import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Tooltip } from '@brainstormforce/starter-templates-components'; import { useStateValue } from '../store/store'; import ICONS from '../../icons'; import Logo from '../components/logo'; import { storeCurrentState } from '../utils/functions'; import { STEPS } from './util'; const { adminUrl } = starterTemplates; const $ = jQuery; const Steps = () => { const [ stateValue, dispatch ] = useStateValue(); const { builder, searchTerms, searchTermsWithCount, currentIndex, currentCustomizeIndex, templateResponse, designStep, importError, } = stateValue; const [ settingHistory, setSettinghistory ] = useState( true ); const [ settingIndex, setSettingIndex ] = useState( true ); const current = STEPS[ currentIndex ]; const history = useNavigate(); useEffect( () => { $( document ).on( 'heartbeat-send', sendHeartbeat ); $( document ).on( 'heartbeat-tick', heartbeatDone ); }, [ searchTerms, searchTermsWithCount ] ); const heartbeatDone = ( event, data ) => { // Check for our data, and use it. if ( ! data[ 'ast-sites-search-terms' ] ) { return; } dispatch( { type: 'set', searchTerms: [], searchTermsWithCount: [], } ); }; const sendHeartbeat = ( event, data ) => { // Add additional data to Heartbeat data. if ( searchTerms.length > 0 ) { data[ 'ast-sites-search-terms' ] = searchTermsWithCount; data[ 'ast-sites-builder' ] = builder; } }; useEffect( () => { const previousIndex = parseInt( currentIndex ) - 1; const nextIndex = parseInt( currentIndex ) + 1; if ( nextIndex > 0 && nextIndex < STEPS.length ) { document.body.classList.remove( STEPS[ nextIndex ].class ); } if ( previousIndex > 0 ) { document.body.classList.remove( STEPS[ previousIndex ].class ); } document.body.classList.add( STEPS[ currentIndex ].class ); } ); useEffect( () => { if ( importError ) { document.body.classList.add( 'st-error' ); } else { document.body.classList.remove( 'st-error' ); } }, [ importError ] ); useEffect( () => { const currentUrlParams = new URLSearchParams( ); const storedStateValue = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem( 'starter-templates-onboarding' ) ); const urlIndex = parseInt( currentUrlParams.get( 'ci' ) ) || 0; const designIndex = parseInt( currentUrlParams.get( 'designStep' ) ) || 0; const searchTerm = currentUrlParams.get( 's' ) || ''; if ( urlIndex !== 0 ) { const stateValueUpdates = {}; for ( const key in storedStateValue ) { if ( key === 'currentIndex' || key === 'siteSearchTerm' ) { continue; } stateValueUpdates[ key ] = storedStateValue[ `${ key }` ]; } dispatch( { type: 'set', currentIndex: urlIndex, designStep: designIndex, siteSearchTerm: searchTerm, ...stateValueUpdates, } ); } else { localStorage.removeItem( 'starter-templates-onboarding' ); } setSettinghistory( false ); }, [ history ] ); useEffect( () => { const currentUrlParams = new URLSearchParams( ); const urlIndex = parseInt( currentUrlParams.get( 'ci' ) ) || 0; if ( currentIndex === 0 ) { currentUrlParams.delete( 'ci' ); history( window.location.pathname + '?' + currentUrlParams.toString() ); } if ( ( currentIndex !== 0 && urlIndex !== currentIndex ) || templateResponse !== null ) { storeCurrentState( stateValue ); currentUrlParams.set( 'ci', currentIndex ); history( window.location.pathname + '?' + currentUrlParams.toString() ); } // Execute only for the last Customization step. if ( designStep !== 0 && urlIndex === STEPS.length - 1 && templateResponse !== null ) { storeCurrentState( stateValue ); currentUrlParams.set( 'designStep', designStep ); history( window.location.pathname + '?' + currentUrlParams.toString() ); } if ( currentIndex === 2 ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', activePalette: {}, activePaletteSlug: 'default', typography: {}, typographyIndex: 0, } ); } setSettingIndex( false ); }, [ currentIndex, templateResponse, designStep ] ); const goToShowcase = () => { dispatch( { type: 'set', currentIndex: currentIndex - 2, currentCustomizeIndex: 0, } ); }; window.onpopstate = () => { const gridIndex = STEPS.findIndex( ( step ) => step.class === 'step-site-list' ); if ( !! designStep && designStep !== 1 && currentIndex !== gridIndex ) { const surveyIndex = STEPS.findIndex( ( step ) => step.class === 'step-survey' ); if ( currentIndex >= surveyIndex ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', currentIndex: currentIndex - 1, } ); } else { dispatch( { type: 'set', designStep: designStep - 1, currentCustomizeIndex: currentCustomizeIndex - 1, currentIndex, } ); } } if ( currentIndex > gridIndex && designStep === 1 ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', currentIndex: currentIndex - 1, } ); } }; return ( <div className={ `st-step ${ current.class }` }> { currentIndex !== 3 && ( <div className="step-header"> { current.header ? ( current.header ) : ( <div className="row"> <div className="col"> <Logo /> </div> <div className="right-col"> { currentIndex === 4 && ( <div className="back-to-main" onClick={ goToShowcase } > <Tooltip content={ __( 'Back to Templates', 'astra-sites' ) } > { ICONS.cross } </Tooltip> </div> ) } <div className="col exit-link"> <a href={ adminUrl }> <Tooltip content={ __( 'Exit to Dashboard', 'astra-sites' ) } > { ICONS.dashboard } </Tooltip> </a> </div> </div> </div> ) } <canvas id="ist-bashcanvas" width={ window.innerWidth } height={ window.innerHeight } /> </div> ) } { settingHistory === false && settingIndex === false && current ? current.content : null } </div> ); }; export default Steps;