<?php namespace MailPoet\Entities; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; use MailPoet\Doctrine\EntityTraits\AutoincrementedIdTrait; use MailPoet\Doctrine\EntityTraits\CreatedAtTrait; use MailPoet\Doctrine\EntityTraits\SafeToOneAssociationLoadTrait; use MailPoet\Doctrine\EntityTraits\UpdatedAtTrait; use MailPoetVendor\Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection; use MailPoetVendor\Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; /** * @ORM\Entity() * @ORM\Table(name="newsletter_links") */ class NewsletterLinkEntity { use AutoincrementedIdTrait; use CreatedAtTrait; use UpdatedAtTrait; use SafeToOneAssociationLoadTrait; public const UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK_SHORT_CODE = '[link:subscription_unsubscribe_url]'; public const INSTANT_UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK_SHORT_CODE = '[link:subscription_instant_unsubscribe_url]'; /** * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="MailPoet\Entities\NewsletterEntity") * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="newsletter_id", referencedColumnName="id") * @var NewsletterEntity|null */ private $newsletter; /** * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="MailPoet\Entities\SendingQueueEntity") * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="queue_id", referencedColumnName="id") * @var SendingQueueEntity|null */ private $queue; /** * @ORM\Column(type="string") * @var string */ private $url; /** * @ORM\Column(type="string") * @var string */ private $hash; /** * Extra lazy is here for `getTotalClicksCount`. * If we didn't specify extra lazy the function would load all clicks and count them. This way it uses a single count query. * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="MailPoet\Entities\StatisticsClickEntity", mappedBy="link", fetch="EXTRA_LAZY") * * @var ArrayCollection<int, StatisticsClickEntity> */ private $clicks; public function __construct( NewsletterEntity $newsletter, SendingQueueEntity $queue, string $url, string $hash ) { $this->newsletter = $newsletter; $this->queue = $queue; $this->url = $url; $this->hash = $hash; } /** * @return NewsletterEntity|null */ public function getNewsletter() { $this->safelyLoadToOneAssociation('newsletter'); return $this->newsletter; } /** * @return SendingQueueEntity|null */ public function getQueue() { $this->safelyLoadToOneAssociation('queue'); return $this->queue; } public function getUrl(): string { return $this->url; } public function getHash(): string { return $this->hash; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalClicksCount() { return $this->clicks->count(); } public function toArray(): array { return [ 'id' => $this->getId(), 'newsletter_id' => ($this->getNewsletter() instanceof NewsletterEntity) ? $this->getNewsletter()->getId() : null, 'queue_id' => ($this->getQueue() instanceof SendingQueueEntity) ? $this->getQueue()->getId() : null, 'url' => $this->getUrl(), 'hash' => $this->getHash(), 'created_at' => $this->getCreatedAt(), 'updated_at' => $this->getUpdatedAt(), ]; } }