<?php /** * elFinder - file manager for web. * Core class. * * @package elfinder * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov * @author Troex Nevelin * @author Alexey Sukhotin **/ class elFinder { /** * API version number * * @var float **/ protected static $ApiVersion = 2.1; /** * API version number * * @deprecated * @var string **/ protected $version; /** * API revision that this connector supports all functions * * @var integer */ protected static $ApiRevision = 65; /** * Storages (root dirs) * * @var array **/ protected $volumes = array(); /** * elFinder instance * * @var object */ public static $instance = null; /** * Current request args * * @var array */ public static $currentArgs = array(); /** * Network mount drivers * * @var array */ public static $netDrivers = array(); /** * elFinder global locale * * @var string */ public static $locale = ''; /** * elFinderVolumeDriver default mime.type file path * * @var string */ public static $defaultMimefile = ''; /** * A file save destination path when a temporary content URL is required * on a network volume or the like * It can be overwritten by volume route setting * * @var string */ public static $tmpLinkPath = ''; /** * A file save destination URL when a temporary content URL is required * on a network volume or the like * It can be overwritten by volume route setting * * @var string */ public static $tmpLinkUrl = ''; /** * Temporary content URL lifetime (seconds) * * @var integer */ public static $tmpLinkLifeTime = 3600; /** * MIME type list handled as a text file * * @var array */ public static $textMimes = array( 'application/dash+xml', 'application/docbook+xml', 'application/javascript', 'application/json', 'application/plt', 'application/sat', 'application/sql', 'application/step', 'application/vnd.hp-hpgl', 'application/x-awk', 'application/x-config', 'application/x-csh', 'application/x-empty', 'application/x-mpegurl', 'application/x-perl', 'application/x-php', 'application/x-web-config', 'application/xhtml+xml', 'application/xml', 'audio/x-mp3-playlist', 'image/cgm', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/vnd.dxf', 'model/iges' ); /** * Maximum memory size to be extended during GD processing * (0: not expanded, -1: unlimited or memory size notation) * * @var integer|string */ public static $memoryLimitGD = 0; /** * Path of current request flag file for abort check * * @var string */ protected static $abortCheckFile = null; /** * elFinder session wrapper object * * @var elFinderSessionInterface */ protected $session; /** * elFinder global sessionCacheKey * * @deprecated * @var string */ public static $sessionCacheKey = ''; /** * Is session closed * * @deprecated * @var bool */ private static $sessionClosed = false; /** * elFinder base64encodeSessionData * elFinder save session data as `UTF-8` * If the session storage mechanism of the system does not allow `UTF-8` * And it must be `true` option 'base64encodeSessionData' of elFinder * WARNING: When enabling this option, if saving the data passed from the user directly to the session variable, * it make vulnerable to the object injection attack, so use it carefully. * see https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/issues/2345 * * @var bool */ protected static $base64encodeSessionData = false; /** * elFinder common tempraly path * * @var string * @default "./.tmp" or sys_get_temp_dir() **/ protected static $commonTempPath = ''; /** * Callable function for URL upload filter * The first argument is a URL and the second argument is an instance of the elFinder class * A filter should be return true (to allow) / false (to disallow) * * @var callable * @default null */ protected $urlUploadFilter = null; /** * Connection flag files path that connection check of current request * * @var string * @default value of $commonTempPath */ protected static $connectionFlagsPath = ''; /** * Additional volume root options for network mounting volume * * @var array */ protected $optionsNetVolumes = array(); /** * Session key of net mount volumes * * @deprecated * @var string */ protected $netVolumesSessionKey = ''; /** * Mounted volumes count * Required to create unique volume id * * @var int **/ public static $volumesCnt = 1; /** * Default root (storage) * * @var elFinderVolumeDriver **/ protected $default = null; /** * Commands and required arguments list * * @var array **/ protected $commands = array( 'abort' => array('id' => true), 'archive' => array('targets' => true, 'type' => true, 'mimes' => false, 'name' => false), 'callback' => array('node' => true, 'json' => false, 'bind' => false, 'done' => false), 'chmod' => array('targets' => true, 'mode' => true), 'dim' => array('target' => true, 'substitute' => false), 'duplicate' => array('targets' => true, 'suffix' => false), 'editor' => array('name' => true, 'method' => true, 'args' => false), 'extract' => array('target' => true, 'mimes' => false, 'makedir' => false), 'file' => array('target' => true, 'download' => false, 'cpath' => false, 'onetime' => false), 'get' => array('target' => true, 'conv' => false), 'info' => array('targets' => true, 'compare' => false), 'ls' => array('target' => true, 'mimes' => false, 'intersect' => false), 'mkdir' => array('target' => true, 'name' => false, 'dirs' => false), 'mkfile' => array('target' => true, 'name' => true, 'mimes' => false), 'netmount' => array('protocol' => true, 'host' => true, 'path' => false, 'port' => false, 'user' => false, 'pass' => false, 'alias' => false, 'options' => false), 'open' => array('target' => false, 'tree' => false, 'init' => false, 'mimes' => false, 'compare' => false), 'parents' => array('target' => true, 'until' => false), 'paste' => array('dst' => true, 'targets' => true, 'cut' => false, 'mimes' => false, 'renames' => false, 'hashes' => false, 'suffix' => false), 'put' => array('target' => true, 'content' => '', 'mimes' => false, 'encoding' => false), 'rename' => array('target' => true, 'name' => true, 'mimes' => false, 'targets' => false, 'q' => false), 'resize' => array('target' => true, 'width' => false, 'height' => false, 'mode' => false, 'x' => false, 'y' => false, 'degree' => false, 'quality' => false, 'bg' => false), 'rm' => array('targets' => true), 'search' => array('q' => true, 'mimes' => false, 'target' => false, 'type' => false), 'size' => array('targets' => true), 'subdirs' => array('targets' => true), 'tmb' => array('targets' => true), 'tree' => array('target' => true), 'upload' => array('target' => true, 'FILES' => true, 'mimes' => false, 'html' => false, 'upload' => false, 'name' => false, 'upload_path' => false, 'chunk' => false, 'cid' => false, 'node' => false, 'renames' => false, 'hashes' => false, 'suffix' => false, 'mtime' => false, 'overwrite' => false, 'contentSaveId' => false), 'url' => array('target' => true, 'options' => false), 'zipdl' => array('targets' => true, 'download' => false) ); /** * Plugins instance * * @var array **/ protected $plugins = array(); /** * Commands listeners * * @var array **/ protected $listeners = array(); /** * script work time for debug * * @var string **/ protected $time = 0; /** * Is elFinder init correctly? * * @var bool **/ protected $loaded = false; /** * Send debug to client? * * @var string **/ protected $debug = false; /** * Call `session_write_close()` before exec command? * * @var bool */ protected $sessionCloseEarlier = true; /** * SESSION use commands @see __construct() * * @var array */ protected $sessionUseCmds = array(); /** * session expires timeout * * @var int **/ protected $timeout = 0; /** * Temp dir path for Upload * * @var string */ protected $uploadTempPath = ''; /** * Max allowed archive files size (0 - no limit) * * @var integer */ protected $maxArcFilesSize = 0; /** * undocumented class variable * * @var string **/ protected $uploadDebug = ''; /** * Max allowed numbar of targets (0 - no limit) * * @var integer */ public $maxTargets = 1000; /** * Errors from PHP * * @var array **/ public static $phpErrors = array(); /** * Errors from not mounted volumes * * @var array **/ public $mountErrors = array(); /** * Archivers cache * * @var array */ public static $archivers = array(); /** * URL for callback output window for CORS * redirect to this URL when callback output * * @var string URL */ protected $callbackWindowURL = ''; /** * hash of items to unlock on command completion * * @var array hashes */ protected $autoUnlocks = array(); /** * Item locking expiration (seconds) * Default: 3600 secs * * @var integer */ protected $itemLockExpire = 3600; /** * Additional request querys * * @var array|null */ protected $customData = null; /** * Ids to remove of session var "urlContentSaveIds" for contents uploading by URL * * @var array */ protected $removeContentSaveIds = array(); /** * LAN class allowed when uploading via URL * * Array keys are 'local', 'private_a', 'private_b', 'private_c' and 'link' * * local: * private_a: * private_b: * private_c: * link: * * @var array */ protected $uploadAllowedLanIpClasses = array(); /** * Flag of throw Error on exec() * * @var boolean */ protected $throwErrorOnExec = false; /** * Default params of toastParams * * @var array */ protected $toastParamsDefault = array( 'mode' => 'warning', 'prefix' => '' ); /** * Toast params of runtime notification * * @var array */ private $toastParams = array(); /** * Toast messages of runtime notification * * @var array */ private $toastMessages = array(); /** * Optional UTF-8 encoder * * @var callable || null */ private $utf8Encoder = null; /** * Seekable URL file pointer ids - for getStreamByUrl() * * @var array */ private static $seekableUrlFps = array(); // Errors messages const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 'errAccess'; const ERROR_ARC_MAXSIZE = 'errArcMaxSize'; const ERROR_ARC_SYMLINKS = 'errArcSymlinks'; const ERROR_ARCHIVE = 'errArchive'; const ERROR_ARCHIVE_EXEC = 'errArchiveExec'; const ERROR_ARCHIVE_TYPE = 'errArcType'; const ERROR_CONF = 'errConf'; const ERROR_CONF_NO_JSON = 'errJSON'; const ERROR_CONF_NO_VOL = 'errNoVolumes'; const ERROR_CONV_UTF8 = 'errConvUTF8'; const ERROR_COPY = 'errCopy'; const ERROR_COPY_FROM = 'errCopyFrom'; const ERROR_COPY_ITSELF = 'errCopyInItself'; const ERROR_COPY_TO = 'errCopyTo'; const ERROR_CREATING_TEMP_DIR = 'errCreatingTempDir'; const ERROR_DIR_NOT_FOUND = 'errFolderNotFound'; const ERROR_EXISTS = 'errExists'; // 'File named "$1" already exists.' const ERROR_EXTRACT = 'errExtract'; const ERROR_EXTRACT_EXEC = 'errExtractExec'; const ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 'errFileNotFound'; // 'File not found.' const ERROR_FTP_DOWNLOAD_FILE = 'errFtpDownloadFile'; const ERROR_FTP_MKDIR = 'errFtpMkdir'; const ERROR_FTP_UPLOAD_FILE = 'errFtpUploadFile'; const ERROR_INV_PARAMS = 'errCmdParams'; const ERROR_INVALID_DIRNAME = 'errInvDirname'; // 'Invalid folder name.' const ERROR_INVALID_NAME = 'errInvName'; // 'Invalid file name.' const ERROR_LOCKED = 'errLocked'; // '"$1" is locked and can not be renamed, moved or removed.' const ERROR_MAX_TARGTES = 'errMaxTargets'; // 'Max number of selectable items is $1.' const ERROR_MKDIR = 'errMkdir'; const ERROR_MKFILE = 'errMkfile'; const ERROR_MKOUTLINK = 'errMkOutLink'; // 'Unable to create a link to outside the volume root.' const ERROR_MOVE = 'errMove'; const ERROR_NETMOUNT = 'errNetMount'; const ERROR_NETMOUNT_FAILED = 'errNetMountFailed'; const ERROR_NETMOUNT_NO_DRIVER = 'errNetMountNoDriver'; const ERROR_NETUNMOUNT = 'errNetUnMount'; const ERROR_NOT_ARCHIVE = 'errNoArchive'; const ERROR_NOT_DIR = 'errNotFolder'; const ERROR_NOT_FILE = 'errNotFile'; const ERROR_NOT_REPLACE = 'errNotReplace'; // Object "$1" already exists at this location and can not be replaced with object of another type. const ERROR_NOT_UTF8_CONTENT = 'errNotUTF8Content'; const ERROR_OPEN = 'errOpen'; const ERROR_PERM_DENIED = 'errPerm'; const ERROR_REAUTH_REQUIRE = 'errReauthRequire'; // 'Re-authorization is required.' const ERROR_RENAME = 'errRename'; const ERROR_REPLACE = 'errReplace'; // 'Unable to replace "$1".' const ERROR_RESIZE = 'errResize'; const ERROR_RESIZESIZE = 'errResizeSize'; const ERROR_RM = 'errRm'; // 'Unable to remove "$1".' const ERROR_RM_SRC = 'errRmSrc'; // 'Unable remove source file(s)' const ERROR_SAVE = 'errSave'; const ERROR_SEARCH_TIMEOUT = 'errSearchTimeout'; // 'Timed out while searching "$1". Search result is partial.' const ERROR_SESSION_EXPIRES = 'errSessionExpires'; const ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND = 'errTrgFolderNotFound'; // 'Target folder "$1" not found.' const ERROR_UNKNOWN = 'errUnknown'; const ERROR_UNKNOWN_CMD = 'errUnknownCmd'; const ERROR_UNSUPPORT_TYPE = 'errUsupportType'; const ERROR_UPLOAD = 'errUpload'; // 'Upload error.' const ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE = 'errUploadFile'; // 'Unable to upload "$1".' const ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE_MIME = 'errUploadMime'; // 'File type not allowed.' const ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE = 'errUploadFileSize'; // 'File exceeds maximum allowed size.' const ERROR_UPLOAD_NO_FILES = 'errUploadNoFiles'; // 'No files found for upload.' const ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP = 'errUploadTemp'; // 'Unable to make temporary file for upload.' const ERROR_UPLOAD_TOTAL_SIZE = 'errUploadTotalSize'; // 'Data exceeds the maximum allowed size.' const ERROR_UPLOAD_TRANSFER = 'errUploadTransfer'; // '"$1" transfer error.' const ERROR_MAX_MKDIRS = 'errMaxMkdirs'; // 'You can create up to $1 folders at one time.' /** * Constructor * * @param array elFinder and roots configurations * * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ public function __construct($opts) { // set default_charset if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6', '>=')) { if (($_val = ini_get('iconv.internal_encoding')) && strtoupper($_val) !== 'UTF-8') { ini_set('iconv.internal_encoding', ''); } if (($_val = ini_get('mbstring.internal_encoding')) && strtoupper($_val) !== 'UTF-8') { ini_set('mbstring.internal_encoding', ''); } if (($_val = ini_get('internal_encoding')) && strtoupper($_val) !== 'UTF-8') { ini_set('internal_encoding', ''); } } else { if (function_exists('iconv_set_encoding') && strtoupper(iconv_get_encoding('internal_encoding')) !== 'UTF-8') { iconv_set_encoding('internal_encoding', 'UTF-8'); } if (function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') && strtoupper(mb_internal_encoding()) !== 'UTF-8') { mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); } } ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8'); // define accept constant of server commands path !defined('ELFINDER_TAR_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_TAR_PATH', 'tar'); !defined('ELFINDER_GZIP_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_GZIP_PATH', 'gzip'); !defined('ELFINDER_BZIP2_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_BZIP2_PATH', 'bzip2'); !defined('ELFINDER_XZ_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_XZ_PATH', 'xz'); !defined('ELFINDER_ZIP_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_ZIP_PATH', 'zip'); !defined('ELFINDER_UNZIP_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_UNZIP_PATH', 'unzip'); !defined('ELFINDER_RAR_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_RAR_PATH', 'rar'); // Create archive in RAR4 format even when using RAR5 library (true or false) !defined('ELFINDER_RAR_MA4') && define('ELFINDER_RAR_MA4', false); !defined('ELFINDER_UNRAR_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_UNRAR_PATH', 'unrar'); !defined('ELFINDER_7Z_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_7Z_PATH', (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) === 'WIN') ? '7z' : '7za'); !defined('ELFINDER_CONVERT_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_CONVERT_PATH', 'convert'); !defined('ELFINDER_IDENTIFY_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_IDENTIFY_PATH', 'identify'); !defined('ELFINDER_EXIFTRAN_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_EXIFTRAN_PATH', 'exiftran'); !defined('ELFINDER_JPEGTRAN_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_JPEGTRAN_PATH', 'jpegtran'); !defined('ELFINDER_FFMPEG_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_FFMPEG_PATH', 'ffmpeg'); !defined('ELFINDER_DISABLE_ZIPEDITOR') && define('ELFINDER_DISABLE_ZIPEDITOR', false); // enable(true)/disable(false) handling postscript on ImageMagick // Should be `false` as long as there is a Ghostscript vulnerability // see https://artifex.com/news/ghostscript-security-resolved/ !defined('ELFINDER_IMAGEMAGICK_PS') && define('ELFINDER_IMAGEMAGICK_PS', false); // for backward compat $this->version = (string)self::$ApiVersion; // set error handler of WARNING, NOTICE $errLevel = E_WARNING | E_NOTICE | E_USER_WARNING | E_USER_NOTICE | E_STRICT | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR; if (defined('E_DEPRECATED')) { $errLevel |= E_DEPRECATED | E_USER_DEPRECATED; } set_error_handler('elFinder::phpErrorHandler', $errLevel); // Associative array of file pointers to close at the end of script: ['temp file pointer' => true] $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFps'] = array(); // Associative array of files to delete at the end of script: ['temp file path' => true] $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'] = array(); // regist Shutdown function register_shutdown_function(array('elFinder', 'onShutdown')); // convert PATH_INFO to GET query if (!empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) { $_ps = explode('/', trim($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], '/')); if (!isset($_GET['cmd'])) { $_cmd = $_ps[0]; if (isset($this->commands[$_cmd])) { $_GET['cmd'] = $_cmd; $_i = 1; foreach (array_keys($this->commands[$_cmd]) as $_k) { if (isset($_ps[$_i])) { if (!isset($_GET[$_k])) { $_GET[$_k] = $_ps[$_i++]; } } else { break; } } } } } // set elFinder instance elFinder::$instance = $this; // setup debug mode $this->debug = (isset($opts['debug']) && $opts['debug'] ? true : false); if ($this->debug) { error_reporting(defined('ELFINDER_DEBUG_ERRORLEVEL') ? ELFINDER_DEBUG_ERRORLEVEL : -1); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); // clear output buffer and stop output filters while (ob_get_level() && ob_end_clean()) { } } if (!interface_exists('elFinderSessionInterface')) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/elFinderSessionInterface.php'; } // session handler if (!empty($opts['session']) && $opts['session'] instanceof elFinderSessionInterface) { $this->session = $opts['session']; } else { $sessionOpts = array( 'base64encode' => !empty($opts['base64encodeSessionData']), 'keys' => array( 'default' => !empty($opts['sessionCacheKey']) ? $opts['sessionCacheKey'] : 'elFinderCaches', 'netvolume' => !empty($opts['netVolumesSessionKey']) ? $opts['netVolumesSessionKey'] : 'elFinderNetVolumes' ) ); if (!class_exists('elFinderSession')) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/elFinderSession.php'; } $this->session = new elFinderSession($sessionOpts); } // try session start | restart $this->session->start(); // 'netmount' added to handle requests synchronously on unmount $sessionUseCmds = array('netmount'); if (isset($opts['sessionUseCmds']) && is_array($opts['sessionUseCmds'])) { $sessionUseCmds = array_merge($sessionUseCmds, $opts['sessionUseCmds']); } // set self::$volumesCnt by HTTP header "X-elFinder-VolumesCntStart" if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ELFINDER_VOLUMESCNTSTART']) && ($volumesCntStart = intval($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ELFINDER_VOLUMESCNTSTART']))) { self::$volumesCnt = $volumesCntStart; } $this->time = $this->utime(); $this->sessionCloseEarlier = isset($opts['sessionCloseEarlier']) ? (bool)$opts['sessionCloseEarlier'] : true; $this->sessionUseCmds = array_flip($sessionUseCmds); $this->timeout = (isset($opts['timeout']) ? $opts['timeout'] : 0); $this->uploadTempPath = (isset($opts['uploadTempPath']) ? $opts['uploadTempPath'] : ''); $this->callbackWindowURL = (isset($opts['callbackWindowURL']) ? $opts['callbackWindowURL'] : ''); $this->maxTargets = (isset($opts['maxTargets']) ? intval($opts['maxTargets']) : $this->maxTargets); elFinder::$commonTempPath = (isset($opts['commonTempPath']) ? realpath($opts['commonTempPath']) : dirname(__FILE__) . '/.tmp'); if (!is_writable(elFinder::$commonTempPath)) { elFinder::$commonTempPath = sys_get_temp_dir(); if (!is_writable(elFinder::$commonTempPath)) { elFinder::$commonTempPath = ''; } } if (isset($opts['connectionFlagsPath']) && is_writable($opts['connectionFlagsPath'] = realpath($opts['connectionFlagsPath']))) { elFinder::$connectionFlagsPath = $opts['connectionFlagsPath']; } else { elFinder::$connectionFlagsPath = elFinder::$commonTempPath; } if (!empty($opts['tmpLinkPath'])) { elFinder::$tmpLinkPath = realpath($opts['tmpLinkPath']); } if (!empty($opts['tmpLinkUrl'])) { elFinder::$tmpLinkUrl = $opts['tmpLinkUrl']; } if (!empty($opts['tmpLinkLifeTime'])) { elFinder::$tmpLinkLifeTime = $opts['tmpLinkLifeTime']; } if (!empty($opts['textMimes']) && is_array($opts['textMimes'])) { elfinder::$textMimes = $opts['textMimes']; } if (!empty($opts['urlUploadFilter'])) { $this->urlUploadFilter = $opts['urlUploadFilter']; } $this->maxArcFilesSize = isset($opts['maxArcFilesSize']) ? intval($opts['maxArcFilesSize']) : 0; $this->optionsNetVolumes = (isset($opts['optionsNetVolumes']) && is_array($opts['optionsNetVolumes'])) ? $opts['optionsNetVolumes'] : array(); if (isset($opts['itemLockExpire'])) { $this->itemLockExpire = intval($opts['itemLockExpire']); } if (!empty($opts['uploadAllowedLanIpClasses'])) { $this->uploadAllowedLanIpClasses = array_flip($opts['uploadAllowedLanIpClasses']); } // deprecated settings $this->netVolumesSessionKey = !empty($opts['netVolumesSessionKey']) ? $opts['netVolumesSessionKey'] : 'elFinderNetVolumes'; self::$sessionCacheKey = !empty($opts['sessionCacheKey']) ? $opts['sessionCacheKey'] : 'elFinderCaches'; // check session cache $_optsMD5 = md5(json_encode($opts['roots'])); if ($this->session->get('_optsMD5') !== $_optsMD5) { $this->session->set('_optsMD5', $_optsMD5); } // setlocale and global locale regists to elFinder::locale self::$locale = !empty($opts['locale']) ? $opts['locale'] : (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) === 'WIN' ? 'C' : 'en_US.UTF-8'); if (false === setlocale(LC_ALL, self::$locale)) { self::$locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, '0'); } // set defaultMimefile elFinder::$defaultMimefile = isset($opts['defaultMimefile']) ? $opts['defaultMimefile'] : ''; // set memoryLimitGD elFinder::$memoryLimitGD = isset($opts['memoryLimitGD']) ? $opts['memoryLimitGD'] : 0; // set flag of throwErrorOnExec // `true` need `try{}` block for `$connector->run();` $this->throwErrorOnExec = !empty($opts['throwErrorOnExec']); // set archivers elFinder::$archivers = isset($opts['archivers']) && is_array($opts['archivers']) ? $opts['archivers'] : array(); // set utf8Encoder if (isset($opts['utf8Encoder']) && is_callable($opts['utf8Encoder'])) { $this->utf8Encoder = $opts['utf8Encoder']; } // for LocalFileSystem driver on Windows server if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR !== '/') { if (empty($opts['bind'])) { $opts['bind'] = array(); } $_key = 'upload.pre mkdir.pre mkfile.pre rename.pre archive.pre ls.pre'; if (!isset($opts['bind'][$_key])) { $opts['bind'][$_key] = array(); } array_push($opts['bind'][$_key], 'Plugin.WinRemoveTailDots.cmdPreprocess'); $_key = 'upload.presave paste.copyfrom'; if (!isset($opts['bind'][$_key])) { $opts['bind'][$_key] = array(); } array_push($opts['bind'][$_key], 'Plugin.WinRemoveTailDots.onUpLoadPreSave'); } // bind events listeners if (!empty($opts['bind']) && is_array($opts['bind'])) { $_req = $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == 'POST' ? $_POST : $_GET; $_reqCmd = isset($_req['cmd']) ? $_req['cmd'] : ''; foreach ($opts['bind'] as $cmd => $handlers) { $doRegist = (strpos($cmd, '*') !== false); if (!$doRegist) { $doRegist = ($_reqCmd && in_array($_reqCmd, array_map('elFinder::getCmdOfBind', explode(' ', $cmd)))); } if ($doRegist) { // for backward compatibility if (!is_array($handlers)) { $handlers = array($handlers); } else { if (count($handlers) === 2 && is_callable($handlers)) { $handlers = array($handlers); } } foreach ($handlers as $handler) { if ($handler) { if (is_string($handler) && strpos($handler, '.')) { list($_domain, $_name, $_method) = array_pad(explode('.', $handler), 3, ''); if (strcasecmp($_domain, 'plugin') === 0) { if ($plugin = $this->getPluginInstance($_name, isset($opts['plugin'][$_name]) ? $opts['plugin'][$_name] : array()) and method_exists($plugin, $_method)) { $this->bind($cmd, array($plugin, $_method)); } } } else { $this->bind($cmd, $handler); } } } } } } if (!isset($opts['roots']) || !is_array($opts['roots'])) { $opts['roots'] = array(); } // try to enable elFinderVolumeFlysystemZipArchiveNetmount to zip editing if (empty(elFinder::$netDrivers['ziparchive'])) { elFinder::$netDrivers['ziparchive'] = 'FlysystemZipArchiveNetmount'; } // check for net volumes stored in session $netVolumes = $this->getNetVolumes(); foreach ($netVolumes as $key => $root) { if (!isset($root['id'])) { // given fixed unique id if (!$root['id'] = $this->getNetVolumeUniqueId($netVolumes)) { $this->mountErrors[] = 'Netmount Driver "' . $root['driver'] . '" : Could\'t given volume id.'; continue; } } $root['_isNetVolume'] = true; $opts['roots'][$key] = $root; } // "mount" volumes foreach ($opts['roots'] as $i => $o) { $class = 'elFinderVolume' . (isset($o['driver']) ? $o['driver'] : ''); if (class_exists($class)) { /* @var elFinderVolumeDriver $volume */ $volume = new $class(); try { if ($this->maxArcFilesSize && (empty($o['maxArcFilesSize']) || $this->maxArcFilesSize < $o['maxArcFilesSize'])) { $o['maxArcFilesSize'] = $this->maxArcFilesSize; } // pass session handler $volume->setSession($this->session); if (!$this->default) { $volume->setNeedOnline(true); } if ($volume->mount($o)) { // unique volume id (ends on "_") - used as prefix to files hash $id = $volume->id(); $this->volumes[$id] = $volume; if ((!$this->default || $volume->root() !== $volume->defaultPath()) && $volume->isReadable()) { $this->default = $volume; } } else { if (!empty($o['_isNetVolume'])) { $this->removeNetVolume($i, $volume); } $this->mountErrors[] = 'Driver "' . $class . '" : ' . implode(' ', $volume->error()); } } catch (Exception $e) { if (!empty($o['_isNetVolume'])) { $this->removeNetVolume($i, $volume); } $this->mountErrors[] = 'Driver "' . $class . '" : ' . $e->getMessage(); } } else { if (!empty($o['_isNetVolume'])) { $this->removeNetVolume($i, $volume); } $this->mountErrors[] = 'Driver "' . $class . '" does not exist'; } } // if at least one readable volume - ii desu >_< $this->loaded = !empty($this->default); // restore error handler for now restore_error_handler(); } /** * Return elFinder session wrapper instance * * @return elFinderSessionInterface **/ public function getSession() { return $this->session; } /** * Return true if fm init correctly * * @return bool * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ public function loaded() { return $this->loaded; } /** * Return version (api) number * * @return string * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ public function version() { return self::$ApiVersion; } /** * Return revision (api) number * * @return string * @author Naoki Sawada **/ public function revision() { return self::$ApiRevision; } /** * Add handler to elFinder command * * @param string command name * @param string|array callback name or array(object, method) * * @return elFinder * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ public function bind($cmd, $handler) { $allCmds = array_keys($this->commands); $cmds = array(); foreach (explode(' ', $cmd) as $_cmd) { if ($_cmd !== '') { if ($all = strpos($_cmd, '*') !== false) { list(, $sub) = array_pad(explode('.', $_cmd), 2, ''); if ($sub) { $sub = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $sub); $subs = array_fill(0, count($allCmds), $sub); $cmds = array_merge($cmds, array_map(array('elFinder', 'addSubToBindName'), $allCmds, $subs)); } else { $cmds = array_merge($cmds, $allCmds); } } else { $cmds[] = $_cmd; } } } $cmds = array_unique($cmds); foreach ($cmds as $cmd) { if (!isset($this->listeners[$cmd])) { $this->listeners[$cmd] = array(); } if (is_callable($handler)) { $this->listeners[$cmd][] = $handler; } } return $this; } /** * Remove event (command exec) handler * * @param string command name * @param string|array callback name or array(object, method) * * @return elFinder * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ public function unbind($cmd, $handler) { if (!empty($this->listeners[$cmd])) { foreach ($this->listeners[$cmd] as $i => $h) { if ($h === $handler) { unset($this->listeners[$cmd][$i]); return $this; } } } return $this; } /** * Trigger binded functions * * @param string $cmd binded command name * @param array $vars variables to pass to listeners * @param array $errors array into which the error is written */ public function trigger($cmd, $vars, &$errors) { if (!empty($this->listeners[$cmd])) { foreach ($this->listeners[$cmd] as $handler) { $_res = call_user_func_array($handler, $vars); if ($_res && is_array($_res)) { $_err = !empty($_res['error'])? $_res['error'] : (!empty($_res['warning'])? $_res['warning'] : null); if ($_err) { if (is_array($_err)) { $errors = array_merge($errors, $_err); } else { $errors[] = (string)$_err; } if ($_res['error']) { throw new elFinderTriggerException(); } } } } } } /** * Return true if command exists * * @param string command name * * @return bool * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ public function commandExists($cmd) { return $this->loaded && isset($this->commands[$cmd]) && method_exists($this, $cmd); } /** * Return root - file's owner (public func of volume()) * * @param string file hash * * @return elFinderVolumeDriver * @author Naoki Sawada */ public function getVolume($hash) { return $this->volume($hash); } /** * Return command required arguments info * * @param string command name * * @return array * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ public function commandArgsList($cmd) { if ($this->commandExists($cmd)) { $list = $this->commands[$cmd]; $list['reqid'] = false; } else { $list = array(); } return $list; } private function session_expires() { if (!$last = $this->session->get(':LAST_ACTIVITY')) { $this->session->set(':LAST_ACTIVITY', time()); return false; } if (($this->timeout > 0) && (time() - $last > $this->timeout)) { return true; } $this->session->set(':LAST_ACTIVITY', time()); return false; } /** * Exec command and return result * * @param string $cmd command name * @param array $args command arguments * * @return array * @throws elFinderAbortException|Exception * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ public function exec($cmd, $args) { // set error handler of WARNING, NOTICE set_error_handler('elFinder::phpErrorHandler', E_WARNING | E_NOTICE | E_USER_WARNING | E_USER_NOTICE); // set current request args self::$currentArgs = $args; if (!$this->loaded) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_CONF, self::ERROR_CONF_NO_VOL)); } if ($this->session_expires()) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_SESSION_EXPIRES)); } if (!$this->commandExists($cmd)) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_UNKNOWN_CMD)); } // check request id $args['reqid'] = preg_replace('[^0-9a-fA-F]', '', !empty($args['reqid']) ? $args['reqid'] : (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ELFINDERREQID']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_ELFINDERREQID'] : '')); // to abort this request if ($cmd === 'abort') { $this->abort($args); return array('error' => 0); } // make flag file and set self::$abortCheckFile if ($args['reqid']) { $this->abort(array('makeFile' => $args['reqid'])); } if (!empty($args['mimes']) && is_array($args['mimes'])) { foreach ($this->volumes as $id => $v) { $this->volumes[$id]->setMimesFilter($args['mimes']); } } // regist shutdown function as fallback register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'itemAutoUnlock')); // detect destination dirHash and volume $dstVolume = false; $dst = !empty($args['target']) ? $args['target'] : (!empty($args['dst']) ? $args['dst'] : ''); if ($dst) { $dstVolume = $this->volume($dst); } else if (isset($args['targets']) && is_array($args['targets']) && isset($args['targets'][0])) { $dst = $args['targets'][0]; $dstVolume = $this->volume($dst); if ($dstVolume && ($_stat = $dstVolume->file($dst)) && !empty($_stat['phash'])) { $dst = $_stat['phash']; } else { $dst = ''; } } else if ($cmd === 'open') { // for initial open without args `target` $dstVolume = $this->default; $dst = $dstVolume->defaultPath(); } $result = null; // call pre handlers for this command $args['sessionCloseEarlier'] = isset($this->sessionUseCmds[$cmd]) ? false : $this->sessionCloseEarlier; if (!empty($this->listeners[$cmd . '.pre'])) { foreach ($this->listeners[$cmd . '.pre'] as $handler) { $_res = call_user_func_array($handler, array($cmd, &$args, $this, $dstVolume)); if (is_array($_res)) { if (!empty($_res['preventexec'])) { $result = array('error' => true); if ($cmd === 'upload' && !empty($args['node'])) { $result['callback'] = array( 'node' => $args['node'], 'bind' => $cmd ); } if (!empty($_res['results']) && is_array($_res['results'])) { $result = array_merge($result, $_res['results']); } break; } } } } // unlock session data for multiple access if ($this->sessionCloseEarlier && $args['sessionCloseEarlier']) { $this->session->close(); // deprecated property elFinder::$sessionClosed = true; } if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) === 'WIN') { // set time out elFinder::extendTimeLimit(300); } if (!is_array($result)) { try { $result = $this->$cmd($args); } catch (elFinderAbortException $e) { throw $e; } catch (Exception $e) { $result = array( 'error' => htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage()), 'sync' => true ); if ($this->throwErrorOnExec) { throw $e; } } } // check change dstDir $changeDst = false; if ($dst && $dstVolume && (!empty($result['added']) || !empty($result['removed']))) { $changeDst = true; } foreach ($this->volumes as $volume) { $removed = $volume->removed(); if (!empty($removed)) { if (!isset($result['removed'])) { $result['removed'] = array(); } $result['removed'] = array_merge($result['removed'], $removed); if (!$changeDst && $dst && $dstVolume && $volume === $dstVolume) { $changeDst = true; } } $added = $volume->added(); if (!empty($added)) { if (!isset($result['added'])) { $result['added'] = array(); } $result['added'] = array_merge($result['added'], $added); if (!$changeDst && $dst && $dstVolume && $volume === $dstVolume) { $changeDst = true; } } $volume->resetResultStat(); } // dstDir is changed if ($changeDst) { if ($dstDir = $dstVolume->dir($dst)) { if (!isset($result['changed'])) { $result['changed'] = array(); } $result['changed'][] = $dstDir; } } // call handlers for this command if (!empty($this->listeners[$cmd])) { foreach ($this->listeners[$cmd] as $handler) { if (call_user_func_array($handler, array($cmd, &$result, $args, $this, $dstVolume))) { // handler return true to force sync client after command completed $result['sync'] = true; } } } // replace removed files info with removed files hashes if (!empty($result['removed'])) { $removed = array(); foreach ($result['removed'] as $file) { $removed[] = $file['hash']; } $result['removed'] = array_unique($removed); } // remove hidden files and filter files by mimetypes if (!empty($result['added'])) { $result['added'] = $this->filter($result['added']); } // remove hidden files and filter files by mimetypes if (!empty($result['changed'])) { $result['changed'] = $this->filter($result['changed']); } // add toasts if ($this->toastMessages) { $result['toasts'] = array_merge(((isset($result['toasts']) && is_array($result['toasts']))? $result['toasts'] : array()), $this->toastMessages); } if ($this->debug || !empty($args['debug'])) { $result['debug'] = array( 'connector' => 'php', 'phpver' => PHP_VERSION, 'time' => $this->utime() - $this->time, 'memory' => (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage') ? ceil(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024) . 'Kb / ' : '') . ceil(memory_get_usage() / 1024) . 'Kb / ' . ini_get('memory_limit'), 'upload' => $this->uploadDebug, 'volumes' => array(), 'mountErrors' => $this->mountErrors ); foreach ($this->volumes as $id => $volume) { $result['debug']['volumes'][] = $volume->debug(); } } // remove sesstion var 'urlContentSaveIds' if ($this->removeContentSaveIds) { $urlContentSaveIds = $this->session->get('urlContentSaveIds', array()); foreach (array_keys($this->removeContentSaveIds) as $contentSaveId) { if (isset($urlContentSaveIds[$contentSaveId])) { unset($urlContentSaveIds[$contentSaveId]); } } if ($urlContentSaveIds) { $this->session->set('urlContentSaveIds', $urlContentSaveIds); } else { $this->session->remove('urlContentSaveIds'); } } foreach ($this->volumes as $volume) { $volume->saveSessionCache(); $volume->umount(); } // unlock locked items $this->itemAutoUnlock(); // custom data if ($this->customData !== null) { $result['customData'] = $this->customData ? json_encode($this->customData) : ''; } if (!empty($result['debug'])) { $result['debug']['backendErrors'] = elFinder::$phpErrors; } elFinder::$phpErrors = array(); restore_error_handler(); if (!empty($result['callback'])) { $result['callback']['json'] = json_encode($result); $this->callback($result['callback']); return array(); } else { return $result; } } /** * Return file real path * * @param string $hash file hash * * @return string * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ public function realpath($hash) { if (($volume = $this->volume($hash)) == false) { return false; } return $volume->realpath($hash); } /** * Sets custom data(s). * * @param string|array $key The key or data array * @param mixed $val The value * * @return self ( elFinder instance ) */ public function setCustomData($key, $val = null) { if (is_array($key)) { foreach ($key as $k => $v) { $this->customData[$k] = $v; } } else { $this->customData[$key] = $val; } return $this; } /** * Removes a custom data. * * @param string $key The key * * @return self ( elFinder instance ) */ public function removeCustomData($key) { $this->customData[$key] = null; return $this; } /** * Update sesstion value of a NetVolume option * * @param string $netKey * @param string $optionKey * @param mixed $val * * @return bool */ public function updateNetVolumeOption($netKey, $optionKey, $val) { $netVolumes = $this->getNetVolumes(); if (is_string($netKey) && isset($netVolumes[$netKey]) && is_string($optionKey)) { $netVolumes[$netKey][$optionKey] = $val; $this->saveNetVolumes($netVolumes); return true; } return false; } /** * remove of session var "urlContentSaveIds" * * @param string $id */ public function removeUrlContentSaveId($id) { $this->removeContentSaveIds[$id] = true; } /** * Return network volumes config. * * @return array * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ protected function getNetVolumes() { if ($data = $this->session->get('netvolume', array())) { return $data; } return array(); } /** * Save network volumes config. * * @param array $volumes volumes config * * @return void * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ protected function saveNetVolumes($volumes) { $this->session->set('netvolume', $volumes); } /** * Remove netmount volume * * @param string $key netvolume key * @param object $volume volume driver instance * * @return bool */ protected function removeNetVolume($key, $volume) { $netVolumes = $this->getNetVolumes(); $res = true; if (is_object($volume) && method_exists($volume, 'netunmount')) { $res = $volume->netunmount($netVolumes, $key); $volume->clearSessionCache(); } if ($res) { if (is_string($key) && isset($netVolumes[$key])) { unset($netVolumes[$key]); $this->saveNetVolumes($netVolumes); return true; } } return false; } /** * Get plugin instance & set to $this->plugins * * @param string $name Plugin name (dirctory name) * @param array $opts Plugin options (optional) * * @return object | bool Plugin object instance Or false * @author Naoki Sawada */ protected function getPluginInstance($name, $opts = array()) { $key = strtolower($name); if (!isset($this->plugins[$key])) { $class = 'elFinderPlugin' . $name; // to try auto load if (!class_exists($class)) { $p_file = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'plugin.php'; if (is_file($p_file)) { include_once $p_file; } } if (class_exists($class, false)) { $this->plugins[$key] = new $class($opts); } else { $this->plugins[$key] = false; } } return $this->plugins[$key]; } /***************************************************************************/ /* commands */ /***************************************************************************/ /** * Normalize error messages * * @return array * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ public function error() { $errors = array(); foreach (func_get_args() as $msg) { if (is_array($msg)) { $errors = array_merge($errors, $msg); } else { $errors[] = $msg; } } return count($errors) ? $errors : array(self::ERROR_UNKNOWN); } /** * @param $args * * @return array * @throws elFinderAbortException */ protected function netmount($args) { $options = array(); $protocol = $args['protocol']; $toast = ''; if ($protocol === 'netunmount') { if (!empty($args['user']) && $volume = $this->volume($args['user'])) { if ($this->removeNetVolume($args['host'], $volume)) { return array('removed' => array(array('hash' => $volume->root()))); } } return array('sync' => true, 'error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_NETUNMOUNT)); } $driver = isset(self::$netDrivers[$protocol]) ? self::$netDrivers[$protocol] : ''; $class = 'elFinderVolume' . $driver; if (!class_exists($class)) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_NETMOUNT, $args['host'], self::ERROR_NETMOUNT_NO_DRIVER)); } if (!$args['path']) { $args['path'] = '/'; } foreach ($args as $k => $v) { if ($k != 'options' && $k != 'protocol' && $v) { $options[$k] = $v; } } if (is_array($args['options'])) { foreach ($args['options'] as $key => $value) { $options[$key] = $value; } } /* @var elFinderVolumeDriver $volume */ $volume = new $class(); // pass session handler $volume->setSession($this->session); $volume->setNeedOnline(true); if (is_callable(array($volume, 'netmountPrepare'))) { $options = $volume->netmountPrepare($options); if (isset($options['exit'])) { if ($options['exit'] === 'callback') { $this->callback($options['out']); } return $options; } if (!empty($options['toast'])) { $toast = $options['toast']; unset($options['toast']); } } $netVolumes = $this->getNetVolumes(); if (!isset($options['id'])) { // given fixed unique id if (!$options['id'] = $this->getNetVolumeUniqueId($netVolumes)) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_NETMOUNT, $args['host'], 'Could\'t given volume id.')); } } // load additional volume root options if (!empty($this->optionsNetVolumes['*'])) { $options = array_merge($this->optionsNetVolumes['*'], $options); } if (!empty($this->optionsNetVolumes[$protocol])) { $options = array_merge($this->optionsNetVolumes[$protocol], $options); } if (!$key = $volume->netMountKey) { $key = md5($protocol . '-' . serialize($options)); } $options['netkey'] = $key; if (!isset($netVolumes[$key]) && $volume->mount($options)) { // call post-process function of netmount if (is_callable(array($volume, 'postNetmount'))) { $volume->postNetmount($options); } $options['driver'] = $driver; $netVolumes[$key] = $options; $this->saveNetVolumes($netVolumes); $rootstat = $volume->file($volume->root()); $res = array('added' => array($rootstat)); if ($toast) { $res['toast'] = $toast; } return $res; } else { $this->removeNetVolume(null, $volume); return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_NETMOUNT, $args['host'], implode(' ', $volume->error()))); } } /** * "Open" directory * Return array with following elements * - cwd - opened dir info * - files - opened dir content [and dirs tree if $args[tree]] * - api - api version (if $args[init]) * - uplMaxSize - if $args[init] * - error - on failed * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ protected function open($args) { $target = $args['target']; $init = !empty($args['init']); $tree = !empty($args['tree']); $volume = $this->volume($target); $cwd = $volume ? $volume->dir($target) : false; $hash = $init ? 'default folder' : '#' . $target; $compare = ''; // on init request we can get invalid dir hash - // dir which can not be opened now, but remembered by client, // so open default dir if ((!$cwd || !$cwd['read']) && $init) { $volume = $this->default; $target = $volume->defaultPath(); $cwd = $volume->dir($target); } if (!$cwd) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, $hash, self::ERROR_DIR_NOT_FOUND)); } if (!$cwd['read']) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, $hash, self::ERROR_PERM_DENIED)); } $files = array(); // get current working directory files list if (($ls = $volume->scandir($cwd['hash'])) === false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, $cwd['name'], $volume->error())); } if (isset($cwd['dirs']) && $cwd['dirs'] != 1) { $cwd = $volume->dir($target); } // get other volume root if ($tree) { foreach ($this->volumes as $id => $v) { $files[] = $v->file($v->root()); } } // long polling mode if ($args['compare']) { $sleep = max(1, (int)$volume->getOption('lsPlSleep')); $standby = (int)$volume->getOption('plStandby'); if ($standby > 0 && $sleep > $standby) { $standby = $sleep; } $limit = max(0, floor($standby / $sleep)) + 1; do { elFinder::extendTimeLimit(30 + $sleep); $_mtime = 0; foreach ($ls as $_f) { if (isset($_f['ts'])) { $_mtime = max($_mtime, $_f['ts']); } } $compare = strval(count($ls)) . ':' . strval($_mtime); if ($compare !== $args['compare']) { break; } if (--$limit) { sleep($sleep); $volume->clearstatcache(); if (($ls = $volume->scandir($cwd['hash'])) === false) { break; } } } while ($limit); if ($ls === false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, $cwd['name'], $volume->error())); } } if ($ls) { if ($files) { $files = array_merge($files, $ls); } else { $files = $ls; } } $result = array( 'cwd' => $cwd, 'options' => $volume->options($cwd['hash']), 'files' => $files ); if ($compare) { $result['cwd']['compare'] = $compare; } if (!empty($args['init'])) { $result['api'] = sprintf('%.1F%03d', self::$ApiVersion, self::$ApiRevision); $result['uplMaxSize'] = ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); $result['uplMaxFile'] = ini_get('max_file_uploads'); $result['netDrivers'] = array_keys(self::$netDrivers); $result['maxTargets'] = $this->maxTargets; if ($volume) { $result['cwd']['root'] = $volume->root(); } if (elfinder::$textMimes) { $result['textMimes'] = elfinder::$textMimes; } } return $result; } /** * Return dir files names list * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ protected function ls($args) { $target = $args['target']; $intersect = isset($args['intersect']) ? $args['intersect'] : array(); if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false || ($list = $volume->ls($target, $intersect)) === false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, '#' . $target)); } return array('list' => $list); } /** * Return subdirs for required directory * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ protected function tree($args) { $target = $args['target']; if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false || ($tree = $volume->tree($target)) == false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, '#' . $target)); } return array('tree' => $tree); } /** * Return parents dir for required directory * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ protected function parents($args) { $target = $args['target']; $until = $args['until']; if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false || ($tree = $volume->parents($target, false, $until)) == false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, '#' . $target)); } return array('tree' => $tree); } /** * Return new created thumbnails list * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @throws ImagickException * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ protected function tmb($args) { $result = array('images' => array()); $targets = $args['targets']; foreach ($targets as $target) { elFinder::checkAborted(); if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) != false && (($tmb = $volume->tmb($target)) != false)) { $result['images'][$target] = $tmb; } } return $result; } /** * Download files/folders as an archive file * 1st: Return srrsy contains download archive file info * 2nd: Return array contains opened file pointer, root itself and required headers * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @throws Exception * @author Naoki Sawada */ protected function zipdl($args) { $targets = $args['targets']; $download = !empty($args['download']); $h404 = 'HTTP/1.x 404 Not Found'; $CriOS = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])? (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'CriOS') !== false) : false; if (!$download) { //1st: Return array contains download archive file info $error = array(self::ERROR_ARCHIVE); if (($volume = $this->volume($targets[0])) !== false) { if ($dlres = $volume->zipdl($targets)) { $path = $dlres['path']; register_shutdown_function(array('elFinder', 'rmFileInDisconnected'), $path); if (count($targets) === 1) { $name = basename($volume->path($targets[0])); } else { $name = $dlres['prefix'] . '_Files'; } $name .= '.' . $dlres['ext']; $uniqid = uniqid(); $this->session->set('zipdl' . $uniqid, basename($path)); $result = array( 'zipdl' => array( 'file' => $CriOS? basename($path) : $uniqid, 'name' => $name, 'mime' => $dlres['mime'] ) ); return $result; } $error = array_merge($error, $volume->error()); } return array('error' => $error); } else { // 2nd: Return array contains opened file session key, root itself and required headers // Detect Chrome on iOS // It has access twice on downloading $CriOSinit = false; if ($CriOS) { $accept = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] : ''; if ($accept && $accept !== '*' && $accept !== '*/*') { $CriOSinit = true; } } // data check if (count($targets) !== 4 || ($volume = $this->volume($targets[0])) == false || !($file = $CriOS? $targets[1] : $this->session->get('zipdl' . $targets[1]))) { return array('error' => 'File not found', 'header' => $h404, 'raw' => true); } $path = $volume->getTempPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($file); // remove session data of "zipdl..." $this->session->remove('zipdl' . $targets[1]); if (!$CriOSinit) { // register auto delete on shutdown $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$path] = true; } if ($volume->commandDisabled('zipdl')) { return array('error' => 'File not found', 'header' => $h404, 'raw' => true); } if (!is_readable($path) || !is_writable($path)) { return array('error' => 'File not found', 'header' => $h404, 'raw' => true); } // for HTTP headers $name = $targets[2]; $mime = $targets[3]; $filenameEncoded = rawurlencode($name); if (strpos($filenameEncoded, '%') === false) { // ASCII only $filename = 'filename="' . $name . '"'; } else { $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (preg_match('/MSIE [4-8]/', $ua)) { // IE < 9 do not support RFC 6266 (RFC 2231/RFC 5987) $filename = 'filename="' . $filenameEncoded . '"'; } elseif (strpos($ua, 'Chrome') === false && strpos($ua, 'Safari') !== false && preg_match('#Version/[3-5]#', $ua)) { // Safari < 6 $filename = 'filename="' . str_replace('"', '', $name) . '"'; } else { // RFC 6266 (RFC 2231/RFC 5987) $filename = 'filename*=UTF-8\'\'' . $filenameEncoded; } } $fp = fopen($path, 'rb'); $file = fstat($fp); $result = array( 'pointer' => $fp, 'header' => array( 'Content-Type: ' . $mime, 'Content-Disposition: attachment; ' . $filename, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary', 'Content-Length: ' . $file['size'], 'Accept-Ranges: none', 'Connection: close' ) ); // add cache control headers if ($cacheHeaders = $volume->getOption('cacheHeaders')) { $result['header'] = array_merge($result['header'], $cacheHeaders); } return $result; } } /** * Required to output file in browser when volume URL is not set * Return array contains opened file pointer, root itself and required headers * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ protected function file($args) { $target = $args['target']; $download = !empty($args['download']); $onetime = !empty($args['onetime']); //$h304 = 'HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'; $h403 = 'HTTP/1.0 403 Access Denied'; $a403 = array('error' => 'Access Denied', 'header' => $h403, 'raw' => true); $h404 = 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'; $a404 = array('error' => 'File not found', 'header' => $h404, 'raw' => true); if ($onetime) { $volume = null; $tmpdir = elFinder::$commonTempPath; if (!$tmpdir || !is_file($tmpf = $tmpdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ELF' . $target)) { return $a404; } $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$tmpf] = true; if ($file = json_decode(file_get_contents($tmpf), true)) { $src = base64_decode($file['file']); if (!is_file($src) || !($fp = fopen($src, 'rb'))) { return $a404; } if (strpos($src, $tmpdir) === 0) { $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$src] = true; } unset($file['file']); $file['read'] = true; $file['size'] = filesize($src); } else { return $a404; } } else { if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false) { return $a404; } if ($volume->commandDisabled('file')) { return $a403; } if (($file = $volume->file($target)) == false) { return $a404; } if (!$file['read']) { return $a404; } $opts = array(); if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) { $opts['httpheaders'] = array('Range: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']); } if (($fp = $volume->open($target, $opts)) == false) { return $a404; } } // check aborted by user elFinder::checkAborted(); // allow change MIME type by 'file.pre' callback functions $mime = isset($args['mime']) ? $args['mime'] : $file['mime']; if ($download || $onetime) { $disp = 'attachment'; } else { $dispInlineRegex = $volume->getOption('dispInlineRegex'); $inlineRegex = false; if ($dispInlineRegex) { $inlineRegex = '#' . str_replace('#', '\\#', $dispInlineRegex) . '#'; try { preg_match($inlineRegex, ''); } catch (Exception $e) { $inlineRegex = false; } } if (!$inlineRegex) { $inlineRegex = '#^(?:(?:image|text)|application/x-shockwave-flash$)#'; } $disp = preg_match($inlineRegex, $mime) ? 'inline' : 'attachment'; } $filenameEncoded = rawurlencode($file['name']); if (strpos($filenameEncoded, '%') === false) { // ASCII only $filename = 'filename="' . $file['name'] . '"'; } else { $ua = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : ''; if (preg_match('/MSIE [4-8]/', $ua)) { // IE < 9 do not support RFC 6266 (RFC 2231/RFC 5987) $filename = 'filename="' . $filenameEncoded . '"'; } elseif (strpos($ua, 'Chrome') === false && strpos($ua, 'Safari') !== false && preg_match('#Version/[3-5]#', $ua)) { // Safari < 6 $filename = 'filename="' . str_replace('"', '', $file['name']) . '"'; } else { // RFC 6266 (RFC 2231/RFC 5987) $filename = 'filename*=UTF-8\'\'' . $filenameEncoded; } } if ($args['cpath'] && $args['reqid']) { setcookie('elfdl' . $args['reqid'], '1', 0, urlencode($args['cpath'])); } $result = array( 'volume' => $volume, 'pointer' => $fp, 'info' => $file, 'header' => array( 'Content-Type: ' . $mime, 'Content-Disposition: ' . $disp . '; ' . $filename, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary', 'Content-Length: ' . $file['size'], 'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s T', $file['ts']), 'Connection: close' ) ); if (!$onetime) { // add cache control headers if ($cacheHeaders = $volume->getOption('cacheHeaders')) { $result['header'] = array_merge($result['header'], $cacheHeaders); } // check 'xsendfile' $xsendfile = $volume->getOption('xsendfile'); $path = null; if ($xsendfile) { $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); if ($path = empty($info['uri']) ? null : $info['uri']) { $basePath = rtrim($volume->getOption('xsendfilePath'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if ($basePath) { $root = rtrim($volume->getRootPath(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (strpos($path, $root) === 0) { $path = $basePath . substr($path, strlen($root)); } else { $path = null; } } } } if ($path) { $result['header'][] = $xsendfile . ': ' . $path; $result['info']['xsendfile'] = $xsendfile; } } // add "Content-Location" if file has url data if (isset($file['url']) && $file['url'] && $file['url'] != 1) { $result['header'][] = 'Content-Location: ' . $file['url']; } return $result; } /** * Count total files size * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ protected function size($args) { $size = 0; $files = 0; $dirs = 0; $itemCount = true; $sizes = array(); foreach ($args['targets'] as $target) { elFinder::checkAborted(); if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false || ($file = $volume->file($target)) == false || !$file['read']) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, '#' . $target)); } $volRes = $volume->size($target); if (is_array($volRes)) { $sizeInfo = array('size' => 0, 'fileCnt' => 0, 'dirCnt' => 0); if (!empty($volRes['size'])) { $sizeInfo['size'] = $volRes['size']; $size += $volRes['size']; } if (!empty($volRes['files'])) { $sizeInfo['fileCnt'] = $volRes['files']; } if (!empty($volRes['dirs'])) { $sizeInfo['dirCnt'] = $volRes['dirs']; } if ($itemCount) { $files += $sizeInfo['fileCnt']; $dirs += $sizeInfo['dirCnt']; } $sizes[$target] = $sizeInfo; } else if (is_numeric($volRes)) { $size += $volRes; $files = $dirs = 'unknown'; $itemCount = false; } } return array('size' => $size, 'fileCnt' => $files, 'dirCnt' => $dirs, 'sizes' => $sizes); } /** * Create directory * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ protected function mkdir($args) { $target = $args['target']; $name = $args['name']; $dirs = $args['dirs']; if ($name === '' && !$dirs) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_INV_PARAMS, 'mkdir')); } if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_MKDIR, $name, self::ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND, '#' . $target)); } if ($dirs) { $maxDirs = $volume->getOption('uploadMaxMkdirs'); if ($maxDirs && $maxDirs < count($dirs)) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_MAX_MKDIRS, $maxDirs)); } sort($dirs); $reset = null; $mkdirs = array(); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $tgt =& $mkdirs; $_names = explode('/', trim($dir, '/')); foreach ($_names as $_key => $_name) { if (!isset($tgt[$_name])) { $tgt[$_name] = array(); } $tgt =& $tgt[$_name]; } $tgt =& $reset; } $res = $this->ensureDirsRecursively($volume, $target, $mkdirs); $ret = array( 'added' => $res['stats'], 'hashes' => $res['hashes'] ); if ($res['error']) { $ret['warning'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_MKDIR, $res['error'][0], $volume->error()); } return $ret; } else { return ($dir = $volume->mkdir($target, $name)) == false ? array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_MKDIR, $name, $volume->error())) : array('added' => array($dir)); } } /** * Create empty file * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ protected function mkfile($args) { $target = $args['target']; $name = $args['name']; if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_MKFILE, $name, self::ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND, '#' . $target)); } return ($file = $volume->mkfile($target, $args['name'])) == false ? array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_MKFILE, $name, $volume->error())) : array('added' => array($file)); } /** * Rename file, Accept multiple items >= API 2.1031 * * @param array $args * * @return array * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov * @author Naoki Sawada */ protected function rename($args) { $target = $args['target']; $name = $args['name']; $query = (!empty($args['q']) && strpos($args['q'], '*') !== false) ? $args['q'] : ''; $targets = !empty($args['targets'])? $args['targets'] : false; $rms = array(); $notfounds = array(); $locked = array(); $errs = array(); $files = array(); $removed = array(); $res = array(); $type = 'normal'; if (!($volume = $this->volume($target))) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_RENAME, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); } if ($targets) { array_unshift($targets, $target); foreach ($targets as $h) { if ($rm = $volume->file($h)) { if ($this->itemLocked($h)) { $locked[] = $rm['name']; } else { $rm['realpath'] = $volume->realpath($h); $rms[] = $rm; } } else { $notfounds[] = '#' . $h; } } if (!$rms) { $res['error'] = array(); if ($notfounds) { $res['error'] = array(self::ERROR_RENAME, join(', ', $notfounds), self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } if ($locked) { array_push($res['error'], self::ERROR_LOCKED, join(', ', $locked)); } return $res; } $res['warning'] = array(); if ($notfounds) { array_push($res['warning'], self::ERROR_RENAME, join(', ', $notfounds), self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } if ($locked) { array_push($res['warning'], self::ERROR_LOCKED, join(', ', $locked)); } if ($query) { // batch rename $splits = elFinder::splitFileExtention($query); if ($splits[1] && $splits[0] === '*') { $type = 'extention'; $name = $splits[1]; } else if (strlen($splits[0]) > 1) { if (substr($splits[0], -1) === '*') { $type = 'prefix'; $name = substr($splits[0], 0, strlen($splits[0]) - 1); } else if (substr($splits[0], 0, 1) === '*') { $type = 'suffix'; $name = substr($splits[0], 1); } } if ($type !== 'normal') { if (!empty($this->listeners['rename.pre'])) { $_args = array('name' => $name); foreach ($this->listeners['rename.pre'] as $handler) { $_res = call_user_func_array($handler, array('rename', &$_args, $this, $volume)); if (!empty($_res['preventexec'])) { break; } } $name = $_args['name']; } } } foreach ($rms as $rm) { if ($type === 'normal') { $rname = $volume->uniqueName($volume->realpath($rm['phash']), $name, '', false); } else { $rname = $name; if ($type === 'extention') { $splits = elFinder::splitFileExtention($rm['name']); $rname = $splits[0] . '.' . $name; } else if ($type === 'prefix') { $rname = $name . $rm['name']; } else if ($type === 'suffix') { $splits = elFinder::splitFileExtention($rm['name']); $rname = $splits[0] . $name . ($splits[1] ? ('.' . $splits[1]) : ''); } $rname = $volume->uniqueName($volume->realpath($rm['phash']), $rname, '', true); } if ($file = $volume->rename($rm['hash'], $rname)) { $files[] = $file; $removed[] = $rm; } else { $errs[] = $rm['name']; } } if (!$files) { $res['error'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_RENAME, join(', ', $errs), $volume->error()); if (!$res['warning']) { unset($res['warning']); } return $res; } if ($errs) { array_push($res['warning'], self::ERROR_RENAME, join(', ', $errs), $volume->error()); } if (!$res['warning']) { unset($res['warning']); } $res['added'] = $files; $res['removed'] = $removed; return $res; } else { if (!($rm = $volume->file($target))) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_RENAME, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); } if ($this->itemLocked($target)) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_LOCKED, $rm['name'])); } $rm['realpath'] = $volume->realpath($target); $file = $volume->rename($target, $name); if ($file === false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_RENAME, $rm['name'], $volume->error())); } else { if ($file['hash'] !== $rm['hash']) { return array('added' => array($file), 'removed' => array($rm)); } else { return array('changed' => array($file)); } } } } /** * Duplicate file - create copy with "copy %d" suffix * * @param array $args command arguments * * @return array * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ protected function duplicate($args) { $targets = is_array($args['targets']) ? $args['targets'] : array(); $result = array(); $suffix = empty($args['suffix']) ? 'copy' : $args['suffix']; $this->itemLock($targets); foreach ($targets as $target) { elFinder::checkAborted(); if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false || ($src = $volume->file($target)) == false) { $result['warning'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_COPY, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); break; } if (($file = $volume->duplicate($target, $suffix)) == false) { $result['warning'] = $this->error($volume->error()); break; } } return $result; } /** * Remove dirs/files * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ protected function rm($args) { $targets = is_array($args['targets']) ? $args['targets'] : array(); $result = array('removed' => array()); foreach ($targets as $target) { elFinder::checkAborted(); if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false) { $result['warning'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_RM, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); break; } if ($this->itemLocked($target)) { $rm = $volume->file($target); $result['warning'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_LOCKED, $rm['name']); break; } if (!$volume->rm($target)) { $result['warning'] = $this->error($volume->error()); break; } } return $result; } /** * Return has subdirs * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @author Dmitry Naoki Sawada **/ protected function subdirs($args) { $result = array('subdirs' => array()); $targets = $args['targets']; foreach ($targets as $target) { if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) !== false) { $result['subdirs'][$target] = $volume->subdirs($target) ? 1 : 0; } } return $result; } /** * Gateway for custom contents editor * * @param array $args command arguments * * @return array * @author Naoki Sawada */ protected function editor($args = array()) { /* @var elFinderEditor $editor */ $name = $args['name']; if (is_array($name)) { $res = array(); foreach ($name as $c) { $class = 'elFinderEditor' . $c; if (class_exists($class)) { $editor = new $class($this, $args['args']); $res[$c] = $editor->enabled(); } else { $res[$c] = 0; } } return $res; } else { $class = 'elFinderEditor' . $name; $method = ''; if (class_exists($class)) { $editor = new $class($this, $args['args']); $method = $args['method']; if ($editor->isAllowedMethod($method) && method_exists($editor, $method)) { return $editor->$method(); } } return array('error', $this->error(self::ERROR_UNKNOWN_CMD, 'editor.' . $name . '.' . $method)); } } /** * Abort current request and make flag file to running check * * @param array $args * * @return void */ protected function abort($args = array()) { if (!elFinder::$connectionFlagsPath || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'HEAD') { return; } $flagFile = elFinder::$connectionFlagsPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'elfreq%s'; if (!empty($args['makeFile'])) { self::$abortCheckFile = sprintf($flagFile, self::filenameDecontaminate($args['makeFile'])); touch(self::$abortCheckFile); $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][self::$abortCheckFile] = true; return; } $file = !empty($args['id']) ? sprintf($flagFile, self::filenameDecontaminate($args['id'])) : self::$abortCheckFile; $file && is_file($file) && unlink($file); } /** * Validate an URL to prevent SSRF attacks. * * To prevent any risk of DNS rebinding, always use the IP address resolved by * this method, as returned in the array entry `ip`. * * @param string $url * * @return false|array */ protected function validate_address($url) { $info = parse_url($url); $host = trim(strtolower($info['host']), '.'); // do not support IPv6 address if (preg_match('/^\[.*\]$/', $host)) { return false; } // do not support non dot host if (strpos($host, '.') === false) { return false; } // do not support URL-encoded host if (strpos($host, '%') !== false) { return false; } // disallow including "localhost" and "localdomain" if (preg_match('/\b(?:localhost|localdomain)\b/', $host)) { return false; } // check IPv4 local loopback, private network and link local $ip = gethostbyname($host); if (preg_match('/^0x[0-9a-f]+|[0-9]+(?:\.(?:0x[0-9a-f]+|[0-9]+)){1,3}$/', $ip, $m)) { $long = (int)sprintf('%u', ip2long($ip)); if (!$long) { return false; } $local = (int)sprintf('%u', ip2long('')) >> 24; $prv1 = (int)sprintf('%u', ip2long('')) >> 24; $prv2 = (int)sprintf('%u', ip2long('')) >> 20; $prv3 = (int)sprintf('%u', ip2long('')) >> 16; $link = (int)sprintf('%u', ip2long('')) >> 16; if (!isset($this->uploadAllowedLanIpClasses['local']) && $long >> 24 === $local) { return false; } if (!isset($this->uploadAllowedLanIpClasses['private_a']) && $long >> 24 === $prv1) { return false; } if (!isset($this->uploadAllowedLanIpClasses['private_b']) && $long >> 20 === $prv2) { return false; } if (!isset($this->uploadAllowedLanIpClasses['private_c']) && $long >> 16 === $prv3) { return false; } if (!isset($this->uploadAllowedLanIpClasses['link']) && $long >> 16 === $link) { return false; } $info['ip'] = long2ip($long); if (!isset($info['port'])) { $info['port'] = $info['scheme'] === 'https' ? 443 : 80; } if (!isset($info['path'])) { $info['path'] = '/'; } return $info; } else { return false; } } /** * Get remote contents * * @param string $url target url * @param int $timeout timeout (sec) * @param int $redirect_max redirect max count * @param string $ua * @param resource $fp * * @return string, resource or bool(false) * @retval string contents * @retval resource conttents * @rettval false error * @author Naoki Sawada **/ protected function get_remote_contents(&$url, $timeout = 30, $redirect_max = 5, $ua = 'Mozilla/5.0', $fp = null) { if (preg_match('~^(?:ht|f)tps?://[-_.!\~*\'()a-z0-9;/?:\@&=+\$,%#\*\[\]]+~i', $url)) { $info = $this->validate_address($url); if ($info === false) { return false; } // dose not support 'user' and 'pass' for security reasons $url = $info['scheme'].'://'.$info['host'].(!empty($info['port'])? (':'.$info['port']) : '').$info['path'].(!empty($info['query'])? ('?'.$info['query']) : '').(!empty($info['fragment'])? ('#'.$info['fragment']) : ''); // check by URL upload filter if ($this->urlUploadFilter && is_callable($this->urlUploadFilter)) { if (!call_user_func_array($this->urlUploadFilter, array($url, $this))) { return false; } } $method = (function_exists('curl_exec')) ? 'curl_get_contents' : 'fsock_get_contents'; return $this->$method($url, $timeout, $redirect_max, $ua, $fp, $info); } return false; } /** * Get remote contents with cURL * * @param string $url target url * @param int $timeout timeout (sec) * @param int $redirect_max redirect max count * @param string $ua * @param resource $outfp * * @return string, resource or bool(false) * @retval string contents * @retval resource conttents * @retval false error * @author Naoki Sawada **/ protected function curl_get_contents(&$url, $timeout, $redirect_max, $ua, $outfp, $info) { if ($redirect_max == 0) { return false; } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); if ($outfp) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $outfp); } else { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME, $timeout); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $ua); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RESOLVE, array($info['host'] . ':' . $info['port'] . ':' . $info['ip'])); $result = curl_exec($ch); $http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ($http_code == 301 || $http_code == 302) { $new_url = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL); $info = $this->validate_address($new_url); if ($info === false) { return false; } return $this->curl_get_contents($new_url, $timeout, $redirect_max - 1, $ua, $outfp, $info); } curl_close($ch); return $outfp ? $outfp : $result; } /** * Get remote contents with fsockopen() * * @param string $url url * @param int $timeout timeout (sec) * @param int $redirect_max redirect max count * @param string $ua * @param resource $outfp * * @return string, resource or bool(false) * @retval string contents * @retval resource conttents * @retval false error * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Naoki Sawada */ protected function fsock_get_contents(&$url, $timeout, $redirect_max, $ua, $outfp, $info) { $connect_timeout = 3; $connect_try = 3; $method = 'GET'; $readsize = 4096; $ssl = ''; $getSize = null; $headers = ''; $arr = $info; if ($arr['scheme'] === 'https') { $ssl = 'ssl://'; } // query $arr['query'] = isset($arr['query']) ? '?' . $arr['query'] : ''; $url_base = $arr['scheme'] . '://' . $info['host'] . ':' . $info['port']; $url_path = isset($arr['path']) ? $arr['path'] : '/'; $uri = $url_path . $arr['query']; $query = $method . ' ' . $uri . " HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $query .= "Host: " . $arr['host'] . "\r\n"; $query .= "Accept: */*\r\n"; $query .= "Connection: close\r\n"; if (!empty($ua)) $query .= "User-Agent: " . $ua . "\r\n"; if (!is_null($getSize)) $query .= 'Range: bytes=0-' . ($getSize - 1) . "\r\n"; $query .= $headers; $query .= "\r\n"; $fp = $connect_try_count = 0; while (!$fp && $connect_try_count < $connect_try) { $errno = 0; $errstr = ""; $fp = fsockopen( $ssl . $arr['host'], $arr['port'], $errno, $errstr, $connect_timeout); if ($fp) break; $connect_try_count++; if (connection_aborted()) { throw new elFinderAbortException(); } sleep(1); // wait 1sec } if (!$fp) { return false; } $fwrite = 0; for ($written = 0; $written < strlen($query); $written += $fwrite) { $fwrite = fwrite($fp, substr($query, $written)); if (!$fwrite) { break; } } if ($timeout) { socket_set_timeout($fp, $timeout); } $_response = ''; $header = ''; while ($_response !== "\r\n") { $_response = fgets($fp, $readsize); $header .= $_response; }; $rccd = array_pad(explode(' ', $header, 2), 2, ''); // array('HTTP/1.1','200') $rc = (int)$rccd[1]; $ret = false; // Redirect switch ($rc) { case 307: // Temporary Redirect case 303: // See Other case 302: // Moved Temporarily case 301: // Moved Permanently $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/^Location: (.+?)(#.+)?$/im', $header, $matches) && --$redirect_max > 0) { $_url = $url; $url = trim($matches[1]); if (!preg_match('/^https?:\//', $url)) { // no scheme if ($url[0] != '/') { // Relative path // to Absolute path $url = substr($url_path, 0, strrpos($url_path, '/')) . '/' . $url; } // add sheme,host $url = $url_base . $url; } if ($_url === $url) { sleep(1); } fclose($fp); $info = $this->validate_address($url); if ($info === false) { return false; } return $this->fsock_get_contents($url, $timeout, $redirect_max, $ua, $outfp, $info); } break; case 200: $ret = true; } if (!$ret) { fclose($fp); return false; } $body = ''; if (!$outfp) { $outfp = fopen('php://temp', 'rwb'); $body = true; } while (fwrite($outfp, fread($fp, $readsize))) { if ($timeout) { $_status = socket_get_status($fp); if ($_status['timed_out']) { fclose($outfp); fclose($fp); return false; // Request Time-out } } } if ($body) { rewind($outfp); $body = stream_get_contents($outfp); fclose($outfp); $outfp = null; } fclose($fp); return $outfp ? $outfp : $body; // Data } /** * Parse Data URI scheme * * @param string $str * @param array $extTable * @param array $args * * @return array * @author Naoki Sawada */ protected function parse_data_scheme($str, $extTable, $args = null) { $data = $name = $mime = ''; // Scheme 'data://' require `allow_url_fopen` and `allow_url_include` if ($fp = fopen('data://' . substr($str, 5), 'rb')) { if ($data = stream_get_contents($fp)) { $meta = stream_get_meta_data($fp); $mime = $meta['mediatype']; } fclose($fp); } else if (preg_match('~^data:(.+?/.+?)?(?:;charset=.+?)?;base64,~', substr($str, 0, 128), $m)) { $data = base64_decode(substr($str, strlen($m[0]))); if ($m[1]) { $mime = $m[1]; } } if ($data) { $ext = ($mime && isset($extTable[$mime])) ? '.' . $extTable[$mime] : ''; // Set name if name eq 'image.png' and $args has 'name' array, e.g. clipboard data if (is_array($args['name']) && isset($args['name'][0])) { $name = $args['name'][0]; if ($ext) { $name = preg_replace('/\.[^.]*$/', '', $name); } } else { $name = substr(md5($data), 0, 8); } $name .= $ext; } else { $data = $name = ''; } return array($data, $name); } /** * Detect file MIME Type by local path * * @param string $path Local path * * @return string file MIME Type * @author Naoki Sawada */ protected function detectMimeType($path) { static $type, $finfo; if (!$type) { if (class_exists('finfo', false)) { $tmpFileInfo = explode(';', finfo_file(finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME), __FILE__)); } else { $tmpFileInfo = false; } $regexp = '/text\/x\-(php|c\+\+)/'; if ($tmpFileInfo && preg_match($regexp, array_shift($tmpFileInfo))) { $type = 'finfo'; $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); } elseif (function_exists('mime_content_type') && ($_ctypes = explode(';', mime_content_type(__FILE__))) && preg_match($regexp, array_shift($_ctypes))) { $type = 'mime_content_type'; } elseif (function_exists('getimagesize')) { $type = 'getimagesize'; } else { $type = 'none'; } } $mime = ''; if ($type === 'finfo') { $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $path); } elseif ($type === 'mime_content_type') { $mime = mime_content_type($path); } elseif ($type === 'getimagesize') { if ($img = getimagesize($path)) { $mime = $img['mime']; } } if ($mime) { $mime = explode(';', $mime); $mime = trim($mime[0]); if (in_array($mime, array('application/x-empty', 'inode/x-empty'))) { // finfo return this mime for empty files $mime = 'text/plain'; } elseif ($mime == 'application/x-zip') { // http://elrte.org/redmine/issues/163 $mime = 'application/zip'; } } return $mime ? $mime : 'unknown'; } /** * Detect file type extension by local path * * @param object $volume elFinderVolumeDriver instance * @param string $path Local path * @param string $name Filename to save * * @return string file type extension with dot * @author Naoki Sawada */ protected function detectFileExtension($volume, $path, $name) { $mime = $this->detectMimeType($path); if ($mime === 'unknown') { $mime = 'application/octet-stream'; } $ext = $volume->getExtentionByMime($volume->mimeTypeNormalize($mime, $name)); return $ext ? ('.' . $ext) : ''; } /** * Get temporary directory path * * @param string $volumeTempPath * * @return string * @author Naoki Sawada */ private function getTempDir($volumeTempPath = null) { $testDirs = array(); if ($this->uploadTempPath) { $testDirs[] = rtrim(realpath($this->uploadTempPath), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } if ($volumeTempPath) { $testDirs[] = rtrim(realpath($volumeTempPath), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } if (elFinder::$commonTempPath) { $testDirs[] = elFinder::$commonTempPath; } $tempDir = ''; foreach ($testDirs as $testDir) { if (!$testDir || !is_dir($testDir)) continue; if (is_writable($testDir)) { $tempDir = $testDir; $gc = time() - 3600; foreach (glob($tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ELF*') as $cf) { if (filemtime($cf) < $gc) { unlink($cf); } } break; } } return $tempDir; } /** * chmod * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author David Bartle */ protected function chmod($args) { $targets = $args['targets']; $mode = intval((string)$args['mode'], 8); if (!is_array($targets)) { $targets = array($targets); } $result = array(); if (($volume = $this->volume($targets[0])) == false) { $result['error'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_CONF_NO_VOL); return $result; } $this->itemLock($targets); $files = array(); $errors = array(); foreach ($targets as $target) { elFinder::checkAborted(); $file = $volume->chmod($target, $mode); if ($file) { $files = array_merge($files, is_array($file) ? $file : array($file)); } else { $errors = array_merge($errors, $volume->error()); } } if ($files) { $result['changed'] = $files; if ($errors) { $result['warning'] = $this->error($errors); } } else { $result['error'] = $this->error($errors); } return $result; } /** * Check chunked upload files * * @param string $tmpname uploaded temporary file path * @param string $chunk uploaded chunk file name * @param string $cid uploaded chunked file id * @param string $tempDir temporary dirctroy path * @param null $volume * * @return array|null * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Naoki Sawada */ private function checkChunkedFile($tmpname, $chunk, $cid, $tempDir, $volume = null) { /* @var elFinderVolumeDriver $volume */ if (preg_match('/^(.+)(\.\d+_(\d+))\.part$/s', $chunk, $m)) { $fname = $m[1]; $encname = md5($cid . '_' . $fname); $base = $tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ELF' . $encname; $clast = intval($m[3]); if (is_null($tmpname)) { ignore_user_abort(true); // chunked file upload fail foreach (glob($base . '*') as $cf) { unlink($cf); } ignore_user_abort(false); return null; } $range = isset($_POST['range']) ? trim($_POST['range']) : ''; if ($range && preg_match('/^(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)$/', $range, $ranges)) { $start = $ranges[1]; $len = $ranges[2]; $size = $ranges[3]; $tmp = $base . '.part'; $csize = filesize($tmpname); $tmpExists = is_file($tmp); if (!$tmpExists) { // check upload max size $uploadMaxSize = $volume ? $volume->getUploadMaxSize() : 0; if ($uploadMaxSize > 0 && $size > $uploadMaxSize) { return array(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE, false); } // make temp file $ok = false; if ($fp = fopen($tmp, 'wb')) { flock($fp, LOCK_EX); $ok = ftruncate($fp, $size); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); touch($base); } if (!$ok) { unlink($tmp); return array(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP, false); } } else { // wait until makeing temp file (for anothor session) $cnt = 1200; // Time limit 120 sec while (!is_file($base) && --$cnt) { usleep(100000); // wait 100ms } if (!$cnt) { return array(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP, false); } } // check size info if ($len != $csize || $start + $len > $size || ($tmpExists && $size != filesize($tmp))) { return array(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP, false); } // write chunk data $src = fopen($tmpname, 'rb'); $fp = fopen($tmp, 'cb'); fseek($fp, $start); $writelen = stream_copy_to_stream($src, $fp, $len); fclose($fp); fclose($src); try { // to check connection is aborted elFinder::checkAborted(); } catch (elFinderAbortException $e) { unlink($tmpname); is_file($tmp) && unlink($tmp); is_file($base) && unlink($base); throw $e; } if ($writelen != $len) { return array(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP, false); } // write counts file_put_contents($base, "\0", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); if (filesize($base) >= $clast + 1) { // Completion unlink($base); return array($tmp, $fname); } } else { // old way $part = $base . $m[2]; if (move_uploaded_file($tmpname, $part)) { chmod($part, 0600); if ($clast < count(glob($base . '*'))) { $parts = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= $clast; $i++) { $name = $base . '.' . $i . '_' . $clast; if (is_readable($name)) { $parts[] = $name; } else { $parts = null; break; } } if ($parts) { if (!is_file($base)) { touch($base); if ($resfile = tempnam($tempDir, 'ELF')) { $target = fopen($resfile, 'wb'); foreach ($parts as $f) { $fp = fopen($f, 'rb'); while (!feof($fp)) { fwrite($target, fread($fp, 8192)); } fclose($fp); unlink($f); } fclose($target); unlink($base); return array($resfile, $fname); } unlink($base); } } } } } } return array('', ''); } /** * Save uploaded files * * @param array * * @return array * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ protected function upload($args) { $ngReg = '/[\/\\?*:|"<>]/'; $target = $args['target']; $volume = $this->volume($target); $files = isset($args['FILES']['upload']) && is_array($args['FILES']['upload']) ? $args['FILES']['upload'] : array(); $header = empty($args['html']) ? array() : array('header' => 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $result = array_merge(array('added' => array()), $header); $paths = $args['upload_path'] ? $args['upload_path'] : array(); $chunk = $args['chunk'] ? $args['chunk'] : ''; $cid = $args['cid'] ? (int)$args['cid'] : ''; $mtimes = $args['mtime'] ? $args['mtime'] : array(); $tmpfname = ''; if (!$volume) { return array_merge(array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD, self::ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND, '#' . $target)), $header); } // check $chunk if (strpos($chunk, '/') !== false || strpos($chunk, '\\') !== false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD)); } if ($args['overwrite'] !== '') { $volume->setUploadOverwrite($args['overwrite']); } $renames = $hashes = array(); $suffix = '~'; if ($args['renames'] && is_array($args['renames'])) { $renames = array_flip($args['renames']); if (is_string($args['suffix']) && !preg_match($ngReg, $args['suffix'])) { $suffix = $args['suffix']; } } if ($args['hashes'] && is_array($args['hashes'])) { $hashes = array_flip($args['hashes']); } $this->itemLock($target); // file extentions table by MIME $extTable = array_flip(array_unique($volume->getMimeTable())); if (empty($files)) { if (isset($args['upload']) && is_array($args['upload']) && ($tempDir = $this->getTempDir($volume->getTempPath()))) { $names = array(); foreach ($args['upload'] as $i => $url) { // check chunked file upload commit if ($chunk) { if ($url === 'chunkfail' && $args['mimes'] === 'chunkfail') { $this->checkChunkedFile(null, $chunk, $cid, $tempDir); if (preg_match('/^(.+)(\.\d+_(\d+))\.part$/s', $chunk, $m)) { $result['warning'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE, $m[1], self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP); } return $result; } else { $tmpfname = $tempDir . '/' . $chunk; $files['tmp_name'][$i] = $tmpfname; $files['name'][$i] = $url; $files['error'][$i] = 0; $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$tmpfname] = true; break; } } $tmpfname = $tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ELF_FATCH_' . md5($url . microtime(true)); $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$tmpfname] = true; $_name = ''; // check is data: if (substr($url, 0, 5) === 'data:') { list($data, $args['name'][$i]) = $this->parse_data_scheme($url, $extTable, $args); } else { $fp = fopen($tmpfname, 'wb'); if ($data = $this->get_remote_contents($url, 30, 5, 'Mozilla/5.0', $fp)) { // to check connection is aborted try { elFinder::checkAborted(); } catch(elFinderAbortException $e) { fclose($fp); throw $e; } if (strpos($url, '%') !== false) { $url = rawurldecode($url); } if (is_callable('mb_convert_encoding') && is_callable('mb_detect_encoding')) { $url = mb_convert_encoding($url, 'UTF-8', mb_detect_encoding($url)); } $url = iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $url); $_name = preg_replace('~^.*?([^/#?]+)(?:\?.*)?(?:#.*)?$~', '$1', $url); // Check `Content-Disposition` response header if (($headers = get_headers($url, true)) && !empty($headers['Content-Disposition'])) { if (preg_match('/filename\*=(?:([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+?)\'\')"?([a-z0-9_.~%-]+)"?/i', $headers['Content-Disposition'], $m)) { $_name = rawurldecode($m[2]); if ($m[1] && strtoupper($m[1]) !== 'UTF-8' && function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { $_name = mb_convert_encoding($_name, 'UTF-8', $m[1]); } } else if (preg_match('/filename="?([ a-z0-9_.~%-]+)"?/i', $headers['Content-Disposition'], $m)) { $_name = rawurldecode($m[1]); } } } else { fclose($fp); } } if ($data) { if (isset($args['name'][$i])) { $_name = $args['name'][$i]; } if ($_name) { $_ext = ''; if (preg_match('/(\.[a-z0-9]{1,7})$/', $_name, $_match)) { $_ext = $_match[1]; } if ((is_resource($data) && fclose($data)) || file_put_contents($tmpfname, $data)) { $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$tmpfname] = true; $_name = preg_replace($ngReg, '_', $_name); list($_a, $_b) = array_pad(explode('.', $_name, 2), 2, ''); if ($_b === '') { if ($_ext) { rename($tmpfname, $tmpfname . $_ext); $tmpfname = $tmpfname . $_ext; } $_b = $this->detectFileExtension($volume, $tmpfname, $_name); $_name = $_a . $_b; } else { $_b = '.' . $_b; } if (isset($names[$_name])) { $_name = $_a . '_' . $names[$_name]++ . $_b; } else { $names[$_name] = 1; } $files['tmp_name'][$i] = $tmpfname; $files['name'][$i] = $_name; $files['error'][$i] = 0; // set to auto rename $volume->setUploadOverwrite(false); } else { unlink($tmpfname); } } } } } if (empty($files)) { return array_merge(array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD, self::ERROR_UPLOAD_NO_FILES)), $header); } } $addedDirs = array(); $errors = array(); foreach ($files['name'] as $i => $name) { if (($error = $files['error'][$i]) > 0) { $result['warning'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE, $name, $error == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE || $error == UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE ? self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE : self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TRANSFER, $error); $this->uploadDebug = 'Upload error code: ' . $error; break; } $tmpname = $files['tmp_name'][$i]; $thash = ($paths && isset($paths[$i])) ? $paths[$i] : $target; $mtime = isset($mtimes[$i]) ? $mtimes[$i] : 0; if ($name === 'blob') { if ($chunk) { if ($tempDir = $this->getTempDir($volume->getTempPath())) { list($tmpname, $name) = $this->checkChunkedFile($tmpname, $chunk, $cid, $tempDir, $volume); if ($tmpname) { if ($name === false) { preg_match('/^(.+)(\.\d+_(\d+))\.part$/s', $chunk, $m); $result['error'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE, $m[1], $tmpname); $result['_chunkfailure'] = true; $this->uploadDebug = 'Upload error: ' . $tmpname; } else if ($name) { $result['_chunkmerged'] = basename($tmpname); $result['_name'] = $name; $result['_mtime'] = $mtime; } } } else { $result['error'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE, $chunk, self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP); $this->uploadDebug = 'Upload error: unable open tmp file'; } return $result; } else { // for form clipboard with Google Chrome or Opera $name = 'image.png'; } } // Set name if name eq 'image.png' and $args has 'name' array, e.g. clipboard data if (strtolower(substr($name, 0, 5)) === 'image' && is_array($args['name']) && isset($args['name'][$i])) { $type = $files['type'][$i]; $name = $args['name'][$i]; $ext = isset($extTable[$type]) ? '.' . $extTable[$type] : ''; if ($ext) { $name = preg_replace('/\.[^.]*$/', '', $name); } $name .= $ext; } // do hook function 'upload.presave' try { $this->trigger('upload.presave', array(&$thash, &$name, $tmpname, $this, $volume), $errors); } catch (elFinderTriggerException $e) { if (!is_uploaded_file($tmpname) && unlink($tmpname) && $tmpfname) { unset($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$tmpfname]); } continue; } clearstatcache(); if ($mtime && is_file($tmpname)) { // for keep timestamp option in the LocalFileSystem volume touch($tmpname, $mtime); } $fp = null; if (!is_file($tmpname) || ($fp = fopen($tmpname, 'rb')) === false) { $errors = array_merge($errors, array(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE, $name, ($fp === false? self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP : self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TRANSFER))); $this->uploadDebug = 'Upload error: unable open tmp file'; if (!is_uploaded_file($tmpname)) { if (unlink($tmpname) && $tmpfname) unset($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$tmpfname]); continue; } break; } $rnres = array(); if ($thash !== '' && $thash !== $target) { if ($dir = $volume->dir($thash)) { $_target = $thash; if (!isset($addedDirs[$thash])) { $addedDirs[$thash] = true; $result['added'][] = $dir; // to support multi-level directory creation $_phash = isset($dir['phash']) ? $dir['phash'] : null; while ($_phash && !isset($addedDirs[$_phash]) && $_phash !== $target) { if ($_dir = $volume->dir($_phash)) { $addedDirs[$_phash] = true; $result['added'][] = $_dir; $_phash = isset($_dir['phash']) ? $_dir['phash'] : null; } else { break; } } } } else { $result['error'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD, self::ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND, 'hash@' . $thash); break; } } else { $_target = $target; // file rename for backup if (isset($renames[$name])) { $dir = $volume->realpath($_target); if (isset($hashes[$name])) { $hash = $hashes[$name]; } else { $hash = $volume->getHash($dir, $name); } $rnres = $this->rename(array('target' => $hash, 'name' => $volume->uniqueName($dir, $name, $suffix, true, 0))); if (!empty($rnres['error'])) { $result['warning'] = $rnres['error']; if (!is_array($rnres['error'])) { $errors = array_push($errors, $rnres['error']); } else { $errors = array_merge($errors, $rnres['error']); } continue; } } } if (!$_target || ($file = $volume->upload($fp, $_target, $name, $tmpname, ($_target === $target) ? $hashes : array())) === false) { $errors = array_merge($errors, $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE, $name, $volume->error())); fclose($fp); if (!is_uploaded_file($tmpname) && unlink($tmpname)) { unset($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$tmpname]); } continue; } is_resource($fp) && fclose($fp); if (!is_uploaded_file($tmpname)) { clearstatcache(); if (!is_file($tmpname) || unlink($tmpname)) { unset($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$tmpname]); } } $result['added'][] = $file; if ($rnres) { $result = array_merge_recursive($result, $rnres); } } if ($errors) { $result['warning'] = $errors; } if ($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles']) { foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles']) as $_temp) { is_file($_temp) && is_writable($_temp) && unlink($_temp); } } $result['removed'] = $volume->removed(); if (!empty($args['node'])) { $result['callback'] = array( 'node' => $args['node'], 'bind' => 'upload' ); } return $result; } /** * Copy/move files into new destination * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ protected function paste($args) { $dst = $args['dst']; $targets = is_array($args['targets']) ? $args['targets'] : array(); $cut = !empty($args['cut']); $error = $cut ? self::ERROR_MOVE : self::ERROR_COPY; $result = array('changed' => array(), 'added' => array(), 'removed' => array(), 'warning' => array()); if (($dstVolume = $this->volume($dst)) == false) { return array('error' => $this->error($error, '#' . $targets[0], self::ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND, '#' . $dst)); } $this->itemLock($dst); $hashes = $renames = array(); $suffix = '~'; if (!empty($args['renames'])) { $renames = array_flip($args['renames']); if (is_string($args['suffix']) && !preg_match('/[\/\\?*:|"<>]/', $args['suffix'])) { $suffix = $args['suffix']; } } if (!empty($args['hashes'])) { $hashes = array_flip($args['hashes']); } foreach ($targets as $target) { elFinder::checkAborted(); if (($srcVolume = $this->volume($target)) == false) { $result['warning'] = array_merge($result['warning'], $this->error($error, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); continue; } $rnres = array(); if ($renames) { $file = $srcVolume->file($target); if (isset($renames[$file['name']])) { $dir = $dstVolume->realpath($dst); $dstName = $file['name']; if ($srcVolume !== $dstVolume) { $errors = array(); try { $this->trigger('paste.copyfrom', array(&$dst, &$dstName, '', $this, $dstVolume), $errors); } catch (elFinderTriggerException $e) { $result['warning'] = array_merge($result['warning'], $errors); continue; } } if (isset($hashes[$file['name']])) { $hash = $hashes[$file['name']]; } else { $hash = $dstVolume->getHash($dir, $dstName); } $rnres = $this->rename(array('target' => $hash, 'name' => $dstVolume->uniqueName($dir, $dstName, $suffix, true, 0))); if (!empty($rnres['error'])) { $result['warning'] = array_merge($result['warning'], $rnres['error']); continue; } } } if ($cut && $this->itemLocked($target)) { $rm = $srcVolume->file($target); $result['warning'] = array_merge($result['warning'], $this->error(self::ERROR_LOCKED, $rm['name'])); continue; } if (($file = $dstVolume->paste($srcVolume, $target, $dst, $cut, $hashes)) == false) { $result['warning'] = array_merge($result['warning'], $this->error($dstVolume->error())); continue; } if ($error = $dstVolume->error()) { $result['warning'] = array_merge($result['warning'], $this->error($error)); } if ($rnres) { $result = array_merge_recursive($result, $rnres); } } if (count($result['warning']) < 1) { unset($result['warning']); } else { $result['sync'] = true; } return $result; } /** * Return file content * * @param array $args command arguments * * @return array * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ protected function get($args) { $target = $args['target']; $volume = $this->volume($target); $enc = false; if (!$volume || ($file = $volume->file($target)) == false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); } if ($volume->commandDisabled('get')) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)); } if (($content = $volume->getContents($target)) === false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, $volume->path($target), $volume->error())); } $mime = isset($file['mime']) ? $file['mime'] : ''; if ($mime && (strtolower(substr($mime, 0, 4)) === 'text' || in_array(strtolower($mime), self::$textMimes))) { $enc = ''; if ($content !== '') { if (!$args['conv'] || $args['conv'] == '1') { // detect encoding if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) { if ($enc = mb_detect_encoding($content, mb_detect_order(), true)) { $encu = strtoupper($enc); if ($encu === 'UTF-8' || $encu === 'ASCII') { $enc = ''; } } else { $enc = 'unknown'; } } else if (!preg_match('//u', $content)) { $enc = 'unknown'; } if ($enc === 'unknown') { $enc = $volume->getOption('encoding'); if (!$enc || strtoupper($enc) === 'UTF-8') { $enc = 'unknown'; } } // call callbacks 'get.detectencoding' if (!empty($this->listeners['get.detectencoding'])) { foreach ($this->listeners['get.detectencoding'] as $handler) { call_user_func_array($handler, array('get', &$enc, array_merge($args, array('content' => $content)), $this, $volume)); } } if ($enc && $enc !== 'unknown') { $errlev = error_reporting(); error_reporting($errlev ^ E_NOTICE); $utf8 = iconv($enc, 'UTF-8', $content); if ($utf8 === false && function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { error_reporting($errlev ^ E_WARNING); $utf8 = mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-8', $enc); if (mb_convert_encoding($utf8, $enc, 'UTF-8') !== $content) { $enc = 'unknown'; } } else { if ($utf8 === false || iconv('UTF-8', $enc, $utf8) !== $content) { $enc = 'unknown'; } } error_reporting($errlev); if ($enc !== 'unknown') { $content = $utf8; } } if ($enc) { if ($args['conv'] == '1') { $args['conv'] = ''; if ($enc === 'unknown') { $content = false; } } else if ($enc === 'unknown') { return array('doconv' => $enc); } } if ($args['conv'] == '1') { $args['conv'] = ''; } } if ($args['conv']) { $enc = $args['conv']; if (strtoupper($enc) !== 'UTF-8') { $_content = $content; $errlev = error_reporting(); $this->setToastErrorHandler(array( 'prefix' => 'Notice: ' )); error_reporting($errlev | E_NOTICE | E_WARNING); $content = iconv($enc, 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT', $content); if ($content === false && function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { $content = mb_convert_encoding($_content, 'UTF-8', $enc); } error_reporting($errlev); $this->setToastErrorHandler(false); } else { $enc = ''; } } } } else { $content = 'data:' . ($mime ? $mime : 'application/octet-stream') . ';base64,' . base64_encode($content); } if ($enc !== false) { $json = false; if ($content !== false) { $json = json_encode($content); } if ($content === false || $json === false || strlen($json) < strlen($content)) { return array('doconv' => 'unknown'); } } $res = array( 'header' => array( 'Content-Type: application/json' ), 'content' => $content ); // add cache control headers if ($cacheHeaders = $volume->getOption('cacheHeaders')) { $res['header'] = array_merge($res['header'], $cacheHeaders); } if ($enc) { $res['encoding'] = $enc; } return $res; } /** * Save content into text file * * @param $args * * @return array * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ protected function put($args) { $target = $args['target']; $encoding = isset($args['encoding']) ? $args['encoding'] : ''; if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false || ($file = $volume->file($target)) == false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_SAVE, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); } $this->itemLock($target); if ($encoding === 'scheme') { if (preg_match('~^https?://~i', $args['content'])) { /** @var resource $fp */ $fp = $this->get_remote_contents($args['content'], 30, 5, 'Mozilla/5.0', $volume->tmpfile()); if (!$fp) { return array('error' => self::ERROR_SAVE, $args['content'], self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } $fmeta = stream_get_meta_data($fp); $mime = $this->detectMimeType($fmeta['uri']); if ($mime === 'unknown') { $mime = 'application/octet-stream'; } $mime = $volume->mimeTypeNormalize($mime, $file['name']); $args['content'] = 'data:' . $mime . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($fmeta['uri'])); } $encoding = ''; $args['content'] = "\0" . $args['content']; } else if ($encoding === 'hash') { $_hash = $args['content']; if ($_src = $this->getVolume($_hash)) { if ($_file = $_src->file($_hash)) { if ($_data = $_src->getContents($_hash)) { $args['content'] = 'data:' . $file['mime'] . ';base64,' . base64_encode($_data); } } } $encoding = ''; $args['content'] = "\0" . $args['content']; } if ($encoding) { $content = iconv('UTF-8', $encoding, $args['content']); if ($content === false && function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) { $content = mb_convert_encoding($args['content'], $encoding, 'UTF-8'); } if ($content !== false) { $args['content'] = $content; } } if (($file = $volume->putContents($target, $args['content'])) == false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_SAVE, $volume->path($target), $volume->error())); } return array('changed' => array($file)); } /** * Extract files from archive * * @param array $args command arguments * * @return array * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov, * @author Alexey Sukhotin **/ protected function extract($args) { $target = $args['target']; $makedir = isset($args['makedir']) ? (bool)$args['makedir'] : null; if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false || ($file = $volume->file($target)) == false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_EXTRACT, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); } $res = array(); if ($file = $volume->extract($target, $makedir)) { $res['added'] = isset($file['read']) ? array($file) : $file; if ($err = $volume->error()) { $res['warning'] = $err; } } else { $res['error'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_EXTRACT, $volume->path($target), $volume->error()); } return $res; } /** * Create archive * * @param array $args command arguments * * @return array * @throws Exception * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov, * @author Alexey Sukhotin */ protected function archive($args) { $targets = isset($args['targets']) && is_array($args['targets']) ? $args['targets'] : array(); $name = isset($args['name']) ? $args['name'] : ''; $targets = array_filter($targets, array($this, 'volume')); if (!$targets || ($volume = $this->volume($targets[0])) === false) { return $this->error(self::ERROR_ARCHIVE, self::ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND); } foreach ($targets as $target) { $this->itemLock($target); } return ($file = $volume->archive($targets, $args['type'], $name)) ? array('added' => array($file)) : array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_ARCHIVE, $volume->error())); } /** * Search files * * @param array $args command arguments * * @return array * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Dmitry Levashov */ protected function search($args) { $q = trim($args['q']); $mimes = !empty($args['mimes']) && is_array($args['mimes']) ? $args['mimes'] : array(); $target = !empty($args['target']) ? $args['target'] : null; $type = !empty($args['type']) ? $args['type'] : null; $result = array(); $errors = array(); if ($target) { if ($volume = $this->volume($target)) { $result = $volume->search($q, $mimes, $target, $type); $errors = array_merge($errors, $volume->error()); } } else { foreach ($this->volumes as $volume) { $result = array_merge($result, $volume->search($q, $mimes, null, $type)); $errors = array_merge($errors, $volume->error()); } } $result = array('files' => $result); if ($errors) { $result['warning'] = $errors; } return $result; } /** * Return file info (used by client "places" ui) * * @param array $args command arguments * * @return array * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Dmitry Levashov */ protected function info($args) { $files = array(); $compare = null; // long polling mode if ($args['compare'] && count($args['targets']) === 1) { $compare = intval($args['compare']); $hash = $args['targets'][0]; if ($volume = $this->volume($hash)) { $standby = (int)$volume->getOption('plStandby'); $_compare = false; if (($syncCheckFunc = $volume->getOption('syncCheckFunc')) && is_callable($syncCheckFunc)) { $_compare = call_user_func_array($syncCheckFunc, array($volume->realpath($hash), $standby, $compare, $volume, $this)); } if ($_compare !== false) { $compare = $_compare; } else { $sleep = max(1, (int)$volume->getOption('tsPlSleep')); $limit = max(1, $standby / $sleep) + 1; do { elFinder::extendTimeLimit(30 + $sleep); $volume->clearstatcache(); if (($info = $volume->file($hash)) != false) { if ($info['ts'] != $compare) { $compare = $info['ts']; break; } } else { $compare = 0; break; } if (--$limit) { sleep($sleep); } } while ($limit); } } } else { foreach ($args['targets'] as $hash) { elFinder::checkAborted(); if (($volume = $this->volume($hash)) != false && ($info = $volume->file($hash)) != false) { $info['path'] = $volume->path($hash); $files[] = $info; } } } $result = array('files' => $files); if (!is_null($compare)) { $result['compare'] = strval($compare); } return $result; } /** * Return image dimensions * * @param array $args command arguments * * @return array * @throws ImagickException * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov */ protected function dim($args) { $res = array(); $target = $args['target']; if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) != false) { if ($dim = $volume->dimensions($target, $args)) { if (is_array($dim) && isset($dim['dim'])) { $res = $dim; } else { $res = array('dim' => $dim); if ($subImgLink = $volume->getSubstituteImgLink($target, explode('x', $dim))) { $res['url'] = $subImgLink; } } } } return $res; } /** * Resize image * * @param array command arguments * * @return array * @throws ImagickException * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov * @author Alexey Sukhotin */ protected function resize($args) { $target = $args['target']; $width = (int)$args['width']; $height = (int)$args['height']; $x = (int)$args['x']; $y = (int)$args['y']; $mode = $args['mode']; $bg = $args['bg']; $degree = (int)$args['degree']; $quality = (int)$args['quality']; if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false || ($file = $volume->file($target)) == false) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_RESIZE, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)); } if ($mode !== 'rotate' && ($width < 1 || $height < 1)) { return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_RESIZESIZE)); } return ($file = $volume->resize($target, $width, $height, $x, $y, $mode, $bg, $degree, $quality)) ? (!empty($file['losslessRotate']) ? $file : array('changed' => array($file))) : array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_RESIZE, $volume->path($target), $volume->error())); } /** * Return content URL * * @param array $args command arguments * * @return array * @author Naoki Sawada **/ protected function url($args) { $target = $args['target']; $options = isset($args['options']) ? $args['options'] : array(); if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) != false) { if (!$volume->commandDisabled('url')) { $url = $volume->getContentUrl($target, $options); return $url ? array('url' => $url) : array(); } } return array(); } /** * Output callback result with JavaScript that control elFinder * or HTTP redirect to callbackWindowURL * * @param array command arguments * * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Naoki Sawada */ protected function callback($args) { $checkReg = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9;._-]/'; $node = (isset($args['node']) && !preg_match($checkReg, $args['node'])) ? $args['node'] : ''; $json = (isset($args['json']) && json_decode($args['json'])) ? $args['json'] : '{}'; $bind = (isset($args['bind']) && !preg_match($checkReg, $args['bind'])) ? $args['bind'] : ''; $done = (!empty($args['done'])); while (ob_get_level()) { if (!ob_end_clean()) { break; } } if ($done || !$this->callbackWindowURL) { $script = ''; if ($node) { if ($bind) { $trigger = 'elf.trigger(\'' . $bind . '\', data);'; $triggerdone = 'elf.trigger(\'' . $bind . 'done\');'; $triggerfail = 'elf.trigger(\'' . $bind . 'fail\', data);'; } else { $trigger = $triggerdone = $triggerfail = ''; } $origin = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'])? str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']) : '*'; $script .= ' var go = function() { var w = window.opener || window.parent || window, close = function(){ window.open("about:blank","_self").close(); return false; }; try { var elf = w.document.getElementById(\'' . $node . '\').elfinder; if (elf) { var data = ' . $json . '; if (data.error) { ' . $triggerfail . ' elf.error(data.error); } else { data.warning && elf.error(data.warning); data.removed && data.removed.length && elf.remove(data); data.added && data.added.length && elf.add(data); data.changed && data.changed.length && elf.change(data); ' . $trigger . ' ' . $triggerdone . ' data.sync && elf.sync(); } } } catch(e) { // for CORS w.postMessage && w.postMessage(JSON.stringify({bind:\'' . $bind . '\',data:' . $json . '}), \'' . $origin . '\'); } close(); setTimeout(function() { var msg = document.getElementById(\'msg\'); msg.style.display = \'inline\'; msg.onclick = close; }, 100); }; '; } $out = '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=2"><script>' . $script . '</script></head><body><h2 id="msg" style="display:none;"><a href="#">Please close this tab.</a></h2><script>go();</script></body></html>'; header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($out)); header('Cache-Control: private'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); echo $out; } else { $url = $this->callbackWindowURL; $url .= ((strpos($url, '?') === false) ? '?' : '&') . '&node=' . rawurlencode($node) . (($json !== '{}') ? ('&json=' . rawurlencode($json)) : '') . ($bind ? ('&bind=' . rawurlencode($bind)) : '') . '&done=1'; header('Location: ' . $url); } throw new elFinderAbortException(); } /** * Error handler for send toast message to client side * * @param int $errno * @param string $errstr * @param string $errfile * @param int $errline * * @return boolean */ protected function toastErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { $proc = false; if (!(error_reporting() & $errno)) { return $proc; } $toast = array(); $toast['mode'] = $this->toastParams['mode']; $toast['msg'] = $this->toastParams['prefix'] . $errstr; $this->toastMessages[] = $toast; return true; } /** * PHP error handler, catch error types only E_WARNING | E_NOTICE | E_USER_WARNING | E_USER_NOTICE * * @param int $errno * @param string $errstr * @param string $errfile * @param int $errline * * @return boolean */ public static function phpErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { static $base = null; $proc = false; if (is_null($base)) { $base = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if (!(error_reporting() & $errno)) { return $proc; } // Do not report real path if (strpos($errfile, $base) === 0) { $errfile = str_replace($base, '', $errfile); } else if ($pos = strrpos($errfile, '/vendor/')) { $errfile = substr($errfile, $pos + 1); } else { $errfile = basename($errfile); } switch ($errno) { case E_WARNING: case E_USER_WARNING: elFinder::$phpErrors[] = "WARNING: $errstr in $errfile line $errline."; $proc = true; break; case E_NOTICE: case E_USER_NOTICE: elFinder::$phpErrors[] = "NOTICE: $errstr in $errfile line $errline."; $proc = true; break; case E_STRICT: elFinder::$phpErrors[] = "STRICT: $errstr in $errfile line $errline."; $proc = true; break; case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: elFinder::$phpErrors[] = "RECOVERABLE_ERROR: $errstr in $errfile line $errline."; $proc = true; break; } if (defined('E_DEPRECATED')) { switch ($errno) { case E_DEPRECATED: case E_USER_DEPRECATED: elFinder::$phpErrors[] = "DEPRECATED: $errstr in $errfile line $errline."; $proc = true; break; } } return $proc; } /***************************************************************************/ /* utils */ /***************************************************************************/ /** * Return root - file's owner * * @param string file hash * * @return elFinderVolumeDriver|boolean (false) * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ protected function volume($hash) { foreach ($this->volumes as $id => $v) { if (strpos('' . $hash, $id) === 0) { return $this->volumes[$id]; } } return false; } /** * Return files info array * * @param array $data one file info or files info * * @return array * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ protected function toArray($data) { return isset($data['hash']) || !is_array($data) ? array($data) : $data; } /** * Return fils hashes list * * @param array $files files info * * @return array * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ protected function hashes($files) { $ret = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $ret[] = $file['hash']; } return $ret; } /** * Remove from files list hidden files and files with required mime types * * @param array $files files info * * @return array * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ protected function filter($files) { $exists = array(); foreach ($files as $i => $file) { if (isset($file['hash'])) { if (isset($exists[$file['hash']]) || !empty($file['hidden']) || !$this->default->mimeAccepted($file['mime'])) { unset($files[$i]); } $exists[$file['hash']] = true; } } return array_values($files); } protected function utime() { $time = explode(" ", microtime()); return (double)$time[1] + (double)$time[0]; } /** * Return Network mount volume unique ID * * @param array $netVolumes Saved netvolumes array * @param string $prefix Id prefix * * @return string|false * @author Naoki Sawada **/ protected function getNetVolumeUniqueId($netVolumes = null, $prefix = 'nm') { if (is_null($netVolumes)) { $netVolumes = $this->getNetVolumes(); } $ids = array(); foreach ($netVolumes as $vOps) { if (isset($vOps['id']) && strpos($vOps['id'], $prefix) === 0) { $ids[$vOps['id']] = true; } } if (!$ids) { $id = $prefix . '1'; } else { $i = 0; while (isset($ids[$prefix . ++$i]) && $i < 10000) ; $id = $prefix . $i; if (isset($ids[$id])) { $id = false; } } return $id; } /** * Is item locked? * * @param string $hash * * @return boolean */ protected function itemLocked($hash) { if (!elFinder::$commonTempPath) { return false; } $lock = elFinder::$commonTempPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::filenameDecontaminate($hash) . '.lock'; if (file_exists($lock)) { if (filemtime($lock) + $this->itemLockExpire < time()) { unlink($lock); return false; } return true; } return false; } /** * Do lock target item * * @param array|string $hashes * @param boolean $autoUnlock * * @return void */ protected function itemLock($hashes, $autoUnlock = true) { if (!elFinder::$commonTempPath) { return; } if (!is_array($hashes)) { $hashes = array($hashes); } foreach ($hashes as $hash) { $lock = elFinder::$commonTempPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::filenameDecontaminate($hash) . '.lock'; if ($this->itemLocked($hash)) { $cnt = file_get_contents($lock) + 1; } else { $cnt = 1; } if (file_put_contents($lock, $cnt, LOCK_EX)) { if ($autoUnlock) { $this->autoUnlocks[] = $hash; } } } } /** * Do unlock target item * * @param string $hash * * @return boolean */ protected function itemUnlock($hash) { if (!$this->itemLocked($hash)) { return true; } $lock = elFinder::$commonTempPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $hash . '.lock'; $cnt = file_get_contents($lock); if (--$cnt < 1) { unlink($lock); return true; } else { file_put_contents($lock, $cnt, LOCK_EX); return false; } } /** * unlock locked items on command completion * * @return void */ public function itemAutoUnlock() { if ($this->autoUnlocks) { foreach ($this->autoUnlocks as $hash) { $this->itemUnlock($hash); } $this->autoUnlocks = array(); } } /** * Ensure directories recursively * * @param object $volume Volume object * @param string $target Target hash * @param array $dirs Array of directory tree to ensure * @param string $path Relative path form target hash * * @return array|false array('stats' => array([stat of maked directory]), 'hashes' => array('[path]' => '[hash]'), 'makes' => array([New directory hashes]), 'error' => array([Error name])) * @author Naoki Sawada **/ protected function ensureDirsRecursively($volume, $target, $dirs, $path = '') { $res = array('stats' => array(), 'hashes' => array(), 'makes' => array(), 'error' => array()); foreach ($dirs as $name => $sub) { $name = (string)$name; $dir = $newDir = null; if ((($parent = $volume->realpath($target)) && ($dir = $volume->dir($volume->getHash($parent, $name)))) || ($newDir = $volume->mkdir($target, $name))) { $_path = $path . '/' . $name; if ($newDir) { $res['makes'][] = $newDir['hash']; $dir = $newDir; } $res['stats'][] = $dir; $res['hashes'][$_path] = $dir['hash']; if (count($sub)) { $res = array_merge_recursive($res, $this->ensureDirsRecursively($volume, $dir['hash'], $sub, $_path)); } } else { $res['error'][] = $name; } } return $res; } /** * Sets the toast error handler. * * @param array $opts The options */ public function setToastErrorHandler($opts) { $this->toastParams = $this->toastParamsDefault; if (!$opts) { restore_error_handler(); } else { $this->toastParams = array_merge($this->toastParams, $opts); set_error_handler(array($this, 'toastErrorHandler')); } } /** * String encode convert to UTF-8 * * @param string $str Input string * * @return string UTF-8 string */ public function utf8Encode($str) { static $mbencode = null; $str = (string) $str; if (@iconv('utf-8', 'utf-8//IGNORE', $str) === $str) { return $str; } if ($this->utf8Encoder) { return $this->utf8Encoder($str); } if ($mbencode === null) { $mbencode = function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') && function_exists('mb_detect_encoding'); } if ($mbencode) { if ($enc = mb_detect_encoding($str, mb_detect_order(), true)) { $_str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', $enc); if (@iconv('utf-8', 'utf-8//IGNORE', $_str) === $_str) { return $_str; } } } return utf8_encode($str); } /***************************************************************************/ /* static utils */ /***************************************************************************/ /** * Return full version of API that this connector supports all functions * * @return string */ public static function getApiFullVersion() { return (string)self::$ApiVersion . '.' . (string)self::$ApiRevision; } /** * Return self::$commonTempPath * * @return string The common temporary path. */ public static function getCommonTempPath() { return self::$commonTempPath; } /** * Return Is Animation Gif * * @param string $path server local path of target image * * @return bool */ public static function isAnimationGif($path) { list(, , $type) = getimagesize($path); switch ($type) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: break; default: return false; } $imgcnt = 0; $fp = fopen($path, 'rb'); fread($fp, 4); $c = fread($fp, 1); if (ord($c) != 0x39) { // GIF89a return false; } while (!feof($fp)) { do { $c = fread($fp, 1); } while (ord($c) != 0x21 && !feof($fp)); if (feof($fp)) { break; } $c2 = fread($fp, 2); if (bin2hex($c2) == "f904") { $imgcnt++; if ($imgcnt === 2) { break; } } if (feof($fp)) { break; } } if ($imgcnt > 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Return Is Animation Png * * @param string $path server local path of target image * * @return bool */ public static function isAnimationPng($path) { list(, , $type) = getimagesize($path); switch ($type) { case IMAGETYPE_PNG: break; default: return false; } $fp = fopen($path, 'rb'); $img_bytes = fread($fp, 1024); fclose($fp); if ($img_bytes) { if (strpos(substr($img_bytes, 0, strpos($img_bytes, 'IDAT')), 'acTL') !== false) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Return Is seekable stream resource * * @param resource $resource * * @return bool */ public static function isSeekableStream($resource) { $metadata = stream_get_meta_data($resource); return $metadata['seekable']; } /** * Rewind stream resource * * @param resource $resource * * @return void */ public static function rewind($resource) { self::isSeekableStream($resource) && rewind($resource); } /** * Determines whether the specified resource is seekable url. * * @param <type> $resource The resource * * @return boolean True if the specified resource is seekable url, False otherwise. */ public static function isSeekableUrl($resource) { $id = (int)$resource; if (isset(elFinder::$seekableUrlFps[$id])) { return elFinder::$seekableUrlFps[$id]; } return null; } /** * serialize and base64_encode of session data (If needed) * * @deprecated * * @param mixed $var target variable * * @author Naoki Sawada * @return mixed|string */ public static function sessionDataEncode($var) { if (self::$base64encodeSessionData) { $var = base64_encode(serialize($var)); } return $var; } /** * base64_decode and unserialize of session data (If needed) * * @deprecated * * @param mixed $var target variable * @param bool $checkIs data type for check (array|string|object|int) * * @author Naoki Sawada * @return bool|mixed */ public static function sessionDataDecode(&$var, $checkIs = null) { if (self::$base64encodeSessionData) { $data = unserialize(base64_decode($var)); } else { $data = $var; } $chk = true; if ($checkIs) { switch ($checkIs) { case 'array': $chk = is_array($data); break; case 'string': $chk = is_string($data); break; case 'object': $chk = is_object($data); break; case 'int': $chk = is_int($data); break; } } if (!$chk) { unset($var); return false; } return $data; } /** * Call session_write_close() if session is restarted * * @deprecated * @return void */ public static function sessionWrite() { if (session_id()) { session_write_close(); } } /** * Return elFinder static variable * * @param $key * * @return mixed|null */ public static function getStaticVar($key) { return isset(elFinder::$$key) ? elFinder::$$key : null; } /** * Extend PHP execution time limit and also check connection is aborted * * @param Int $time * * @return void * @throws elFinderAbortException */ public static function extendTimeLimit($time = null) { static $defLimit = null; if (!self::aborted()) { if (is_null($defLimit)) { $defLimit = ini_get('max_execution_time'); } if ($defLimit != 0) { $time = is_null($time) ? $defLimit : max($defLimit, $time); set_time_limit($time); } } else { throw new elFinderAbortException(); } } /** * Check connection is aborted * Script stop immediately if connection aborted * * @return void * @throws elFinderAbortException */ public static function checkAborted() { elFinder::extendTimeLimit(); } /** * Return bytes from php.ini value * * @param string $iniName * @param string $val * * @return number */ public static function getIniBytes($iniName = '', $val = '') { if ($iniName !== '') { $val = ini_get($iniName); if ($val === false) { return 0; } } $val = trim($val, "bB \t\n\r\0\x0B"); $last = strtolower($val[strlen($val) - 1]); $val = sprintf('%u', $val); switch ($last) { case 'y': $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val); case 'z': $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val); case 'e': $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val); case 'p': $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val); case 't': $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val); case 'g': $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val); case 'm': $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val); case 'k': $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val); } return $val; } /** * Return X 1KByte * * @param integer|string $val The value * * @return number */ public static function xKilobyte($val) { if (strpos((string)$val * 1024, 'E') !== false) { if (strpos((string)$val * 1.024, 'E') === false) { $val *= 1.024; } $val .= '000'; } else { $val *= 1024; } return $val; } /** * Get script url. * * @return string full URL * @author Naoki Sawada */ public static function getConnectorUrl() { if (defined('ELFINDER_CONNECTOR_URL')) { return ELFINDER_CONNECTOR_URL; } $https = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) !== 'off'); $url = ($https ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] // host . ((empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) || (!$https && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80) || ($https && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443)) ? '' : (':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) // port . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // path & query list($url) = explode('?', $url); return $url; } /** * Get stream resource pointer by URL * * @param array $data array('target'=>'URL', 'headers' => array()) * @param int $redirectLimit * * @return resource|boolean * @author Naoki Sawada */ public static function getStreamByUrl($data, $redirectLimit = 5) { if (isset($data['target'])) { $data = array( 'cnt' => 0, 'url' => $data['target'], 'headers' => isset($data['headers']) ? $data['headers'] : array(), 'postData' => isset($data['postData']) ? $data['postData'] : array(), 'cookies' => array(), ); } if ($data['cnt'] > $redirectLimit) { return false; } $dlurl = $data['url']; $data['url'] = ''; $headers = $data['headers']; if ($dlurl) { $url = parse_url($dlurl); $ports = array( 'http' => '80', 'https' => '443', 'ftp' => '21' ); $url['scheme'] = strtolower($url['scheme']); if (!isset($url['port']) && isset($ports[$url['scheme']])) { $url['port'] = $ports[$url['scheme']]; } if (!isset($url['port'])) { return false; } $cookies = array(); if ($data['cookies']) { foreach ($data['cookies'] as $d => $c) { if (strpos($url['host'], $d) !== false) { $cookies[] = $c; } } } $transport = ($url['scheme'] === 'https') ? 'ssl' : 'tcp'; $query = isset($url['query']) ? '?' . $url['query'] : ''; if (!($stream = stream_socket_client($transport . '://' . $url['host'] . ':' . $url['port']))) { return false; } $body = ''; if (!empty($data['postData'])) { $method = 'POST'; if (is_array($data['postData'])) { $body = http_build_query($data['postData']); } else { $body = $data['postData']; } } else { $method = 'GET'; } $sends = array(); $sends[] = "$method {$url['path']}{$query} HTTP/1.1"; $sends[] = "Host: {$url['host']}"; foreach ($headers as $header) { $sends[] = trim($header, "\r\n"); } $sends[] = 'Connection: Close'; if ($cookies) { $sends[] = 'Cookie: ' . implode('; ', $cookies); } if ($method === 'POST') { $sends[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; $sends[] = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($body); } $sends[] = "\r\n" . $body; stream_set_timeout($stream, 300); fputs($stream, join("\r\n", $sends) . "\r\n"); while (($res = trim(fgets($stream))) !== '') { // find redirect if (preg_match('/^Location: (.+)$/i', $res, $m)) { $data['url'] = $m[1]; } // fetch cookie if (strpos($res, 'Set-Cookie:') === 0) { $domain = $url['host']; if (preg_match('/^Set-Cookie:(.+)(?:domain=\s*([^ ;]+))?/i', $res, $c1)) { if (!empty($c1[2])) { $domain = trim($c1[2]); } if (preg_match('/([^ ]+=[^;]+)/', $c1[1], $c2)) { $data['cookies'][$domain] = $c2[1]; } } } // is seekable url if (preg_match('/^(Accept-Ranges|Content-Range): bytes/i', $res)) { elFinder::$seekableUrlFps[(int)$stream] = true; } } if ($data['url']) { ++$data['cnt']; fclose($stream); return self::getStreamByUrl($data, $redirectLimit); } return $stream; } return false; } /** * Gets the fetch cookie file for curl. * * @return string The fetch cookie file. */ public function getFetchCookieFile() { $file = ''; if ($tmpDir = $this->getTempDir()) { $file = $tmpDir . '/.elFinderAnonymousCookie'; } return $file; } /** * Call curl_exec() with supported redirect on `safe_mode` or `open_basedir` * * @param resource $curl * @param array $options * @param array $headers * @param array $postData * * @throws \Exception * @return mixed * @author Naoki Sawada */ public static function curlExec($curl, $options = array(), $headers = array(), $postData = array()) { $followLocation = (!ini_get('safe_mode') && !ini_get('open_basedir')); if ($followLocation) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); } if ($options) { curl_setopt_array($curl, $options); } if ($headers) { curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); } $result = curl_exec($curl); if (!$followLocation && $redirect = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL)) { if ($stream = self::getStreamByUrl(array('target' => $redirect, 'headers' => $headers, 'postData' => $postData))) { $result = stream_get_contents($stream); } } if ($result === false) { if (curl_errno($curl)) { throw new \Exception('curl_exec() failed: ' . curl_error($curl)); } else { throw new \Exception('curl_exec(): empty response'); } } curl_close($curl); return $result; } /** * Return bool that current request was aborted by client side * * @return boolean */ public static function aborted() { if ($file = self::$abortCheckFile) { (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0) ? clearstatcache(true, $file) : clearstatcache(); if (!is_file($file)) { // GC (expire 12h) list($ptn) = explode('elfreq', $file); self::GlobGC($ptn . 'elfreq*', 43200); return true; } } return false; } /** * Return array ["name without extention", "extention"] by filename * * @param string $name * * @return array */ public static function splitFileExtention($name) { if (preg_match('/^(.+?)?\.((?:tar\.(?:gz|bz|bz2|z|lzo))|cpio\.gz|ps\.gz|xcf\.(?:gz|bz2)|[a-z0-9]{1,10})$/i', $name, $m)) { return array((string)$m[1], $m[2]); } else { return array($name, ''); } } /** * Gets the memory size by imageinfo. * * @param array $imgInfo array that result of getimagesize() * * @return integer The memory size by imageinfo. */ public static function getMemorySizeByImageInfo($imgInfo) { $width = $imgInfo[0]; $height = $imgInfo[1]; $bits = isset($imgInfo['bits']) ? $imgInfo['bits'] : 24; $channels = isset($imgInfo['channels']) ? $imgInfo['channels'] : 3; return round(($width * $height * $bits * $channels / 8 + Pow(2, 16)) * 1.65); } /** * Auto expand memory for GD processing * * @param array $imgInfos The image infos */ public static function expandMemoryForGD($imgInfos) { if (elFinder::$memoryLimitGD != 0 && $imgInfos && is_array($imgInfos)) { if (!is_array($imgInfos[0])) { $imgInfos = array($imgInfos); } $limit = self::getIniBytes('', elFinder::$memoryLimitGD); $memLimit = self::getIniBytes('memory_limit'); $needs = 0; foreach ($imgInfos as $info) { $needs += self::getMemorySizeByImageInfo($info); } $needs += memory_get_usage(); if ($needs > $memLimit && ($limit == -1 || $limit > $needs)) { ini_set('memory_limit', $needs); } } } /** * Decontaminate of filename * * @param String $name The name * * @return String Decontaminated filename */ public static function filenameDecontaminate($name) { // Directory traversal defense if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\') { $name = str_replace('\\', '/', $name); } $parts = explode('/', trim($name, '/')); $name = array_pop($parts); return $name; } /** * Execute shell command * * @param string $command command line * @param string $output stdout strings * @param int $return_var process exit code * @param string $error_output stderr strings * @param null $cwd cwd * * @return int exit code * @throws elFinderAbortException * @author Alexey Sukhotin */ public static function procExec($command, &$output = '', &$return_var = -1, &$error_output = '', $cwd = null) { static $allowed = null; if ($allowed === null) { if ($allowed = function_exists('proc_open')) { if ($disabled = ini_get('disable_functions')) { $funcs = array_map('trim', explode(',', $disabled)); $allowed = !in_array('proc_open', $funcs); } } } if (!$allowed) { $return_var = -1; return $return_var; } if (!$command) { $return_var = 0; return $return_var; } $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout 2 => array("pipe", "w") // stderr ); $process = proc_open($command, $descriptorspec, $pipes, $cwd, null); if (is_resource($process)) { stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], 0); stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], 0); fclose($pipes[0]); $tmpout = ''; $tmperr = ''; while (feof($pipes[1]) === false || feof($pipes[2]) === false) { elFinder::extendTimeLimit(); $read = array($pipes[1], $pipes[2]); $write = null; $except = null; $ret = stream_select($read, $write, $except, 1); if ($ret === false) { // error break; } else if ($ret === 0) { // timeout continue; } else { foreach ($read as $sock) { if ($sock === $pipes[1]) { $tmpout .= fread($sock, 4096); } else if ($sock === $pipes[2]) { $tmperr .= fread($sock, 4096); } } } } fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); $output = $tmpout; $error_output = $tmperr; $return_var = proc_close($process); } else { $return_var = -1; } return $return_var; } /***************************************************************************/ /* callbacks */ /***************************************************************************/ /** * Get command name of binded "commandName.subName" * * @param string $cmd * * @return string */ protected static function getCmdOfBind($cmd) { list($ret) = explode('.', $cmd); return trim($ret); } /** * Add subName to commandName * * @param string $cmd * @param string $sub * * @return string */ protected static function addSubToBindName($cmd, $sub) { return $cmd . '.' . trim($sub); } /** * Remove a file if connection is disconnected * * @param string $file */ public static function rmFileInDisconnected($file) { (connection_aborted() || connection_status() !== CONNECTION_NORMAL) && is_file($file) && unlink($file); } /** * Call back function on shutdown * - delete files in $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'] */ public static function onShutdown() { self::$abortCheckFile = null; if (!empty($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFps'])) { foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFps']) as $fp) { is_resource($fp) && fclose($fp); } } if (!empty($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'])) { foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles']) as $f) { is_file($f) && is_writable($f) && unlink($f); } } } /** * Garbage collection with glob * * @param string $pattern * @param integer $time */ public static function GlobGC($pattern, $time) { $now = time(); foreach (glob($pattern) as $file) { (filemtime($file) < ($now - $time)) && unlink($file); } } } // END class /** * Custom exception class for aborting request */ class elFinderAbortException extends Exception { } class elFinderTriggerException extends Exception { }