/** * External dependencies */ import React, { createRef, Component } from 'react'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { clampLines } from './utils'; export interface ReadMoreProps { /** * The entire content to clamp */ children: React.ReactNode; /** * Class names for the wrapped component */ className: string; /** * What symbol to show after the allowed lines are reached * * @default '&hellip'; */ ellipsis: string; /** * The string to show to collapse the entire text into its clamped form * * @default 'Read less' */ lessText: string; /** * How many lines to show before the text is clamped * * @default 3 */ maxLines: number; /** * The string to show to expande the entire text * * @default 'Read more' */ moreText: string; } interface ReadMoreState { /** * This is true when read more has been pressed and the full review is shown. */ isExpanded: boolean; /** * True if we are clamping content. False if the review is short. Null during init. */ clampEnabled: boolean | null; /** * Content is passed in via children. */ content: React.ReactNode; /** * Summary content generated from content HTML. */ summary: string; } export const defaultProps = { className: 'read-more-content', ellipsis: '&hellip;', lessText: __( 'Read less', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), maxLines: 3, moreText: __( 'Read more', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), }; /** * Show text based content, limited to a number of lines, with a read more link. * * Based on https://github.com/zoltantothcom/react-clamp-lines. */ class ReadMore extends Component< ReadMoreProps, ReadMoreState > { static defaultProps = defaultProps; private reviewSummary: React.RefObject< HTMLDivElement >; private reviewContent: React.RefObject< HTMLDivElement >; constructor( props: ReadMoreProps ) { super( props ); this.state = { /** * This is true when read more has been pressed and the full review is shown. */ isExpanded: false, /** * True if we are clamping content. False if the review is short. Null during init. */ clampEnabled: null, /** * Content is passed in via children. */ content: props.children, /** * Summary content generated from content HTML. */ summary: '.', }; this.reviewContent = createRef< HTMLDivElement >(); this.reviewSummary = createRef< HTMLDivElement >(); this.getButton = this.getButton.bind( this ); this.onClick = this.onClick.bind( this ); } componentDidMount(): void { this.setSummary(); } componentDidUpdate( prevProps: ReadMoreProps ): void { if ( prevProps.maxLines !== this.props.maxLines || prevProps.children !== this.props.children ) { /** * if maxLines or content changed we need to reset the state to * initial values so that summary can be calculated again */ this.setState( { clampEnabled: null, summary: '.', }, this.setSummary ); } } setSummary(): void { if ( this.props.children ) { const { maxLines, ellipsis } = this.props; if ( ! this.reviewSummary.current || ! this.reviewContent.current ) { return; } const lineHeight = this.reviewSummary.current.clientHeight + 1; const reviewHeight = this.reviewContent.current.clientHeight + 1; const maxHeight = lineHeight * maxLines + 1; const clampEnabled = reviewHeight > maxHeight; this.setState( { clampEnabled, } ); if ( clampEnabled ) { this.setState( { summary: clampLines( this.reviewContent.current.innerHTML, this.reviewSummary.current, maxHeight, ellipsis ), } ); } } } getButton(): JSX.Element | undefined { const { isExpanded } = this.state; const { className, lessText, moreText } = this.props; const buttonText = isExpanded ? lessText : moreText; if ( ! buttonText ) { return; } return ( <a href="#more" className={ className + '__read_more' } onClick={ this.onClick } aria-expanded={ ! isExpanded } role="button" > { buttonText } </a> ); } /** * Handles the click event for the read more/less button. */ onClick( e: React.MouseEvent< HTMLAnchorElement, MouseEvent > ): void { e.preventDefault(); const { isExpanded } = this.state; this.setState( { isExpanded: ! isExpanded, } ); } render(): JSX.Element | null { const { className } = this.props; const { content, summary, clampEnabled, isExpanded } = this.state; if ( ! content ) { return null; } if ( clampEnabled === false ) { return ( <div className={ className }> <div ref={ this.reviewContent }>{ content }</div> </div> ); } return ( <div className={ className }> { ( ! isExpanded || clampEnabled === null ) && ( <div ref={ this.reviewSummary } aria-hidden={ isExpanded } dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ { __html: summary, } } /> ) } { ( isExpanded || clampEnabled === null ) && ( <div ref={ this.reviewContent } aria-hidden={ ! isExpanded } > { content } </div> ) } { this.getButton() } </div> ); } } export default ReadMore;