import Content from '../../../../../../assets/js/layout/content'; import EnvatoPromotion from '../../components/envato-promotion'; import ErrorScreen from '../../components/error-screen'; import FilterIndicationText from '../../components/filter-indication-text'; import IndexHeader from './index-header'; import IndexSidebar from './index-sidebar'; import KitList from '../../components/kit-list'; import Layout from '../../components/layout'; import PageLoader from '../../components/page-loader'; import SearchInput from '../../components/search-input'; import SortSelect from '../../components/sort-select'; import TaxonomiesFilter from '../../components/taxonomies-filter'; import useKits, { defaultQueryParams } from '../../hooks/use-kits'; import usePageTitle from 'elementor-app/hooks/use-page-title'; import useTaxonomies from '../../hooks/use-taxonomies'; import { Grid } from '@elementor/app-ui'; import { useCallback, useMemo, useEffect } from 'react'; import { useLastFilterContext } from '../../context/last-filter-context'; import { useLocation } from '@reach/router'; import { appsEventTrackingDispatch } from 'elementor-app/event-track/apps-event-tracking'; import './index.scss'; /** * Generate select and unselect taxonomy functions. * * @param {Function} setQueryParams * @return {((function(*, *): *)|(function(*=): *))[]} taxonomy functions */ function useTaxonomiesSelection( setQueryParams ) { const selectTaxonomy = useCallback( ( type, callback ) => setQueryParams( ( prev ) => { const taxonomies = { ...prev.taxonomies }; taxonomies[ type ] = callback( prev.taxonomies[ type ] ); return { ...prev, taxonomies }; }, ), [ setQueryParams ] ); const unselectTaxonomy = useCallback( ( taxonomy ) => setQueryParams( ( prev ) => { const taxonomies = Object.entries( prev.taxonomies ) .reduce( ( current, [ key, groupedTaxonomies ] ) => ( { ...current, [ key ]: groupedTaxonomies.filter( ( item ) => item !== taxonomy ), } ), {} ); return { ...prev, taxonomies }; } ), [ setQueryParams ] ); return [ selectTaxonomy, unselectTaxonomy ]; } /** * Generate the menu items for the index page. * * @param {string} path * @return {Array} menu items */ function useMenuItems( path ) { return useMemo( () => { const page = path.replace( '/', '' ); return [ { label: __( 'All Website Kits', 'elementor' ), icon: 'eicon-filter', isActive: ! page, url: '/kit-library', trackEventData: { command: 'kit-library/select-organizing-category', category: 'all' }, }, { label: __( 'Favorites', 'elementor' ), icon: 'eicon-heart-o', isActive: 'favorites' === page, url: '/kit-library/favorites', trackEventData: { command: 'kit-library/select-organizing-category', category: 'favorites' }, }, ]; }, [ path ] ); } /** * Update and read the query param from the url * * @param {*} queryParams * @param {*} setQueryParams * @param {Array<string>} exclude */ function useRouterQueryParams( queryParams, setQueryParams, exclude = [] ) { const location = useLocation(), { setLastFilter } = useLastFilterContext(); useEffect( () => { const filteredQueryParams = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries( queryParams ) .filter( ( [ key, item ] ) => ! exclude.includes( key ) && item ), ); setLastFilter( filteredQueryParams ); history.replaceState( null, '', decodeURI( `#${ wp.url.addQueryArgs( location.pathname.split( '?' )[ 0 ] || '/', filteredQueryParams ) }`, ), ); }, [ queryParams ] ); useEffect( () => { const routerQueryParams = Object.keys( defaultQueryParams ).reduce( ( current, key ) => { // TODO: Replace with `wp.url.getQueryArgs` when WordPress 5.7 is the min version const queryArg = wp.url.getQueryArg( location.pathname, key ); if ( ! queryArg ) { return current; } return { ...current, [ key ]: queryArg, }; }, {} ); setQueryParams( ( prev ) => ( { ...prev, ...routerQueryParams, taxonomies: { ...prev.taxonomies, ...routerQueryParams.taxonomies, }, ready: true, } ) ); }, [] ); } export default function Index( props ) { usePageTitle( { title: __( 'Kit Library', 'elementor' ), } ); const menuItems = useMenuItems( props.path ); const { data, isSuccess, isLoading, isFetching, isError, queryParams, setQueryParams, clearQueryParams, forceRefetch, isFilterActive, } = useKits( props.initialQueryParams ); useRouterQueryParams( queryParams, setQueryParams, [ 'ready', ...Object.keys( props.initialQueryParams ) ] ); const { data: taxonomiesData, forceRefetch: forceRefetchTaxonomies, isFetching: isFetchingTaxonomies, } = useTaxonomies(); const [ selectTaxonomy, unselectTaxonomy ] = useTaxonomiesSelection( setQueryParams ); const eventTracking = ( command, elementPosition, search = null, direction = null, sortType = null, action = null, eventType = 'click' ) => { appsEventTrackingDispatch( command, { page_source: 'home page', element_position: elementPosition, search_term: search, sort_direction: direction, sort_type: sortType, event_type: eventType, action, }, ); }; return ( <Layout sidebar={ <IndexSidebar tagsFilterSlot={ <TaxonomiesFilter selected={ queryParams.taxonomies } onSelect={ selectTaxonomy } taxonomies={ taxonomiesData } category={ props.path } /> } menuItems={ menuItems } /> } header={ <IndexHeader refetch={ () => { forceRefetch(); forceRefetchTaxonomies(); } } isFetching={ isFetching || isFetchingTaxonomies } /> } > <div className="e-kit-library__index-layout-container"> <Grid container className="e-kit-library__index-layout-top-area"> <Grid item className="e-kit-library__index-layout-top-area-search"> <SearchInput // eslint-disable-next-line @wordpress/i18n-ellipsis placeholder={ __( 'Search all Website Kits...', 'elementor' ) } value={ } onChange={ ( value ) => { setQueryParams( ( prev ) => ( { ...prev, search: value } ) ); eventTracking( 'kit-library/kit-free-search', 'top_area_search', value, null, null, null, 'search' ); } } /> { isFilterActive && <FilterIndicationText queryParams={ queryParams } resultCount={ data.length || 0 } onClear={ clearQueryParams } onRemoveTag={ unselectTaxonomy } /> } </Grid> <Grid item className="e-kit-library__index-layout-top-area-sort" > <SortSelect options={ [ { label: __( 'Featured', 'elementor' ), value: 'featuredIndex', defaultOrder: 'asc', orderDisabled: true, }, { label: __( 'New', 'elementor' ), value: 'createdAt', defaultOrder: 'desc', }, { label: __( 'Popular', 'elementor' ), value: 'popularityIndex', defaultOrder: 'desc', }, { label: __( 'Trending', 'elementor' ), value: 'trendIndex', defaultOrder: 'desc', }, ] } value={ queryParams.order } onChange={ ( order ) => setQueryParams( ( prev ) => ( { ...prev, order } ) ) } onChangeSortDirection={ ( direction ) => eventTracking( 'kit-library/change-sort-direction', 'top_area_sort', null, direction ) } onChangeSortValue={ ( value ) => eventTracking( 'kit-library/change-sort-value', 'top_area_sort', null, null, value ) } onSortSelectOpen={ () => eventTracking( 'kit-library/change-sort-type', 'top_area_sort', null, null, null, 'expand' ) } /> </Grid> </Grid> <Content className="e-kit-library__index-layout-main"> <> { isLoading && <PageLoader /> } { isError && <ErrorScreen title={ __( 'Something went wrong.', 'elementor' ) } description={ __( 'Nothing to worry about, use 🔄 on the top right to try again. If the problem continues, head over to the Help Center.', 'elementor' ) } button={ { text: __( 'Learn More', 'elementor' ), url: '', target: '_blank', } } /> } { isSuccess && 0 < data.length && queryParams.ready && <KitList data={ data } queryParams={ queryParams } source={ props.path } /> } { isSuccess && 0 === data.length && queryParams.ready && props.renderNoResultsComponent( { defaultComponent: <ErrorScreen title={ __( 'No results matched your search.', 'elementor' ) } description={ __( 'Try different keywords or ', 'elementor' ) } button={ { text: __( 'Continue browsing.', 'elementor' ), action: clearQueryParams, category: props.path, } } />, isFilterActive, } ) } <EnvatoPromotion category={ props.path } /> </> </Content> </div> </Layout> ); } Index.propTypes = { path: PropTypes.string, initialQueryParams: PropTypes.object, renderNoResultsComponent: PropTypes.func, }; Index.defaultProps = { initialQueryParams: {}, renderNoResultsComponent: ( { defaultComponent } ) => defaultComponent, };