/** * Internal dependencies */ import PricingSection from '..'; /** * Types */ import type { ComponentStory, ComponentMeta } from '@storybook/react'; window.jetpackVideoPressInitialState = { apiNonce: 'nonce', apiRoot: 'https://api-root.com', registrationNonce: 'registration-nonce', paidFeatures: { isVideoPressSupported: true, isVideoPress1TBSupported: true, isVideoPressUnlimitedSupported: false, }, adminUrl: 'https://admin-url.com', siteSuffix: 'site-suffix', siteProductData: { slug: 'videopress', plugin_slug: 'jetpack-videopress', name: 'VideoPress', title: 'Jetpack VideoPress', description: 'High quality, ad-free video', long_description: 'High-quality, ad-free video built specifically for WordPress.', features: [ '1TB of storage', 'Built into WordPress editor', 'Ad-free and brandable player', 'Unlimited users', ], status: 'error', pricing_for_ui: { available: true, wpcom_product_slug: 'jetpack_videopress', currency_code: 'USD', full_price: 119.4, discount_price: 59.4, }, is_bundle: false, is_upgradable_by_bundle: false, supported_products: [], wpcom_product_slug: 'jetpack_videopress', requires_user_connection: true, has_required_plan: true, manage_url: 'http://localhost/wp-admin/admin.php?page=jetpack-videopress', post_activation_url: '', }, }; export default { title: 'Packages/VideoPress/PricingSection', component: PricingSection, } as ComponentMeta< typeof PricingSection >; const Template: ComponentStory< typeof PricingSection > = args => <PricingSection { ...args } />; export const Default = Template.bind( {} );