File "Finder.php"

Full Path: /home/warrior1/public_html/languages/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/vendor-prefixed/symfony/finder/Finder.php
File size: 10.97 KB
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namespace MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\Finder;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
use MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\Finder\Comparator\DateComparator;
use MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\Finder\Comparator\NumberComparator;
use MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\Finder\Exception\DirectoryNotFoundException;
use MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator\CustomFilterIterator;
use MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator\DateRangeFilterIterator;
use MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator\DepthRangeFilterIterator;
use MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator\ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator;
use MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator\FilecontentFilterIterator;
use MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator\FilenameFilterIterator;
use MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator\LazyIterator;
use MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator\SizeRangeFilterIterator;
use MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator\SortableIterator;
class Finder implements \IteratorAggregate, \Countable
 public const IGNORE_VCS_FILES = 1;
 public const IGNORE_DOT_FILES = 2;
 public const IGNORE_VCS_IGNORED_FILES = 4;
 private $mode = 0;
 private $names = [];
 private $notNames = [];
 private $exclude = [];
 private $filters = [];
 private $depths = [];
 private $sizes = [];
 private $followLinks = \false;
 private $reverseSorting = \false;
 private $sort = \false;
 private $ignore = 0;
 private $dirs = [];
 private $dates = [];
 private $iterators = [];
 private $contains = [];
 private $notContains = [];
 private $paths = [];
 private $notPaths = [];
 private $ignoreUnreadableDirs = \false;
 private static $vcsPatterns = ['.svn', '_svn', 'CVS', '_darcs', '.arch-params', '.monotone', '.bzr', '.git', '.hg'];
 public function __construct()
 $this->ignore = static::IGNORE_VCS_FILES | static::IGNORE_DOT_FILES;
 public static function create()
 return new static();
 public function directories()
 $this->mode = Iterator\FileTypeFilterIterator::ONLY_DIRECTORIES;
 return $this;
 public function files()
 $this->mode = Iterator\FileTypeFilterIterator::ONLY_FILES;
 return $this;
 public function depth($levels)
 foreach ((array) $levels as $level) {
 $this->depths[] = new Comparator\NumberComparator($level);
 return $this;
 public function date($dates)
 foreach ((array) $dates as $date) {
 $this->dates[] = new Comparator\DateComparator($date);
 return $this;
 public function name($patterns)
 $this->names = \array_merge($this->names, (array) $patterns);
 return $this;
 public function notName($patterns)
 $this->notNames = \array_merge($this->notNames, (array) $patterns);
 return $this;
 public function contains($patterns)
 $this->contains = \array_merge($this->contains, (array) $patterns);
 return $this;
 public function notContains($patterns)
 $this->notContains = \array_merge($this->notContains, (array) $patterns);
 return $this;
 public function path($patterns)
 $this->paths = \array_merge($this->paths, (array) $patterns);
 return $this;
 public function notPath($patterns)
 $this->notPaths = \array_merge($this->notPaths, (array) $patterns);
 return $this;
 public function size($sizes)
 foreach ((array) $sizes as $size) {
 $this->sizes[] = new Comparator\NumberComparator($size);
 return $this;
 public function exclude($dirs)
 $this->exclude = \array_merge($this->exclude, (array) $dirs);
 return $this;
 public function ignoreDotFiles($ignoreDotFiles)
 if ($ignoreDotFiles) {
 $this->ignore |= static::IGNORE_DOT_FILES;
 } else {
 $this->ignore &= ~static::IGNORE_DOT_FILES;
 return $this;
 public function ignoreVCS($ignoreVCS)
 if ($ignoreVCS) {
 $this->ignore |= static::IGNORE_VCS_FILES;
 } else {
 $this->ignore &= ~static::IGNORE_VCS_FILES;
 return $this;
 public function ignoreVCSIgnored(bool $ignoreVCSIgnored)
 if ($ignoreVCSIgnored) {
 $this->ignore |= static::IGNORE_VCS_IGNORED_FILES;
 } else {
 $this->ignore &= ~static::IGNORE_VCS_IGNORED_FILES;
 return $this;
 public static function addVCSPattern($pattern)
 foreach ((array) $pattern as $p) {
 self::$vcsPatterns[] = $p;
 self::$vcsPatterns = \array_unique(self::$vcsPatterns);
 public function sort(\Closure $closure)
 $this->sort = $closure;
 return $this;
 public function sortByName()
 if (\func_num_args() < 1 && __CLASS__ !== static::class && __CLASS__ !== (new \ReflectionMethod($this, __FUNCTION__))->getDeclaringClass()->getName() && !$this instanceof \MailPoetVendor\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject && !$this instanceof \MailPoetVendor\Prophecy\Prophecy\ProphecySubjectInterface && !$this instanceof \MailPoetVendor\Mockery\MockInterface) {
 @\trigger_error(\sprintf('The "%s()" method will have a new "bool $useNaturalSort = false" argument in version 5.0, not defining it is deprecated since Symfony 4.2.', __METHOD__), \E_USER_DEPRECATED);
 $useNaturalSort = 0 < \func_num_args() && \func_get_arg(0);
 $this->sort = $useNaturalSort ? Iterator\SortableIterator::SORT_BY_NAME_NATURAL : Iterator\SortableIterator::SORT_BY_NAME;
 return $this;
 public function sortByType()
 $this->sort = Iterator\SortableIterator::SORT_BY_TYPE;
 return $this;
 public function sortByAccessedTime()
 $this->sort = Iterator\SortableIterator::SORT_BY_ACCESSED_TIME;
 return $this;
 public function reverseSorting()
 $this->reverseSorting = \true;
 return $this;
 public function sortByChangedTime()
 $this->sort = Iterator\SortableIterator::SORT_BY_CHANGED_TIME;
 return $this;
 public function sortByModifiedTime()
 $this->sort = Iterator\SortableIterator::SORT_BY_MODIFIED_TIME;
 return $this;
 public function filter(\Closure $closure)
 $this->filters[] = $closure;
 return $this;
 public function followLinks()
 $this->followLinks = \true;
 return $this;
 public function ignoreUnreadableDirs($ignore = \true)
 $this->ignoreUnreadableDirs = (bool) $ignore;
 return $this;
 public function in($dirs)
 $resolvedDirs = [];
 foreach ((array) $dirs as $dir) {
 if (\is_dir($dir)) {
 $resolvedDirs[] = $this->normalizeDir($dir);
 } elseif ($glob = \glob($dir, (\defined('GLOB_BRACE') ? \GLOB_BRACE : 0) | \GLOB_ONLYDIR | \GLOB_NOSORT)) {
 $resolvedDirs = \array_merge($resolvedDirs, \array_map([$this, 'normalizeDir'], $glob));
 } else {
 throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(\sprintf('The "%s" directory does not exist.', $dir));
 $this->dirs = \array_merge($this->dirs, $resolvedDirs);
 return $this;
 public function getIterator()
 if (0 === \count($this->dirs) && 0 === \count($this->iterators)) {
 throw new \LogicException('You must call one of in() or append() methods before iterating over a Finder.');
 if (1 === \count($this->dirs) && 0 === \count($this->iterators)) {
 $iterator = $this->searchInDirectory($this->dirs[0]);
 if ($this->sort || $this->reverseSorting) {
 $iterator = (new Iterator\SortableIterator($iterator, $this->sort, $this->reverseSorting))->getIterator();
 return $iterator;
 $iterator = new \AppendIterator();
 foreach ($this->dirs as $dir) {
 $iterator->append(new \IteratorIterator(new LazyIterator(function () use($dir) {
 return $this->searchInDirectory($dir);
 foreach ($this->iterators as $it) {
 if ($this->sort || $this->reverseSorting) {
 $iterator = (new Iterator\SortableIterator($iterator, $this->sort, $this->reverseSorting))->getIterator();
 return $iterator;
 public function append($iterator)
 if ($iterator instanceof \IteratorAggregate) {
 $this->iterators[] = $iterator->getIterator();
 } elseif ($iterator instanceof \Iterator) {
 $this->iterators[] = $iterator;
 } elseif (\is_iterable($iterator)) {
 $it = new \ArrayIterator();
 foreach ($iterator as $file) {
 $file = $file instanceof \SplFileInfo ? $file : new \SplFileInfo($file);
 $it[$file->getPathname()] = $file;
 $this->iterators[] = $it;
 } else {
 throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Finder::append() method wrong argument type.');
 return $this;
 public function hasResults()
 foreach ($this->getIterator() as $_) {
 return \true;
 return \false;
 public function count()
 return \iterator_count($this->getIterator());
 private function searchInDirectory(string $dir) : \Iterator
 $exclude = $this->exclude;
 $notPaths = $this->notPaths;
 if (static::IGNORE_VCS_FILES === (static::IGNORE_VCS_FILES & $this->ignore)) {
 $exclude = \array_merge($exclude, self::$vcsPatterns);
 if (static::IGNORE_DOT_FILES === (static::IGNORE_DOT_FILES & $this->ignore)) {
 $notPaths[] = '#(^|/)\\..+(/|$)#';
 if (static::IGNORE_VCS_IGNORED_FILES === (static::IGNORE_VCS_IGNORED_FILES & $this->ignore)) {
 $gitignoreFilePath = \sprintf('%s/.gitignore', $dir);
 if (!\is_readable($gitignoreFilePath)) {
 throw new \RuntimeException(\sprintf('The "ignoreVCSIgnored" option cannot be used by the Finder as the "%s" file is not readable.', $gitignoreFilePath));
 $notPaths = \array_merge($notPaths, [Gitignore::toRegex(\file_get_contents($gitignoreFilePath))]);
 $minDepth = 0;
 $maxDepth = \PHP_INT_MAX;
 foreach ($this->depths as $comparator) {
 switch ($comparator->getOperator()) {
 case '>':
 $minDepth = $comparator->getTarget() + 1;
 case '>=':
 $minDepth = $comparator->getTarget();
 case '<':
 $maxDepth = $comparator->getTarget() - 1;
 case '<=':
 $maxDepth = $comparator->getTarget();
 $minDepth = $maxDepth = $comparator->getTarget();
 $flags = \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS;
 if ($this->followLinks) {
 $flags |= \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS;
 $iterator = new Iterator\RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, $flags, $this->ignoreUnreadableDirs);
 if ($exclude) {
 $iterator = new Iterator\ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator($iterator, $exclude);
 $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
 if ($minDepth > 0 || $maxDepth < \PHP_INT_MAX) {
 $iterator = new Iterator\DepthRangeFilterIterator($iterator, $minDepth, $maxDepth);
 if ($this->mode) {
 $iterator = new Iterator\FileTypeFilterIterator($iterator, $this->mode);
 if ($this->names || $this->notNames) {
 $iterator = new Iterator\FilenameFilterIterator($iterator, $this->names, $this->notNames);
 if ($this->contains || $this->notContains) {
 $iterator = new Iterator\FilecontentFilterIterator($iterator, $this->contains, $this->notContains);
 if ($this->sizes) {
 $iterator = new Iterator\SizeRangeFilterIterator($iterator, $this->sizes);
 if ($this->dates) {
 $iterator = new Iterator\DateRangeFilterIterator($iterator, $this->dates);
 if ($this->filters) {
 $iterator = new Iterator\CustomFilterIterator($iterator, $this->filters);
 if ($this->paths || $notPaths) {
 $iterator = new Iterator\PathFilterIterator($iterator, $this->paths, $notPaths);
 return $iterator;
 private function normalizeDir(string $dir) : string
 if ('/' === $dir) {
 return $dir;
 $dir = \rtrim($dir, '/' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
 if (\preg_match('#^(ssh2\\.)?s?ftp://#', $dir)) {
 $dir .= '/';
 return $dir;