File "mapped-types.ts"

Full Path: /home/warrior1/public_html/plugins/woocommerce/packages/woocommerce-blocks/assets/js/data/mapped-types.ts
File size: 2.55 KB
MIME-type: text/x-java
Charset: utf-8

 * External dependencies
import type { FunctionKeys } from 'utility-types';

 * Mapped types
 * This module should only contain mapped types, operations useful in the type system
 * that do not produce any runtime code.
 * Mapped types can be thought of as functions in the type system, they accept some type
 * argument and transform it to another type.
 * @see

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-shadow */

 * Maps a "raw" selector object to the selectors available when registered on the @wordpress/data store.
 * @template S Selector map, usually from `import * as selectors from './my-store/selectors';`
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
export type SelectFromMap< S extends object > = {
	[ selector in FunctionKeys< S > ]: (
		...args: TailParameters< S[ selector ] >
	) => ReturnType< S[ selector ] >;

 * Maps a "raw" actionCreators object to the actions available when registered on the @wordpress/data store.
 * @template A Selector map, usually from `import * as actions from './my-store/actions';`
export type DispatchFromMap<
	A extends Record< string, ( ...args: any[] ) => any >
> = {
	[ actionCreator in keyof A ]: (
		...args: Parameters< A[ actionCreator ] >
	) => A[ actionCreator ] extends ( ...args: any[] ) => Generator
		? Promise< GeneratorReturnType< A[ actionCreator ] > >
		: void;

 * Parameters type of a function, excluding the first parameter.
 * This is useful for typing some @wordpres/data functions that make a leading
 * `state` argument implicit.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
export type TailParameters< F extends Function > = F extends (
	head: any,
	...tail: infer T
) => any
	? T
	: never;

 * Obtain the type finally returned by the generator when it's done iterating.
export type GeneratorReturnType< T extends ( ...args: any[] ) => Generator > =
	T extends ( ...args: any ) => Generator< any, infer R, any > ? R : never;

 * Usually we use ReturnType of all the action creators to deduce all the actions.
 * This works until one of the action creators is a generator and doesn't actually "Return" an action.
 * This type helper allows for actions to be both functions and generators
export type ReturnOrGeneratorYieldUnion< T extends ( ...args: any ) => any > =
	T extends ( ...args: any ) => infer Return
		? Return extends Generator< infer T, infer U, any >
			? T | U
			: Return
		: never;