import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import confetti from 'canvas-confetti'; import DefaultStep from '../../components/default-step/index'; import { useStateValue } from '../../store/store'; import './style.scss'; import ICONS from '../../../icons'; import { whiteLabelEnabled } from '../../utils/functions'; import { Button } from '../../components'; const { siteUrl } = starterTemplates; const getTotalTime = ( value ) => { const hours = Math.floor( value / 60 / 60 ); const minutes = Math.floor( value / 60 ) - hours * 60; const seconds = value % 60; if ( minutes ) { return minutes + '.' + seconds; } return '0.' + seconds; }; const Congrats = () => { const [ { confettiDone, builder }, dispatch ] = useStateValue(); const istConfetti = confetti.create( document.getElementById( 'ist-bashcanvas' ), { resize: true } ); if ( ! confettiDone ) { setTimeout( function () { istConfetti( { particleCount: 250, origin: { x: 1, y: 1.4 }, gravity: 0.4, spread: 80, ticks: 300, angle: 120, startVelocity: 100, colors: [ '#0e6ef1', '#f5b800', '#ff344c', '#98e027', '#9900f1', ], } ); }, 100 ); setTimeout( function () { istConfetti( { particleCount: 250, origin: { x: 0, y: 1.4 }, gravity: 0.4, spread: 80, ticks: 300, angle: 60, startVelocity: 100, colors: [ '#0e6ef1', '#f5b800', '#ff344c', '#98e027', '#9900f1', ], } ); dispatch( { type: 'set', confettiDone: true, } ); }, 500 ); } const [ {} ] = useStateValue(); const [ showClickToPlay, setShowClickToPlay ] = useState( true ); const start = localStorage.getItem( 'st-import-start' ); const end = localStorage.getItem( 'st-import-end' ); const diff = end - start; const unixTimeInSeconds = Math.floor( diff / 1000 ); const totalTime = start && end ? getTotalTime( unixTimeInSeconds ) : 0; const typeOfTime = totalTime > 1 ? 'minutes' : 'seconds'; let timeTaken = totalTime; let descMessage; let tweetMessage; const threshold = 5; // Max 5 mins threshold. if ( timeTaken > 0 && timeTaken <= threshold ) { timeTaken = timeTaken < 1 ? timeTaken.split( '.' )[ 1 ] : timeTaken; descMessage = sprintf( //translators: %1$s Time taken %2$s Time Type %3$s Website Url. __( `Your Website is ready and it took just %1$s %2$s to build.`, 'astra-sites' ), timeTaken, typeOfTime ); tweetMessage = `I just built my website in ${ timeTaken } ${ typeOfTime } with Starter Templates by @AstraWP. Can't believe how easy it is! 😍`; } else { descMessage = __( 'Your Website is up and ready!.', 'astra-sites' ); tweetMessage = `I just built my website with Starter Templates by @AstraWP in minutes. Can't believe how easy it is! 😍`; } const handleClick = () => { const target = document.getElementById( 'st-information-video' ); const youtubeLink = target.src.replace( '&mute=1&controls=0', '&mute=0&controls=1' ); target.src = youtubeLink; setShowClickToPlay( false ); }; const ytId = builder === 'gutenberg' ? 'Zb2DU4vzNWE' : '3dARpNLcL30'; return ( <DefaultStep content={ <div className="congrats-screen"> <h1 className="d-flex-center-align"> { __( 'Congratulations!', 'astra-sites' ) } { ICONS.tada } </h1> <p className="screen-description p-bold">{ descMessage }</p> <Button className="view-website-btn" after onClick={ () => { siteUrl, '_blank' ); } } > { __( 'View Your Website', 'astra-sites' ) } </Button> { ! whiteLabelEnabled() && ( <> <div className="video-showcase" onClick={ handleClick } > { showClickToPlay && ( <div className="click-to-play-wrap"> <span className="click-btn-text"> { ICONS.clickToPlay } </span> <span className="youtube-btn middle-content"> { } </span> </div> ) } <iframe src={ `${ ytId }?rel=0&autoplay=1&mute=1&controls=0&showinfo=0&loop=1&modestbranding=1&loop=1` } frameBorder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowFullScreen title="st-information-video" height="415" width="740" id="st-information-video" /> </div> <div className="tweet-import-success"> <p className="tweet-text">{ tweetMessage }</p> <a href={ `${ tweetMessage }` } target="_blank" className="twitter-btn-wrap" rel="noreferrer" > <p className="tweet-btn"> { __( 'CLICK TO TWEET', 'astra-sites' ) } </p> { ICONS.twitter } </a> </div> </> ) } </div> } actions={ null } /> ); }; export default Congrats;