<?php namespace MailPoetVendor\Twig\Node\Expression; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Compiler; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Error\SyntaxError; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Extension\ExtensionInterface; use MailPoetVendor\Twig\Node\Node; abstract class CallExpression extends AbstractExpression { private $reflector; protected function compileCallable(Compiler $compiler) { $callable = $this->getAttribute('callable'); if (\is_string($callable) && \false === \strpos($callable, '::')) { $compiler->raw($callable); } else { [$r, $callable] = $this->reflectCallable($callable); if (\is_string($callable)) { $compiler->raw($callable); } elseif (\is_array($callable) && \is_string($callable[0])) { if (!$r instanceof \ReflectionMethod || $r->isStatic()) { $compiler->raw(\sprintf('%s::%s', $callable[0], $callable[1])); } else { $compiler->raw(\sprintf('$this->env->getRuntime(\'%s\')->%s', $callable[0], $callable[1])); } } elseif (\is_array($callable) && $callable[0] instanceof ExtensionInterface) { $class = \get_class($callable[0]); if (!$compiler->getEnvironment()->hasExtension($class)) { // Compile a non-optimized call to trigger a \Twig\Error\RuntimeError, which cannot be a compile-time error $compiler->raw(\sprintf('$this->env->getExtension(\'%s\')', $class)); } else { $compiler->raw(\sprintf('$this->extensions[\'%s\']', \ltrim($class, '\\'))); } $compiler->raw(\sprintf('->%s', $callable[1])); } else { $compiler->raw(\sprintf('$this->env->get%s(\'%s\')->getCallable()', \ucfirst($this->getAttribute('type')), $this->getAttribute('name'))); } } $this->compileArguments($compiler); } protected function compileArguments(Compiler $compiler, $isArray = \false) : void { $compiler->raw($isArray ? '[' : '('); $first = \true; if ($this->hasAttribute('needs_environment') && $this->getAttribute('needs_environment')) { $compiler->raw('$this->env'); $first = \false; } if ($this->hasAttribute('needs_context') && $this->getAttribute('needs_context')) { if (!$first) { $compiler->raw(', '); } $compiler->raw('$context'); $first = \false; } if ($this->hasAttribute('arguments')) { foreach ($this->getAttribute('arguments') as $argument) { if (!$first) { $compiler->raw(', '); } $compiler->string($argument); $first = \false; } } if ($this->hasNode('node')) { if (!$first) { $compiler->raw(', '); } $compiler->subcompile($this->getNode('node')); $first = \false; } if ($this->hasNode('arguments')) { $callable = $this->getAttribute('callable'); $arguments = $this->getArguments($callable, $this->getNode('arguments')); foreach ($arguments as $node) { if (!$first) { $compiler->raw(', '); } $compiler->subcompile($node); $first = \false; } } $compiler->raw($isArray ? ']' : ')'); } protected function getArguments($callable, $arguments) { $callType = $this->getAttribute('type'); $callName = $this->getAttribute('name'); $parameters = []; $named = \false; foreach ($arguments as $name => $node) { if (!\is_int($name)) { $named = \true; $name = $this->normalizeName($name); } elseif ($named) { throw new SyntaxError(\sprintf('Positional arguments cannot be used after named arguments for %s "%s".', $callType, $callName), $this->getTemplateLine(), $this->getSourceContext()); } $parameters[$name] = $node; } $isVariadic = $this->hasAttribute('is_variadic') && $this->getAttribute('is_variadic'); if (!$named && !$isVariadic) { return $parameters; } if (!$callable) { if ($named) { $message = \sprintf('Named arguments are not supported for %s "%s".', $callType, $callName); } else { $message = \sprintf('Arbitrary positional arguments are not supported for %s "%s".', $callType, $callName); } throw new \LogicException($message); } list($callableParameters, $isPhpVariadic) = $this->getCallableParameters($callable, $isVariadic); $arguments = []; $names = []; $missingArguments = []; $optionalArguments = []; $pos = 0; foreach ($callableParameters as $callableParameter) { $name = $this->normalizeName($callableParameter->name); if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000 && 'range' === $callable) { if ('start' === $name) { $name = 'low'; } elseif ('end' === $name) { $name = 'high'; } } $names[] = $name; if (\array_key_exists($name, $parameters)) { if (\array_key_exists($pos, $parameters)) { throw new SyntaxError(\sprintf('Argument "%s" is defined twice for %s "%s".', $name, $callType, $callName), $this->getTemplateLine(), $this->getSourceContext()); } if (\count($missingArguments)) { throw new SyntaxError(\sprintf('Argument "%s" could not be assigned for %s "%s(%s)" because it is mapped to an internal PHP function which cannot determine default value for optional argument%s "%s".', $name, $callType, $callName, \implode(', ', $names), \count($missingArguments) > 1 ? 's' : '', \implode('", "', $missingArguments)), $this->getTemplateLine(), $this->getSourceContext()); } $arguments = \array_merge($arguments, $optionalArguments); $arguments[] = $parameters[$name]; unset($parameters[$name]); $optionalArguments = []; } elseif (\array_key_exists($pos, $parameters)) { $arguments = \array_merge($arguments, $optionalArguments); $arguments[] = $parameters[$pos]; unset($parameters[$pos]); $optionalArguments = []; ++$pos; } elseif ($callableParameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $optionalArguments[] = new ConstantExpression($callableParameter->getDefaultValue(), -1); } elseif ($callableParameter->isOptional()) { if (empty($parameters)) { break; } else { $missingArguments[] = $name; } } else { throw new SyntaxError(\sprintf('Value for argument "%s" is required for %s "%s".', $name, $callType, $callName), $this->getTemplateLine(), $this->getSourceContext()); } } if ($isVariadic) { $arbitraryArguments = $isPhpVariadic ? new VariadicExpression([], -1) : new ArrayExpression([], -1); foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) { if (\is_int($key)) { $arbitraryArguments->addElement($value); } else { $arbitraryArguments->addElement($value, new ConstantExpression($key, -1)); } unset($parameters[$key]); } if ($arbitraryArguments->count()) { $arguments = \array_merge($arguments, $optionalArguments); $arguments[] = $arbitraryArguments; } } if (!empty($parameters)) { $unknownParameter = null; foreach ($parameters as $parameter) { if ($parameter instanceof Node) { $unknownParameter = $parameter; break; } } throw new SyntaxError(\sprintf('Unknown argument%s "%s" for %s "%s(%s)".', \count($parameters) > 1 ? 's' : '', \implode('", "', \array_keys($parameters)), $callType, $callName, \implode(', ', $names)), $unknownParameter ? $unknownParameter->getTemplateLine() : $this->getTemplateLine(), $unknownParameter ? $unknownParameter->getSourceContext() : $this->getSourceContext()); } return $arguments; } protected function normalizeName(string $name) : string { return \strtolower(\preg_replace(['/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/', '/([a-z\\d])([A-Z])/'], ['\\1_\\2', '\\1_\\2'], $name)); } private function getCallableParameters($callable, bool $isVariadic) : array { [$r, , $callableName] = $this->reflectCallable($callable); $parameters = $r->getParameters(); if ($this->hasNode('node')) { \array_shift($parameters); } if ($this->hasAttribute('needs_environment') && $this->getAttribute('needs_environment')) { \array_shift($parameters); } if ($this->hasAttribute('needs_context') && $this->getAttribute('needs_context')) { \array_shift($parameters); } if ($this->hasAttribute('arguments') && null !== $this->getAttribute('arguments')) { foreach ($this->getAttribute('arguments') as $argument) { \array_shift($parameters); } } $isPhpVariadic = \false; if ($isVariadic) { $argument = \end($parameters); $isArray = $argument && $argument->hasType() && 'array' === $argument->getType()->getName(); if ($isArray && $argument->isDefaultValueAvailable() && [] === $argument->getDefaultValue()) { \array_pop($parameters); } elseif ($argument && $argument->isVariadic()) { \array_pop($parameters); $isPhpVariadic = \true; } else { throw new \LogicException(\sprintf('The last parameter of "%s" for %s "%s" must be an array with default value, eg. "array $arg = []".', $callableName, $this->getAttribute('type'), $this->getAttribute('name'))); } } return [$parameters, $isPhpVariadic]; } private function reflectCallable($callable) { if (null !== $this->reflector) { return $this->reflector; } if (\is_string($callable) && \false !== ($pos = \strpos($callable, '::'))) { $callable = [\substr($callable, 0, $pos), \substr($callable, 2 + $pos)]; } if (\is_array($callable) && \method_exists($callable[0], $callable[1])) { $r = new \ReflectionMethod($callable[0], $callable[1]); return $this->reflector = [$r, $callable, $r->class . '::' . $r->name]; } $checkVisibility = $callable instanceof \Closure; try { $closure = \Closure::fromCallable($callable); } catch (\TypeError $e) { throw new \LogicException(\sprintf('Callback for %s "%s" is not callable in the current scope.', $this->getAttribute('type'), $this->getAttribute('name')), 0, $e); } $r = new \ReflectionFunction($closure); if (\false !== \strpos($r->name, '{closure}')) { return $this->reflector = [$r, $callable, 'Closure']; } if ($object = $r->getClosureThis()) { $callable = [$object, $r->name]; $callableName = (\function_exists('get_debug_type') ? \get_debug_type($object) : \get_class($object)) . '::' . $r->name; } elseif ($class = $r->getClosureScopeClass()) { $callableName = (\is_array($callable) ? $callable[0] : $class->name) . '::' . $r->name; } else { $callable = $callableName = $r->name; } if ($checkVisibility && \is_array($callable) && \method_exists(...$callable) && !(new \ReflectionMethod(...$callable))->isPublic()) { $callable = $r->getClosure(); } return $this->reflector = [$r, $callable, $callableName]; } }