWrapperWidth( wrapper.current?.offsetWidth ); } }, [ inlineInput, setWrapperWidth ] ); /** * Checks if the min and max constraints are valid. */ const hasValidConstraints = useMemo( () => { return isFinite( minConstraint ) && isFinite( maxConstraint ); }, [ minConstraint, maxConstraint ] ); /** * Handles styles for the shaded area of the range slider. */ const progressStyles = useMemo( () => { if ( ! isFinite( minPrice ) || ! isFinite( maxPrice ) || ! hasValidConstraints ) { return { '--low': '0%', '--high': '100%', }; } const low = Math.round( 100 * ( ( minPrice - minConstraint ) / ( maxConstraint - minConstraint ) ) ) - 0.5; const high = Math.round( 100 * ( ( maxPrice - minConstraint ) / ( maxConstraint - minConstraint ) ) ) + 0.5; return { '--low': low + '%', '--high': high + '%', }; }, [ minPrice, maxPrice, minConstraint, maxConstraint, hasValidConstraints, ] ); /** * Works around an IE issue where only one range selector is visible by changing the display order * based on the mouse position. * * @param {Object} event event data. */ const findClosestRange = useCallback( ( event: React.MouseEvent< HTMLDivElement > ) => { if ( isLoading || ! hasValidConstraints || ! minRange.current || ! maxRange.current ) { return; } const bounds = ( event.target as Element ).getBoundingClientRect(); const x = event.clientX - bounds.left; const minWidth = minRange.current.offsetWidth; const minValue = +minRange.current.value; const maxWidth = maxRange.current.offsetWidth; const maxValue = +maxRange.current.value; const minX = minWidth * ( minValue / maxConstraint ); const maxX = maxWidth * ( maxValue / maxConstraint ); const minXDiff = Math.abs( x - minX ); const maxXDiff = Math.abs( x - maxX ); /** * The default z-index in the stylesheet as 20. 20 vs 21 is just for determining which range * slider should be at the front and has no meaning beyond */ if ( minXDiff > maxXDiff ) { minRange.current.style.zIndex = '20'; maxRange.current.style.zIndex = '21'; } else { minRange.current.style.zIndex = '21'; maxRange.current.style.zIndex = '20'; } }, [ isLoading, maxConstraint, hasValidConstraints ] ); /** * Called when the slider is dragged. */ const rangeInputOnChange = useCallback( ( event: React.ChangeEvent< HTMLInputElement > ) => { const isMin = event.target.classList.contains( 'wc-block-price-filter__range-input--min' ); const targetValue = +event.target.value; const currentValues: [ number, number ] = isMin ? [ Math.round( targetValue / stepValue ) * stepValue, maxPrice, ] : [ minPrice, Math.round( targetValue / stepValue ) * stepValue, ]; const values = constrainRangeSliderValues( currentValues, minConstraint, maxConstraint, stepValue, isMin ); onChange( values ); }, [ onChange, minPrice, maxPrice, minConstraint, maxConstraint, stepValue, ] ); /** * Called when a price input loses focus - commit changes to slider. */ const priceInputOnBlur = useCallback( ( event: React.FocusEvent< HTMLInputElement > ) => { // Only refresh when finished editing the min and max fields. if ( event.relatedTarget && ( event.relatedTarget as Element ).classList && ( event.relatedTarget as Element ).classList.contains( 'wc-block-price-filter__amount' ) ) { return; } const isMin = event.target.classList.contains( 'wc-block-price-filter__amount--min' ); // When the user inserts in the max price input a value less or equal than the current minimum price, // we set to 0 the minimum price. if ( minPriceInput >= maxPriceInput ) { const values = constrainRangeSliderValues( [ 0, maxPriceInput ], null, null, stepValue, isMin ); return onChange( [ parseInt( values[ 0 ], 10 ), parseInt( values[ 1 ], 10 ), ] ); } const values = constrainRangeSliderValues( [ minPriceInput, maxPriceInput ], null, null, stepValue, isMin ); onChange( values ); }, [ onChange, stepValue, minPriceInput, maxPriceInput ] ); const debouncedUpdateQuery = useDebouncedCallback( onSubmit, 600 ); const classes = classnames( 'wc-block-price-filter', 'wc-block-components-price-slider', showInputFields && 'wc-block-price-filter--has-input-fields', showInputFields && 'wc-block-components-price-slider--has-input-fields', showFilterButton && 'wc-block-price-filter--has-filter-button', showFilterButton && 'wc-block-components-price-slider--has-filter-button', ! hasValidConstraints && 'is-disabled', ( inlineInput || wrapperWidth <= 300 ) && 'wc-block-components-price-slider--is-input-inline' ); const activeElement = isObject( minRange.current ) ? minRange.current.ownerDocument.activeElement : undefined; const minRangeStep = activeElement && activeElement === minRange.current ? stepValue : 1; const maxRangeStep = activeElement && activeElement === maxRange.current ? stepValue : 1; const ariaReadableMinPrice = String( minPriceInput / 10 ** currency.minorUnit ); const ariaReadableMaxPrice = String( maxPriceInput / 10 ** currency.minorUnit ); const inlineInputAvailable = inlineInput && wrapperWidth > 300; const slider = ( <div className={ classnames( 'wc-block-price-filter__range-input-wrapper', 'wc-block-components-price-slider__range-input-wrapper', { 'is-loading': isLoading && isUpdating } ) } onMouseMove={ findClosestRange } onFocus={ findClosestRange } > { hasValidConstraints && ( <div aria-hidden={ showInputFields }> <div className="wc-block-price-filter__range-input-progress wc-block-components-price-slider__range-input-progress" style={ progressStyles as React.CSSProperties } /> <input type="range" className="wc-block-price-filter__range-input wc-block-price-filter__range-input--min wc-block-components-price-slider__range-input wc-block-components-price-slider__range-input--min" aria-label={ __( 'Filter products by minimum price', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) } aria-valuetext={ ariaReadableMinPrice } value={ Number.isFinite( minPrice ) ? minPrice : minConstraint } onChange={ rangeInputOnChange } step={ minRangeStep } min={ minConstraint } max={ maxConstraint } ref={ minRange } disabled={ isLoading && ! hasValidConstraints } tabIndex={ showInputFields ? -1 : 0 } /> <input type="range" className="wc-block-price-filter__range-input wc-block-price-filter__range-input--max wc-block-components-price-slider__range-input wc-block-components-price-slider__range-input--max" aria-label={ __( 'Filter products by maximum price', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) } aria-valuetext={ ariaReadableMaxPrice } value={ Number.isFinite( maxPrice ) ? maxPrice : maxConstraint } onChange={ rangeInputOnChange } step={ maxRangeStep } min={ minConstraint } max={ maxConstraint } ref={ maxRange } disabled={ isLoading } tabIndex={ showInputFields ? -1 : 0 } /> </div> ) } </div> ); return ( <div className={ classes } ref={ wrapper }> { ( ! inlineInputAvailable || ! showInputFields ) && slider } { showInputFields && ( <div className="wc-block-price-filter__controls wc-block-components-price-slider__controls"> { ! isUpdating ? ( <FormattedMonetaryAmount currency={ currency } displayType="input" className="wc-block-price-filter__amount wc-block-price-filter__amount--min wc-block-form-text-input wc-block-components-price-slider__amount wc-block-components-price-slider__amount--min" aria-label={ __( 'Filter products by minimum price', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) } allowNegative={ false } isLoading={ isLoading } isAllowed={ isValidMinValue( { minConstraint, minorUnit: currency.minorUnit, currentMaxValue: maxPriceInput, } ) } onValueChange={ ( value ) => { if ( value === minPriceInput ) { return; } setMinPriceInput( value ); } } onBlur={ priceInputOnBlur } disabled={ isLoading || ! hasValidConstraints } value={ minPriceInput } /> ) : ( <div className="input-loading"></div> ) } { inlineInputAvailable && slider } { ! isUpdating ? ( <FormattedMonetaryAmount currency={ currency } displayType="input" className="wc-block-price-filter__amount wc-block-price-filter__amount--max wc-block-form-text-input wc-block-components-price-slider__amount wc-block-components-price-slider__amount--max" aria-label={ __( 'Filter products by maximum price', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) } isLoading={ isLoading } isAllowed={ isValidMaxValue( { maxConstraint, minorUnit: currency.minorUnit, } ) } onValueChange={ ( value ) => { if ( value === maxPriceInput ) { return; } setMaxPriceInput( value ); } } onBlur={ priceInputOnBlur } disabled={ isLoading || ! hasValidConstraints } value={ maxPriceInput } /> ) : ( <div className="input-loading"></div> ) } </div> ) } { ! showInputFields && ! isUpdating && Number.isFinite( minPrice ) && Number.isFinite( maxPrice ) && ( <div className="wc-block-price-filter__range-text wc-block-components-price-slider__range-text"> <FormattedMonetaryAmount currency={ currency } value={ minPrice } /> <FormattedMonetaryAmount currency={ currency } value={ maxPrice } /> </div> ) } { <div className="wc-block-components-price-slider__actions"> { ! isUpdating && ( minPrice !== minConstraint || maxPrice !== maxConstraint ) && ( <FilterResetButton onClick={ () => { onChange( [ minConstraint, maxConstraint, ] ); debouncedUpdateQuery(); } } screenReaderLabel={ __( 'Reset price filter', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) } /> ) } { showFilterButton && ( <FilterSubmitButton className="wc-block-price-filter__button wc-block-components-price-slider__button" isLoading={ isUpdating } disabled={ isLoading || ! hasValidConstraints } onClick={ onSubmit } screenReaderLabel={ __( 'Apply price filter', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) } /> ) } </div> } </div> ); }; export default PriceSlider;