/** * External dependencies */ import classnames from 'classnames'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; import { useStoreCart } from '@woocommerce/base-context/hooks'; import { TotalsItem } from '@woocommerce/blocks-checkout'; import type { Currency } from '@woocommerce/price-format'; import type { ReactElement } from 'react'; import { getSetting, EnteredAddress } from '@woocommerce/settings'; import { ShippingVia } from '@woocommerce/base-components/cart-checkout/totals/shipping/shipping-via'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import ShippingRateSelector from './shipping-rate-selector'; import hasShippingRate from './has-shipping-rate'; import ShippingCalculator from '../../shipping-calculator'; import ShippingLocation from '../../shipping-location'; import './style.scss'; interface CalculatorButtonProps { label?: string; isShippingCalculatorOpen: boolean; setIsShippingCalculatorOpen: ( isShippingCalculatorOpen: boolean ) => void; } const CalculatorButton = ( { label = __( 'Calculate', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), isShippingCalculatorOpen, setIsShippingCalculatorOpen, }: CalculatorButtonProps ): ReactElement => { return ( <button className="wc-block-components-totals-shipping__change-address-button" onClick={ () => { setIsShippingCalculatorOpen( ! isShippingCalculatorOpen ); } } aria-expanded={ isShippingCalculatorOpen } > { label } </button> ); }; interface ShippingAddressProps { showCalculator: boolean; isShippingCalculatorOpen: boolean; setIsShippingCalculatorOpen: CalculatorButtonProps[ 'setIsShippingCalculatorOpen' ]; shippingAddress: EnteredAddress; } const ShippingAddress = ( { showCalculator, isShippingCalculatorOpen, setIsShippingCalculatorOpen, shippingAddress, }: ShippingAddressProps ): ReactElement | null => { return ( <> <ShippingLocation address={ shippingAddress } /> { showCalculator && ( <CalculatorButton label={ __( '(change address)', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) } isShippingCalculatorOpen={ isShippingCalculatorOpen } setIsShippingCalculatorOpen={ setIsShippingCalculatorOpen } /> ) } </> ); }; interface NoShippingPlaceholderProps { showCalculator: boolean; isShippingCalculatorOpen: boolean; isCheckout?: boolean; setIsShippingCalculatorOpen: CalculatorButtonProps[ 'setIsShippingCalculatorOpen' ]; } const NoShippingPlaceholder = ( { showCalculator, isShippingCalculatorOpen, setIsShippingCalculatorOpen, isCheckout = false, }: NoShippingPlaceholderProps ): ReactElement => { if ( ! showCalculator ) { return ( <em> { isCheckout ? __( 'No shipping options available', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) : __( 'Calculated during checkout', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) } </em> ); } return ( <CalculatorButton isShippingCalculatorOpen={ isShippingCalculatorOpen } setIsShippingCalculatorOpen={ setIsShippingCalculatorOpen } /> ); }; export interface TotalShippingProps { currency: Currency; values: { total_shipping: string; total_shipping_tax: string; }; // Values in use showCalculator?: boolean; //Whether to display the rate selector below the shipping total. showRateSelector?: boolean; // Whether to show shipping calculator or not. className?: string; isCheckout?: boolean; } export const TotalsShipping = ( { currency, values, showCalculator = true, showRateSelector = true, isCheckout = false, className, }: TotalShippingProps ): ReactElement => { const [ isShippingCalculatorOpen, setIsShippingCalculatorOpen ] = useState( false ); const { shippingAddress, cartHasCalculatedShipping, shippingRates, isLoadingRates, } = useStoreCart(); const totalShippingValue = getSetting( 'displayCartPricesIncludingTax', false ) ? parseInt( values.total_shipping, 10 ) + parseInt( values.total_shipping_tax, 10 ) : parseInt( values.total_shipping, 10 ); const hasRates = hasShippingRate( shippingRates ) || totalShippingValue; const calculatorButtonProps = { isShippingCalculatorOpen, setIsShippingCalculatorOpen, }; const selectedShippingRates = shippingRates.flatMap( ( shippingPackage ) => { return shippingPackage.shipping_rates .filter( ( rate ) => rate.selected ) .flatMap( ( rate ) => rate.name ); } ); return ( <div className={ classnames( 'wc-block-components-totals-shipping', className ) } > <TotalsItem label={ __( 'Shipping', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) } value={ hasRates && cartHasCalculatedShipping ? ( totalShippingValue ) : ( <NoShippingPlaceholder showCalculator={ showCalculator } isCheckout={ isCheckout } { ...calculatorButtonProps } /> ) } description={ hasRates && cartHasCalculatedShipping ? ( <> <ShippingVia selectedShippingRates={ selectedShippingRates } /> <ShippingAddress shippingAddress={ shippingAddress } showCalculator={ showCalculator } { ...calculatorButtonProps } /> </> ) : null } currency={ currency } /> { showCalculator && isShippingCalculatorOpen && ( <ShippingCalculator onUpdate={ () => { setIsShippingCalculatorOpen( false ); } } /> ) } { showRateSelector && cartHasCalculatedShipping && ( <ShippingRateSelector hasRates={ hasRates } shippingRates={ shippingRates } isLoadingRates={ isLoadingRates } /> ) } </div> ); }; export default TotalsShipping;