import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; const { themeStatus, nonce } = starterTemplates; export const getDemo = async ( id, storedState ) => { const [ { currentIndex }, dispatch ] = storedState; const generateData = new FormData(); generateData.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-api-request' ); generateData.append( 'url', 'astra-sites/' + id ); generateData.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: generateData, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.json() ) .then( ( response ) => { if ( response.success ) { starterTemplates.previewUrl = 'https:' +[ 'astra-site-url' ]; dispatch( { type: 'set', templateId: id, templateResponse:, importErrorMessages: {}, importErrorResponse: [], importError: false, } ); } else { let errorMessages = {}; if ( undefined !== ) { const code =; switch ( code ) { case '401': case '404': errorMessages = { primaryText: astraSitesVars.server_import_primary_error, secondaryText: '', errorCode: code, errorText:, solutionText: '', tryAgain: true, }; break; case '500': errorMessages = { primaryText: astraSitesVars.server_import_primary_error, secondaryText: '', errorCode: code, errorText:, solutionText: astraSitesVars.ajax_request_failed_secondary, tryAgain: true, }; break; case 'WP_Error': errorMessages = { primaryText: astraSitesVars.client_import_primary_error, secondaryText: '', errorCode: code, errorText:, solutionText: '', tryAgain: true, }; break; case 'Cloudflare': errorMessages = { primaryText: astraSitesVars.cloudflare_import_primary_error, secondaryText: '', errorCode: code, errorText:, solutionText: '', tryAgain: true, }; break; default: errorMessages = { primaryText: __( 'Fetching related demo failed.', 'astra-sites' ), secondaryText: '', errorCode: '', errorText:, solutionText: astraSitesVars.ajax_request_failed_secondary, tryAgain: false, }; break; } dispatch( { type: 'set', importError: true, importErrorMessages: errorMessages, importErrorResponse:, templateResponse: null, currentIndex: currentIndex + 3, } ); } } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { dispatch( { type: 'set', importError: true, importErrorMessages: { primaryText: __( 'Fetching related demo failed.', 'astra-sites' ), secondaryText: astraSitesVars.ajax_request_failed_secondary, errorCode: '', errorText: error, solutionText: '', tryAgain: false, }, } ); } ); }; export const checkRequiredPlugins = async ( storedState ) => { const [ {}, dispatch ] = storedState; const reqPlugins = new FormData(); reqPlugins.append( 'action', 'astra-required-plugins' ); reqPlugins.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: reqPlugins, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.json() ) .then( ( response ) => { if ( response.success ) { const rPlugins =; const notInstalledPlugin = rPlugins.notinstalled || ''; const notActivePlugins = rPlugins.inactive || ''; dispatch( { type: 'set', requiredPlugins:, notInstalledList: notInstalledPlugin, notActivatedList: notActivePlugins, } ); } } ); }; export const installAstra = ( storedState ) => { const [ { importPercent }, dispatch ] = storedState; const themeSlug = 'astra'; let percentage = importPercent; if ( 'not-installed' === themeStatus ) { if ( wp.updates.shouldRequestFilesystemCredentials && ! wp.updates.ajaxLocked ) { wp.updates.requestFilesystemCredentials(); } percentage += 5; dispatch( { type: 'set', importPercent: percentage, importStatus: __( 'Installing Astra Themeā€¦', 'astra-sites' ), } ); wp.updates.installTheme( { slug: themeSlug, } ); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef jQuery( document ).on( 'wp-theme-install-success', function ( event, response ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', themeStatus: response, importStatus: __( 'Astra Theme Installed.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); } ); } if ( 'installed-but-inactive' === themeStatus ) { // WordPress adds "Activate" button after waiting for 1000ms. So we will run our activation after that. setTimeout( function () { const data = new FormData(); data.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-activate-theme' ); data.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: data, } ) .then( ( response ) => response.json() ) .then( ( response ) => { if ( response.success ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', themeStatus: response, importStatus: __( 'Astra Theme Installed.', 'astra-sites' ), } ); } else { dispatch( { type: 'set', importError: true, importErrorMessages: { primaryText: __( 'Astra theme installation failed.', 'astra-sites' ), secondaryText: '', errorCode: '', errorText:, solutionText: '', tryAgain: true, }, } ); } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { /* eslint-disable-next-line no-console -- We are displaying errors in the console. */ console.error( error ); } ); }, 3000 ); } if ( 'installed-and-active' === themeStatus ) { dispatch( { type: 'set', themeStatus: true, } ); } }; export const setSiteLogo = async ( logo ) => { if ( '' === ) { return; } const data = new FormData(); data.append( 'action', 'astra_sites_set_site_data' ); data.append( 'param', 'site-logo' ); data.append( 'logo', ); data.append( 'logo-width', logo.width ); data.append( 'security', nonce ); await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: data, } ); }; export const setColorPalettes = async ( palette ) => { if ( ! palette ) { return; } const data = new FormData(); data.append( 'action', 'astra_sites_set_site_data' ); data.append( 'param', 'site-colors' ); data.append( 'palette', palette ); data.append( 'security', nonce ); await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: data, } ); }; export const saveTypography = async ( selectedValue ) => { const data = new FormData(); data.append( 'action', 'astra_sites_set_site_data' ); data.append( 'param', 'site-typography' ); data.append( 'typography', JSON.stringify( selectedValue ) ); data.append( 'security', nonce ); await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: data, } ); }; export const divideIntoChunks = ( chunkSize, inputArray ) => { const values = Object.keys( inputArray ); const final = []; let counter = 0; let portion = {}; for ( const key in inputArray ) { if ( counter !== 0 && counter % chunkSize === 0 ) { final.push( portion ); portion = {}; } portion[ key ] = inputArray[ values[ counter ] ]; counter++; } final.push( portion ); return final; }; export const checkFileSystemPermissions = async ( [ , dispatch ] ) => { try { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-filesystem-permission' ); formData.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); const response = await fetch( astraSitesVars.ajaxurl, { method: 'POST', body: formData, } ); const data = await response.json(); dispatch( { type: 'set', fileSystemPermissions:, } ); } catch ( error ) { /* eslint-disable-next-line no-console -- We are displaying errors in the console. */ console.error( error ); } }; export const generateAnalyticsLead = async ( tryAgainCount, status, templateId, builder ) => { const importContent = new FormData(); importContent.append( 'action', 'astra-sites-generate-analytics-lead' ); importContent.append( 'status', status ); importContent.append( 'id', templateId ); importContent.append( 'try-again-count', tryAgainCount ); importContent.append( 'type', 'astra-sites' ); importContent.append( 'page-builder', builder ); importContent.append( '_ajax_nonce', astraSitesVars._ajax_nonce ); await fetch( ajaxurl, { method: 'post', body: importContent, } ); };