import React, { useState, useContext, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react'; import { useNavigate } from '@reach/router'; import { SharedContext } from '../../../context/shared-context/shared-context-provider'; import { ExportContext } from '../../../context/export-context/export-context-provider'; import Layout from '../../../templates/layout'; import PageHeader from '../../../ui/page-header/page-header'; import ExportPluginsSelection from './components/export-plugins-selection/export-plugins-selection'; import ExportPluginsFooter from './components/export-plugins-footer/export-plugins-footer'; import './export-plugins.scss'; export default function ExportPlugins() { const sharedContext = useContext( SharedContext ), exportContext = useContext( ExportContext ), navigate = useNavigate(), [ isKitReady, setIsKitReady ] = useState( false ), { plugins, isExportProcessStarted } = || [], hasIncludes = ! !, handleOnSelect = useCallback( ( selectedPlugins ) => exportContext.dispatch( { type: 'SET_PLUGINS', payload: selectedPlugins } ), [] ); // On load. useEffect( () => { if ( ! isExportProcessStarted ) { // When not starting from the main screen. navigate( '/export' ); } }, [] ); // On plugins change. useEffect( () => { if ( hasIncludes && plugins.length ) { // In case that the kit has content and the plugins data exist, then the kit can be exported. setIsKitReady( true ); } else { // There should be at least one more plugin select in addition to Elementor Core. const isExportKitAllowed = plugins.length > 1; // In case that the kit has no content, it can only be exported if there is at least one selected plugin. setIsKitReady( isExportKitAllowed ); } }, [ plugins ] ); return ( <Layout type="export" footer={ <ExportPluginsFooter isKitReady={ isKitReady } /> }> <section className="e-app-export-plugins"> <PageHeader heading={ __( 'Export your site as a Website Kit', 'elementor' ) } description={ __( 'Select which of these plugins are required for this kit work.', 'elementor' ) } /> <ExportPluginsSelection onSelect={ handleOnSelect } /> </section> </Layout> ); }