interface PreloadScriptParams { handle: string; src: string; version?: string; } /** * Appends a `<link>` tag to the document head to preload a script based on the * src and handle parameters. */ const preloadScript = ( { handle, src, version, }: PreloadScriptParams ): void => { const handleScriptElements = document.querySelectorAll( `#${ handle }-js, #${ handle }-js-prefetch` ); if ( handleScriptElements.length === 0 ) { const prefetchLink = document.createElement( 'link' ); prefetchLink.href = version ? `${ src }?ver=${ version }` : src; prefetchLink.rel = 'preload'; = 'script'; = `${ handle }-js-prefetch`; document.head.appendChild( prefetchLink ); } }; export default preloadScript;