File "class-search.php"

Full Path: /home/warrior1/public_html/plugins/jetpack/jetpack_vendor/automattic/jetpack-sync/src/modules/class-search.php
File size: 58.18 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8

 * Configuration lists for Jetpack Search Fields
 * Post Meta: list of post meta keys that are available in the index
 *   and how they are configured.
 * Custom Taxonomy: list of custom taxonomies that are indexed.
 * The reason we need an allowed list is that Elasticsearch runs into scaling problems
 * with more than 200k-ish total fields. The barrier to adding new fields is low,
 * just open a PR.
 * Although the comments indicate specific plugins, you don't need to be running
 * that plugin for the indexing to work. The metakey just has to match.
 * If you need a new meta key or taxonomy also consider using:
 *   jetpack-search-meta0 - jetpack-search-meta9
 *   jetpack-search-tag0 - jetpack-search-tag9
 * @package automattic/jetpack-sync

namespace Automattic\Jetpack\Sync\Modules;

 * Class to handle sync for Jetpack Search.
class Search extends Module {

	 * Sync module name.
	 * @access public
	 * @return string
	public function name() {
		return 'search';

	 * Constructor.
	public function __construct() {
		// Post meta whitelists.
		add_filter( 'jetpack_sync_post_meta_whitelist', array( $this, 'add_search_post_meta_whitelist' ), 10 );
		// Add options
		add_filter( 'jetpack_sync_options_whitelist', array( $this, 'add_search_options_whitelist' ), 10 );

	 * Post meta search specification.
	 * We sync and index all meta keys in this list. Additionally there are a few
	 * options.
	 * 'metakey' => [ 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ],
	 *    Field will be included in the all_content fields
	 * 'metakey' => [ 'available' => false, 'alternatives' => [ 'metakey_processed' ] ],
	 *   Field not in meta.* but has data in an alternative field(s) name that
	 *   should work similarly. For instance, woocommerce total_sales does not go into
	 *   the index, but the percentage of sales does.
	 * @static
	 * @access private
	 * @var array
	private static $postmeta_to_sync = array(
		// jetpack.
		'jetpack-search-meta0'                   => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'jetpack-search-meta1'                   => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'jetpack-search-meta2'                   => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'jetpack-search-meta3'                   => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'jetpack-search-meta4'                   => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'jetpack-search-meta5'                   => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'jetpack-search-meta6'                   => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'jetpack-search-meta7'                   => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'jetpack-search-meta8'                   => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'jetpack-search-meta9'                   => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),

		// woocommerce.
		'entity_types'                           => array(),
		'exclude_product_categories'             => array(),
		'exclude_product_ids'                    => array(),
		'free_shipping'                          => array(),
		'id_field'                               => array(),
		'individual_use'                         => array(),
		'limit_usage_to_x_items'                 => array(),
		'maximum_amount'                         => array(),
		'minimum_amount'                         => array(),
		'post_id'                                => array(),
		'product_categories'                     => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'product_ids'                            => array(),
		'total_sales'                            => array(
			'available'    => false,
			'alternatives' => array(
		'usage_limit'                            => array(),
		'usage_limit_per_user'                   => array(),
		'_crosssell_ids'                         => array(),
		'_downloadable'                          => array(),
		'_featured'                              => array(),
		'_height'                                => array(),
		'_length'                                => array(),
		'_price'                                 => array(
			'alternatives' => array(
		'_prices_include_tax'                    => array(),
		'_product_attributes'                    => array(),
		'_product_version'                       => array(),
		'_regular_price'                         => array(
			'alternatives' => array(
		'_sale_price'                            => array(
			'alternatives' => array(
		'_sale_price_dates_from'                 => array(),
		'_sale_price_dates_to'                   => array(),
		'_sku'                                   => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'_stock_status'                          => array(),
		'_wc_average_rating'                     => array(
			'alternatives' => array(
		'_wc_rating_count'                       => array(
			'alternatives' => array(
				'wc.rating', // wc.rating.count_1, wc.rating.count_2, ...
		'_wc_review_count'                       => array(),
		'_weight'                                => array(),
		'_width'                                 => array(),

		// co-authors plus.
		'cap-description'                        => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'cap-user_login'                         => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'cap-user_email'                         => array(),
		'cap-last_name'                          => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'cap-first_name'                         => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'cap-display_name'                       => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'cap-website'                            => array(),
		'cap-jabber'                             => array(),
		'cap-aim'                                => array(),
		'cap-twitter'                            => array(),
		'cap-facebook'                           => array(),
		'cap-google_plus'                        => array(),
		'cap-job_title'                          => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),

		// bbpress.
		'bbpl_like'                              => array(),
		'bbpress_discussion_comments_copied'     => array(),
		'bbpress_discussion_tags_copied'         => array(),
		'bbpress_discussion_topic_id'            => array(),
		'bbpress_discussion_use_defaults'        => array(),
		'bbpress_page_header_bg'                 => array(),
		'bbpress_title_bg'                       => array(),
		'use_bbpress_discussion_topic'           => array(),

		// wpml.
		'tm_meta_wpml'                           => array(),
		'wpml_language'                          => array(),
		'wpml_media_lang'                        => array(),
		'wpml_media_processed'                   => array(),

		// blogger import.
		'blogger_author'                         => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'blogger_blog'                           => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'blogger_permalink'                      => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),

		// geo.
		'geo_address'                            => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'geo_latitude'                           => array(),
		'geo_longitude'                          => array(),
		'geo_public'                             => array(),
		'geolocated'                             => array(),
		'geolocation_city'                       => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'geolocation_country_long'               => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'geolocation_country_short'              => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'geolocation_formatted_address'          => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'geolocation_lat'                        => array(),
		'geolocation_long'                       => array(),
		'geolocation_postcode'                   => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'geolocation_state_long'                 => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'geolocation_state_short'                => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),

		// wp-ultimate-recipe.
		'recipe_alternate_image'                 => array(),
		'recipe_cook_time'                       => array(),
		'recipe_cook_time_text'                  => array(),
		'recipe_description'                     => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'recipe_ingredients'                     => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'recipe_instructions'                    => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'recipe_notes'                           => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'recipe_nutritional'                     => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'recipe_passive_time'                    => array(),
		'recipe_passive_time_text'               => array(),
		'recipe_prep_time'                       => array(),
		'recipe_prep_time_text'                  => array(),
		'recipe_rating'                          => array(),
		'recipe_servings'                        => array(),
		'recipe_servings_normalized'             => array(),
		'recipe_servings_type'                   => array(),
		'recipe_terms'                           => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'recipe_terms_with_parents'              => array(),
		'recipe_title'                           => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'recipe_user_ratings'                    => array(),
		'recipe_user_ratings_rating'             => array(),

		// generic fields.
		// from advanced-custom-fields and .
		'Link'                                   => array(),
		'Location'                               => array(),
		'Title'                                  => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'ad_code'                                => array(),
		'address'                                => array(),
		'admin_mail'                             => array(),
		'admin_only'                             => array(),
		'advertisers'                            => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'age'                                    => array(),
		'aliases'                                => array(),
		'alternate_title'                        => array(),
		'amazon'                                 => array(),
		'answer'                                 => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'area'                                   => array(),
		'attention'                              => array(),
		'attr'                                   => array(),
		'author'                                 => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'author_name'                            => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'blog'                                   => array(),
		'blog_id'                                => array(),
		'call_to_action'                         => array(),
		'campaign_preview'                       => array(),
		'canonical_url'                          => array(),
		'catch_text'                             => array(),
		'category'                               => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'classificacao'                          => array(),
		'classification'                         => array(),
		'code'                                   => array(),
		'codigo'                                 => array(),
		'company'                                => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'company_website'                        => array(),
		'config'                                 => array(),
		'construction'                           => array(),
		'container_ids'                          => array(),
		'content'                                => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'content_body-full_content'              => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'copyright'                              => array(),
		'custom_page_title'                      => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'custom_permalink'                       => array(),
		'customize'                              => array(),
		'data'                                   => array(),
		'date'                                   => array(),
		'day'                                    => array(),
		'descripcion'                            => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'description'                            => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'display_settings'                       => array(),
		'display_type'                           => array(),
		'duration'                               => array(),
		'embed'                                  => array(),
		'entity_ids'                             => array(),
		'entity_types'                           => array(),
		'event_subtitle'                         => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'excluded_container_ids'                 => array(),
		'exclusions'                             => array(),
		'experience'                             => array(),
		'external_url'                           => array(),
		'featured'                               => array(),
		'featured_image'                         => array(),
		'featured_post'                          => array(),
		'featured_story'                         => array(),
		'fee'                                    => array(),
		'filter'                                 => array(),
		'follow'                                 => array(),
		'footer_text'                            => array(),
		'from_header'                            => array(),
		'fullscreen_view'                        => array(),
		'gallery'                                => array(),
		'genre'                                  => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'guests'                                 => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'has_variations'                         => array(),
		'hashtag'                                => array(),
		'header_image'                           => array(),
		'hidden_from_ui'                         => array(),
		'hide_on_screen'                         => array(),
		'homepage_order'                         => array(),
		'hours'                                  => array(),
		'i18n'                                   => array(),
		'id'                                     => array(),
		'image'                                  => array(),
		'image_size'                             => array(),
		'image_source'                           => array(),
		'index'                                  => array(),
		'intro_text'                             => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'job_mention'                            => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'keywords'                               => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'latest_news'                            => array(),
		'layout'                                 => array(),
		'link'                                   => array(),
		'link_dump'                              => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'link_url'                               => array(),
		'location'                               => array(),
		'logo'                                   => array(),
		'main_title'                             => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'maximum_entity_count'                   => array(),
		'media'                                  => array(),
		'mentions'                               => array(),
		'messages'                               => array(),
		'meta_description'                       => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'meta_id'                                => array(),
		'meta_index'                             => array(),
		'meta_key'                               => array(),
		'meta_value'                             => array(),
		'modal-dialog-id'                        => array(),
		'name'                                   => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'nombre'                                 => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'notes'                                  => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'options'                                => array(),
		'order_by'                               => array(),
		'order_direction'                        => array(),
		'original_cats'                          => array(),
		'original_headers'                       => array(),
		'original_link'                          => array(),
		'original_message'                       => array(),
		'original_subject'                       => array(),
		'original_title'                         => array(),
		'original_to'                            => array(),
		'other_setting'                          => array(),
		'page_canonical'                         => array(),
		'page_layout'                            => array(),
		'page_sidebar'                           => array(),
		'page_tags'                              => array(),
		'panels_data'                            => array(),
		'parking'                                => array(),
		'pdf_upload'                             => array(),
		'photo'                                  => array(),
		'play_time'                              => array(),
		'position'                               => array(),
		'post-rating'                            => array(),
		'post_background'                        => array(),
		'post_color'                             => array(),
		'post_sidebar'                           => array(),
		'post_subtitle'                          => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'price'                                  => array(),
		'publication'                            => array(),
		'rating'                                 => array(),
		'ratings_average'                        => array(),
		'ratings_score'                          => array(),
		'ratings_users'                          => array(),
		'relation'                               => array(),
		'reply_to_header'                        => array(),
		'required'                               => array(),
		'returns'                                => array(),
		'review_post'                            => array(),
		'rule'                                   => array(),
		'section'                                => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'session_transcript'                     => array(),
		'settings'                               => array(),
		'sex'                                    => array(),
		'shares_count'                           => array(),
		'show_description'                       => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'show_page_title'                        => array(),
		'side'                                   => array(),
		'sidebar'                                => array(),
		'site'                                   => array(),
		'situation'                              => array(),
		'slide_template'                         => array(),
		'slug'                                   => array(),
		'sortorder'                              => array(),
		'source'                                 => array(),
		'start_date'                             => array(),
		'status'                                 => array(),
		'styles'                                 => array(),
		'subtitle'                               => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'subtitulo'                              => array(),
		'success'                                => array(),
		'summary'                                => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'synopsis'                               => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'tel'                                    => array(),
		'tema'                                   => array(),
		'testimonial'                            => array(),
		'testimonial_author'                     => array(),
		'text_already_subscribed'                => array(),
		'text_error'                             => array(),
		'text_invalid_email'                     => array(),
		'text_not_subscribed'                    => array(),
		'text_required_field_missing'            => array(),
		'text_subscribed'                        => array(),
		'text_unsubscribed'                      => array(),
		'thumbnail'                              => array(),
		'time'                                   => array(),
		'time_jump_list'                         => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'title'                                  => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'title_view'                             => array(),
		'titre'                                  => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'titulo'                                 => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'to_header'                              => array(),
		'toc'                                    => array(),
		'transcript'                             => array( 'searchable_in_all_content' => true ),
		'transport_uri'                          => array(),
		'type'                                   => array(),
		'url'                                    => array(),
		'validation'                             => array(),
		'value'                                  => array(),
		'values'                                 => array(),
		'variation'                              => array(),
		'video'                                  => array(),
		'video_type'                             => array(),
		'video_url'                              => array(),
		'videopress_guid'                        => array(),
		'website'                                => array(),
		'weight'                                 => array(),
		'year'                                   => array(),

		// martketplace search - @see
		'_app_icon'                              => array(),
		'_featured_product_video'                => array(),
		'wpcom_marketplace_org_slug'             => array(),
		'_wc_general_product_dependency_theme'   => array(),
		'_wc_general_product_dependency_plugin'  => array(),
		'wpcom_marketplace_product_extra_fields' => array(),

	); // end indexed post meta.

	 * Postmeta being considered for indexing
	 *   but currently not in the index
	 *   this list is really only for documentation.
	 * @static
	 * @access private
	 * @var array
	private static $unindexed_postmeta = array(

		// Core.
		'_wp_attached_file'                          => array(),
		'_wp_attachment_context'                     => array(),
		'_wp_attachment_image_alt'                   => array(),
		'_wp_attachment_is_custom_header'            => array(),
		'_wp_attachment_metadata'                    => array(),
		'_wp_desired_post_slug'                      => array(),
		'_wp_old_date'                               => array(),
		'_wp_old_slug'                               => array(),
		'_wp_page_template'                          => array(),

		// WooCommerce products.
		// See .
		'_backorders'                                => array(),
		'_default_attributes'                        => array(),
		'_download_expiry'                           => array(),
		'_download_limit'                            => array(),
		'_download_permissions_granted'              => array(),
		'_downloadable_files'                        => array(),
		'_file_paths'                                => array(),
		'_manage_stock'                              => array(),
		'_product_image_gallery'                     => array(),
		'_purchase_note'                             => array(),
		'_recorded_coupon_usage_counts'              => array(),
		'_recorded_sales'                            => array(),
		'_sold_individually'                         => array(),
		'_stock'                                     => array(),
		'_tax_class'                                 => array(),
		'_tax_status'                                => array(),
		'_thumbnail_id'                              => array(),
		'_upsell_ids'                                => array(),
		'_variation_description'                     => array(),
		'_virtual'                                   => array(),
		'_visibility'                                => array(),
		'coupon_amount'                              => array(),
		'default_source'                             => array(),
		'discount_type'                              => array(),
		'exclude_sale_items'                         => array(),
		'expiry_date'                                => array(),

		// Woocommerce orders and refunds.
		// See .
		// See .
		'_billing_address_1'                         => array(),
		'_billing_address_2'                         => array(),
		'_billing_address_index'                     => array(),
		'_billing_city'                              => array(),
		'_billing_company'                           => array(),
		'_billing_country'                           => array(),
		'_billing_email'                             => array(),
		'_billing_first_name'                        => array(),
		'_billing_last_name'                         => array(),
		'_billing_phone'                             => array(),
		'_billing_postcode'                          => array(),
		'_billing_state'                             => array(),
		'_cart_discount'                             => array(),
		'_cart_discount_tax'                         => array(),
		'_completed_date'                            => array(),
		'_created_via'                               => array(),
		'_customer_ip_address'                       => array(),
		'_customer_user_agent'                       => array(),
		'_date_completed'                            => array(),
		'_date_paid'                                 => array(),
		'_order_currency'                            => array(),
		'_order_key'                                 => array(),
		'_order_shipping'                            => array(),
		'_order_shipping_tax'                        => array(),
		'_order_stock_reduced'                       => array(),
		'_order_tax'                                 => array(),
		'_order_total'                               => array(),
		'_order_version'                             => array(),
		'_paid_date'                                 => array(),
		'_payment_method'                            => array(),
		'_payment_method_title'                      => array(),
		'_payment_tokens'                            => array(),
		'_recorded_coupon_usage_counts'              => array(),
		'_refund_amount'                             => array(),
		'_refund_reason'                             => array(),
		'_refunded_by'                               => array(),
		'_shipping_address_1'                        => array(),
		'_shipping_address_2'                        => array(),
		'_shipping_address_index'                    => array(),
		'_shipping_city'                             => array(),
		'_shipping_company'                          => array(),
		'_shipping_country'                          => array(),
		'_shipping_first_name'                       => array(),
		'_shipping_last_name'                        => array(),
		'_shipping_postcode'                         => array(),
		'_shipping_state'                            => array(),
		'_transaction_id'                            => array(),

		// aioseop.
		'_aioseop_description'                       => array(),
		'_aioseop_keywords'                          => array(),
		'_aioseop_title'                             => array(),

		// yoast.
		'_yoast_wpseo_authorship'                    => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_bctitle'                       => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_canonical'                     => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_content_score'                 => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_focuskw'                       => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_focuskw_text_input'            => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_google-plus-description'       => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_google-plus-image'             => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_linkdex'                       => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-adv'               => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-nofollow'          => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-noindex'           => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_metadesc'                      => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_metakeywords'                  => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_opengraph-description'         => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_opengraph-image'               => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_opengraph-title'               => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_primary_byline'                => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_primary_category'              => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_primary_product_cat'           => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_primary_sponsor-type'          => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_primary_tema_category'         => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_primary_wpdmcategory'          => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_primary_wt_portfolio_category' => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_redirect'                      => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_sitemap-include'               => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_sitemap-prio'                  => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_title'                         => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_twitter-description'           => array(),
		'_yoast_wpseo_twitter-image'                 => array(),

		// bbpress.
		'bbppu_read_by'                              => array(),
		'_bbp_activity_id'                           => array(),
		'_bbp_attachment'                            => array(),
		'_bbp_attachment_upload_error'               => array(),
		'_bbp_forum_id'                              => array(),
		'_bbp_forum_parent_id'                       => array(),
		'_bbp_forum_subforum_count'                  => array(),
		'_bbp_forum_type'                            => array(),
		'_bbp_group_ids'                             => array(),
		'_bbp_last_active_id'                        => array(),
		'_bbp_last_active_time'                      => array(),
		'_bbp_last_reply_id'                         => array(),
		'_bbp_last_topic_id'                         => array(),
		'_bbp_old_forum_id'                          => array(),
		'_bbp_old_sticky_status'                     => array(),
		'_bbp_old_topic_id'                          => array(),
		'_bbp_post_id'                               => array(),
		'_bbp_reply_count'                           => array(),
		'_bbp_reply_is_private'                      => array(),
		'_bbp_reply_to'                              => array(),
		'_bbp_revision_log'                          => array(),
		'_bbp_status'                                => array(),
		'_bbp_sticky_topics'                         => array(),
		'_bbp_topic_count'                           => array(),
		'_bbp_topic_id'                              => array(),
		'_bbp_total_reply_count'                     => array(),
		'_bbp_total_topic_count'                     => array(),
		'_bbp_voice_count'                           => array(),

		// ???
		'_locale'                                    => array(),

		// wp-job-manager.
		'_job_title'                                 => array(),
		'_job_description'                           => array(),

		// wpml.
		'_wpml_media_duplicate'                      => array(),
		'_wpml_media_featured'                       => array(),

		// generic fields.
		'ad_clicks_count'                            => array(),
		'email'                                      => array(),
		'usage_count'                                => array(),
		'user_mail'                                  => array(),
		'views'                                      => array(),
		'_EventAllDay'                               => array(),
		'_EventCost'                                 => array(),
		'_EventCurrencyPosition'                     => array(),
		'_EventCurrencySymbol'                       => array(),
		'_EventDuration'                             => array(),
		'_EventEndDate'                              => array(),
		'_EventEndDateUTC'                           => array(),
		'_EventOrganizerID'                          => array(),
		'_EventOrigin'                               => array(),
		'_EventShowMap'                              => array(),
		'_EventShowMapLink'                          => array(),
		'_EventStartDate'                            => array(),
		'_EventStartDateUTC'                         => array(),
		'_EventTimezone'                             => array(),
		'_EventTimezoneAbbr'                         => array(),
		'_EventURL'                                  => array(),
		'_EventVenueID'                              => array(),
		'_OrganizerEmail'                            => array(),
		'_OrganizerOrganizer'                        => array(),
		'_OrganizerOrigin'                           => array(),
		'_OrganizerPhone'                            => array(),
		'_OrganizerWebsite'                          => array(),
		'_VenueAddress'                              => array(),
		'_VenueCity'                                 => array(),
		'_VenueCountry'                              => array(),
		'_VenueOrigin'                               => array(),
		'_VenuePhone'                                => array(),
		'_VenueProvince'                             => array(),
		'_VenueShowMap'                              => array(),
		'_VenueShowMapLink'                          => array(),
		'_VenueState'                                => array(),
		'_VenueStateProvince'                        => array(),
		'_VenueURL'                                  => array(),
		'_VenueVenue'                                => array(),
		'_VenueVenueID'                              => array(),
		'_VenueZip'                                  => array(),
		'_default_attributes'                        => array(),
		'_description'                               => array(),
		'_edit_last'                                 => array(),
		'_feedback_all_fields'                       => array(),
		'_feedback_author'                           => array(),
		'_feedback_author_email'                     => array(),
		'_feedback_author_url'                       => array(),
		'_feedback_contact_form_url'                 => array(),
		'_feedback_ip'                               => array(),
		'_feedback_subject'                          => array(),
		'_file_paths'                                => array(),
		'_layout'                                    => array(),
		'_links_to'                                  => array(),
		'_links_to_target'                           => array(),
		'_mail'                                      => array(),
		'_mail_2'                                    => array(),
		'_messages'                                  => array(),
		'_numero'                                    => array(),
		'_post_restored_from'                        => array(),
		'_video_url'                                 => array(),
		'_website'                                   => array(),

	); // end unindexed post meta.

	 * List of indexed taxonomy slugs - VARCHAR(32)
	 * @access private
	 * @static
	 * @var array
	private static $taxonomies_to_sync = array(

		// Core.
		'post_format', // Special, limited to certain values.

		// bbpress.

		// buddypress.

		// co-authors plus.

		// events calendar plus.
		// the events calendar.

		// jetpack.

		// nextgen gallery.

		// polylang.
		// wpml.

		// woocommerce.

		// wp-job-manager.

		// generic.

		// End The Backlog  @see

		// martketplace search - @see

	); // end taxonomies.

	 * List of options to sync
	 * @access private
	 * @static
	 * @var array
	private static $options_to_sync = array(
	); // end options.

	 * Taxonomies we know don't sync.
	 * See also sync/src/class-defaults.php
	 * 'network'
	 * 'post_status'
	 * 'product_cat'
	 * 'tags'

	// Hooks into sync.

	 * Add Search post meta to the post meta whitelist.
	 * @param array $list Existing post meta whitelist.
	 * @return array Updated post meta whitelist.
	public function add_search_post_meta_whitelist( $list ) {
		return array_merge( $list, $this->get_all_postmeta_keys() );

	 * Add Search options to the options whitelist.
	 * @param array $list Existing options whitelist.
	 * @return array Updated options whitelist.
	public function add_search_options_whitelist( $list ) {
		return array_merge( $list, $this->get_all_option_keys() );

	// Indexing functions for

	 * Check whether a postmeta or taxonomy 'key' is in the indexable
	 * list. This is called by the indexing code on to decide
	 * whether to include something in the index.
	 * @static
	 * @access public
	 * @param string $type Either 'postmeta' or 'taxonomy'.
	 * @param string $key The postmeta key or taxonomy name.
	 * @return boolean
	public static function is_indexable( $type, $key ) {
		switch ( $type ) {
			case 'postmeta':
				return isset( self::$postmeta_to_sync[ $key ] );
			case 'taxonomy':
				return in_array( $key, self::$taxonomies_to_sync, true );
		return false;

	 * Get the indexing spec for a postmeta key.
	 * @static
	 * @access public
	 * @param string $key The postmeta key.
	 * @return array The spec.
	public static function get_postmeta_spec( $key ) {
		return self::$postmeta_to_sync[ $key ];

	 * Get all post meta keys that get synced.
	 * @access public
	 * @return array List of post meta keys that get synced.
	public static function get_all_postmeta_keys() {
		return array_keys( self::$postmeta_to_sync );

	 * Get all option keys that get synced.
	 * @access public
	 * @return array List of option keys that get synced.
	public static function get_all_option_keys() {
		return self::$options_to_sync;

	 * Get all unindexed postmeta.
	 *  This is mostly for testing.
	 * @access public
	 * @return array List of postmeta that are not synced.
	public static function get_all_unindexed_postmeta_keys() {
		return array_keys( self::$unindexed_postmeta );

	 * Get all taxonomies that get synced.
	 *  This is mostly for testing.
	 * @access public
	 * @return array List of taxonomies that get synced.
	public static function get_all_taxonomies() {
		return self::$taxonomies_to_sync;
