<?php /** * @author Niels A.D. * @author Todd Burry <todd@vanillaforums.com> * @copyright 2010 Niels A.D., 2014 Todd Burry * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-2.1 LGPL-2.1 * @package pQuery */ namespace MailPoetVendor\pQuery; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; /** * Indents text * @param string $text * @param int $indent * @param string $indent_string * @return string */ function indent_text($text, $indent, $indent_string = ' ') { if ($indent && $indent_string) { return str_replace("\n", "\n".str_repeat($indent_string, $indent), $text); } else { return $text; } } /** * Class used to format/minify HTML nodes * * Used like: * <code> * <?php * $formatter = new HtmlFormatter(); * $formatter->format($root); * ?> * </code> */ class HtmlFormatter { /** * Determines which elements start on a new line and which function as block * @var array('element' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true)) */ var $block_elements = array( 'p' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'h1' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'h2' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'h3' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'h4' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'h5' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'h6' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'form' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'fieldset' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'legend' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => false, 'format_inside' => true), 'dl' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => false, 'format_inside' => true), 'dt' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => false, 'format_inside' => true), 'dd' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'ol' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'ul' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'li' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => false, 'format_inside' => true), 'table' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'tr' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'dir' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'menu' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'address' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'blockquote' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'center' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'del' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => false, 'format_inside' => true), //'div' => array('new_line' => false, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'hr' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'ins' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'noscript' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'pre' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => false), 'script' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'style' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'html' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'head' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'body' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => true, 'format_inside' => true), 'title' => array('new_line' => true, 'as_block' => false, 'format_inside' => false) ); /** * Determines which characters are considered whitespace * @var array("\t" => true) True to recognize as new line */ var $whitespace = array( ' ' => false, "\t" => false, "\x0B" => false, "\0" => false, "\n" => true, "\r" => true ); /** * String that is used to generate correct indenting * @var string */ var $indent_string = ' '; /** * String that is used to break lines * @var string */ var $linebreak_string = "\n"; /** * Other formatting options * @var array */ public $options = array( 'img_alt' => '', 'self_close_str' => null, 'attribute_shorttag' => false, 'sort_attributes' => false, 'attributes_case' => CASE_LOWER, 'minify_script' => true ); /** * Errors found during formatting * @var array */ var $errors = array(); /** * Class constructor * @param array $options {@link $options} */ function __construct($options = array()) { $this->options = array_merge($this->options, $options); if (isset($options['indent_str'])) $this->indent_string = $options['indent_str']; if (isset($options['linebreak_str'])) $this->linebreak_string = $options['linebreak_str']; } #php4 PHP4 class constructor compatibility #function HtmlFormatter($options = array()) {return $this->__construct($options);} #php4e /** * Class magic invoke method, performs {@link format()} * @access private */ function __invoke(&$node) { return $this->format($node); } /** * Minifies HTML / removes unneeded whitespace * @param DomNode $root * @param bool $strip_comments * @param bool $recursive */ static function minify_html(&$root, $strip_comments = true, $recursive = true) { if ($strip_comments) { foreach($root->select(':comment', false, $recursive, true) as $c) { $prev = $c->getSibling(-1); $next = $c->getSibling(1); $c->delete(); if ($prev && $next && ($prev->isText()) && ($next->isText())) { $prev->text .= $next->text; $next->delete(); } } } foreach($root->select('(!pre + !xmp + !style + !script + !"?php" + !"~text~" + !"~comment~"):not-empty > "~text~"', false, $recursive, true) as $c) { $c->text = preg_replace('`\s+`', ' ', $c->text); } } /** * Minifies javascript using JSMin+ * @param DomNode $root * @param string $indent_string * @param bool $wrap_comment Wrap javascript in HTML comments (<!-- ~text~ //-->) * @param bool $recursive * @return bool|array Array of errors on failure, true on succes */ static function minify_javascript(&$root, $indent_string = ' ', $wrap_comment = true, $recursive = true) { #php4 JSMin+ doesn't support PHP4 #return true; #php4e #php5 include_once('third_party/jsminplus.php'); $errors = array(); foreach($root->select('script:not-empty > "~text~"', false, $recursive, true) as $c) { try { $text = $c->text; while ($text) { $text = trim($text); //Remove comment/CDATA tags at begin and end if (substr($text, 0, 4) === '<!--') { $text = substr($text, 5); continue; } elseif (strtolower(substr($text, 0, 9)) === '<![cdata[') { $text = substr($text, 10); continue; } if (($end = substr($text, -3)) && (($end === '-->') || ($end === ']]>'))) { $text = substr($text, 0, -3); continue; } break; } if (trim($text)) { $text = JSMinPlus::minify($text); if ($wrap_comment) { $text = "<!--\n".$text."\n//-->"; } if ($indent_string && ($wrap_comment || (strpos($text, "\n") !== false))) { $text = indent_text("\n".$text, $c->indent(), $indent_string); } } $c->text = $text; } catch (\Exception $e) { $errors[] = array($e, $c->parent->dumpLocation()); } } return (($errors) ? $errors : true); #php5e } /** * Formats HTML * @param DomNode $root * @param bool $recursive * @access private */ function format_html(&$root, $recursive = null) { if ($recursive === null) { $recursive = true; self::minify_html($root); } elseif (is_int($recursive)) { $recursive = (($recursive > 1) ? $recursive - 1 : false); } $root_tag = strtolower($root->tag); $in_block = isset($this->block_elements[$root_tag]) && $this->block_elements[$root_tag]['as_block']; $child_count = count($root->children); if (isset($this->options['attributes_case']) && $this->options['attributes_case']) { $root->attributes = array_change_key_case($root->attributes, $this->options['attributes_case']); $root->attributes_ns = null; } if (isset($this->options['sort_attributes']) && $this->options['sort_attributes']) { if ($this->options['sort_attributes'] === 'reverse') { krsort($root->attributes); } else { ksort($root->attributes); } } if ($root->select(':element', true, false, true)) { $root->setTag(strtolower($root->tag), true); if (($this->options['img_alt'] !== null) && ($root_tag === 'img') && (!isset($root->alt))) { $root->setAttribute('alt', $this->options['img_alt']); } } if ($this->options['self_close_str'] !== null) { $root->self_close_str = $this->options['self_close_str']; } if ($this->options['attribute_shorttag'] !== null) { $root->attribute_shorttag = $this->options['attribute_shorttag']; } $prev = null; $n_tag = ''; // $prev_tag = ''; $as_block = false; $prev_asblock = false; for($i = 0; $i < $child_count; $i++) { $n =& $root->children[$i]; $indent = $n->indent(); if (!$n->isText()) { $n_tag = strtolower($n->tag); $new_line = isset($this->block_elements[$n_tag]) && $this->block_elements[$n_tag]['new_line']; $as_block = isset($this->block_elements[$n_tag]) && $this->block_elements[$n_tag]['as_block']; $format_inside = ((!isset($this->block_elements[$n_tag])) || $this->block_elements[$n_tag]['format_inside']); if ($prev && ($prev->isText()) && $prev->text && ($char = $prev->text[strlen($prev->text) - 1]) && isset($this->whitespace[$char])) { if ($this->whitespace[$char]) { $prev->text .= str_repeat($this->indent_string, $indent); } else { $prev->text = substr_replace($prev->text, $this->linebreak_string.str_repeat($this->indent_string, $indent), -1, 1); } } elseif (($new_line || $prev_asblock || ($in_block && ($i === 0)))){ if ($prev && ($prev->isText())) { $prev->text .= $this->linebreak_string.str_repeat($this->indent_string, $indent); } else { $root->addText($this->linebreak_string.str_repeat($this->indent_string, $indent), $i); ++$child_count; } } if ($format_inside && count($n->children)) { //$last = end($n->children); $last = $n->children[count($n->children) - 1]; $last_tag = ($last) ? strtolower($last->tag) : ''; $last_asblock = ($last_tag && isset($this->block_elements[$last_tag]) && $this->block_elements[$last_tag]['as_block']); if (($n->childCount(true) > 0) || (trim($n->getPlainText()))) { if ($last && ($last->isText()) && $last->text && ($char = $last->text[strlen($last->text) - 1]) && isset($this->whitespace[$char])) { if ($as_block || ($last->index() > 0) || isset($this->whitespace[$last->text[0]])) { if ($this->whitespace[$char]) { $last->text .= str_repeat($this->indent_string, $indent); } else { $last->text = substr_replace($last->text, $this->linebreak_string.str_repeat($this->indent_string, $indent), -1, 1); } } } elseif (($as_block || $last_asblock || ($in_block && ($i === 0))) && $last) { if ($last && ($last->isText())) { $last->text .= $this->linebreak_string.str_repeat($this->indent_string, $indent); } else { $n->addText($this->linebreak_string.str_repeat($this->indent_string, $indent)); } } } elseif (!trim($n->getInnerText())) { $n->clear(); } if ($recursive) { $this->format_html($n, $recursive); } } } elseif (trim($n->text) && ((($i - 1 < $child_count) && ($char = $n->text[0]) && isset($this->whitespace[$char])) || ($in_block && ($i === 0)))) { if (isset($this->whitespace[$char])) { if ($this->whitespace[$char]) { $n->text = str_repeat($this->indent_string, $indent).$n->text; } else { $n->text = substr_replace($n->text, $this->linebreak_string.str_repeat($this->indent_string, $indent), 0, 1); } } else { $n->text = $this->linebreak_string.str_repeat($this->indent_string, $indent).$n->text; } } $prev = $n; // $prev_tag = $n_tag; $prev_asblock = $as_block; } return true; } /** * Formats HTML/Javascript * @param DomNode $root * @see format_html() */ function format(&$node) { $this->errors = array(); if ($this->options['minify_script']) { $a = self::minify_javascript($node, $this->indent_string, true, true); if (is_array($a)) { foreach($a as $error) { $this->errors[] = $error[0]->getMessage().' >>> '.$error[1]; } } } return $this->format_html($node); } }