File ""

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/* testPassByReference */
function passByReference(&$var) {}

/* testArrayHint */
function arrayHint(array $var) {}

/* testVariable */
function variable($var) {}

/* testSingleDefaultValue */
function defaultValue($var1=self::CONSTANT) {}

/* testDefaultValues */
function defaultValues($var1=1, $var2='value') {}

/* testTypeHint */
function typeHint(foo $var1, bar $var2) {}

class MyClass {
    /* testSelfTypeHint */
    function typeSelfHint(self $var) {}

/* testNullableTypeHint */
function nullableTypeHint(?int $var1, ?\bar $var2) {}

/* testBitwiseAndConstantExpressionDefaultValue */
function myFunction($a = 10 & 20) {}

/* testArrowFunction */
fn(int $a, ...$b) => $b;

/* testPHP8MixedTypeHint */
function mixedTypeHint(mixed &...$var1) {}

/* testPHP8MixedTypeHintNullable */
// Intentional fatal error - nullability is not allowed with mixed, but that's not the concern of the method.
function mixedTypeHintNullable(?Mixed $var1) {}

/* testNamespaceOperatorTypeHint */
function namespaceOperatorTypeHint(?namespace\Name $var1) {}

/* testPHP8UnionTypesSimple */
function unionTypeSimple(int|float $number, self|parent &...$obj) {}

/* testPHP8UnionTypesWithSpreadOperatorAndReference */
function globalFunctionWithSpreadAndReference(float|null &$paramA, string|int ...$paramB) {}

/* testPHP8UnionTypesSimpleWithBitwiseOrInDefault */
$fn = fn(int|float $var = CONSTANT_A | CONSTANT_B) => $var;

/* testPHP8UnionTypesTwoClasses */
function unionTypesTwoClasses(MyClassA|\Package\MyClassB $var) {}

/* testPHP8UnionTypesAllBaseTypes */
function unionTypesAllBaseTypes(array|bool|callable|int|float|null|object|string $var) {}

/* testPHP8UnionTypesAllPseudoTypes */
// Intentional fatal error - mixing types which cannot be combined, but that's not the concern of the method.
function unionTypesAllPseudoTypes(false|mixed|self|parent|iterable|Resource $var) {}

/* testPHP8UnionTypesNullable */
// Intentional fatal error - nullability is not allowed with union types, but that's not the concern of the method.
$closure = function (?int|float $number) {};

/* testPHP8PseudoTypeNull */
// Intentional fatal error - null pseudotype is only allowed in union types, but that's not the concern of the method.
function pseudoTypeNull(null $var = null) {}

/* testPHP8PseudoTypeFalse */
// Intentional fatal error - false pseudotype is only allowed in union types, but that's not the concern of the method.
function pseudoTypeFalse(false $var = false) {}

/* testPHP8PseudoTypeFalseAndBool */
// Intentional fatal error - false pseudotype is not allowed in combination with bool, but that's not the concern of the method.
function pseudoTypeFalseAndBool(bool|false $var = false) {}

/* testPHP8ObjectAndClass */
// Intentional fatal error - object is not allowed in combination with class name, but that's not the concern of the method.
function objectAndClass(object|ClassName $var) {}

/* testPHP8PseudoTypeIterableAndArray */
// Intentional fatal error - iterable pseudotype is not allowed in combination with array or Traversable, but that's not the concern of the method.
function pseudoTypeIterableAndArray(iterable|array|Traversable $var) {}

/* testPHP8DuplicateTypeInUnionWhitespaceAndComment */
// Intentional fatal error - duplicate types are not allowed in union types, but that's not the concern of the method.
function duplicateTypeInUnion( int | string /*comment*/ | INT $var) {}

class ConstructorPropertyPromotionNoTypes {
    /* testPHP8ConstructorPropertyPromotionNoTypes */
    public function __construct(
        public $x = 0.0,
        protected $y = '',
        private $z = null,
    ) {}

class ConstructorPropertyPromotionWithTypes {
    /* testPHP8ConstructorPropertyPromotionWithTypes */
    public function __construct(protected float|int $x, public ?string &$y = 'test', private mixed $z) {}

class ConstructorPropertyPromotionAndNormalParams {
    /* testPHP8ConstructorPropertyPromotionAndNormalParam */
    public function __construct(public int $promotedProp, ?int $normalArg) {}

class ConstructorPropertyPromotionWithReadOnly {
    /* testPHP81ConstructorPropertyPromotionWithReadOnly */
    public function __construct(public readonly ?int $promotedProp, readonly private string|bool &$promotedToo) {}

/* testPHP8ConstructorPropertyPromotionGlobalFunction */
// Intentional fatal error. Property promotion not allowed in non-constructor, but that's not the concern of this method.
function globalFunction(private $x) {}

abstract class ConstructorPropertyPromotionAbstractMethod {
    /* testPHP8ConstructorPropertyPromotionAbstractMethod */
    // Intentional fatal error.
    // 1. Property promotion not allowed in abstract method, but that's not the concern of this method.
    // 2. Variadic arguments not allowed in property promotion, but that's not the concern of this method.
    // 3. The callable type is not supported for properties, but that's not the concern of this method.
    abstract public function __construct(public callable $y, private ...$x);

/* testCommentsInParameter */
function commentsInParams(
    // Leading comment.
    ?MyClass /*-*/ & /*-*/.../*-*/ $param /*-*/ = /*-*/ 'default value' . /*-*/ 'second part' // Trailing comment.
) {}

/* testParameterAttributesInFunctionDeclaration */
class ParametersWithAttributes(
    public function __construct(
        #[\MyExample\MyAttribute] private string $constructorPropPromTypedParamSingleAttribute,
        #[MyAttr([1, 2])]
        #[MyAttribute(1234), MyAttribute(5678)] ?int $nullableTypedParamMultiAttribute,
        #[WithoutArgument] #[SingleArgument(0)] $nonTypedParamTwoAttributes,
        #[MyAttribute(array("key" => "value"))]
    ) {}

/* testPHP8IntersectionTypes */
function intersectionTypes(Foo&Bar $obj1, Boo&Bar $obj2) {}

/* testPHP81IntersectionTypesWithSpreadOperatorAndReference */
function globalFunctionWithSpreadAndReference(Boo&Bar &$paramA, Foo&Bar ...$paramB) {}

/* testPHP81MoreIntersectionTypes */
function moreIntersectionTypes(MyClassA&\Package\MyClassB&\Package\MyClassC $var) {}

/* testPHP81IllegalIntersectionTypes */
// Intentional fatal error - simple types are not allowed with intersection types, but that's not the concern of the method.
$closure = function (string&int $numeric_string) {};

/* testPHP81NullableIntersectionTypes */
// Intentional fatal error - nullability is not allowed with intersection types, but that's not the concern of the method.
$closure = function (?Foo&Bar $object) {};