<?php /** * Generic migration class to move any entity, entity_meta table combination to custom table. */ namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Database\Migrations; /** * Base class for implementing migrations from the standard WordPress meta table * to custom structured tables. * * @package Automattic\WooCommerce\Database\Migrations\CustomOrderTable */ abstract class MetaToCustomTableMigrator extends TableMigrator { /** * Config for tables being migrated and migrated from. See __construct() for detailed config. * * @var array */ protected $schema_config; /** * Meta config, see __construct for detailed config. * * @var array */ protected $meta_column_mapping; /** * Column mapping from source table to destination custom table. See __construct for detailed config. * * @var array */ protected $core_column_mapping; /** * MetaToCustomTableMigrator constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->schema_config = MigrationHelper::escape_schema_for_backtick( $this->get_schema_config() ); $this->meta_column_mapping = $this->get_meta_column_config(); $this->core_column_mapping = $this->get_core_column_mapping(); } /** * Specify schema config the source and destination table. * * @return array Schema, must of the form: * array( 'source' => array( 'entity' => array( 'table_name' => $source_table_name, 'meta_rel_column' => $column_meta, Name of column in source table which is referenced by meta table. 'destination_rel_column' => $column_dest, Name of column in source table which is refenced by destination table, 'primary_key' => $primary_key, Primary key of the source table ), 'meta' => array( 'table' => $meta_table_name, 'meta_key_column' => $meta_key_column_name, 'meta_value_column' => $meta_value_column_name, 'entity_id_column' => $entity_id_column, Name of the column having entity IDs. ), ), 'destination' => array( 'table_name' => $table_name, Name of destination table, 'source_rel_column' => $column_source_id, Name of the column in destination table which is referenced by source table. 'primary_key' => $table_primary_key, 'primary_key_type' => $type bool|int|string|decimal ) */ abstract protected function get_schema_config(): array; /** * Specify column config from the source table. * * @return array Config, must be of the form: * array( * '$source_column_name_1' => array( // $source_column_name_1 is column name in source table, or a select statement. * 'type' => 'type of value, could be string/int/date/float.', * 'destination' => 'name of the column in column name where this data should be inserted in.', * ), * '$source_column_name_2' => array( * ...... * ), * .... * ). */ abstract protected function get_core_column_mapping(): array; /** * Specify meta keys config from source meta table. * * @return array Config, must be of the form. * array( * '$meta_key_1' => array( // $meta_key_1 is the name of meta_key in source meta table. * 'type' => 'type of value, could be string/int/date/float', * 'destination' => 'name of the column in column name where this data should be inserted in.', * ), * '$meta_key_2' => array( * ...... * ), * .... * ). */ abstract protected function get_meta_column_config(): array; /** * Generate SQL for data insertion. * * @param array $batch Data to generate queries for. Will be 'data' array returned by `$this->fetch_data_for_migration_for_ids()` method. * * @return string Generated queries for insertion for this batch, would be of the form: * INSERT IGNORE INTO $table_name ($columns) values * ($value for row 1) * ($value for row 2) * ... */ private function generate_insert_sql_for_batch( array $batch ): string { $table = $this->schema_config['destination']['table_name']; list( $value_sql, $column_sql ) = $this->generate_column_clauses( array_merge( $this->core_column_mapping, $this->meta_column_mapping ), $batch ); return "INSERT IGNORE INTO $table (`$column_sql`) VALUES $value_sql;"; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared, -- $insert_query is hardcoded, $value_sql is already escaped. } /** * Generate SQL for data updating. * * @param array $batch Data to generate queries for. Will be `data` array returned by fetch_data_for_migration_for_ids() method. * * @param array $entity_row_mapping Maps rows to update data with their original IDs. Will be returned by `generate_update_sql_for_batch`. * * @return string Generated queries for batch update. Would be of the form: * INSERT INTO $table ( $columns ) VALUES * ($value for row 1) * ($valye for row 2) * ... * ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE * $column1 = VALUES($column1) * $column2 = VALUES($column2) * ... */ private function generate_update_sql_for_batch( array $batch, array $entity_row_mapping ): string { $table = $this->schema_config['destination']['table_name']; $destination_primary_id_schema = $this->get_destination_table_primary_id_schema(); foreach ( $batch as $entity_id => $row ) { $batch[ $entity_id ][ $destination_primary_id_schema['destination_primary_key']['destination'] ] = $entity_row_mapping[ $entity_id ]->destination_id; } list( $value_sql, $column_sql, $columns ) = $this->generate_column_clauses( array_merge( $destination_primary_id_schema, $this->core_column_mapping, $this->meta_column_mapping ), $batch ); $duplicate_update_key_statement = MigrationHelper::generate_on_duplicate_statement_clause( $columns ); return "INSERT INTO $table (`$column_sql`) VALUES $value_sql $duplicate_update_key_statement;"; } /** * Generate schema for primary ID column of destination table. * * @return array[] Schema for primary ID column. */ private function get_destination_table_primary_id_schema(): array { return array( 'destination_primary_key' => array( 'destination' => $this->schema_config['destination']['primary_key'], 'type' => $this->schema_config['destination']['primary_key_type'], ), ); } /** * Generate values and columns clauses to be used in INSERT and INSERT..ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements. * * @param array $columns_schema Columns config for destination table. * @param array $batch Actual data to migrate as returned by `data` in `fetch_data_for_migration_for_ids` method. * * @return array SQL clause for values, columns placeholders, and columns. */ private function generate_column_clauses( array $columns_schema, array $batch ): array { global $wpdb; $columns = array(); $placeholders = array(); foreach ( $columns_schema as $prev_column => $schema ) { if ( in_array( $schema['destination'], $columns, true ) ) { continue; } $columns[] = $schema['destination']; $placeholders[] = MigrationHelper::get_wpdb_placeholder_for_type( $schema['type'] ); } $placeholders = "'" . implode( "', '", $placeholders ) . "'"; $values = array(); foreach ( array_values( $batch ) as $row ) { $query_params = array(); foreach ( $columns as $column ) { $query_params[] = $row[ $column ] ?? null; } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared -- $placeholders can only contain combination of placeholders described in MigrationHelper::get_wpdb_placeholder_for_type $value_string = '(' . $wpdb->prepare( $placeholders, $query_params ) . ')'; $values[] = $value_string; } $value_sql = implode( ',', $values ); $column_sql = implode( '`, `', $columns ); return array( $value_sql, $column_sql, $columns ); } /** * Migrate a batch of entities from the posts table to the corresponding table. * * @param array $entity_ids Ids of entities to migrate. * * @return void */ protected function process_migration_batch_for_ids_core( array $entity_ids ): void { $data = $this->fetch_data_for_migration_for_ids( $entity_ids ); foreach ( $data['errors'] as $entity_id => $errors ) { foreach ( $errors as $column_name => $error_message ) { $this->add_error( "Error importing data for post with id $entity_id: column $column_name: $error_message" ); } } if ( count( $data['data'] ) === 0 ) { return; } $entity_ids = array_keys( $data['data'] ); $existing_records = $this->get_already_existing_records( $entity_ids ); $to_insert = array_diff_key( $data['data'], $existing_records ); $this->process_insert_batch( $to_insert ); $existing_records = array_filter( $existing_records, function( $record_data ) { return '1' === $record_data->modified; } ); $to_update = array_intersect_key( $data['data'], $existing_records ); $this->process_update_batch( $to_update, $existing_records ); } /** * Process batch for insertion into destination table. * * @param array $batch Data to insert, will be of the form as returned by `data` in `fetch_data_for_migration_for_ids`. */ private function process_insert_batch( array $batch ): void { if ( 0 === count( $batch ) ) { return; } $queries = $this->generate_insert_sql_for_batch( $batch ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared -- Queries should already be prepared. $processed_rows_count = $this->db_query( $queries ); $this->maybe_add_insert_or_update_error( 'insert', $processed_rows_count ); } /** * Process batch for update into destination table. * * @param array $batch Data to insert, will be of the form as returned by `data` in `fetch_data_for_migration_for_ids`. * @param array $ids_mapping Maps rows to update data with their original IDs. */ private function process_update_batch( array $batch, array $ids_mapping ): void { if ( 0 === count( $batch ) ) { return; } $queries = $this->generate_update_sql_for_batch( $batch, $ids_mapping ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared -- Queries should already be prepared. $processed_rows_count = $this->db_query( $queries ) / 2; $this->maybe_add_insert_or_update_error( 'update', $processed_rows_count ); } /** * Fetch data for migration. * * @param array $entity_ids Entity IDs to fetch data for. * * @return array[] Data along with errors (if any), will of the form: * array( * 'data' => array( * 'id_1' => array( 'column1' => value1, 'column2' => value2, ...), * ..., * ), * 'errors' => array( * 'id_1' => array( 'column1' => error1, 'column2' => value2, ...), * ..., * ) */ private function fetch_data_for_migration_for_ids( array $entity_ids ): array { if ( empty( $entity_ids ) ) { return array( 'data' => array(), 'errors' => array(), ); } $entity_table_query = $this->build_entity_table_query( $entity_ids ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared -- Output of $this->build_entity_table_query is already prepared. $entity_data = $this->db_get_results( $entity_table_query ); if ( empty( $entity_data ) ) { return array( 'data' => array(), 'errors' => array(), ); } $entity_meta_rel_ids = array_column( $entity_data, 'entity_meta_rel_id' ); $meta_table_query = $this->build_meta_data_query( $entity_meta_rel_ids ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared -- Output of $this->build_meta_data_query is already prepared. $meta_data = $this->db_get_results( $meta_table_query ); return $this->process_and_sanitize_data( $entity_data, $meta_data ); } /** * Fetch id mappings for records that are already inserted in the destination table. * * @param array $entity_ids List of entity IDs to verify. * * @return array Already migrated entities, would be of the form * array( * '$source_id1' => array( * 'source_id' => $source_id1, * 'destination_id' => $destination_id1 * 'modified' => 0 if it can be determined that the row doesn't need update, 1 otherwise * ), * ... * ) */ protected function get_already_existing_records( array $entity_ids ): array { global $wpdb; $source_table = $this->schema_config['source']['entity']['table_name']; $source_destination_join_column = $this->schema_config['source']['entity']['destination_rel_column']; $source_primary_key_column = $this->schema_config['source']['entity']['primary_key']; $destination_table = $this->schema_config['destination']['table_name']; $destination_source_join_column = $this->schema_config['destination']['source_rel_column']; $destination_primary_key_column = $this->schema_config['destination']['primary_key']; $entity_id_placeholder = implode( ',', array_fill( 0, count( $entity_ids ), '%d' ) ); // Additional SQL to check if the row needs update according to the column mapping. // The IFNULL and CHAR(0) "hack" is needed because NULLs can't be directly compared in SQL. $modified_selector = array(); $core_column_mapping = array_filter( $this->core_column_mapping, function( $mapping ) { return ! isset( $mapping['select_clause'] ); } ); foreach ( $core_column_mapping as $column_name => $mapping ) { if ( $column_name === $source_primary_key_column ) { continue; } $modified_selector[] = "IFNULL(source.$column_name,CHAR(0)) != IFNULL(destination.{$mapping['destination']},CHAR(0))" . ( 'string' === $mapping['type'] ? ' COLLATE ' . $wpdb->collate : '' ); } if ( empty( $modified_selector ) ) { $modified_selector = ', 1 AS modified'; } else { $modified_selector = trim( implode( ' OR ', $modified_selector ) ); $modified_selector = ", if( $modified_selector, 1, 0 ) AS modified"; } $additional_where = $this->get_additional_where_clause_for_get_data_to_insert_or_update( $entity_ids ); $already_migrated_entity_ids = $this->db_get_results( $wpdb->prepare( // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared, WordPress.DB.PreparedSQLPlaceholders.UnfinishedPrepare -- All columns and table names are hardcoded. " SELECT source.`$source_primary_key_column` as source_id, destination.`$destination_primary_key_column` as destination_id $modified_selector FROM `$destination_table` destination JOIN `$source_table` source ON source.`$source_destination_join_column` = destination.`$destination_source_join_column` WHERE source.`$source_primary_key_column` IN ( $entity_id_placeholder ) $additional_where ", $entity_ids ) // phpcs:enable ); return array_column( $already_migrated_entity_ids, null, 'source_id' ); } /** * Get additional string to be appended to the WHERE clause of the SQL query used by get_data_to_insert_or_update. * * @param array $entity_ids The ids of the entities being inserted or updated. * @return string Additional string for the WHERE clause, must either be empty or start with "AND" or "OR". */ protected function get_additional_where_clause_for_get_data_to_insert_or_update( array $entity_ids ): string { return ''; } /** * Helper method to build query used to fetch data from core source table. * * @param array $entity_ids List of entity IDs to fetch. * * @return string Query that can be used to fetch data. */ private function build_entity_table_query( array $entity_ids ): string { global $wpdb; $source_entity_table = $this->schema_config['source']['entity']['table_name']; $source_meta_rel_id_column = "`$source_entity_table`.`{$this->schema_config['source']['entity']['meta_rel_column']}`"; $source_primary_key_column = "`$source_entity_table`.`{$this->schema_config['source']['entity']['primary_key']}`"; $where_clause = "$source_primary_key_column IN (" . implode( ',', array_fill( 0, count( $entity_ids ), '%d' ) ) . ')'; $entity_keys = array(); foreach ( $this->core_column_mapping as $column_name => $column_schema ) { if ( isset( $column_schema['select_clause'] ) ) { $select_clause = $column_schema['select_clause']; $entity_keys[] = "$select_clause AS $column_name"; } else { $entity_keys[] = "$source_entity_table.$column_name"; } } $entity_column_string = implode( ', ', $entity_keys ); // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared, WordPress.DB.PreparedSQLPlaceholders.UnfinishedPrepare -- $source_meta_rel_id_column, $source_destination_rel_id_column etc is escaped for backticks. $where clause and $order_by should already be escaped. $query = $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT $source_meta_rel_id_column as entity_meta_rel_id, $source_primary_key_column as primary_key_id, $entity_column_string FROM `$source_entity_table` WHERE $where_clause; ", $entity_ids ); // phpcs:enable return $query; } /** * Helper method to build query that will be used to fetch data from source meta table. * * @param array $entity_ids List of IDs to fetch metadata for. * * @return string Query for fetching meta data. */ private function build_meta_data_query( array $entity_ids ): string { global $wpdb; $meta_table = $this->schema_config['source']['meta']['table_name']; $meta_keys = array_keys( $this->meta_column_mapping ); $meta_key_column = $this->schema_config['source']['meta']['meta_key_column']; $meta_value_column = $this->schema_config['source']['meta']['meta_value_column']; $meta_table_relational_key = $this->schema_config['source']['meta']['entity_id_column']; $meta_column_string = implode( ', ', array_fill( 0, count( $meta_keys ), '%s' ) ); $entity_id_string = implode( ', ', array_fill( 0, count( $entity_ids ), '%d' ) ); // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared, WordPress.DB.PreparedSQLPlaceholders.UnfinishedPrepare -- $meta_table_relational_key, $meta_key_column, $meta_value_column and $meta_table is escaped for backticks. $entity_id_string and $meta_column_string are placeholders. $query = $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT `$meta_table_relational_key` as entity_id, `$meta_key_column` as meta_key, `$meta_value_column` as meta_value FROM `$meta_table` WHERE `$meta_table_relational_key` IN ( $entity_id_string ) AND `$meta_key_column` IN ( $meta_column_string ); ", array_merge( $entity_ids, $meta_keys ) ); // phpcs:enable return $query; } /** * Helper function to validate and combine data before we try to insert. * * @param array $entity_data Data from source table. * @param array $meta_data Data from meta table. * * @return array[] Validated and combined data with errors. */ private function process_and_sanitize_data( array $entity_data, array $meta_data ): array { $sanitized_entity_data = array(); $error_records = array(); $this->process_and_sanitize_entity_data( $sanitized_entity_data, $error_records, $entity_data ); $this->processs_and_sanitize_meta_data( $sanitized_entity_data, $error_records, $meta_data ); return array( 'data' => $sanitized_entity_data, 'errors' => $error_records, ); } /** * Helper method to sanitize core source table. * * @param array $sanitized_entity_data Array containing sanitized data for insertion. * @param array $error_records Error records. * @param array $entity_data Original source data. */ private function process_and_sanitize_entity_data( array &$sanitized_entity_data, array &$error_records, array $entity_data ): void { foreach ( $entity_data as $entity ) { $row_data = array(); foreach ( $this->core_column_mapping as $column_name => $schema ) { $custom_table_column_name = $schema['destination'] ?? $column_name; $value = $entity->$column_name; $value = $this->validate_data( $value, $schema['type'] ); if ( is_wp_error( $value ) ) { $error_records[ $entity->primary_key_id ][ $custom_table_column_name ] = $value->get_error_code(); } else { $row_data[ $custom_table_column_name ] = $value; } } $sanitized_entity_data[ $entity->entity_meta_rel_id ] = $row_data; } } /** * Helper method to sanitize soure meta data. * * @param array $sanitized_entity_data Array containing sanitized data for insertion. * @param array $error_records Error records. * @param array $meta_data Original source data. */ private function processs_and_sanitize_meta_data( array &$sanitized_entity_data, array &$error_records, array $meta_data ): void { foreach ( $meta_data as $datum ) { $column_schema = $this->meta_column_mapping[ $datum->meta_key ]; $value = $this->validate_data( $datum->meta_value, $column_schema['type'] ); if ( is_wp_error( $value ) ) { $error_records[ $datum->entity_id ][ $column_schema['destination'] ] = "{$value->get_error_code()}: {$value->get_error_message()}"; } else { $sanitized_entity_data[ $datum->entity_id ][ $column_schema['destination'] ] = $value; } } } /** * Validate and transform data so that we catch as many errors as possible before inserting. * * @param mixed $value Actual data value. * @param string $type Type of data, could be decimal, int, date, string. * * @return float|int|mixed|string|\WP_Error */ private function validate_data( $value, string $type ) { switch ( $type ) { case 'decimal': $value = wc_format_decimal( $value, false, true ); break; case 'int': $value = (int) $value; break; case 'bool': $value = wc_string_to_bool( $value ); break; case 'date': try { if ( '' === $value ) { $value = null; } else { $value = ( new \DateTime( $value ) )->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); } } catch ( \Exception $e ) { return new \WP_Error( $e->getMessage() ); } break; case 'date_epoch': try { if ( '' === $value ) { $value = null; } else { $value = ( new \DateTime( "@$value" ) )->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); } } catch ( \Exception $e ) { return new \WP_Error( $e->getMessage() ); } break; } return $value; } /** * Verify whether data was migrated properly for given IDs. * * @param array $source_ids List of source IDs. * * @return array List of IDs along with columns that failed to migrate. */ public function verify_migrated_data( array $source_ids ) : array { global $wpdb; $query = $this->build_verification_query( $source_ids ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared -- $query should already be prepared. $results = $wpdb->get_results( $query, ARRAY_A ); return $this->verify_data( $results ); } /** * Generate query to fetch data from both source and destination tables. Use the results in `verify_data` to verify if data was migrated properly. * * @param array $source_ids Array of IDs in source table. * * @return string SELECT statement. */ protected function build_verification_query( $source_ids ) { $source_table = $this->schema_config['source']['entity']['table_name']; $meta_table = $this->schema_config['source']['meta']['table_name']; $destination_table = $this->schema_config['destination']['table_name']; $meta_entity_id_column = $this->schema_config['source']['meta']['entity_id_column']; $meta_key_column = $this->schema_config['source']['meta']['meta_key_column']; $meta_value_column = $this->schema_config['source']['meta']['meta_value_column']; $destination_source_rel_column = $this->schema_config['destination']['source_rel_column']; $source_destination_rel_column = $this->schema_config['source']['entity']['destination_rel_column']; $source_meta_rel_column = $this->schema_config['source']['entity']['meta_rel_column']; $source_destination_join_clause = "$destination_table ON $destination_table.$destination_source_rel_column = $source_table.$source_destination_rel_column"; $meta_select_clauses = array(); $meta_join_clauses = array(); $source_select_clauses = array(); $destination_select_clauses = array(); foreach ( $this->core_column_mapping as $column_name => $schema ) { $source_select_column = isset( $schema['select_clause'] ) ? $schema['select_clause'] : "$source_table.$column_name"; $source_select_clauses[] = "$source_select_column as {$source_table}_{$column_name}"; $destination_select_clauses[] = "$destination_table.{$schema['destination']} as {$destination_table}_{$schema['destination']}"; } foreach ( $this->meta_column_mapping as $meta_key => $schema ) { $meta_table_alias = "meta_source_{$schema['destination']}"; $meta_select_clauses[] = "$meta_table_alias.$meta_value_column AS $meta_table_alias"; $meta_join_clauses[] = " $meta_table $meta_table_alias ON $meta_table_alias.$meta_entity_id_column = $source_table.$source_meta_rel_column AND $meta_table_alias.$meta_key_column = '$meta_key' "; $destination_select_clauses[] = "$destination_table.{$schema['destination']} as {$destination_table}_{$schema['destination']}"; } $select_clause = implode( ', ', array_merge( $source_select_clauses, $meta_select_clauses, $destination_select_clauses ) ); $meta_join_clause = implode( ' LEFT JOIN ', $meta_join_clauses ); $where_clause = $this->get_where_clause_for_verification( $source_ids ); return " SELECT $select_clause FROM $source_table LEFT JOIN $source_destination_join_clause LEFT JOIN $meta_join_clause WHERE $where_clause "; } /** * Helper function to generate where clause for fetching data for verification. * * @param array $source_ids Array of IDs from source table. * * @return string WHERE clause. */ protected function get_where_clause_for_verification( $source_ids ) { global $wpdb; $source_primary_id_column = $this->schema_config['source']['entity']['primary_key']; $source_table = $this->schema_config['source']['entity']['table_name']; $source_ids_placeholder = implode( ', ', array_fill( 0, count( $source_ids ), '%d' ) ); return $wpdb->prepare( // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared, WordPress.DB.PreparedSQLPlaceholders.UnfinishedPrepare "$source_table.$source_primary_id_column IN ($source_ids_placeholder)", $source_ids ); } /** * Verify data from both source and destination tables and check if they were migrated properly. * * @param array $collected_data Collected data in array format, should be in same structure as returned from query in `$this->build_verification_query`. * * @return array Array of failed IDs if any, along with columns/meta_key names. */ protected function verify_data( $collected_data ) { $failed_ids = array(); foreach ( $collected_data as $row ) { $failed_ids = $this->verify_entity_columns( $row, $failed_ids ); $failed_ids = $this->verify_meta_columns( $row, $failed_ids ); } return $failed_ids; } /** * Helper method to verify and compare core columns. * * @param array $row Both migrated and source data for a single row. * @param array $failed_ids Array of failed IDs. * * @return array Array of failed IDs if any, along with columns/meta_key names. */ private function verify_entity_columns( $row, $failed_ids ) { $primary_key_column = "{$this->schema_config['source']['entity']['table_name']}_{$this->schema_config['source']['entity']['primary_key']}"; foreach ( $this->core_column_mapping as $column_name => $schema ) { $source_alias = "{$this->schema_config['source']['entity']['table_name']}_$column_name"; $destination_alias = "{$this->schema_config['destination']['table_name']}_{$schema['destination']}"; $row = $this->pre_process_row( $row, $schema, $source_alias, $destination_alias ); if ( $row[ $source_alias ] !== $row[ $destination_alias ] ) { if ( ! isset( $failed_ids[ $row[ $primary_key_column ] ] ) ) { $failed_ids[ $row[ $primary_key_column ] ] = array(); } $failed_ids[ $row[ $primary_key_column ] ][] = array( 'column' => $column_name, 'original_value' => $row[ $source_alias ], 'new_value' => $row[ $destination_alias ], ); } } return $failed_ids; } /** * Helper method to verify meta columns. * * @param array $row Both migrated and source data for a single row. * @param array $failed_ids Array of failed IDs. * * @return array Array of failed IDs if any, along with columns/meta_key names. */ private function verify_meta_columns( $row, $failed_ids ) { $primary_key_column = "{$this->schema_config['source']['entity']['table_name']}_{$this->schema_config['source']['entity']['primary_key']}"; foreach ( $this->meta_column_mapping as $meta_key => $schema ) { $meta_alias = "meta_source_{$schema['destination']}"; $destination_alias = "{$this->schema_config['destination']['table_name']}_{$schema['destination']}"; $row = $this->pre_process_row( $row, $schema, $meta_alias, $destination_alias ); if ( $row[ $meta_alias ] !== $row[ $destination_alias ] ) { if ( ! isset( $failed_ids[ $row[ $primary_key_column ] ] ) ) { $failed_ids[ $row[ $primary_key_column ] ] = array(); } $failed_ids[ $row[ $primary_key_column ] ][] = array( 'column' => $meta_key, 'original_value' => $row[ $meta_alias ], 'new_value' => $row[ $destination_alias ], ); } } return $failed_ids; } /** * Helper method to pre-process rows to make sure we parse the correct type. * * @param array $row Both migrated and source data for a single row. * @param array $schema Column schema. * @param string $alias Name of source column. * @param string $destination_alias Name of destination column. * * @return array Processed row. */ private function pre_process_row( $row, $schema, $alias, $destination_alias ) { if ( in_array( $schema['type'], array( 'int', 'decimal' ), true ) ) { if ( '' === $row[ $alias ] || null === $row[ $alias ] ) { $row[ $alias ] = 0; // $wpdb->prepare forces empty values to 0. } $row[ $alias ] = wc_format_decimal( $row[ $alias ], false, true ); $row[ $destination_alias ] = wc_format_decimal( $row[ $destination_alias ], false, true ); } if ( 'bool' === $schema['type'] ) { $row[ $alias ] = wc_string_to_bool( $row[ $alias ] ); $row[ $destination_alias ] = wc_string_to_bool( $row[ $destination_alias ] ); } if ( 'date_epoch' === $schema['type'] ) { if ( '' === $row[ $alias ] || null === $row[ $alias ] ) { $row[ $alias ] = null; } else { $row[ $alias ] = ( new \DateTime( "@{$row[ $alias ]}" ) )->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); } if ( '0000-00-00 00:00:00' === $row[ $destination_alias ] ) { $row[ $destination_alias ] = null; } } if ( is_null( $row[ $alias ] ) ) { $row[ $alias ] = $this->get_type_defaults( $schema['type'] ); } return $row; } /** * Helper method to get default value of a type. * * @param string $type Type. * * @return mixed Default value. */ private function get_type_defaults( $type ) { switch ( $type ) { case 'float': case 'int': return 0; case 'string': return ''; } } }