<documentation title="Precision Alignment"> <standard> <![CDATA[ Line indentation should only use tabs. Precision alignment with spaces after the tabs is strongly discouraged. ]]> </standard> <code_comparison> <code title="Valid: only tabstops used for indentation."> <![CDATA[ <em>[tab]</em>$var = true; ]]> </code> <code title="Invalid: precision alignment of 2 spaces."> <![CDATA[ <em>[space][space]</em>$var = true; ]]> </code> </code_comparison> <code_comparison> <code title="Valid: four spaces counts as a tab, the replacement of these will be handled by another sniff."> <![CDATA[ <em>[tab][space][space][space][space]</em>$var = true; ]]> </code> <code title="Invalid: precision alignment of 3 spaces."> <![CDATA[ <em>[tab][space][space][space]</em>$var = true; ]]> </code> </code_comparison> </documentation>