/** * External dependencies */ import { WP_REST_API_Category } from 'wp-types'; import { ProductResponseItem } from '@woocommerce/types'; import { Placeholder, Icon, Button } from '@wordpress/components'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import ProductCategoryControl from '@woocommerce/editor-components/product-category-control'; import ProductControl from '@woocommerce/editor-components/product-control'; import { ComponentType } from 'react'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { BLOCK_NAMES } from './constants'; import { EditorBlock, GenericBlockUIConfig } from './types'; import { getClassPrefixFromName } from './utils'; interface EditModeConfiguration extends GenericBlockUIConfig { description: string; editLabel: string; } type EditModeRequiredAttributes = { categoryId?: number; editMode: boolean; mediaId: number; mediaSrc: string; productId?: number; }; interface EditModeRequiredProps< T > { attributes: EditModeRequiredAttributes & EditorBlock< T >[ 'attributes' ]; debouncedSpeak: ( label: string ) => void; setAttributes: ( attrs: Partial< EditModeRequiredAttributes > ) => void; triggerUrlUpdate: () => void; } type EditModeProps< T extends EditorBlock< T > > = T & EditModeRequiredProps< T >; export const withEditMode = ( { description, editLabel, icon, label }: EditModeConfiguration ) => < T extends EditorBlock< T > >( Component: ComponentType< T > ) => ( props: EditModeProps< T > ) => { const { attributes, debouncedSpeak, name, setAttributes, triggerUrlUpdate = () => void null, } = props; const className = getClassPrefixFromName( name ); const onDone = () => { setAttributes( { editMode: false } ); debouncedSpeak( editLabel ); }; if ( attributes.editMode ) { return ( <Placeholder icon={ <Icon icon={ icon } /> } label={ label } className={ className } > { description } <div className={ `${ className }__selection` }> { name === BLOCK_NAMES.featuredCategory && ( // Ignoring this TS error for now as it seems that `ProductCategoryControl` // types might be too strict. // @todo Convert `ProductCategoryControl` to TypeScript // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore <ProductCategoryControl selected={ [ attributes.categoryId ] } onChange={ ( value: WP_REST_API_Category[] = [] ) => { const id = value[ 0 ] ? value[ 0 ].id : 0; setAttributes( { categoryId: id, mediaId: 0, mediaSrc: '', } ); triggerUrlUpdate(); } } isSingle /> ) } { name === BLOCK_NAMES.featuredProduct && ( <ProductControl selected={ attributes.productId ? [ attributes.productId ] : [] } // `ProductControl` is not yet a TypeScript file and the types // are incorrectly generated for the wrapped HOC, so `showVariation` // doesn't appear in the allowed props // @todo Convert `ProductControl` to TypeScript // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore showVariations onChange={ ( value: ProductResponseItem[] = [] ) => { const id = value[ 0 ] ? value[ 0 ].id : 0; setAttributes( { productId: id, mediaId: 0, mediaSrc: '', } ); triggerUrlUpdate(); } } /> ) } <Button isPrimary onClick={ onDone }> { __( 'Done', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) } </Button> </div> </Placeholder> ); } return <Component { ...props } />; };