import ApplyKitDialog from './apply-kit-dialog'; import ConnectDialog from './connect-dialog'; import Header from './layout/header'; import HeaderBackButton from './layout/header-back-button'; import Kit from '../models/kit'; import useDownloadLinkMutation from '../hooks/use-download-link-mutation'; import useKitCallToAction, { TYPE_PROMOTION, TYPE_CONNECT } from '../hooks/use-kit-call-to-action'; import useAddKitPromotionUTM from '../hooks/use-add-kit-promotion-utm'; import { Dialog } from '@elementor/app-ui'; import { useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import { useSettingsContext } from '../context/settings-context'; import { appsEventTrackingDispatch } from 'elementor-app/event-track/apps-event-tracking'; import './item-header.scss'; /** * Returns the right call to action button. * * @param {Kit} model * @param {Object} root0 * @param {Function} root0.apply * @param {Function} root0.onConnect * @param {Function} root0.onClick * @param {boolean} root0.isApplyLoading * @return {Object} result */ function useKitCallToActionButton( model, { apply, isApplyLoading, onConnect, onClick } ) { const [ type, { subscriptionPlan } ] = useKitCallToAction( model.accessLevel ); const promotionUrl = useAddKitPromotionUTM( subscriptionPlan.promotion_url,, model.title ); return useMemo( () => { if ( type === TYPE_CONNECT ) { return { id: 'connect', text: __( 'Apply Kit', 'elementor' ), // The label is Apply kit but the this is connect button hideText: false, variant: 'contained', color: 'primary', size: 'sm', onClick: ( e ) => { onConnect( e ); onClick?.( e ); }, includeHeaderBtnClass: false, }; } if ( type === TYPE_PROMOTION && subscriptionPlan ) { return { id: 'promotion', // Translators: %s is the subscription plan name. text: __( 'Go %s', 'elementor' ).replace( '%s', subscriptionPlan.label ), hideText: false, variant: 'contained', color: 'cta', size: 'sm', url: promotionUrl, target: '_blank', includeHeaderBtnClass: false, }; } return { id: 'apply', text: __( 'Apply Kit', 'elementor' ), className: 'e-kit-library__apply-button', icon: isApplyLoading ? 'eicon-loading eicon-animation-spin' : '', hideText: false, variant: 'contained', color: isApplyLoading ? 'disabled' : 'primary', size: 'sm', onClick: ( e ) => { if ( ! isApplyLoading ) { apply( e ); } onClick?.( e ); }, includeHeaderBtnClass: false, }; }, [ type, subscriptionPlan, isApplyLoading, apply ] ); } export default function ItemHeader( props ) { const { updateSettings } = useSettingsContext(); const [ isConnectDialogOpen, setIsConnectDialogOpen ] = useState( false ); const [ downloadLinkData, setDownloadLinkData ] = useState( null ); const [ error, setError ] = useState( false ); const kitData = { kitName: props.model.title, pageId: props.pageId, }; const { mutate: apply, isLoading: isApplyLoading } = useDownloadLinkMutation( props.model, { onSuccess: ( { data } ) => setDownloadLinkData( data ), onError: ( errorResponse ) => { if ( 401 === errorResponse.code ) { elementorCommon.config.library_connect.is_connected = false; elementorCommon.config.library_connect.current_access_level = 0; updateSettings( { is_library_connected: false, access_level: 0, } ); setIsConnectDialogOpen( true ); return; } setError( { code: errorResponse.code, message: __( 'Something went wrong.', 'elementor' ), } ); }, }, ); const applyButton = useKitCallToActionButton( props.model, { onConnect: () => setIsConnectDialogOpen( true ), apply, isApplyLoading, onClick: () => { return appsEventTrackingDispatch( 'kit-library/apply-kit', { kit_name: props.model.title, element_position: 'app_header', page_source: props.pageId, event_type: 'click', }, ); }, } ); const buttons = useMemo( () => [ applyButton, ...props.buttons ], [ props.buttons, applyButton ] ); return ( <> { error && ( <Dialog title={ error.message } text={ __( 'Nothing to worry about, just try again. If the problem continues, head over to the Help Center.', 'elementor' ) } approveButtonText={ __( 'Learn More', 'elementor' ) } approveButtonColor="link" approveButtonUrl="" approveButtonOnClick={ () => setError( false ) } dismissButtonText={ __( 'Got it', 'elementor' ) } dismissButtonOnClick={ () => setError( false ) } onClose={ () => setError( false ) } /> ) } { downloadLinkData && <ApplyKitDialog downloadLink={ } nonce={ downloadLinkData.meta.nonce } onClose={ () => setDownloadLinkData( null ) } /> } { isConnectDialogOpen && <ConnectDialog pageId={ props.pageId } onClose={ () => setIsConnectDialogOpen( false ) } onSuccess={ ( data ) => { const accessLevel = data.kits_access_level || data.access_level || 0; elementorCommon.config.library_connect.is_connected = true; elementorCommon.config.library_connect.current_access_level = accessLevel; updateSettings( { is_library_connected: true, access_level: accessLevel, // BC: Check for 'access_level' prop } ); if ( data.access_level < props.model.accessLevel ) { return; } apply(); } } onError={ ( message ) => setError( { message } ) } /> } <Header startColumn={ <HeaderBackButton { ...kitData } /> } centerColumn={ props.centerColumn } buttons={ buttons } { ...kitData } /> </> ); } ItemHeader.propTypes = { model: PropTypes.instanceOf( Kit ).isRequired, centerColumn: PropTypes.node, buttons: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.object ), pageId: PropTypes.string, };