import { useCallback, useEffect, useContext, useState } from 'react'; import useAjax from 'elementor-app/hooks/use-ajax'; import usePageTitle from 'elementor-app/hooks/use-page-title'; import Content from '../../../../../assets/js/layout/content'; import DropZone from '../../../../../assets/js/organisms/drop-zone'; import Notice from '../components/notice'; import { OnboardingContext } from '../context/context'; import ElementorLoading from 'elementor-app/molecules/elementor-loading'; export default function UploadAndInstallPro() { usePageTitle( { title: __( 'Upload and Install Elementor Pro', 'elementor' ) } ); const { state } = useContext( OnboardingContext ), { ajaxState: installProZipAjaxState, setAjax: setInstallProZipAjaxState } = useAjax(), [ noticeState, setNoticeState ] = useState( null ), [ isLoading, setIsLoading ] = useState( false ), [ fileSource, setFileSource ] = useState(); const uploadProZip = useCallback( ( file ) => { setIsLoading( true ); setInstallProZipAjaxState( { data: { action: 'elementor_upload_and_install_pro', fileToUpload: file, }, } ); }, [] ); const setErrorNotice = ( error = null, step = 'upload' ) => { const errorMessage = error?.message || 'That didn\'t work. Try uploading your file again.'; { event: 'indication prompt', version: '', details: { placement: elementorAppConfig.onboarding.eventPlacement, step: state.currentStep, action_state: 'failure', action: step + ' pro', source: fileSource, }, } ); setNoticeState( { type: 'error', icon: 'eicon-warning', message: errorMessage, } ); }; /** * Ajax Callbacks */ // Run the callback that runs when the Pro Upload Ajax returns a response. useEffect( () => { if ( 'initial' !== installProZipAjaxState.status ) { setIsLoading( false ); if ( 'success' === installProZipAjaxState.status && installProZipAjaxState.response?.elementorProInstalled ) { { event: 'pro uploaded', version: '', details: { placement: elementorAppConfig.onboarding.eventPlacement, step: state.currentStep, source: fileSource, }, } ); if ( opener && opener !== window ) { opener.jQuery( 'body' ).trigger( 'elementor/upload-and-install-pro/success' ); window.close(); opener.focus(); } } else if ( 'error' === installProZipAjaxState.status ) { setErrorNotice( 'install' ); } } }, [ installProZipAjaxState.status ] ); const onProUploadHelpLinkClick = () => { { event: 'pro plugin upload help', version: '', details: { placement: elementorAppConfig.onboarding.eventPlacement, step: state.currentStep, }, } ); }; if ( isLoading ) { return <ElementorLoading loadingText={ __( 'Uploading', 'elementor' ) } />; } return ( <div className="eps-app e-onboarding__upload-pro"> <Content> <DropZone className="e-onboarding__upload-pro-drop-zone" onFileSelect={ ( file, event, source ) => { setFileSource( source ); uploadProZip( file ); } } onError={ ( error ) => setErrorNotice( error, 'upload' ) } filetypes={ [ 'zip' ] } buttonColor="cta" buttonVariant="contained" heading={ __( 'Import your Elementor Pro plugin file', 'elementor' ) } text={ __( 'Drag & Drop your .zip file here', 'elementor' ) } secondaryText={ __( 'or', 'elementor' ) } buttonText={ __( 'Browse', 'elementor' ) } /> { noticeState && <Notice noticeState={ noticeState } /> } <div className="e-onboarding__upload-pro-get-file"> { __( 'Don\'t know where to get the file from?', 'elementor' ) + ' ' } { /* eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-target-blank */ } <a onClick={ () => onProUploadHelpLinkClick() } href={ '' + elementorAppConfig.onboarding.utms.downloadPro } target="_blank"> { __( 'Click here', 'elementor' ) } </a> </div> </Content> </div> ); }