<?php namespace MailPoetVendor\Twig\Extension; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\FileExtensionEscapingStrategy; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\NodeVisitor\EscaperNodeVisitor; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\TokenParser\AutoEscapeTokenParser; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\TwigFilter; final class EscaperExtension extends AbstractExtension { private $defaultStrategy; private $escapers = []; public $safeClasses = []; public $safeLookup = []; public function __construct($defaultStrategy = 'html') { $this->setDefaultStrategy($defaultStrategy); } public function getTokenParsers() : array { return [new AutoEscapeTokenParser()]; } public function getNodeVisitors() : array { return [new EscaperNodeVisitor()]; } public function getFilters() : array { return [new TwigFilter('escape', '\\MailPoetVendor\\twig_escape_filter', ['needs_environment' => \true, 'is_safe_callback' => '\\MailPoetVendor\\twig_escape_filter_is_safe']), new TwigFilter('e', '\\MailPoetVendor\\twig_escape_filter', ['needs_environment' => \true, 'is_safe_callback' => '\\MailPoetVendor\\twig_escape_filter_is_safe']), new TwigFilter('raw', '\\MailPoetVendor\\twig_raw_filter', ['is_safe' => ['all']])]; } public function setDefaultStrategy($defaultStrategy) : void { if ('name' === $defaultStrategy) { $defaultStrategy = [FileExtensionEscapingStrategy::class, 'guess']; } $this->defaultStrategy = $defaultStrategy; } public function getDefaultStrategy(string $name) { // disable string callables to avoid calling a function named html or js, // or any other upcoming escaping strategy if (!\is_string($this->defaultStrategy) && \false !== $this->defaultStrategy) { return \call_user_func($this->defaultStrategy, $name); } return $this->defaultStrategy; } public function setEscaper($strategy, callable $callable) { $this->escapers[$strategy] = $callable; } public function getEscapers() { return $this->escapers; } public function setSafeClasses(array $safeClasses = []) { $this->safeClasses = []; $this->safeLookup = []; foreach ($safeClasses as $class => $strategies) { $this->addSafeClass($class, $strategies); } } public function addSafeClass(string $class, array $strategies) { $class = \ltrim($class, '\\'); if (!isset($this->safeClasses[$class])) { $this->safeClasses[$class] = []; } $this->safeClasses[$class] = \array_merge($this->safeClasses[$class], $strategies); foreach ($strategies as $strategy) { $this->safeLookup[$strategy][$class] = \true; } } } namespace MailPoetVendor; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Environment; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Error\RuntimeError; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Extension\EscaperExtension; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Markup; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Node\Expression\ConstantExpression; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Node\Node; function twig_raw_filter($string) { return $string; } function twig_escape_filter(Environment $env, $string, $strategy = 'html', $charset = null, $autoescape = \false) { if ($autoescape && $string instanceof Markup) { return $string; } if (!\is_string($string)) { if (\is_object($string) && \method_exists($string, '__toString')) { if ($autoescape) { $c = \get_class($string); $ext = $env->getExtension(EscaperExtension::class); if (!isset($ext->safeClasses[$c])) { $ext->safeClasses[$c] = []; foreach (\class_parents($string) + \class_implements($string) as $class) { if (isset($ext->safeClasses[$class])) { $ext->safeClasses[$c] = \array_unique(\array_merge($ext->safeClasses[$c], $ext->safeClasses[$class])); foreach ($ext->safeClasses[$class] as $s) { $ext->safeLookup[$s][$c] = \true; } } } } if (isset($ext->safeLookup[$strategy][$c]) || isset($ext->safeLookup['all'][$c])) { return (string) $string; } } $string = (string) $string; } elseif (\in_array($strategy, ['html', 'js', 'css', 'html_attr', 'url'])) { return $string; } } if ('' === $string) { return ''; } if (null === $charset) { $charset = $env->getCharset(); } switch ($strategy) { case 'html': // see https://www.php.net/htmlspecialchars // Using a static variable to avoid initializing the array // each time the function is called. Moving the declaration on the // top of the function slow downs other escaping strategies. static $htmlspecialcharsCharsets = ['ISO-8859-1' => \true, 'ISO8859-1' => \true, 'ISO-8859-15' => \true, 'ISO8859-15' => \true, 'utf-8' => \true, 'UTF-8' => \true, 'CP866' => \true, 'IBM866' => \true, '866' => \true, 'CP1251' => \true, 'WINDOWS-1251' => \true, 'WIN-1251' => \true, '1251' => \true, 'CP1252' => \true, 'WINDOWS-1252' => \true, '1252' => \true, 'KOI8-R' => \true, 'KOI8-RU' => \true, 'KOI8R' => \true, 'BIG5' => \true, '950' => \true, 'GB2312' => \true, '936' => \true, 'BIG5-HKSCS' => \true, 'SHIFT_JIS' => \true, 'SJIS' => \true, '932' => \true, 'EUC-JP' => \true, 'EUCJP' => \true, 'ISO8859-5' => \true, 'ISO-8859-5' => \true, 'MACROMAN' => \true]; if (isset($htmlspecialcharsCharsets[$charset])) { return \htmlspecialchars($string, \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_SUBSTITUTE, $charset); } if (isset($htmlspecialcharsCharsets[\strtoupper($charset)])) { // cache the lowercase variant for future iterations $htmlspecialcharsCharsets[$charset] = \true; return \htmlspecialchars($string, \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_SUBSTITUTE, $charset); } $string = twig_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', $charset); $string = \htmlspecialchars($string, \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_SUBSTITUTE, 'UTF-8'); return \iconv('UTF-8', $charset, $string); case 'js': // escape all non-alphanumeric characters // into their \x or \uHHHH representations if ('UTF-8' !== $charset) { $string = twig_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', $charset); } if (!\preg_match('//u', $string)) { throw new RuntimeError('The string to escape is not a valid UTF-8 string.'); } $string = \preg_replace_callback('#[^a-zA-Z0-9,\\._]#Su', function ($matches) { $char = $matches[0]; static $shortMap = ['\\' => '\\\\', '/' => '\\/', "\x08" => '\\b', "\f" => '\\f', "\n" => '\\n', "\r" => '\\r', "\t" => '\\t']; if (isset($shortMap[$char])) { return $shortMap[$char]; } $codepoint = \mb_ord($char, 'UTF-8'); if (0x10000 > $codepoint) { return \sprintf('\\u%04X', $codepoint); } // Split characters outside the BMP into surrogate pairs // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2781.html#section-2.1 $u = $codepoint - 0x10000; $high = 0xd800 | $u >> 10; $low = 0xdc00 | $u & 0x3ff; return \sprintf('\\u%04X\\u%04X', $high, $low); }, $string); if ('UTF-8' !== $charset) { $string = \iconv('UTF-8', $charset, $string); } return $string; case 'css': if ('UTF-8' !== $charset) { $string = twig_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', $charset); } if (!\preg_match('//u', $string)) { throw new RuntimeError('The string to escape is not a valid UTF-8 string.'); } $string = \preg_replace_callback('#[^a-zA-Z0-9]#Su', function ($matches) { $char = $matches[0]; return \sprintf('\\%X ', 1 === \strlen($char) ? \ord($char) : \mb_ord($char, 'UTF-8')); }, $string); if ('UTF-8' !== $charset) { $string = \iconv('UTF-8', $charset, $string); } return $string; case 'html_attr': if ('UTF-8' !== $charset) { $string = twig_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', $charset); } if (!\preg_match('//u', $string)) { throw new RuntimeError('The string to escape is not a valid UTF-8 string.'); } $string = \preg_replace_callback('#[^a-zA-Z0-9,\\.\\-_]#Su', function ($matches) { $chr = $matches[0]; $ord = \ord($chr); if ($ord <= 0x1f && "\t" != $chr && "\n" != $chr && "\r" != $chr || $ord >= 0x7f && $ord <= 0x9f) { return '&#xFFFD;'; } if (1 === \strlen($chr)) { static $entityMap = [ 34 => '&quot;', 38 => '&amp;', 60 => '&lt;', 62 => '&gt;', ]; if (isset($entityMap[$ord])) { return $entityMap[$ord]; } return \sprintf('&#x%02X;', $ord); } return \sprintf('&#x%04X;', \mb_ord($chr, 'UTF-8')); }, $string); if ('UTF-8' !== $charset) { $string = \iconv('UTF-8', $charset, $string); } return $string; case 'url': return \rawurlencode($string); default: $escapers = $env->getExtension(EscaperExtension::class)->getEscapers(); if (\array_key_exists($strategy, $escapers)) { return $escapers[$strategy]($env, $string, $charset); } $validStrategies = \implode(', ', \array_merge(['html', 'js', 'url', 'css', 'html_attr'], \array_keys($escapers))); throw new RuntimeError(\sprintf('Invalid escaping strategy "%s" (valid ones: %s).', $strategy, $validStrategies)); } } function twig_escape_filter_is_safe(Node $filterArgs) { foreach ($filterArgs as $arg) { if ($arg instanceof ConstantExpression) { return [$arg->getAttribute('value')]; } return []; } return ['html']; }