<?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Processes; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Module; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils; use Elementor\Core\Utils\Str; use Elementor\Plugin; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export\Elementor_Content; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export\Export_Runner_Base; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export\Plugins; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export\Site_Settings; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export\Taxonomies; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export\Templates; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export\Wp_Content; class Export { const ZIP_ARCHIVE_MODULE_MISSING = 'zip-archive-module-is-missing'; /** * @var Export_Runner_Base[] */ protected $runners = []; /** * Selected content types to export. * * @var array */ private $settings_include; /** * The kit information. (e.g: title, description) * * @var array $export_data */ private $settings_kit_info; /** * Selected plugins to export. * Contains the plugins essential data for export. (e.g: name, path, version, etc.) * * @var array */ private $settings_selected_plugins; /** * Selected custom post types to export. * * @var array */ private $settings_selected_custom_post_types; /** * The output data of the export process. * Will be written into the manifest.json file. * * @var array */ private $manifest_data; /** * The zip archive object. * * @var \ZipArchive */ private $zip; public function __construct( $settings = [] ) { $this->settings_include = ! empty( $settings['include'] ) ? $settings['include'] : null; $this->settings_kit_info = ! empty( $settings['kitInfo'] ) ? $settings['kitInfo'] : null; $this->settings_selected_plugins = isset( $settings['plugins'] ) ? $settings['plugins'] : null; $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types = isset( $settings['selectedCustomPostTypes'] ) ? $settings['selectedCustomPostTypes'] : null; } /** * Register a runner. * * @param Export_Runner_Base $runner_instance */ public function register( Export_Runner_Base $runner_instance ) { $this->runners[ $runner_instance::get_name() ] = $runner_instance; } public function register_default_runners() { $this->register( new Site_Settings() ); $this->register( new Plugins() ); $this->register( new Templates() ); $this->register( new Taxonomies() ); $this->register( new Elementor_Content() ); $this->register( new Wp_Content() ); } /** * Execute the export process. * * @return array The export data output. * @throws \Exception */ public function run() { if ( empty( $this->runners ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Please specify export runners.' ); } $this->set_default_settings(); $this->init_zip_archive(); $this->init_manifest_data(); $data = [ 'include' => $this->settings_include, 'selected_plugins' => $this->settings_selected_plugins, 'selected_custom_post_types' => $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types, ]; foreach ( $this->runners as $runner ) { if ( $runner->should_export( $data ) ) { $export_result = $runner->export( $data ); $this->handle_export_result( $export_result ); } } $this->add_json_file( 'manifest', $this->manifest_data ); $zip_file_name = $this->zip->filename; $this->zip->close(); return [ 'manifest' => $this->manifest_data, 'file_name' => $zip_file_name, ]; } /** * Set default settings for the export. */ private function set_default_settings() { if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_include() ) ) { $this->settings_include( $this->get_default_settings_include() ); } if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_kit_info() ) ) { $this->settings_kit_info( $this->get_default_settings_kit_info() ); } if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_selected_custom_post_types() ) && in_array( 'content', $this->settings_include, true ) ) { $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types( $this->get_default_settings_custom_post_types() ); } if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_selected_plugins() ) && in_array( 'plugins', $this->settings_include, true ) ) { $this->settings_selected_plugins( $this->get_default_settings_selected_plugins() ); } } public function settings_include( $include ) { $this->settings_include = $include; } public function get_settings_include() { return $this->settings_include; } private function settings_kit_info( $kit_info ) { $this->settings_kit_info = $kit_info; } private function get_settings_kit_info() { return $this->settings_kit_info; } public function settings_selected_custom_post_types( $selected_custom_post_types ) { $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types = $selected_custom_post_types; } public function get_settings_selected_custom_post_types() { return $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types; } public function settings_selected_plugins( $plugins ) { $this->settings_selected_plugins = $plugins; } public function get_settings_selected_plugins() { return $this->settings_selected_plugins; } /** * Get the default settings of which content types should be exported. * * @return array */ private function get_default_settings_include() { return [ 'templates', 'content', 'settings', 'plugins' ]; } /** * Get the default settings of the kit info. * * @return array */ private function get_default_settings_kit_info() { return [ 'title' => 'kit', 'description' => '', ]; } /** * Get the default settings of the plugins that should be exported. * * @return array{name: string, plugin:string, pluginUri: string, version: string} */ private function get_default_settings_selected_plugins() { $installed_plugins = Plugin::$instance->wp->get_plugins(); return $installed_plugins->map( function ( $item, $key ) { return [ 'name' => $item['Name'], 'plugin' => $key, 'pluginUri' => $item['PluginURI'], 'version' => $item['Version'], ]; } )->all(); } /** * Get the default settings of all the custom post types that should be exported. * Should be all the custom post types that are not built in to WordPress and not part of Elementor. * * @return array */ private function get_default_settings_custom_post_types() { return Utils::get_registered_cpt_names(); } /** * Init the zip archive. */ private function init_zip_archive() { if ( ! class_exists( '\ZipArchive' ) ) { throw new \Error( static::ZIP_ARCHIVE_MODULE_MISSING ); } $zip = new \ZipArchive(); $temp_dir = Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->create_unique_dir(); $zip_file_name = $temp_dir . sanitize_title( $this->settings_kit_info['title'] ) . '.zip'; $zip->open( $zip_file_name, \ZipArchive::CREATE | \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE ); $this->zip = $zip; } /** * Init the manifest data and add some basic info to it. */ private function init_manifest_data() { $kit_post = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->get_active_kit()->get_post(); $manifest_data = [ 'name' => sanitize_title( $this->settings_kit_info['title'] ), 'title' => $this->settings_kit_info['title'], 'description' => $this->settings_kit_info['description'], 'author' => get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $kit_post->post_author ), 'version' => Module::FORMAT_VERSION, 'elementor_version' => ELEMENTOR_VERSION, 'created' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'thumbnail' => get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $kit_post ), 'site' => get_site_url(), ]; $this->manifest_data = $manifest_data; } /** * Handle the export process output. * Add the manifest data from the runner to the manifest.json file. * Create files according to the files array that should be exported by the runner. * * @param array $export_result */ private function handle_export_result( $export_result ) { foreach ( $export_result['manifest'] as $data ) { $this->manifest_data += $data; } if ( isset( $export_result['files']['path'] ) ) { $export_result['files'] = [ $export_result['files'] ]; } foreach ( $export_result['files'] as $file ) { $file_extension = pathinfo( $file['path'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION ); if ( empty( $file_extension ) ) { $this->add_json_file( $file['path'], $file['data'] ); } else { $this->add_file( $file['path'], $file['data'] ); } } } /** * Add json file to the zip archive. * * @param string $path The relative path to the file. * @param array $content The content of the file. * @param int $json_flags */ private function add_json_file( $path, array $content, $json_flags = 0 ) { if ( ! Str::ends_with( $path, '.json' ) ) { $path .= '.json'; } $this->add_file( $path, wp_json_encode( $content, $json_flags ) ); } /** * Add file to the zip archive. * * @param string $file * @param string $content The content of the file. */ private function add_file( $file, $content ) { $this->zip->addFromString( $file, $content ); } }