<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Pelago\Emogrifier\HtmlProcessor; /** * This HtmlProcessor can convert style HTML attributes to the corresponding other visual HTML attributes, * e.g. it converts style="width: 100px" to width="100". * * It will only add attributes, but leaves the style attribute untouched. * * To trigger the conversion, call the convertCssToVisualAttributes method. */ class CssToAttributeConverter extends AbstractHtmlProcessor { /** * This multi-level array contains simple mappings of CSS properties to * HTML attributes. If a mapping only applies to certain HTML nodes or * only for certain values, the mapping is an object with a whitelist * of nodes and values. * * @var array<string, array{attribute: string, nodes?: array<int, string>, values?: array<int, string>}> */ private $cssToHtmlMap = [ 'background-color' => [ 'attribute' => 'bgcolor', ], 'text-align' => [ 'attribute' => 'align', 'nodes' => ['p', 'div', 'td', 'th'], 'values' => ['left', 'right', 'center', 'justify'], ], 'float' => [ 'attribute' => 'align', 'nodes' => ['table', 'img'], 'values' => ['left', 'right'], ], 'border-spacing' => [ 'attribute' => 'cellspacing', 'nodes' => ['table'], ], ]; /** * @var array<string, array<string, string>> */ private static $parsedCssCache = []; /** * Maps the CSS from the style nodes to visual HTML attributes. * * @return self fluent interface */ public function convertCssToVisualAttributes(): self { /** @var \DOMElement $node */ foreach ($this->getAllNodesWithStyleAttribute() as $node) { $inlineStyleDeclarations = $this->parseCssDeclarationsBlock($node->getAttribute('style')); $this->mapCssToHtmlAttributes($inlineStyleDeclarations, $node); } return $this; } /** * Returns a list with all DOM nodes that have a style attribute. * * @return \DOMNodeList */ private function getAllNodesWithStyleAttribute(): \DOMNodeList { return $this->getXPath()->query('//*[@style]'); } /** * Parses a CSS declaration block into property name/value pairs. * * Example: * * The declaration block * * "color: #000; font-weight: bold;" * * will be parsed into the following array: * * "color" => "#000" * "font-weight" => "bold" * * @param string $cssDeclarationsBlock the CSS declarations block without the curly braces, may be empty * * @return array<string, string> * the CSS declarations with the property names as array keys and the property values as array values */ private function parseCssDeclarationsBlock(string $cssDeclarationsBlock): array { if (isset(self::$parsedCssCache[$cssDeclarationsBlock])) { return self::$parsedCssCache[$cssDeclarationsBlock]; } $properties = []; foreach (\preg_split('/;(?!base64|charset)/', $cssDeclarationsBlock) as $declaration) { /** @var array<int, string> $matches */ $matches = []; if (!\preg_match('/^([A-Za-z\\-]+)\\s*:\\s*(.+)$/s', \trim($declaration), $matches)) { continue; } $propertyName = \strtolower($matches[1]); $propertyValue = $matches[2]; $properties[$propertyName] = $propertyValue; } self::$parsedCssCache[$cssDeclarationsBlock] = $properties; return $properties; } /** * Applies $styles to $node. * * This method maps CSS styles to HTML attributes and adds those to the * node. * * @param array<string, string> $styles the new CSS styles taken from the global styles to be applied to this node * @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to */ private function mapCssToHtmlAttributes(array $styles, \DOMElement $node): void { foreach ($styles as $property => $value) { // Strip !important indicator $value = \trim(\str_replace('!important', '', $value)); $this->mapCssToHtmlAttribute($property, $value, $node); } } /** * Tries to apply the CSS style to $node as an attribute. * * This method maps a CSS rule to HTML attributes and adds those to the node. * * @param string $property the name of the CSS property to map * @param string $value the value of the style rule to map * @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to */ private function mapCssToHtmlAttribute(string $property, string $value, \DOMElement $node): void { if (!$this->mapSimpleCssProperty($property, $value, $node)) { $this->mapComplexCssProperty($property, $value, $node); } } /** * Looks up the CSS property in the mapping table and maps it if it matches the conditions. * * @param string $property the name of the CSS property to map * @param string $value the value of the style rule to map * @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to * * @return bool true if the property can be mapped using the simple mapping table */ private function mapSimpleCssProperty(string $property, string $value, \DOMElement $node): bool { if (!isset($this->cssToHtmlMap[$property])) { return false; } $mapping = $this->cssToHtmlMap[$property]; $nodesMatch = !isset($mapping['nodes']) || \in_array($node->nodeName, $mapping['nodes'], true); $valuesMatch = !isset($mapping['values']) || \in_array($value, $mapping['values'], true); $canBeMapped = $nodesMatch && $valuesMatch; if ($canBeMapped) { $node->setAttribute($mapping['attribute'], $value); } return $canBeMapped; } /** * Maps CSS properties that need special transformation to an HTML attribute. * * @param string $property the name of the CSS property to map * @param string $value the value of the style rule to map * @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to */ private function mapComplexCssProperty(string $property, string $value, \DOMElement $node): void { switch ($property) { case 'background': $this->mapBackgroundProperty($node, $value); break; case 'width': // intentional fall-through case 'height': $this->mapWidthOrHeightProperty($node, $value, $property); break; case 'margin': $this->mapMarginProperty($node, $value); break; case 'border': $this->mapBorderProperty($node, $value); break; default: } } /** * @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to * @param string $value the value of the style rule to map */ private function mapBackgroundProperty(\DOMElement $node, string $value): void { // parse out the color, if any /** @var array<int, string> $styles */ $styles = \explode(' ', $value, 2); $first = $styles[0]; if (\is_numeric($first[0]) || \strncmp($first, 'url', 3) === 0) { return; } // as this is not a position or image, assume it's a color $node->setAttribute('bgcolor', $first); } /** * @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to * @param string $value the value of the style rule to map * @param string $property the name of the CSS property to map */ private function mapWidthOrHeightProperty(\DOMElement $node, string $value, string $property): void { // only parse values in px and %, but not values like "auto" if (!\preg_match('/^(\\d+)(\\.(\\d+))?(px|%)$/', $value)) { return; } $number = \preg_replace('/[^0-9.%]/', '', $value); $node->setAttribute($property, $number); } /** * @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to * @param string $value the value of the style rule to map */ private function mapMarginProperty(\DOMElement $node, string $value): void { if (!$this->isTableOrImageNode($node)) { return; } $margins = $this->parseCssShorthandValue($value); if ($margins['left'] === 'auto' && $margins['right'] === 'auto') { $node->setAttribute('align', 'center'); } } /** * @param \DOMElement $node node to apply styles to * @param string $value the value of the style rule to map */ private function mapBorderProperty(\DOMElement $node, string $value): void { if (!$this->isTableOrImageNode($node)) { return; } if ($value === 'none' || $value === '0') { $node->setAttribute('border', '0'); } } /** * @param \DOMElement $node * * @return bool */ private function isTableOrImageNode(\DOMElement $node): bool { return $node->nodeName === 'table' || $node->nodeName === 'img'; } /** * Parses a shorthand CSS value and splits it into individual values. For example: `padding: 0 auto;` - `0 auto` is * split into top: 0, left: auto, bottom: 0, right: auto. * * @param string $value a CSS property value with 1, 2, 3 or 4 sizes * * @return array<string, string> * an array of values for top, right, bottom and left (using these as associative array keys) */ private function parseCssShorthandValue(string $value): array { /** @var array<int, string> $values */ $values = \preg_split('/\\s+/', $value); $css = []; $css['top'] = $values[0]; $css['right'] = (\count($values) > 1) ? $values[1] : $css['top']; $css['bottom'] = (\count($values) > 2) ? $values[2] : $css['top']; $css['left'] = (\count($values) > 3) ? $values[3] : $css['right']; return $css; } }