<?php namespace Action_Scheduler\Migration; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; class Runner { private $source_store; private $destination_store; private $source_logger; private $destination_logger; private $batch_fetcher; private $action_migrator; private $log_migrator; private $progress_bar; public function __construct( Config $config ) { $this->source_store = $config->get_source_store(); $this->destination_store = $config->get_destination_store(); $this->source_logger = $config->get_source_logger(); $this->destination_logger = $config->get_destination_logger(); $this->batch_fetcher = new BatchFetcher( $this->source_store ); if ( $config->get_dry_run() ) { $this->log_migrator = new DryRun_LogMigrator( $this->source_logger, $this->destination_logger ); $this->action_migrator = new DryRun_ActionMigrator( $this->source_store, $this->destination_store, $this->log_migrator ); } else { $this->log_migrator = new LogMigrator( $this->source_logger, $this->destination_logger ); $this->action_migrator = new ActionMigrator( $this->source_store, $this->destination_store, $this->log_migrator ); } if ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) && WP_CLI ) { $this->progress_bar = $config->get_progress_bar(); } } public function run( $batch_size = 10 ) { $batch = $this->batch_fetcher->fetch( $batch_size ); $batch_size = count( $batch ); if ( ! $batch_size ) { return 0; } if ( $this->progress_bar ) { $this->progress_bar->set_message( sprintf( _n( 'Migrating %d action', 'Migrating %d actions', $batch_size, 'action-scheduler' ), number_format_i18n( $batch_size ) ) ); $this->progress_bar->set_count( $batch_size ); } $this->migrate_actions( $batch ); return $batch_size; } public function migrate_actions( array $action_ids ) { do_action( 'action_scheduler/migration_batch_starting', $action_ids ); \ActionScheduler::logger()->unhook_stored_action(); $this->destination_logger->unhook_stored_action(); foreach ( $action_ids as $source_action_id ) { $destination_action_id = $this->action_migrator->migrate( $source_action_id ); if ( $destination_action_id ) { $this->destination_logger->log( $destination_action_id, sprintf( __( 'Migrated action with ID %1$d in %2$s to ID %3$d in %4$s', 'action-scheduler' ), $source_action_id, get_class( $this->source_store ), $destination_action_id, get_class( $this->destination_store ) ) ); } if ( $this->progress_bar ) { $this->progress_bar->tick(); } } if ( $this->progress_bar ) { $this->progress_bar->finish(); } \ActionScheduler::logger()->hook_stored_action(); do_action( 'action_scheduler/migration_batch_complete', $action_ids ); } public function init_destination() { $this->destination_store->init(); $this->destination_logger->init(); } }