<?php /** * A doc generator that outputs text-based documentation. * * Output is designed to be displayed in a terminal and is wrapped to 100 characters. * * @author Greg Sherwood <gsherwood@squiz.net> * @copyright 2006-2015 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence */ namespace PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators; class Text extends Generator { /** * Process the documentation for a single sniff. * * @param \DOMNode $doc The DOMNode object for the sniff. * It represents the "documentation" tag in the XML * standard file. * * @return void */ public function processSniff(\DOMNode $doc) { $this->printTitle($doc); foreach ($doc->childNodes as $node) { if ($node->nodeName === 'standard') { $this->printTextBlock($node); } else if ($node->nodeName === 'code_comparison') { $this->printCodeComparisonBlock($node); } } }//end processSniff() /** * Prints the title area for a single sniff. * * @param \DOMNode $doc The DOMNode object for the sniff. * It represents the "documentation" tag in the XML * standard file. * * @return void */ protected function printTitle(\DOMNode $doc) { $title = $this->getTitle($doc); $standard = $this->ruleset->name; echo PHP_EOL; echo str_repeat('-', (strlen("$standard CODING STANDARD: $title") + 4)); echo strtoupper(PHP_EOL."| $standard CODING STANDARD: $title |".PHP_EOL); echo str_repeat('-', (strlen("$standard CODING STANDARD: $title") + 4)); echo PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; }//end printTitle() /** * Print a text block found in a standard. * * @param \DOMNode $node The DOMNode object for the text block. * * @return void */ protected function printTextBlock(\DOMNode $node) { $text = trim($node->nodeValue); $text = str_replace('<em>', '*', $text); $text = str_replace('</em>', '*', $text); $nodeLines = explode("\n", $text); $lines = []; foreach ($nodeLines as $currentLine) { $currentLine = trim($currentLine); if ($currentLine === '') { // The text contained a blank line. Respect this. $lines[] = ''; continue; } $tempLine = ''; $words = explode(' ', $currentLine); foreach ($words as $word) { $currentLength = strlen($tempLine.$word); if ($currentLength < 99) { $tempLine .= $word.' '; continue; } if ($currentLength === 99 || $currentLength === 100) { // We are already at the edge, so we are done. $lines[] = $tempLine.$word; $tempLine = ''; } else { $lines[] = rtrim($tempLine); $tempLine = $word.' '; } }//end foreach if ($tempLine !== '') { $lines[] = rtrim($tempLine); } }//end foreach echo implode(PHP_EOL, $lines).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; }//end printTextBlock() /** * Print a code comparison block found in a standard. * * @param \DOMNode $node The DOMNode object for the code comparison block. * * @return void */ protected function printCodeComparisonBlock(\DOMNode $node) { $codeBlocks = $node->getElementsByTagName('code'); $first = trim($codeBlocks->item(0)->nodeValue); $firstTitle = $codeBlocks->item(0)->getAttribute('title'); $firstTitleLines = []; $tempTitle = ''; $words = explode(' ', $firstTitle); foreach ($words as $word) { if (strlen($tempTitle.$word) >= 45) { if (strlen($tempTitle.$word) === 45) { // Adding the extra space will push us to the edge // so we are done. $firstTitleLines[] = $tempTitle.$word; $tempTitle = ''; } else if (strlen($tempTitle.$word) === 46) { // We are already at the edge, so we are done. $firstTitleLines[] = $tempTitle.$word; $tempTitle = ''; } else { $firstTitleLines[] = $tempTitle; $tempTitle = $word.' '; } } else { $tempTitle .= $word.' '; } }//end foreach if ($tempTitle !== '') { $firstTitleLines[] = $tempTitle; } $first = str_replace('<em>', '', $first); $first = str_replace('</em>', '', $first); $firstLines = explode("\n", $first); $second = trim($codeBlocks->item(1)->nodeValue); $secondTitle = $codeBlocks->item(1)->getAttribute('title'); $secondTitleLines = []; $tempTitle = ''; $words = explode(' ', $secondTitle); foreach ($words as $word) { if (strlen($tempTitle.$word) >= 45) { if (strlen($tempTitle.$word) === 45) { // Adding the extra space will push us to the edge // so we are done. $secondTitleLines[] = $tempTitle.$word; $tempTitle = ''; } else if (strlen($tempTitle.$word) === 46) { // We are already at the edge, so we are done. $secondTitleLines[] = $tempTitle.$word; $tempTitle = ''; } else { $secondTitleLines[] = $tempTitle; $tempTitle = $word.' '; } } else { $tempTitle .= $word.' '; } }//end foreach if ($tempTitle !== '') { $secondTitleLines[] = $tempTitle; } $second = str_replace('<em>', '', $second); $second = str_replace('</em>', '', $second); $secondLines = explode("\n", $second); $maxCodeLines = max(count($firstLines), count($secondLines)); $maxTitleLines = max(count($firstTitleLines), count($secondTitleLines)); echo str_repeat('-', 41); echo ' CODE COMPARISON '; echo str_repeat('-', 42).PHP_EOL; for ($i = 0; $i < $maxTitleLines; $i++) { if (isset($firstTitleLines[$i]) === true) { $firstLineText = $firstTitleLines[$i]; } else { $firstLineText = ''; } if (isset($secondTitleLines[$i]) === true) { $secondLineText = $secondTitleLines[$i]; } else { $secondLineText = ''; } echo '| '; echo $firstLineText.str_repeat(' ', (46 - strlen($firstLineText))); echo ' | '; echo $secondLineText.str_repeat(' ', (47 - strlen($secondLineText))); echo ' |'.PHP_EOL; }//end for echo str_repeat('-', 100).PHP_EOL; for ($i = 0; $i < $maxCodeLines; $i++) { if (isset($firstLines[$i]) === true) { $firstLineText = $firstLines[$i]; } else { $firstLineText = ''; } if (isset($secondLines[$i]) === true) { $secondLineText = $secondLines[$i]; } else { $secondLineText = ''; } echo '| '; echo $firstLineText.str_repeat(' ', max(0, (47 - strlen($firstLineText)))); echo '| '; echo $secondLineText.str_repeat(' ', max(0, (48 - strlen($secondLineText)))); echo '|'.PHP_EOL; }//end for echo str_repeat('-', 100).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; }//end printCodeComparisonBlock() }//end class