// We need to disable the following eslint check as it's only applicable // to testing-library/react not `react-test-renderer` used here /* eslint-disable testing-library/await-async-query */ /** * External dependencies */ import TestRenderer from 'react-test-renderer'; import * as mockUtils from '@woocommerce/editor-components/utils'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import withCategory from '../with-category'; import * as mockBaseUtils from '../../base/utils/errors'; jest.mock( '@woocommerce/editor-components/utils', () => ( { getCategory: jest.fn(), } ) ); jest.mock( '../../base/utils/errors', () => ( { formatError: jest.fn(), } ) ); const mockCategory = { name: 'Clothing' }; const attributes = { categoryId: 1 }; const TestComponent = withCategory( ( props ) => { return ( <div error={ props.error } getCategory={ props.getCategory } isLoading={ props.isLoading } category={ props.category } /> ); } ); const render = () => { return TestRenderer.create( <TestComponent attributes={ attributes } /> ); }; describe( 'withCategory Component', () => { let renderer; afterEach( () => { mockUtils.getCategory.mockReset(); } ); describe( 'lifecycle events', () => { beforeEach( () => { mockUtils.getCategory.mockImplementation( () => Promise.resolve() ); renderer = render(); } ); it( 'getCategory is called on mount with passed in category id', () => { const { getCategory } = mockUtils; expect( getCategory ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( attributes.categoryId ); expect( getCategory ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 1 ); } ); it( 'getCategory is called on component update', () => { const { getCategory } = mockUtils; const newAttributes = { ...attributes, categoryId: 2 }; renderer.update( <TestComponent attributes={ newAttributes } /> ); expect( getCategory ).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith( 2, newAttributes.categoryId ); expect( getCategory ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 2 ); } ); it( 'getCategory is hooked to the prop', () => { const { getCategory } = mockUtils; const props = renderer.root.findByType( 'div' ).props; props.getCategory(); expect( getCategory ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 2 ); } ); } ); describe( 'when the API returns category data', () => { beforeEach( () => { mockUtils.getCategory.mockImplementation( ( categoryId ) => Promise.resolve( { ...mockCategory, id: categoryId } ) ); renderer = render(); } ); it( 'sets the category props', () => { const props = renderer.root.findByType( 'div' ).props; expect( props.error ).toBeNull(); expect( typeof props.getCategory ).toBe( 'function' ); expect( props.isLoading ).toBe( false ); expect( props.category ).toEqual( { ...mockCategory, id: attributes.categoryId, } ); } ); } ); describe( 'when the API returns an error', () => { const error = { message: 'There was an error.' }; const getCategoryPromise = Promise.reject( error ); const formattedError = { message: 'There was an error.', type: 'api' }; beforeEach( () => { mockUtils.getCategory.mockImplementation( () => getCategoryPromise ); mockBaseUtils.formatError.mockImplementation( () => formattedError ); renderer = render(); } ); test( 'sets the error prop', async () => { await expect( () => getCategoryPromise() ).toThrow(); const { formatError } = mockBaseUtils; const props = renderer.root.findByType( 'div' ).props; expect( formatError ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( error ); expect( formatError ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 1 ); expect( props.error ).toEqual( formattedError ); expect( typeof props.getCategory ).toBe( 'function' ); expect( props.isLoading ).toBe( false ); expect( props.category ).toBeNull(); } ); } ); } );