( function ( window, $, items, models, views, i18n, modalinfo, nonces ) { 'use strict'; var modules, list_table, handle_module_tag_click, $the_table, $the_filters, $the_search, $jp_frame, $bulk_button; $the_table = $( '.wp-list-table.jetpack-modules' ); $the_filters = $( '.navbar-form' ); $the_search = $( '#srch-term-search-input' ); $jp_frame = $( '.jp-frame' ); $bulk_button = $( '#doaction' ); modules = new models.Modules( { items: items, } ); list_table = new views.List_Table( { el: '#the-list', model: modules, } ); // Kick off an initial redraw. modules.trigger( 'change' ); // Handle the filtering of modules. handle_module_tag_click = function ( event ) { // Switch the item in the subsubsub list that's flagged as current. $( '.subsubsub' ) .find( 'a[data-title="' + $( this ).data( 'title' ) + '"]' ) .addClass( 'current' ) .closest( 'li' ) .siblings() .find( 'a.current' ) .removeClass( 'current' ); event.preventDefault(); modules.trigger( 'change' ); }; $( '.subsubsub a' ).on( 'click', { modules: modules }, handle_module_tag_click ); $the_filters.on( 'click', '.button-group .button', { modules: modules }, function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $( this ).addClass( 'active' ).siblings( '.active' ).removeClass( 'active' ); modules.trigger( 'change' ); } ); $the_search.on( 'keyup search', function ( e ) { // Don't trigger change on tab, since it's only used for accessibility // anyway, and will remove all checked boxes if ( e.code !== 'Tab' ) { modules.trigger( 'change' ); } } ); $the_search.prop( 'placeholder', i18n.search_placeholder ); $bulk_button.on( 'click', function ( event ) { var selectedModules = $( '.jetpack-modules-list-table-form' ).serialize(), selectedAction = $( this ).siblings( 'select' ).val(), url; if ( selectedModules.length && '-1' !== selectedAction ) { url = 'admin.php?page=jetpack&action=' + encodeURIComponent( selectedAction ); url += '&' + selectedModules; url += '&_wpnonce=' + encodeURIComponent( nonces.bulk ); window.location.href = url; } else { // Possibly add in an alert here explaining why nothing's happening? } event.preventDefault(); } ); } )( window, jQuery, window.jetpackModulesData.modules, window.jetpackModules.models, window.jetpackModules.views, window.jetpackModulesData.i18n, window.jetpackModulesData.modalinfo, window.jetpackModulesData.nonces );