/** * External dependencies */ import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; import { CheckoutProvider } from '@woocommerce/base-context'; import { useCheckoutAddress } from '@woocommerce/base-context/hooks'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import AddressForm from '../address-form'; const renderInCheckoutProvider = ( ui, options = {} ) => { const Wrapper = ( { children } ) => { return <CheckoutProvider>{ children }</CheckoutProvider>; }; return render( ui, { wrapper: Wrapper, ...options } ); }; // Countries used in testing addresses must be in the wcSettings global. // See: tests/js/setup-globals.js const primaryAddress = { country: 'United Kingdom', countryKey: 'GB', city: 'London', state: 'Greater London', postcode: 'ABCD', }; const secondaryAddress = { country: 'Austria', // We use Austria because it doesn't have states. countryKey: 'AU', city: 'Vienna', postcode: 'DCBA', }; const tertiaryAddress = { country: 'Canada', // We use Canada because it has a select for the state. countryKey: 'CA', city: 'Toronto', state: 'Ontario', postcode: 'EFGH', }; const countryRegExp = /country/i; const cityRegExp = /city/i; const stateRegExp = /county|province|state/i; const postalCodeRegExp = /postal code|postcode|zip/i; const inputAddress = async ( { country = null, city = null, state = null, postcode = null, } ) => { if ( country ) { const countryInput = screen.getByLabelText( countryRegExp ); userEvent.type( countryInput, country + '{arrowdown}{enter}' ); } if ( city ) { const cityInput = screen.getByLabelText( cityRegExp ); userEvent.type( cityInput, city ); } if ( state ) { const stateButton = screen.queryByRole( 'combobox', { name: stateRegExp, } ); // State input might be a select or a text input. if ( stateButton ) { userEvent.click( stateButton ); userEvent.click( screen.getByRole( 'option', { name: state } ) ); } else { const stateInput = screen.getByLabelText( stateRegExp ); userEvent.type( stateInput, state ); } } if ( postcode ) { const postcodeInput = screen.getByLabelText( postalCodeRegExp ); userEvent.type( postcodeInput, postcode ); } }; describe( 'AddressForm Component', () => { const WrappedAddressForm = ( { type } ) => { const { defaultAddressFields, setShippingAddress, shippingAddress } = useCheckoutAddress(); return ( <AddressForm type={ type } onChange={ setShippingAddress } values={ shippingAddress } fields={ Object.keys( defaultAddressFields ) } /> ); }; const ShippingFields = () => { const { shippingAddress } = useCheckoutAddress(); return ( <ul> { Object.keys( shippingAddress ).map( ( key ) => ( <li key={ key }>{ key + ': ' + shippingAddress[ key ] }</li> ) ) } </ul> ); }; it( 'updates context value when interacting with form elements', () => { renderInCheckoutProvider( <> <WrappedAddressForm type="shipping" /> <ShippingFields /> </> ); inputAddress( primaryAddress ); expect( screen.getByText( /country/ ) ).toHaveTextContent( `country: ${ primaryAddress.countryKey }` ); expect( screen.getByText( /city/ ) ).toHaveTextContent( `city: ${ primaryAddress.city }` ); expect( screen.getByText( /state/ ) ).toHaveTextContent( `state: ${ primaryAddress.state }` ); expect( screen.getByText( /postcode/ ) ).toHaveTextContent( `postcode: ${ primaryAddress.postcode }` ); } ); it( 'input fields update when changing the country', () => { renderInCheckoutProvider( <WrappedAddressForm type="shipping" /> ); inputAddress( primaryAddress ); // Verify correct labels are used. expect( screen.getByLabelText( /City/ ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect( screen.getByLabelText( /County/ ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect( screen.getByLabelText( /Postcode/ ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); inputAddress( secondaryAddress ); // Verify state input has been removed. expect( screen.queryByText( stateRegExp ) ).not.toBeInTheDocument(); inputAddress( tertiaryAddress ); // Verify postal code input label changed. expect( screen.getByLabelText( /Postal code/ ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); } ); it( 'input values are reset after changing the country', () => { renderInCheckoutProvider( <WrappedAddressForm type="shipping" /> ); inputAddress( secondaryAddress ); // Only update `country` to verify other values are reset. inputAddress( { country: primaryAddress.country } ); expect( screen.getByLabelText( stateRegExp ).value ).toBe( '' ); // Repeat the test with an address which has a select for the state. inputAddress( tertiaryAddress ); inputAddress( { country: primaryAddress.country } ); expect( screen.getByLabelText( stateRegExp ).value ).toBe( '' ); } ); } );