import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import Lottie from 'react-lottie-player'; import PreviousStepLink from '../../components/util/previous-step-link/index'; import DefaultStep from '../../components/default-step/index'; import ImportLoader from '../../components/import-steps/import-loader'; import ErrorScreen from '../../components/error/index'; import { useStateValue } from '../../store/store'; import lottieJson from '../../../images/website-building.json'; import sseImport from './sse-import'; import { installAstra, saveTypography, setSiteLogo, setColorPalettes, divideIntoChunks, checkRequiredPlugins, generateAnalyticsLead, } from './import-utils'; const { reportError } = starterTemplates; let sendReportFlag = reportError; import './style.scss'; const ImportSite = () => { const storedState = useStateValue(); const [ { importStart, importEnd, importPercent, templateResponse, reset, themeStatus, currentIndex, importError, siteLogo, activePalette, typography, customizerImportFlag, widgetImportFlag, contentImportFlag, themeActivateFlag, requiredPluginsDone, requiredPlugins, notInstalledList, notActivatedList, tryAgainCount, xmlImportDone, templateId, builder, pluginInstallationAttempts, }, dispatch, ] = storedState; let percentage = importPercent; /** * * @param {string} primary Primary text for the error. * @param {string} secondary Secondary text for the error. * @param {string} text Text received from the AJAX call. * @param {string} code Error code received from the AJAX call. * @param {string} solution Solution provided for the current error. */ const report = ( primary = '', secondary = '', text = '', code = '', solution = '', stack = '' ) => { dispatch( { type: 'set', importError: true, importErrorMessages: { primaryText: primary, secondaryText: secondary, errorCode: code, errorText: text, solutionText: solution, tryAgain: true, }, } ); localStorage.removeItem( 'st-import-start' ); localStorage.removeItem( 'st-import-end' ); sendErrorReport( primary, secondary, text, code, solution, stack, tryAgainCount ); }; const sendErrorReport = ( primary = '', secondary = '', text = '', code = '', solution = '', stack = '' ) => { if ( tryAgainCount >= 2 ) { generateAnalyticsLead( tryAgainCount, false, templateId, builder ); } if ( ! sendReportFlag ) { return; } const reportErr = new FormData(); reportErr.append( 'action', 'report_error' ); reportErr.append( 'error', JSON.stringify( { primaryText: primary, secondaryText: secondary, errorCode: code, errorText: text, solutionText: solution, tryAgain: true, stack, tryAgainCount, } ) ); reportErr.append( 'id', ); reportErr.append( 'plugins', JSON.stringify( requiredPlugins ) ); fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: reportErr, } ); }; /** * Start Import Part 1. */ const importPart1 = async () => { let resetStatus = false; let cfStatus = false; let formsStatus = false; let customizerStatus = false; let spectraStatus = false; resetStatus = await resetOldSite(); if ( resetStatus ) { cfStatus = await importCartflowsFlows(); } if ( cfStatus ) { formsStatus = await importForms(); } if ( formsStatus ) { customizerStatus = await importCustomizerJson(); } if ( customizerStatus ) { spectraStatus =await importSiteContent(); } if ( spectraStatus ) { await ImportSpectraSettings(); } }; /** * Start Import Part 2. */ const importPart2 = async () => { let optionsStatus = false; let widgetStatus = false; let customizationsStatus = false; let finalStepStatus = false; optionsStatus = await importSiteOptions(); if ( optionsStatus ) { widgetStatus = await importWidgets(); } if ( widgetStatus ) { customizationsStatus = await customizeWebsite(); } if ( customizationsStatus ) { finalStepStatus = await importDone(); } if ( finalStepStatus ) { generateAnalyticsLead( tryAgainCount, true, templateId, builder ); } }; /** * Install Required plugins. */ const installRequiredPlugins = () => { // Install Bulk. if ( notInstalledList.length <= 0 ) { return; } percentage += 2; dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Installing Required Plugins.', 'astra-sites' ), importPercent: percentage, } ); notInstalledList.forEach( ( plugin ) => { wp.updates.queue.push( { action: 'install-plugin', // Required action. data: { slug: plugin.slug, init: plugin.init, name:, clear_destination: true, success() { dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: sprintf( // translators: Plugin Name. __( '%1$s plugin installed successfully.', 'astra-sites' ), ), } ); const inactiveList = notActivatedList; inactiveList.push( plugin ); dispatch( { type: 'set', notActivatedList: inactiveList, } ); const notInstalledPluginList = notInstalledList; notInstalledPluginList.forEach( ( singlePlugin, index ) => { if ( singlePlugin.slug === plugin.slug ) { notInstalledPluginList.splice( index, 1 ); } } ); dispatch( { type: 'set', notInstalledList: notInstalledPluginList, } ); }, error( err ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', pluginInstallationAttempts: pluginInstallationAttempts + 1, } ); let errText = err; if ( err && undefined !== err.errorMessage ) { errText = err.errorMessage; if ( undefined !== err.errorCode ) { errText = err.errorCode + ': ' + errText; } } report( sprintf( // translators: Plugin Name. __( 'Could not install the plugin - %s', 'astra-sites' ), ), '', errText, '', '', err ); }, }, } ); } ); // Required to set queue. wp.updates.queueChecker(); }; /** * Activate Plugin */ const activatePlugin = ( plugin ) => { percentage += 2; dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: sprintf( // translators: Plugin Name. __( 'Activating %1$s plugin.', 'astra-sites' ), ), importPercent: percentage, } ); const activatePluginOptions = new FormData(); activatePluginOptions.append( 'action', 'astra-required-plugin-activate' ); activatePluginOptions.append( 'init', plugin.init ); activatePluginOptions.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: activatePluginOptions, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.text() ) .then( ( text ) => { let cloneResponse = []; let errorReported = false; try { const response = JSON.parse( text ); cloneResponse = response; if ( response.success ) { const notActivatedPluginList = notActivatedList; notActivatedPluginList.forEach( ( singlePlugin, index ) => { if ( singlePlugin.slug === plugin.slug ) { notActivatedPluginList.splice( index, 1 ); } } ); dispatch( { type: 'set', notActivatedList: notActivatedPluginList, } ); percentage += 2; dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: sprintf( // translators: Plugin Name. __( '%1$s activated.', 'astra-sites' ), ), importPercent: percentage, } ); } } catch ( error ) { report( sprintf( // translators: Plugin name. __( `JSON_Error: Could not activate the required plugin - %1$s.`, 'astra-sites' ), ), '', error, '', sprintf( // translators: Support article URL. __( '<a href="%1$s">Read article</a> to resolve the issue and continue importing template.', 'astra-sites' ), '' ), text ); errorReported = true; } if ( ! cloneResponse.success && errorReported === false ) { throw cloneResponse; } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { dispatch( { type: 'set', pluginInstallationAttempts: pluginInstallationAttempts + 1, } ); report( sprintf( // translators: Plugin name. __( `Could not activate the required plugin - %1$s.`, 'astra-sites' ), ), '', error?.data?.message, '', sprintf( // translators: Support article URL. __( '<a href="%1$s">Read article</a> to resolve the issue and continue importing template.', 'astra-sites' ), '' ), error ); } ); }; /** * 1. Reset. * The following steps are covered here. * 1. Reset Customizer * 2. Reset Site Options * 3. Reset Widgets * 4. Reset Forms and Terms * 5. Reset all posts */ const resetOldSite = async () => { if ( ! reset ) { return true; } percentage += 2; dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Reseting site.', 'astra-sites' ), importPercent: percentage, } ); let resetCustomizerStatus = false; let resetWidgetStatus = false; let resetOptionsStatus = false; let reseteTermsStatus = false; let resetPostsStatus = false; /** * Reset Customizer. */ resetCustomizerStatus = await performResetCustomizer(); /** * Reset Site Options. */ if ( resetCustomizerStatus ) { resetOptionsStatus = await performResetSiteOptions(); } /** * Reset Widgets. */ if ( resetOptionsStatus ) { resetWidgetStatus = await performResetWidget(); } /** * Reset Terms, Forms. */ if ( resetWidgetStatus ) { reseteTermsStatus = await performResetTermsAndForms(); } /** * Reset Posts. */ if ( reseteTermsStatus ) { resetPostsStatus = await performResetPosts(); } if ( ! ( resetCustomizerStatus && resetOptionsStatus && resetWidgetStatus && reseteTermsStatus && resetPostsStatus ) ) { return false; } percentage += 10; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage, importStatus: __( 'Reset for old website is done.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); return true; }; /** * Reset a chunk of posts. */ const performPostsReset = async ( chunk ) => { const data = new FormData(); data.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-get-deleted-post-ids' ); data.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( `Resetting posts.`, 'astra-sites' ), } ); const formOption = new FormData(); formOption.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-reset-posts' ); formOption.append( 'ids', JSON.stringify( chunk ) ); formOption.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: formOption, } ) .then( ( resp ) => resp.text() ) .then( ( text ) => { let cloneData = []; let errorReported = false; try { const result = JSON.parse( text ); cloneData = result; if ( result.success ) { percentage += 2; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage <= 70 ? percentage : 70, } ); } else { throw result; } } catch ( error ) { report( __( 'Resetting posts failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error, '', '', text ); errorReported = true; return false; } if ( ! cloneData.success && errorReported === false ) { throw; } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { report( __( 'Resetting posts failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error?.message, '', '', error ); return false; } ); return true; }; /** * 1.1 Perform Reset for Customizer. */ const performResetCustomizer = async () => { dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Resetting customizer.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); const customizerContent = new FormData(); customizerContent.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-reset-customizer-data' ); customizerContent.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); const status = await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: customizerContent, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.text() ) .then( ( text ) => { try { const response = JSON.parse( text ); if ( response.success ) { percentage += 2; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage, } ); return true; } throw; } catch ( error ) { report( __( 'Resetting customizer failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error?.message, '', '', text ); return false; } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { report( __( 'Resetting customizer failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error?.message, '', '', error ); return false; } ); return status; }; /** * 1.2 Perform reset Site options */ const performResetSiteOptions = async () => { dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Resetting site options.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); const siteOptions = new FormData(); siteOptions.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-reset-site-options' ); siteOptions.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); const status = await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: siteOptions, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.text() ) .then( ( text ) => { try { const data = JSON.parse( text ); if ( data.success ) { percentage += 2; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage, } ); return true; } throw; } catch ( error ) { report( __( 'Resetting site options Failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error?.message, '', '', text ); return false; } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { report( __( 'Resetting site options Failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error?.message, '', '', error ); return false; } ); return status; }; /** * 1.3 Perform Reset for Widgets */ const performResetWidget = async () => { const widgets = new FormData(); widgets.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-reset-widgets-data' ); widgets.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Resetting widgets.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); const status = await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: widgets, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.text() ) .then( ( text ) => { try { const response = JSON.parse( text ); if ( response.success ) { percentage += 2; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage, } ); return true; } throw; } catch ( error ) { report( __( 'Resetting widgets JSON parse failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error, '', '', text ); return false; } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { report( __( 'Resetting widgets failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error, '', '', error ); return false; } ); return status; }; /** * 1.4 Reset Terms and Forms. */ const performResetTermsAndForms = async () => { const formOption = new FormData(); formOption.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-reset-terms-and-forms' ); formOption.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Resetting terms and forms.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); const status = await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: formOption, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.text() ) .then( ( text ) => { try { const response = JSON.parse( text ); if ( response.success ) { percentage += 2; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage, } ); return true; } throw; } catch ( error ) { report( __( 'Resetting terms and forms failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error, '', '', text ); return false; } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { report( __( 'Resetting terms and forms failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error?.message, '', '', error ); return false; } ); return status; }; /** * 1.5 Reset Posts. */ const performResetPosts = async () => { const data = new FormData(); data.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-get-deleted-post-ids' ); data.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Gathering posts for deletions.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); let err = ''; const status = await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: data, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.json() ) .then( async ( response ) => { if ( response.success ) { const chunkArray = divideIntoChunks( 10, ); if ( chunkArray.length > 0 ) { for ( let index = 0; index < chunkArray.length; index++ ) { await performPostsReset( chunkArray[ index ] ); } } return true; } err = response; return false; } ); if ( status ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Resetting posts done.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); } else { report( __( 'Resetting posts failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', err ); } return status; }; /** * 2. Import CartFlows Flows. */ const importCartflowsFlows = async () => { const cartflowsUrl = encodeURI( templateResponse[ 'astra-site-cartflows-path' ] ) || ''; if ( '' === cartflowsUrl || 'null' === cartflowsUrl ) { return true; } dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Importing CartFlows flows.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); const flows = new FormData(); flows.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-import-cartflows' ); flows.append( 'cartflows_url', cartflowsUrl ); flows.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); const status = await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: flows, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.text() ) .then( ( text ) => { try { const data = JSON.parse( text ); if ( data.success ) { percentage += 2; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage, } ); return true; } throw; } catch ( error ) { report( __( 'Importing CartFlows flows failed due to parse JSON error.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error, '', '', text ); return false; } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { report( __( 'Importing CartFlows flows Failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error ); return false; } ); return status; }; /** * 3. Import WPForms. */ const importForms = async () => { const wpformsUrl = encodeURI( templateResponse[ 'astra-site-wpforms-path' ] ) || ''; if ( '' === wpformsUrl || 'null' === wpformsUrl ) { return true; } dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Importing forms.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); const flows = new FormData(); flows.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-import-wpforms' ); flows.append( 'wpforms_url', wpformsUrl ); flows.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); const status = await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: flows, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.text() ) .then( ( text ) => { try { const data = JSON.parse( text ); if ( data.success ) { percentage += 2; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage, } ); return true; } throw; } catch ( error ) { report( __( 'Importing forms failed due to parse JSON error.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error, '', '', text ); return false; } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { report( __( 'Importing forms Failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error ); return false; } ); return status; }; /** * 4. Import Customizer JSON. */ const importCustomizerJson = async () => { if ( ! customizerImportFlag ) { percentage += 5; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage, } ); return true; } dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Importing forms.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); const forms = new FormData(); forms.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-import-customizer-settings' ); forms.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); const status = await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: forms, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.text() ) .then( ( text ) => { try { const data = JSON.parse( text ); if ( data.success ) { percentage += 5; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage, } ); return true; } throw; } catch ( error ) { report( __( 'Importing Customizer failed due to parse JSON error.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error, '', '', text ); return false; } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { report( __( 'Importing Customizer Failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error ); return false; } ); return status; }; /** * 5. Import Site Comtent XML. */ const importSiteContent = async () => { if ( ! contentImportFlag ) { percentage += 20; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage, xmlImportDone: true, } ); return true; } const wxrUrl = encodeURI( templateResponse[ 'astra-site-wxr-path' ] ) || ''; if ( 'null' === wxrUrl || '' === wxrUrl ) { const errorTxt = __( 'The XML URL for the site content is empty.', 'astra-sites' ); report( __( 'Importing Site Content Failed', 'astra-sites' ), '', errorTxt, '', astraSitesVars.support_text, wxrUrl ); return false; } dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Importing Site Content.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); const content = new FormData(); content.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-import-prepare-xml' ); content.append( 'wxr_url', wxrUrl ); content.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); const status = await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: content, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.text() ) .then( ( text ) => { try { const data = JSON.parse( text ); percentage += 2; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage <= 80 ? percentage : 80, } ); if ( false === data.success ) { const errorMsg = ||; throw errorMsg; } else { importXML( ); } return true; } catch ( error ) { report( __( 'Importing Site Content failed due to parse JSON error.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error, '', '', text ); return false; } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { report( __( 'Importing Site Content Failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error ); return false; } ); return status; }; /** * 6. Import Spectra Settings. */ const ImportSpectraSettings = async () => { const spectra_settings = encodeURI( templateResponse[ 'astra-site-spectra-settings' ] ) || ''; if ( '' === spectra_settings || 'null' === spectra_settings ) { return true; } dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Importing Spectra Settings.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); const spectra = new FormData(); spectra.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-import-spectra-settings' ); spectra.append( 'spectra_settings', spectra_settings ); spectra.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); const status = await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: spectra, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.text() ) .then( ( text ) => { try { const data = JSON.parse( text ); if ( data.success ) { percentage += 2; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage, } ); return true; } throw; } catch ( error ) { report( __( 'Importing Spectra Settings failed due to parse JSON error.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error, '', '', text ); return false; } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { report( __( 'Importing Spectra Settings Failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error ); return false; } ); return status; }; /** * Imports XML using EventSource. * * @param {JSON} data JSON object for all the content in XML */ const importXML = ( data ) => { // Import XML though Event Source. = data; sseImport.render( dispatch, percentage ); const evtSource = new EventSource( ); evtSource.onmessage = ( message ) => { const eventData = JSON.parse( ); switch ( eventData.action ) { case 'updateDelta': sseImport.updateDelta( eventData.type, ); break; case 'complete': if ( false === eventData.error ) { evtSource.close(); dispatch( { type: 'set', xmlImportDone: true, } ); } else { report( astraSitesVars.xml_import_interrupted_primary, '', astraSitesVars.xml_import_interrupted_error, '', astraSitesVars.xml_import_interrupted_secondary ); } break; } }; evtSource.onerror = ( error ) => { evtSource.close(); report( __( 'Importing Site Content Failed. - Import Process Interrupted', 'astra-sites' ), '', error ); }; evtSource.addEventListener( 'log', function ( message ) { const eventLogData = JSON.parse( ); let importMessage = eventLogData.message || ''; if ( importMessage && 'info' === eventLogData.level ) { importMessage = importMessage.replace( /"/g, function () { return ''; } ); } dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: sprintf( // translators: Response importMessage __( 'Importing - %1$s', 'astra-sites' ), importMessage ), } ); } ); }; /** * 6. Import Site Option table values. */ const importSiteOptions = async () => { dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Importing Site Options.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); const siteOptions = new FormData(); siteOptions.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-import-options' ); siteOptions.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); const status = await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: siteOptions, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.text() ) .then( ( text ) => { try { const data = JSON.parse( text ); if ( data.success ) { percentage += 5; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage, } ); return true; } throw; } catch ( error ) { report( __( 'Importing Site Options failed due to parse JSON error.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error, '', '', text ); return false; } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { report( __( 'Importing Site Options Failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error ); return false; } ); return status; }; /** * 7. Import Site Widgets. */ const importWidgets = async () => { if ( ! widgetImportFlag ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: 90, } ); return true; } dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Importing Widgets.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); const widgetsData = templateResponse[ 'astra-site-widgets-data' ] || ''; const widgets = new FormData(); widgets.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-import-widgets' ); widgets.append( 'widgets_data', widgetsData ); widgets.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); const status = await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: widgets, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.text() ) .then( ( text ) => { try { const data = JSON.parse( text ); if ( data.success ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: 90, } ); return true; } throw; } catch ( error ) { report( __( 'Importing Widgets failed due to parse JSON error.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error, '', '', text ); return false; } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { report( __( 'Importing Widgets Failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error ); return false; } ); return status; }; /** * 8. Update the website as per the customizations selected by the user. * The following steps are covered here. * a. Update Logo * b. Update Color Palette * c. Update Typography */ const customizeWebsite = async () => { await setSiteLogo( siteLogo ); await setColorPalettes( JSON.stringify( activePalette ) ); await saveTypography( typography ); return true; }; /** * 9. Final setup - Invoking Batch process. */ const importDone = async () => { dispatch( { type: 'set', importStatus: __( 'Final finishings.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); const finalSteps = new FormData(); finalSteps.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-import-end' ); finalSteps.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); let counter = 3; const status = await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: finalSteps, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.text() ) .then( ( text ) => { try { const data = JSON.parse( text ); if ( data.success ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: 100, importEnd: true, } ); localStorage.setItem( 'st-import-end', +new Date() ); setInterval( function () { counter--; const counterEl = document.getElementById( 'redirect-counter' ); if ( counterEl ) { if ( counter < 0 ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', currentIndex: currentIndex + 1, } ); } else { const timeType = counter <= 1 ? ' second…' : ' seconds…'; counterEl.innerHTML = counter + timeType; } } }, 1000 ); return true; } throw; } catch ( error ) { report( __( 'Final finishings failed due to parse JSON error.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error, '', '', text ); dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: 100, importEnd: true, } ); localStorage.setItem( 'st-import-end', +new Date() ); setInterval( function () { counter--; const counterEl = document.getElementById( 'redirect-counter' ); if ( counterEl ) { if ( counter < 0 ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', currentIndex: currentIndex + 1, } ); } else { const counterText = counter <= 1 ? ' second…' : ' seconds…'; counterEl.innerHTML = counter + counterText; } } }, 1000 ); return false; } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { report( __( 'Final finishings Failed.', 'astra-sites' ), '', error ); return false; } ); return status; }; const preventRefresh = ( event ) => { event.returnValue = __( 'Are you sure you want to cancel the site import process?', 'astra-sites' ); return event; }; useEffect( () => { window.addEventListener( 'beforeunload', preventRefresh ); // eslint-disable-line return () => window.removeEventListener( 'beforeunload', preventRefresh ); // eslint-disable-line } ); /** * When try again button is clicked: * There is a possibility that few/all the required plugins list is already installed. * We cre-check the status of the required plugins here. */ useEffect( () => { if ( tryAgainCount > 0 ) { checkRequiredPlugins( storedState ); } }, [ tryAgainCount ] ); /** * Start the pre import process. * 1. Install Astra Theme * 2. Install Required Plugins. */ useEffect( () => { /** * Do not process when Import is already going on. */ if ( importStart || importEnd ) { return; } if ( ! importError ) { localStorage.setItem( 'st-import-start', +new Date() ); percentage += 5; dispatch( { type: 'set', importStart: true, importPercent: percentage, importStatus: __( 'Starting Import.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); } if ( themeActivateFlag && false === themeStatus ) { installAstra( storedState ); } else { dispatch( { type: 'set', themeStatus: true, } ); } sendReportFlag = false; installRequiredPlugins(); }, [ templateResponse ] ); /** * Start the process only when: * 1. Required plugins are installed and activated. * 2. Astra Theme is installed */ useEffect( () => { if ( requiredPluginsDone && themeStatus ) { sendReportFlag = reportError; importPart1(); } }, [ requiredPluginsDone, themeStatus ] ); /** * Start Part 2 of the import once the XML is imported sucessfully. */ useEffect( () => { if ( xmlImportDone ) { importPart2(); } }, [ xmlImportDone ] ); // This checks if all the required plugins are installed and activated. useEffect( () => { if ( notActivatedList.length <= 0 && notInstalledList.length <= 0 ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', requiredPluginsDone: true, } ); } }, [ notActivatedList.length, notInstalledList.length ] ); // Whenever a plugin is installed, this code sends an activation request. useEffect( () => { // Installed all required plugins. if ( notActivatedList.length > 0 ) { activatePlugin( notActivatedList[ 0 ] ); } }, [ notActivatedList.length ] ); return ( <DefaultStep content={ <div className="middle-content middle-content-import"> <> <h1> { __( 'We are building your website…', 'astra-sites' ) } </h1> { importError && ( <div className="ist-import-process-step-wrap"> <ErrorScreen /> </div> ) } { ! importError && ( <> <div className="ist-import-process-step-wrap"> <ImportLoader /> </div> <Lottie loop animationData={ lottieJson } play style={ { height: 400, margin: '-70px auto -90px auto', } } /> </> ) } </> </div> } actions={ <> <PreviousStepLink before disabled customizeStep={ true }> { __( 'Back', 'astra-sites' ) } </PreviousStepLink> </> } /> ); }; export default ImportSite;