<?php if ($something) echo 'hello'; if ($something) { echo 'hello'; } else echo 'hi'; if ($something) { echo 'hello'; } else if ($else) echo 'hi'; foreach ($something as $thing) echo 'hello'; for ($i; $i > 0; $i--) echo 'hello'; while ($something) echo 'hello'; do { $i--; } while ($something); if(true) $someObject->{$name}; if (true) : $foo = true; endif; while (true) : $foo = true; endwhile; for ($i; $i > 0; $i--) : echo 'hello'; endfor; foreach ($array as $element) : echo 'hello'; endforeach; while (!$this->readLine($tokens, $tag)); while (!$this->readLine($tokens, $tag)); //skip to end of file foreach ($cookies as $cookie) if ($cookie->match($uri, $matchSessionCookies, $now)) $ret[] = $cookie; foreach ($stringParade as $hit) $hitParade[] = $hit + 0; //cast to integer if ($foo) : echo 'true'; elseif ($something) : echo 'foo'; else: echo 'false'; endif; function test() { if ($a) $a.=' '.($b ? 'b' : ($c ? ($d ? 'd' : 'c') : '')); } if ($a) foreach ($b as $c) { if ($d) { $e=$f; $g=$h; } elseif ($i==0) { $j=$k; } } ?> <div style="text-align: right;"> <?php if ($model->scenario == 'simple') $widget->renderPager() ?> </div> <?php switch ($this->error): case Shop_Customer :: ERROR_INVALID_GENDER: ?> Ung&uuml;ltiges Geschlecht! <?php break; case Shop_Customer :: ERROR_EMAIL_IN_USE: ?> Die eingetragene E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits registriert. <?php break; endswitch; if ($this->allowShopping !== true): if ($this->status != Shop_Cart :: OK): switch ($this->status): case Shop_Cart :: NOT_FOUND: echo 'foo'; endswitch; endif; else: echo 'foo'; endif; // ELSE IF split over multiple lines (not inline) if ($test) { } else if ($test) { } else { } switch($response = \Bar::baz('bat', function ($foo) { return 'bar'; })) { case 1: return 'test'; case 2: return 'other'; } $stuff = [1,2,3]; foreach($stuff as $num) if ($num %2 ) { echo "even"; } else { echo "odd"; } $i = 0; foreach($stuff as $num) do { echo $i; $i++; } while ($i < 5); foreach($stuff as $num) if (true) { echo "true1\n"; } if (true) { echo "true2\n"; } if ($foo) echo 'foo'; elseif ($bar) echo 'bar'; else echo 'baz'; switch ($type) { case 1: if ($foo) { return true; } elseif ($baz) return true; else { echo 'else'; } break; } foreach ($sql as $s) if (!$this->execute) echo "<pre>",$s.";\n</pre>"; else { $ok = $this->connDest->Execute($s); if (!$ok) if ($this->neverAbort) $ret = false; else return false; } if ($bar) if ($foo) echo 'hi'; // lol if ($level == 'district') \DB::update(<<<EOD some text here EOD ); if ($level == 'district') $var = <<<EOD some text here EOD; if ($a && $a === Foo::VARIABLE && ($a === Foo::METHOD || $a === Foo::FUNCTION)) echo 'hi'; $out = array_map(function ($test) { if ($test) return 1; else return 2; }, $input); // comment for ($x=0;$x<5;$x++): if ($x) continue; endfor; for ($x=0;$x<5;$x++): if ($x) continue ?> <?php endfor; if (true) try { } catch(Exception $e) { } switch ($num) { case 0: if (1 > $num) return bar( baz( "foobarbaz" ) ); break; } do { $i++; } // Comment while ($i < 10); if ($this) { if ($that) foo(${$a[$b]}); } while (!$this->readLine($tokens, $tag)); //phpcs:ignore Standard.Category.Sniff while (!$this->readLine($tokens, $tag)); // comment while (!$this->readLine($tokens, $tag)); /* comment */ foreach ($stringParade as $hit) $hitParade[] = $hit + 0; // phpcs:ignore Standard.Category.Sniff if ($bar) if ($foo) echo 'hi'; /* @phpcs:ignore Standard.Category.Sniff */ if (true) $callable = function () { return true; }; foreach ([] as $a) echo 'bar'; { echo 'baz'; } // Issue 2822. $i = 10; while ($i > 0 && --$i); for ($i = 1, $j = 0; $i <= 10; $j += $i, print $i, $i++); if ($this->valid(fn(): bool => 2 > 1)) { } // Issue 3345. function testMultiCatch() { if (true) try { } catch (\LogicException $e) { } catch (\Exception $e) { } } function testFinally() { if (true) try { } catch (\LogicException $e) { } finally { } }