File "ParserState.php"

Full Path: /home/warrior1/public_html/plugins/mailpoet/vendor-prefixed/sabberworm/php-css-parser/src/Parsing/ParserState.php
File size: 7.9 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8

namespace MailPoetVendor\Sabberworm\CSS\Parsing;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
use MailPoetVendor\Sabberworm\CSS\Comment\Comment;
use MailPoetVendor\Sabberworm\CSS\Settings;
class ParserState
 const EOF = null;
 private $oParserSettings;
 private $sText;
 private $aText;
 private $iCurrentPosition;
 private $sCharset;
 private $iLength;
 private $iLineNo;
 public function __construct($sText, Settings $oParserSettings, $iLineNo = 1)
 $this->oParserSettings = $oParserSettings;
 $this->sText = $sText;
 $this->iCurrentPosition = 0;
 $this->iLineNo = $iLineNo;
 public function setCharset($sCharset)
 $this->sCharset = $sCharset;
 $this->aText = $this->strsplit($this->sText);
 if (\is_array($this->aText)) {
 $this->iLength = \count($this->aText);
 public function getCharset()
 return $this->sCharset;
 public function currentLine()
 return $this->iLineNo;
 public function currentColumn()
 return $this->iCurrentPosition;
 public function getSettings()
 return $this->oParserSettings;
 public function parseIdentifier($bIgnoreCase = \true)
 $sResult = $this->parseCharacter(\true);
 if ($sResult === null) {
 throw new UnexpectedTokenException($sResult, $this->peek(5), 'identifier', $this->iLineNo);
 $sCharacter = null;
 while (($sCharacter = $this->parseCharacter(\true)) !== null) {
 if (\preg_match('/[a-zA-Z0-9\\x{00A0}-\\x{FFFF}_-]/Sux', $sCharacter)) {
 $sResult .= $sCharacter;
 } else {
 $sResult .= '\\' . $sCharacter;
 if ($bIgnoreCase) {
 $sResult = $this->strtolower($sResult);
 return $sResult;
 public function parseCharacter($bIsForIdentifier)
 if ($this->peek() === '\\') {
 if ($bIsForIdentifier && $this->oParserSettings->bLenientParsing && ($this->comes('\\0') || $this->comes('\\9'))) {
 // Non-strings can contain \0 or \9 which is an IE hack supported in lenient parsing.
 return null;
 if ($this->comes('\\n') || $this->comes('\\r')) {
 return '';
 if (\preg_match('/[0-9a-fA-F]/Su', $this->peek()) === 0) {
 return $this->consume(1);
 $sUnicode = $this->consumeExpression('/^[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}/u', 6);
 if ($this->strlen($sUnicode) < 6) {
 // Consume whitespace after incomplete unicode escape
 if (\preg_match('/\\s/isSu', $this->peek())) {
 if ($this->comes('MailPoetVendor\\r\\n')) {
 } else {
 $iUnicode = \intval($sUnicode, 16);
 $sUtf32 = "";
 for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) {
 $sUtf32 .= \chr($iUnicode & 0xff);
 $iUnicode = $iUnicode >> 8;
 return \iconv('utf-32le', $this->sCharset, $sUtf32);
 if ($bIsForIdentifier) {
 $peek = \ord($this->peek());
 // Ranges: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _
 if ($peek >= 97 && $peek <= 122 || $peek >= 65 && $peek <= 90 || $peek >= 48 && $peek <= 57 || $peek === 45 || $peek === 95 || $peek > 0xa1) {
 return $this->consume(1);
 } else {
 return $this->consume(1);
 return null;
 public function consumeWhiteSpace()
 $comments = [];
 do {
 while (\preg_match('/\\s/isSu', $this->peek()) === 1) {
 if ($this->oParserSettings->bLenientParsing) {
 try {
 $oComment = $this->consumeComment();
 } catch (UnexpectedEOFException $e) {
 $this->iCurrentPosition = $this->iLength;
 } else {
 $oComment = $this->consumeComment();
 if ($oComment !== \false) {
 $comments[] = $oComment;
 } while ($oComment !== \false);
 return $comments;
 public function comes($sString, $bCaseInsensitive = \false)
 $sPeek = $this->peek(\strlen($sString));
 return $sPeek == '' ? \false : $this->streql($sPeek, $sString, $bCaseInsensitive);
 public function peek($iLength = 1, $iOffset = 0)
 $iOffset += $this->iCurrentPosition;
 if ($iOffset >= $this->iLength) {
 return '';
 return $this->substr($iOffset, $iLength);
 public function consume($mValue = 1)
 if (\is_string($mValue)) {
 $iLineCount = \substr_count($mValue, "\n");
 $iLength = $this->strlen($mValue);
 if (!$this->streql($this->substr($this->iCurrentPosition, $iLength), $mValue)) {
 throw new UnexpectedTokenException($mValue, $this->peek(\max($iLength, 5)), $this->iLineNo);
 $this->iLineNo += $iLineCount;
 $this->iCurrentPosition += $this->strlen($mValue);
 return $mValue;
 } else {
 if ($this->iCurrentPosition + $mValue > $this->iLength) {
 throw new UnexpectedEOFException($mValue, $this->peek(5), 'count', $this->iLineNo);
 $sResult = $this->substr($this->iCurrentPosition, $mValue);
 $iLineCount = \substr_count($sResult, "\n");
 $this->iLineNo += $iLineCount;
 $this->iCurrentPosition += $mValue;
 return $sResult;
 public function consumeExpression($mExpression, $iMaxLength = null)
 $aMatches = null;
 $sInput = $iMaxLength !== null ? $this->peek($iMaxLength) : $this->inputLeft();
 if (\preg_match($mExpression, $sInput, $aMatches, \PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) === 1) {
 return $this->consume($aMatches[0][0]);
 throw new UnexpectedTokenException($mExpression, $this->peek(5), 'expression', $this->iLineNo);
 public function consumeComment()
 $mComment = \false;
 if ($this->comes('/*')) {
 $iLineNo = $this->iLineNo;
 $mComment = '';
 while (($char = $this->consume(1)) !== '') {
 $mComment .= $char;
 if ($this->comes('*/')) {
 if ($mComment !== \false) {
 // We skip the * which was included in the comment.
 return new Comment(\substr($mComment, 1), $iLineNo);
 return $mComment;
 public function isEnd()
 return $this->iCurrentPosition >= $this->iLength;
 public function consumeUntil($aEnd, $bIncludeEnd = \false, $consumeEnd = \false, array &$comments = [])
 $aEnd = \is_array($aEnd) ? $aEnd : [$aEnd];
 $out = '';
 $start = $this->iCurrentPosition;
 while (!$this->isEnd()) {
 $char = $this->consume(1);
 if (\in_array($char, $aEnd)) {
 if ($bIncludeEnd) {
 $out .= $char;
 } elseif (!$consumeEnd) {
 $this->iCurrentPosition -= $this->strlen($char);
 return $out;
 $out .= $char;
 if ($comment = $this->consumeComment()) {
 $comments[] = $comment;
 if (\in_array(self::EOF, $aEnd)) {
 return $out;
 $this->iCurrentPosition = $start;
 throw new UnexpectedEOFException('One of ("' . \implode('","', $aEnd) . '")', $this->peek(5), 'search', $this->iLineNo);
 private function inputLeft()
 return $this->substr($this->iCurrentPosition, -1);
 public function streql($sString1, $sString2, $bCaseInsensitive = \true)
 if ($bCaseInsensitive) {
 return $this->strtolower($sString1) === $this->strtolower($sString2);
 } else {
 return $sString1 === $sString2;
 public function backtrack($iAmount)
 $this->iCurrentPosition -= $iAmount;
 public function strlen($sString)
 if ($this->oParserSettings->bMultibyteSupport) {
 return \mb_strlen($sString, $this->sCharset);
 } else {
 return \strlen($sString);
 private function substr($iStart, $iLength)
 if ($iLength < 0) {
 $iLength = $this->iLength - $iStart + $iLength;
 if ($iStart + $iLength > $this->iLength) {
 $iLength = $this->iLength - $iStart;
 $sResult = '';
 while ($iLength > 0) {
 $sResult .= $this->aText[$iStart];
 return $sResult;
 private function strtolower($sString)
 if ($this->oParserSettings->bMultibyteSupport) {
 return \mb_strtolower($sString, $this->sCharset);
 } else {
 return \strtolower($sString);
 private function strsplit($sString)
 if ($this->oParserSettings->bMultibyteSupport) {
 if ($this->streql($this->sCharset, 'utf-8')) {
 return \preg_split('//u', $sString, -1, \PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
 } else {
 $iLength = \mb_strlen($sString, $this->sCharset);
 $aResult = [];
 for ($i = 0; $i < $iLength; ++$i) {
 $aResult[] = \mb_substr($sString, $i, 1, $this->sCharset);
 return $aResult;
 } else {
 if ($sString === '') {
 return [];
 } else {
 return \str_split($sString);
 private function strpos($sString, $sNeedle, $iOffset)
 if ($this->oParserSettings->bMultibyteSupport) {
 return \mb_strpos($sString, $sNeedle, $iOffset, $this->sCharset);
 } else {
 return \strpos($sString, $sNeedle, $iOffset);