<?php /** * Full report for PHP_CodeSniffer. * * @author Greg Sherwood <gsherwood@squiz.net> * @copyright 2006-2015 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence */ namespace PHP_CodeSniffer\Reports; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Util; class Full implements Report { /** * Generate a partial report for a single processed file. * * Function should return TRUE if it printed or stored data about the file * and FALSE if it ignored the file. Returning TRUE indicates that the file and * its data should be counted in the grand totals. * * @param array $report Prepared report data. * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\File $phpcsFile The file being reported on. * @param bool $showSources Show sources? * @param int $width Maximum allowed line width. * * @return bool */ public function generateFileReport($report, File $phpcsFile, $showSources=false, $width=80) { if ($report['errors'] === 0 && $report['warnings'] === 0) { // Nothing to print. return false; } // The length of the word ERROR or WARNING; used for padding. if ($report['warnings'] > 0) { $typeLength = 7; } else { $typeLength = 5; } // Work out the max line number length for formatting. $maxLineNumLength = max(array_map('strlen', array_keys($report['messages']))); // The padding that all lines will require that are // printing an error message overflow. $paddingLine2 = str_repeat(' ', ($maxLineNumLength + 1)); $paddingLine2 .= ' | '; $paddingLine2 .= str_repeat(' ', $typeLength); $paddingLine2 .= ' | '; if ($report['fixable'] > 0) { $paddingLine2 .= ' '; } $paddingLength = strlen($paddingLine2); // Make sure the report width isn't too big. $maxErrorLength = 0; foreach ($report['messages'] as $line => $lineErrors) { foreach ($lineErrors as $column => $colErrors) { foreach ($colErrors as $error) { $length = strlen($error['message']); if ($showSources === true) { $length += (strlen($error['source']) + 3); } $maxErrorLength = max($maxErrorLength, ($length + 1)); } } } $file = $report['filename']; $fileLength = strlen($file); $maxWidth = max(($fileLength + 6), ($maxErrorLength + $paddingLength)); $width = min($width, $maxWidth); if ($width < 70) { $width = 70; } echo PHP_EOL."\033[1mFILE: "; if ($fileLength <= ($width - 6)) { echo $file; } else { echo '...'.substr($file, ($fileLength - ($width - 6))); } echo "\033[0m".PHP_EOL; echo str_repeat('-', $width).PHP_EOL; echo "\033[1m".'FOUND '.$report['errors'].' ERROR'; if ($report['errors'] !== 1) { echo 'S'; } if ($report['warnings'] > 0) { echo ' AND '.$report['warnings'].' WARNING'; if ($report['warnings'] !== 1) { echo 'S'; } } echo ' AFFECTING '.count($report['messages']).' LINE'; if (count($report['messages']) !== 1) { echo 'S'; } echo "\033[0m".PHP_EOL; echo str_repeat('-', $width).PHP_EOL; // The maximum amount of space an error message can use. $maxErrorSpace = ($width - $paddingLength - 1); foreach ($report['messages'] as $line => $lineErrors) { foreach ($lineErrors as $column => $colErrors) { foreach ($colErrors as $error) { $message = $error['message']; $msgLines = [$message]; if (strpos($message, "\n") !== false) { $msgLines = explode("\n", $message); } $errorMsg = ''; $lastLine = (count($msgLines) - 1); foreach ($msgLines as $k => $msgLine) { if ($k === 0) { if ($showSources === true) { $errorMsg .= "\033[1m"; } } else { $errorMsg .= PHP_EOL.$paddingLine2; } if ($k === $lastLine && $showSources === true) { $msgLine .= "\033[0m".' ('.$error['source'].')'; } $errorMsg .= wordwrap( $msgLine, $maxErrorSpace, PHP_EOL.$paddingLine2 ); } // The padding that goes on the front of the line. $padding = ($maxLineNumLength - strlen($line)); echo ' '.str_repeat(' ', $padding).$line.' | '; if ($error['type'] === 'ERROR') { echo "\033[31mERROR\033[0m"; if ($report['warnings'] > 0) { echo ' '; } } else { echo "\033[33mWARNING\033[0m"; } echo ' | '; if ($report['fixable'] > 0) { echo '['; if ($error['fixable'] === true) { echo 'x'; } else { echo ' '; } echo '] '; } echo $errorMsg.PHP_EOL; }//end foreach }//end foreach }//end foreach echo str_repeat('-', $width).PHP_EOL; if ($report['fixable'] > 0) { echo "\033[1m".'PHPCBF CAN FIX THE '.$report['fixable'].' MARKED SNIFF VIOLATIONS AUTOMATICALLY'."\033[0m".PHP_EOL; echo str_repeat('-', $width).PHP_EOL; } echo PHP_EOL; return true; }//end generateFileReport() /** * Prints all errors and warnings for each file processed. * * @param string $cachedData Any partial report data that was returned from * generateFileReport during the run. * @param int $totalFiles Total number of files processed during the run. * @param int $totalErrors Total number of errors found during the run. * @param int $totalWarnings Total number of warnings found during the run. * @param int $totalFixable Total number of problems that can be fixed. * @param bool $showSources Show sources? * @param int $width Maximum allowed line width. * @param bool $interactive Are we running in interactive mode? * @param bool $toScreen Is the report being printed to screen? * * @return void */ public function generate( $cachedData, $totalFiles, $totalErrors, $totalWarnings, $totalFixable, $showSources=false, $width=80, $interactive=false, $toScreen=true ) { if ($cachedData === '') { return; } echo $cachedData; if ($toScreen === true && $interactive === false) { Util\Timing::printRunTime(); } }//end generate() }//end class