<?php namespace MailPoetVendor\Idiorm; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; use ArrayAccess; use ArrayIterator; use Countable; use Exception; use InvalidArgumentException; use IteratorAggregate; use PDO; use PDOStatement; /** * * Idiorm * * http://github.com/j4mie/idiorm/ * * A single-class super-simple database abstraction layer for PHP. * Provides (nearly) zero-configuration object-relational mapping * and a fluent interface for building basic, commonly-used queries. * * BSD Licensed. * * Copyright (c) 2010, Jamie Matthews * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * The methods documented below are magic methods that conform to PSR-1. * This documentation exposes these methods to doc generators and IDEs. * @see http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-1/ * * @method static array|string getConfig($key = null, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) * @method static null resetConfig() * @method static ORM forTable($table_name, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) * @method static null setDb($db, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) * @method static null resetDb() * @method static null setupLimitClauseStyle($connection_name) * @method static PDO getDb($connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) * @method static bool rawExecute($query, $parameters = array()) * @method static PDOStatement getLastStatement() * @method static string getLastQuery($connection_name = null) * @method static array getQueryLog($connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) * @method array getConnectionNames() * @method $this useIdColumn($id_column) * @method ORM|bool findOne($id=null) * @method array|IdiormResultSet findMany() * @method IdiormResultSet findResultSet() * @method array findArray() * @method $this forceAllDirty() * @method $this rawQuery($query, $parameters = array()) * @method $this tableAlias($alias) * @method int countNullIdColumns() * @method $this selectExpr($expr, $alias=null) * @method ORM selectMany($values) * @method ORM selectManyExpr($values) * @method $this rawJoin($table, $constraint, $table_alias, $parameters = array()) * @method $this innerJoin($table, $constraint, $table_alias=null) * @method $this leftOuterJoin($table, $constraint, $table_alias=null) * @method $this rightOuterJoin($table, $constraint, $table_alias=null) * @method $this fullOuterJoin($table, $constraint, $table_alias=null) * @method $this whereEqual($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this whereNotEqual($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this whereIdIs($id) * @method $this whereAnyIs($values, $operator='=') * @method array|string whereIdIn($ids) * @method $this whereLike($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this whereNotLike($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this whereGt($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this whereLt($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this whereGte($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this whereLte($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this whereIn($column_name, $values) * @method $this whereNotIn($column_name, $values) * @method $this whereNull($column_name) * @method $this whereNotNull($column_name) * @method $this whereRaw($clause, $parameters=array()) * @method $this orderByDesc($column_name) * @method $this orderByAsc($column_name) * @method $this orderByExpr($clause) * @method $this groupBy($column_name) * @method $this groupByExpr($expr) * @method $this havingEqual($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this havingNotEqual($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this havingIdIs($id) * @method $this havingLike($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this havingNotLike($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this havingGt($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this havingLt($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this havingGte($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this havingLte($column_name, $value=null) * @method $this havingIn($column_name, $values=null) * @method $this havingNotIn($column_name, $values=null) * @method $this havingNull($column_name) * @method $this havingNotNull($column_name) * @method $this havingRaw($clause, $parameters=array()) * @method static this clearCache($table_name = null, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) * @method array asArray() * @method bool setExpr($key, $value = null) * @method bool isDirty($key) * @method bool isNew() */ class ORM implements ArrayAccess { // ----------------------- // // --- CLASS CONSTANTS --- // // ----------------------- // // WHERE and HAVING condition array keys const CONDITION_FRAGMENT = 0; const CONDITION_VALUES = 1; const DEFAULT_CONNECTION = 'default'; // Limit clause style const LIMIT_STYLE_TOP_N = "top"; const LIMIT_STYLE_LIMIT = "limit"; // ------------------------ // // --- CLASS PROPERTIES --- // // ------------------------ // // Class configuration protected static $_default_config = array( 'connection_string' => 'sqlite::memory:', 'id_column' => 'id', 'id_column_overrides' => array(), 'error_mode' => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, 'username' => null, 'password' => null, 'driver_options' => null, 'identifier_quote_character' => null, // if this is null, will be autodetected 'limit_clause_style' => null, // if this is null, will be autodetected 'logging' => false, 'logger' => null, 'caching' => false, 'caching_auto_clear' => false, 'return_result_sets' => false, ); // Map of configuration settings protected static $_config = array(); // Map of database connections, instances of the PDO class protected static $_db = array(); // Last query run, only populated if logging is enabled protected static $_last_query; // Log of all queries run, mapped by connection key, only populated if logging is enabled protected static $_query_log = array(); // Query cache, only used if query caching is enabled protected static $_query_cache = array(); // Reference to previously used PDOStatement object to enable low-level access, if needed protected static $_last_statement = null; // --------------------------- // // --- INSTANCE PROPERTIES --- // // --------------------------- // // Key name of the connections in self::$_db used by this instance protected $_connection_name; // The name of the table the current ORM instance is associated with protected $_table_name; // Alias for the table to be used in SELECT queries protected $_table_alias = null; // Values to be bound to the query protected $_values = array(); // Columns to select in the result protected $_result_columns = array('*'); // Are we using the default result column or have these been manually changed? protected $_using_default_result_columns = true; // Join sources protected $_join_sources = array(); // Should the query include a DISTINCT keyword? protected $_distinct = false; // Is this a raw query? protected $_is_raw_query = false; // The raw query protected $_raw_query = ''; // The raw query parameters protected $_raw_parameters = array(); // Array of WHERE clauses protected $_where_conditions = array(); // LIMIT protected $_limit = null; // OFFSET protected $_offset = null; // ORDER BY protected $_order_by = array(); // GROUP BY protected $_group_by = array(); // HAVING protected $_having_conditions = array(); // The data for a hydrated instance of the class protected $_data = array(); // Fields that have been modified during the // lifetime of the object protected $_dirty_fields = array(); // Fields that are to be inserted in the DB raw protected $_expr_fields = array(); // Is this a new object (has create() been called)? protected $_is_new = false; // Name of the column to use as the primary key for // this instance only. Overrides the config settings. protected $_instance_id_column = null; // ---------------------- // // --- STATIC METHODS --- // // ---------------------- // /** * Pass configuration settings to the class in the form of * key/value pairs. As a shortcut, if the second argument * is omitted and the key is a string, the setting is * assumed to be the DSN string used by PDO to connect * to the database (often, this will be the only configuration * required to use Idiorm). If you have more than one setting * you wish to configure, another shortcut is to pass an array * of settings (and omit the second argument). * @param string|array $key * @param mixed $value * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use */ public static function configure($key, $value = null, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) { self::_setup_db_config($connection_name); //ensures at least default config is set if (is_array($key)) { // Shortcut: If only one array argument is passed, // assume it's an array of configuration settings foreach ($key as $conf_key => $conf_value) { self::configure($conf_key, $conf_value, $connection_name); } } else { if (is_null($value)) { // Shortcut: If only one string argument is passed, // assume it's a connection string $value = $key; $key = 'connection_string'; } self::$_config[$connection_name][$key] = $value; } } /** * Retrieve configuration options by key, or as whole array. * @param string $key * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use */ public static function get_config($key = null, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) { if ($key) { return self::$_config[$connection_name][$key]; } else { return self::$_config[$connection_name]; } } /** * Delete all configs in _config array. */ public static function reset_config() { self::$_config = array(); } /** * Despite its slightly odd name, this is actually the factory * method used to acquire instances of the class. It is named * this way for the sake of a readable interface, ie * ORM::for_table('table_name')->find_one()-> etc. As such, * this will normally be the first method called in a chain. * @param string $table_name * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use * @return ORM */ public static function for_table($table_name, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) { self::_setup_db($connection_name); return new self($table_name, array(), $connection_name); } /** * Set up the database connection used by the class * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use */ protected static function _setup_db($connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) { if (!array_key_exists($connection_name, self::$_db) || !is_object(self::$_db[$connection_name])) { self::_setup_db_config($connection_name); $db = new PDO( self::$_config[$connection_name]['connection_string'], self::$_config[$connection_name]['username'], self::$_config[$connection_name]['password'], self::$_config[$connection_name]['driver_options'] ); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, self::$_config[$connection_name]['error_mode']); self::set_db($db, $connection_name); } } /** * Ensures configuration (multiple connections) is at least set to default. * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use */ protected static function _setup_db_config($connection_name) { if (!array_key_exists($connection_name, self::$_config)) { self::$_config[$connection_name] = self::$_default_config; } } /** * Set the PDO object used by Idiorm to communicate with the database. * This is public in case the ORM should use a ready-instantiated * PDO object as its database connection. Accepts an optional string key * to identify the connection if multiple connections are used. * @param PDO $db * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use */ public static function set_db($db, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) { self::_setup_db_config($connection_name); self::$_db[$connection_name] = $db; if(!is_null(self::$_db[$connection_name])) { self::_setup_identifier_quote_character($connection_name); self::_setup_limit_clause_style($connection_name); } } /** * Close and delete all registered PDO objects in _db array. */ public static function reset_db() { self::$_db = null; self::$_db = array(); } /** * Detect and initialise the character used to quote identifiers * (table names, column names etc). If this has been specified * manually using ORM::configure('identifier_quote_character', 'some-char'), * this will do nothing. * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use */ protected static function _setup_identifier_quote_character($connection_name) { if (is_null(self::$_config[$connection_name]['identifier_quote_character'])) { self::$_config[$connection_name]['identifier_quote_character'] = self::_detect_identifier_quote_character($connection_name); } } /** * Detect and initialise the limit clause style ("SELECT TOP 5" / * "... LIMIT 5"). If this has been specified manually using * ORM::configure('limit_clause_style', 'top'), this will do nothing. * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use */ public static function _setup_limit_clause_style($connection_name) { if (is_null(self::$_config[$connection_name]['limit_clause_style'])) { self::$_config[$connection_name]['limit_clause_style'] = self::_detect_limit_clause_style($connection_name); } } /** * Return the correct character used to quote identifiers (table * names, column names etc) by looking at the driver being used by PDO. * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use * @return string */ protected static function _detect_identifier_quote_character($connection_name) { switch(self::get_db($connection_name)->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME)) { case 'pgsql': case 'sqlsrv': case 'dblib': case 'mssql': case 'sybase': case 'firebird': return '"'; case 'mysql': case 'sqlite': case 'sqlite2': default: return '`'; } } /** * Returns a constant after determining the appropriate limit clause * style * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use * @return string Limit clause style keyword/constant */ protected static function _detect_limit_clause_style($connection_name) { switch(self::get_db($connection_name)->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME)) { case 'sqlsrv': case 'dblib': case 'mssql': return ORM::LIMIT_STYLE_TOP_N; default: return ORM::LIMIT_STYLE_LIMIT; } } /** * Returns the PDO instance used by the the ORM to communicate with * the database. This can be called if any low-level DB access is * required outside the class. If multiple connections are used, * accepts an optional key name for the connection. * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use * @return PDO */ public static function get_db($connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) { self::_setup_db($connection_name); // required in case this is called before Idiorm is instantiated return self::$_db[$connection_name]; } /** * Executes a raw query as a wrapper for PDOStatement::execute. * Useful for queries that can't be accomplished through Idiorm, * particularly those using engine-specific features. * @example raw_execute('SELECT `name`, AVG(`order`) FROM `customer` GROUP BY `name` HAVING AVG(`order`) > 10') * @example raw_execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO `widget` (`id`, `name`) SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `other_table`') * @param string $query The raw SQL query * @param array $parameters Optional bound parameters * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use * @return bool Success */ public static function raw_execute($query, $parameters = array(), $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) { self::_setup_db($connection_name); return self::_execute($query, $parameters, $connection_name); } /** * Returns the PDOStatement instance last used by any connection wrapped by the ORM. * Useful for access to PDOStatement::rowCount() or error information * @return PDOStatement */ public static function get_last_statement() { return self::$_last_statement; } /** * Internal helper method for executing statments. Logs queries, and * stores statement object in ::_last_statment, accessible publicly * through ::get_last_statement() * @param string $query * @param array $parameters An array of parameters to be bound in to the query * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use * @return bool Response of PDOStatement::execute() */ protected static function _execute($query, $parameters = array(), $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) { $statement = self::get_db($connection_name)->prepare($query); self::$_last_statement = $statement; $time = microtime(true); foreach ($parameters as $key => &$param) { if (is_null($param)) { $type = PDO::PARAM_NULL; } else if (is_bool($param)) { $type = PDO::PARAM_BOOL; } else if (is_int($param)) { $type = PDO::PARAM_INT; } else { $type = PDO::PARAM_STR; } $statement->bindParam(is_int($key) ? ++$key : $key, $param, $type); } $q = $statement->execute(); self::_log_query($query, $parameters, $connection_name, (microtime(true)-$time)); return $q; } /** * Add a query to the internal query log. Only works if the * 'logging' config option is set to true. * * This works by manually binding the parameters to the query - the * query isn't executed like this (PDO normally passes the query and * parameters to the database which takes care of the binding) but * doing it this way makes the logged queries more readable. * @param string $query * @param array $parameters An array of parameters to be bound in to the query * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use * @param float $query_time Query time * @return bool */ protected static function _log_query($query, $parameters, $connection_name, $query_time) { // If logging is not enabled, do nothing if (!self::$_config[$connection_name]['logging']) { return false; } if (!isset(self::$_query_log[$connection_name])) { self::$_query_log[$connection_name] = array(); } if (empty($parameters)) { $bound_query = $query; } else { // Escape the parameters $parameters = array_map(function($parameter) use ($connection_name) { // Escape the parameter only when it is not empty value due to compatibility in PHP8.1 if ($parameter) { return self::get_db($connection_name)->quote($parameter); } return $parameter; }, $parameters); if (array_values($parameters) === $parameters) { // ? placeholders // Avoid %format collision for vsprintf $query = str_replace("%", "%%", $query); // Replace placeholders in the query for vsprintf if(false !== strpos($query, "'") || false !== strpos($query, '"')) { $query = IdiormString::str_replace_outside_quotes("?", "%s", $query); } else { $query = str_replace("?", "%s", $query); } // Replace the question marks in the query with the parameters $bound_query = vsprintf($query, $parameters); } else { // named placeholders foreach ($parameters as $key => $val) { $query = str_replace($key, $val, $query); } $bound_query = $query; } } self::$_last_query = $bound_query; self::$_query_log[$connection_name][] = $bound_query; if(is_callable(self::$_config[$connection_name]['logger'])){ $logger = self::$_config[$connection_name]['logger']; $logger($bound_query, $query_time); } return true; } /** * Get the last query executed. Only works if the * 'logging' config option is set to true. Otherwise * this will return null. Returns last query from all connections if * no connection_name is specified * @param null|string $connection_name Which connection to use * @return string */ public static function get_last_query($connection_name = null) { if ($connection_name === null) { return self::$_last_query; } if (!isset(self::$_query_log[$connection_name])) { return ''; } return end(self::$_query_log[$connection_name]); } /** * Get an array containing all the queries run on a * specified connection up to now. * Only works if the 'logging' config option is * set to true. Otherwise, returned array will be empty. * @param string $connection_name Which connection to use */ public static function get_query_log($connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) { if (isset(self::$_query_log[$connection_name])) { return self::$_query_log[$connection_name]; } return array(); } /** * Get a list of the available connection names * @return array */ public static function get_connection_names() { return array_keys(self::$_db); } // ------------------------ // // --- INSTANCE METHODS --- // // ------------------------ // /** * "Private" constructor; shouldn't be called directly. * Use the ORM::for_table factory method instead. */ protected function __construct($table_name, $data = array(), $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) { $this->_table_name = $table_name; $this->_data = $data; $this->_connection_name = $connection_name; self::_setup_db_config($connection_name); } /** * Create a new, empty instance of the class. Used * to add a new row to your database. May optionally * be passed an associative array of data to populate * the instance. If so, all fields will be flagged as * dirty so all will be saved to the database when * save() is called. */ public function create($data=null) { $this->_is_new = true; if (!is_null($data)) { return $this->hydrate($data)->force_all_dirty(); } return $this; } /** * Specify the ID column to use for this instance or array of instances only. * This overrides the id_column and id_column_overrides settings. * * This is mostly useful for libraries built on top of Idiorm, and will * not normally be used in manually built queries. If you don't know why * you would want to use this, you should probably just ignore it. */ public function use_id_column($id_column) { $this->_instance_id_column = $id_column; return $this; } /** * Create an ORM instance from the given row (an associative * array of data fetched from the database) */ protected function _create_instance_from_row($row) { $instance = self::for_table($this->_table_name, $this->_connection_name); $instance->use_id_column($this->_instance_id_column); $instance->hydrate($row); return $instance; } /** * Tell the ORM that you are expecting a single result * back from your query, and execute it. Will return * a single instance of the ORM class, or false if no * rows were returned. * As a shortcut, you may supply an ID as a parameter * to this method. This will perform a primary key * lookup on the table. */ public function find_one($id=null) { if (!is_null($id)) { $this->where_id_is($id); } $this->limit(1); $rows = $this->_run(); if (empty($rows)) { return false; } return $this->_create_instance_from_row($rows[0]); } /** * Tell the ORM that you are expecting multiple results * from your query, and execute it. Will return an array * of instances of the ORM class, or an empty array if * no rows were returned. * @return array|\IdiormResultSet */ public function find_many() { if(self::$_config[$this->_connection_name]['return_result_sets']) { return $this->find_result_set(); } return $this->_find_many(); } /** * Tell the ORM that you are expecting multiple results * from your query, and execute it. Will return an array * of instances of the ORM class, or an empty array if * no rows were returned. * @return array */ protected function _find_many() { $rows = $this->_run(); return array_map(array($this, '_create_instance_from_row'), $rows); } /** * Tell the ORM that you are expecting multiple results * from your query, and execute it. Will return a result set object * containing instances of the ORM class. * @return \IdiormResultSet */ public function find_result_set() { return new IdiormResultSet($this->_find_many()); } /** * Tell the ORM that you are expecting multiple results * from your query, and execute it. Will return an array, * or an empty array if no rows were returned. * @return array */ public function find_array() { return $this->_run(); } /** * Tell the ORM that you wish to execute a COUNT query. * Will return an integer representing the number of * rows returned. */ public function count($column = '*') { return $this->_call_aggregate_db_function(__FUNCTION__, $column); } /** * Tell the ORM that you wish to execute a MAX query. * Will return the max value of the choosen column. */ public function max($column) { return $this->_call_aggregate_db_function(__FUNCTION__, $column); } /** * Tell the ORM that you wish to execute a MIN query. * Will return the min value of the choosen column. */ public function min($column) { return $this->_call_aggregate_db_function(__FUNCTION__, $column); } /** * Tell the ORM that you wish to execute a AVG query. * Will return the average value of the choosen column. */ public function avg($column) { return $this->_call_aggregate_db_function(__FUNCTION__, $column); } /** * Tell the ORM that you wish to execute a SUM query. * Will return the sum of the choosen column. */ public function sum($column) { return $this->_call_aggregate_db_function(__FUNCTION__, $column); } /** * Execute an aggregate query on the current connection. * @param string $sql_function The aggregate function to call eg. MIN, COUNT, etc * @param string $column The column to execute the aggregate query against * @return int */ protected function _call_aggregate_db_function($sql_function, $column) { $alias = strtolower($sql_function); $sql_function = strtoupper($sql_function); if('*' != $column) { $column = $this->_quote_identifier($column); } $result_columns = $this->_result_columns; $this->_result_columns = array(); $this->select_expr("$sql_function($column)", $alias); $result = $this->find_one(); $this->_result_columns = $result_columns; $return_value = 0; if($result !== false && isset($result->$alias)) { if (!is_numeric($result->$alias)) { $return_value = $result->$alias; } elseif((int) $result->$alias == (float) $result->$alias) { $return_value = (int) $result->$alias; } else { $return_value = (float) $result->$alias; } } return $return_value; } /** * This method can be called to hydrate (populate) this * instance of the class from an associative array of data. * This will usually be called only from inside the class, * but it's public in case you need to call it directly. */ public function hydrate($data=array()) { $this->_data = $data; return $this; } /** * Force the ORM to flag all the fields in the $data array * as "dirty" and therefore update them when save() is called. */ public function force_all_dirty() { $this->_dirty_fields = $this->_data; return $this; } /** * Perform a raw query. The query can contain placeholders in * either named or question mark style. If placeholders are * used, the parameters should be an array of values which will * be bound to the placeholders in the query. If this method * is called, all other query building methods will be ignored. */ public function raw_query($query, $parameters = array()) { $this->_is_raw_query = true; $this->_raw_query = $query; $this->_raw_parameters = $parameters; return $this; } /** * Add an alias for the main table to be used in SELECT queries */ public function table_alias($alias) { $this->_table_alias = $alias; return $this; } /** * Internal method to add an unquoted expression to the set * of columns returned by the SELECT query. The second optional * argument is the alias to return the expression as. */ protected function _add_result_column($expr, $alias=null) { if (!is_null($alias)) { $expr .= " AS " . $this->_quote_identifier($alias); } if ($this->_using_default_result_columns) { $this->_result_columns = array($expr); $this->_using_default_result_columns = false; } else { $this->_result_columns[] = $expr; } return $this; } /** * Counts the number of columns that belong to the primary * key and their value is null. */ public function count_null_id_columns() { if (is_array($this->_get_id_column_name())) { return count(array_filter($this->id(), 'is_null')); } else { return is_null($this->id()) ? 1 : 0; } } /** * Add a column to the list of columns returned by the SELECT * query. This defaults to '*'. The second optional argument is * the alias to return the column as. */ public function select($column, $alias=null) { $column = $this->_quote_identifier($column); return $this->_add_result_column($column, $alias); } /** * Add an unquoted expression to the list of columns returned * by the SELECT query. The second optional argument is * the alias to return the column as. */ public function select_expr($expr, $alias=null) { return $this->_add_result_column($expr, $alias); } /** * Add columns to the list of columns returned by the SELECT * query. This defaults to '*'. Many columns can be supplied * as either an array or as a list of parameters to the method. * * Note that the alias must not be numeric - if you want a * numeric alias then prepend it with some alpha chars. eg. a1 * * @example select_many(array('alias' => 'column', 'column2', 'alias2' => 'column3'), 'column4', 'column5'); * @example select_many('column', 'column2', 'column3'); * @example select_many(array('column', 'column2', 'column3'), 'column4', 'column5'); * * @return ORM */ public function select_many() { $columns = func_get_args(); if(!empty($columns)) { $columns = $this->_normalise_select_many_columns($columns); foreach($columns as $alias => $column) { if(is_numeric($alias)) { $alias = null; } $this->select($column, $alias); } } return $this; } /** * Add an unquoted expression to the list of columns returned * by the SELECT query. Many columns can be supplied as either * an array or as a list of parameters to the method. * * Note that the alias must not be numeric - if you want a * numeric alias then prepend it with some alpha chars. eg. a1 * * @example select_many_expr(array('alias' => 'column', 'column2', 'alias2' => 'column3'), 'column4', 'column5') * @example select_many_expr('column', 'column2', 'column3') * @example select_many_expr(array('column', 'column2', 'column3'), 'column4', 'column5') * * @return ORM */ public function select_many_expr() { $columns = func_get_args(); if(!empty($columns)) { $columns = $this->_normalise_select_many_columns($columns); foreach($columns as $alias => $column) { if(is_numeric($alias)) { $alias = null; } $this->select_expr($column, $alias); } } return $this; } /** * Take a column specification for the select many methods and convert it * into a normalised array of columns and aliases. * * It is designed to turn the following styles into a normalised array: * * array(array('alias' => 'column', 'column2', 'alias2' => 'column3'), 'column4', 'column5')) * * @param array $columns * @return array */ protected function _normalise_select_many_columns($columns) { $return = array(); foreach($columns as $column) { if(is_array($column)) { foreach($column as $key => $value) { if(!is_numeric($key)) { $return[$key] = $value; } else { $return[] = $value; } } } else { $return[] = $column; } } return $return; } /** * Add a DISTINCT keyword before the list of columns in the SELECT query */ public function distinct() { $this->_distinct = true; return $this; } /** * Internal method to add a JOIN source to the query. * * The join_operator should be one of INNER, LEFT OUTER, CROSS etc - this * will be prepended to JOIN. * * The table should be the name of the table to join to. * * The constraint may be either a string or an array with three elements. If it * is a string, it will be compiled into the query as-is, with no escaping. The * recommended way to supply the constraint is as an array with three elements: * * first_column, operator, second_column * * Example: array('user.id', '=', 'profile.user_id') * * will compile to * * ON `user`.`id` = `profile`.`user_id` * * The final (optional) argument specifies an alias for the joined table. */ protected function _add_join_source($join_operator, $table, $constraint, $table_alias=null) { $join_operator = trim("{$join_operator} JOIN"); $table = $this->_quote_identifier($table); // Add table alias if present if (!is_null($table_alias)) { $table_alias = $this->_quote_identifier($table_alias); $table .= " {$table_alias}"; } // Build the constraint if (is_array($constraint)) { list($first_column, $operator, $second_column) = $constraint; $first_column = $this->_quote_identifier($first_column); $second_column = $this->_quote_identifier($second_column); $constraint = "{$first_column} {$operator} {$second_column}"; } $this->_join_sources[] = "{$join_operator} {$table} ON {$constraint}"; return $this; } /** * Add a RAW JOIN source to the query */ public function raw_join($table, $constraint, $table_alias, $parameters = array()) { // Add table alias if present if (!is_null($table_alias)) { $table_alias = $this->_quote_identifier($table_alias); $table .= " {$table_alias}"; } $this->_values = array_merge($this->_values, $parameters); // Build the constraint if (is_array($constraint)) { list($first_column, $operator, $second_column) = $constraint; $first_column = $this->_quote_identifier($first_column); $second_column = $this->_quote_identifier($second_column); $constraint = "{$first_column} {$operator} {$second_column}"; } $this->_join_sources[] = "{$table} ON {$constraint}"; return $this; } /** * Add a simple JOIN source to the query */ public function join($table, $constraint, $table_alias=null) { return $this->_add_join_source("", $table, $constraint, $table_alias); } /** * Add an INNER JOIN souce to the query */ public function inner_join($table, $constraint, $table_alias=null) { return $this->_add_join_source("INNER", $table, $constraint, $table_alias); } /** * Add a LEFT OUTER JOIN souce to the query */ public function left_outer_join($table, $constraint, $table_alias=null) { return $this->_add_join_source("LEFT OUTER", $table, $constraint, $table_alias); } /** * Add an RIGHT OUTER JOIN souce to the query */ public function right_outer_join($table, $constraint, $table_alias=null) { return $this->_add_join_source("RIGHT OUTER", $table, $constraint, $table_alias); } /** * Add an FULL OUTER JOIN souce to the query */ public function full_outer_join($table, $constraint, $table_alias=null) { return $this->_add_join_source("FULL OUTER", $table, $constraint, $table_alias); } /** * Internal method to add a HAVING condition to the query */ protected function _add_having($fragment, $values=array()) { return $this->_add_condition('having', $fragment, $values); } /** * Internal method to add a HAVING condition to the query */ protected function _add_simple_having($column_name, $separator, $value) { return $this->_add_simple_condition('having', $column_name, $separator, $value); } /** * Internal method to add a HAVING clause with multiple values (like IN and NOT IN) */ public function _add_having_placeholder($column_name, $separator, $values) { if (!is_array($column_name)) { $data = array($column_name => $values); } else { $data = $column_name; } $result = $this; foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $column = $result->_quote_identifier($key); $placeholders = $result->_create_placeholders($val); $result = $result->_add_having("{$column} {$separator} ({$placeholders})", $val); } return $result; } /** * Internal method to add a HAVING clause with no parameters(like IS NULL and IS NOT NULL) */ public function _add_having_no_value($column_name, $operator) { $conditions = (is_array($column_name)) ? $column_name : array($column_name); $result = $this; foreach($conditions as $column) { $column = $this->_quote_identifier($column); $result = $result->_add_having("{$column} {$operator}"); } return $result; } /** * Internal method to add a WHERE condition to the query */ protected function _add_where($fragment, $values=array()) { return $this->_add_condition('where', $fragment, $values); } /** * Internal method to add a WHERE condition to the query */ protected function _add_simple_where($column_name, $separator, $value) { return $this->_add_simple_condition('where', $column_name, $separator, $value); } /** * Add a WHERE clause with multiple values (like IN and NOT IN) */ public function _add_where_placeholder($column_name, $separator, $values) { if (!is_array($column_name)) { $data = array($column_name => $values); } else { $data = $column_name; } $result = $this; foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $column = $result->_quote_identifier($key); $placeholders = $result->_create_placeholders($val); $result = $result->_add_where("{$column} {$separator} ({$placeholders})", $val); } return $result; } /** * Add a WHERE clause with no parameters(like IS NULL and IS NOT NULL) */ public function _add_where_no_value($column_name, $operator) { $conditions = (is_array($column_name)) ? $column_name : array($column_name); $result = $this; foreach($conditions as $column) { $column = $this->_quote_identifier($column); $result = $result->_add_where("{$column} {$operator}"); } return $result; } /** * Internal method to add a HAVING or WHERE condition to the query */ protected function _add_condition($type, $fragment, $values=array()) { $conditions_class_property_name = "_{$type}_conditions"; if (!is_array($values)) { $values = array($values); } array_push($this->$conditions_class_property_name, array( self::CONDITION_FRAGMENT => $fragment, self::CONDITION_VALUES => $values, )); return $this; } /** * Helper method to compile a simple COLUMN SEPARATOR VALUE * style HAVING or WHERE condition into a string and value ready to * be passed to the _add_condition method. Avoids duplication * of the call to _quote_identifier * * If column_name is an associative array, it will add a condition for each column */ protected function _add_simple_condition($type, $column_name, $separator, $value) { $multiple = is_array($column_name) ? $column_name : array($column_name => $value); $result = $this; foreach($multiple as $key => $val) { // Add the table name in case of ambiguous columns if (count($result->_join_sources) > 0 && strpos($key, '.') === false) { $table = $result->_table_name; if (!is_null($result->_table_alias)) { $table = $result->_table_alias; } $key = "{$table}.{$key}"; } $key = $result->_quote_identifier($key); $result = $result->_add_condition($type, "{$key} {$separator} ?", $val); } return $result; } /** * Return a string containing the given number of question marks, * separated by commas. Eg "?, ?, ?" */ protected function _create_placeholders($fields) { if(!empty($fields)) { $db_fields = array(); foreach($fields as $key => $value) { // Process expression fields directly into the query if(array_key_exists($key, $this->_expr_fields)) { $db_fields[] = $value; } else { $db_fields[] = '?'; } } return implode(', ', $db_fields); } } /** * Helper method that filters a column/value array returning only those * columns that belong to a compound primary key. * * If the key contains a column that does not exist in the given array, * a null value will be returned for it. */ protected function _get_compound_id_column_values($value) { $filtered = array(); foreach($this->_get_id_column_name() as $key) { $filtered[$key] = isset($value[$key]) ? $value[$key] : null; } return $filtered; } /** * Helper method that filters an array containing compound column/value * arrays. */ protected function _get_compound_id_column_values_array($values) { $filtered = array(); foreach($values as $value) { $filtered[] = $this->_get_compound_id_column_values($value); } return $filtered; } /** * Add a WHERE column = value clause to your query. Each time * this is called in the chain, an additional WHERE will be * added, and these will be ANDed together when the final query * is built. * * If you use an array in $column_name, a new clause will be * added for each element. In this case, $value is ignored. */ public function where($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->where_equal($column_name, $value); } /** * More explicitly named version of for the where() method. * Can be used if preferred. */ public function where_equal($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_where($column_name, '=', $value); } /** * Add a WHERE column != value clause to your query. */ public function where_not_equal($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_where($column_name, '!=', $value); } /** * Special method to query the table by its primary key * * If primary key is compound, only the columns that * belong to they key will be used for the query */ public function where_id_is($id) { return (is_array($this->_get_id_column_name())) ? $this->where($this->_get_compound_id_column_values($id), null) : $this->where($this->_get_id_column_name(), $id); } /** * Allows adding a WHERE clause that matches any of the conditions * specified in the array. Each element in the associative array will * be a different condition, where the key will be the column name. * * By default, an equal operator will be used against all columns, but * it can be overriden for any or every column using the second parameter. * * Each condition will be ORed together when added to the final query. */ public function where_any_is($values, $operator='=') { $data = array(); $query = array("(("); $first = true; foreach ($values as $value) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $query[] = ") OR ("; } $firstsub = true; foreach($value as $key => $item) { $op = is_string($operator) ? $operator : (isset($operator[$key]) ? $operator[$key] : '='); if ($firstsub) { $firstsub = false; } else { $query[] = "AND"; } $query[] = $this->_quote_identifier($key); $data[] = $item; $query[] = $op . " ?"; } } $query[] = "))"; return $this->where_raw(implode(' ', $query), $data); } /** * Similar to where_id_is() but allowing multiple primary keys. * * If primary key is compound, only the columns that * belong to they key will be used for the query */ public function where_id_in($ids) { return (is_array($this->_get_id_column_name())) ? $this->where_any_is($this->_get_compound_id_column_values_array($ids)) : $this->where_in($this->_get_id_column_name(), $ids); } /** * Add a WHERE ... LIKE clause to your query. */ public function where_like($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_where($column_name, 'LIKE', $value); } /** * Add where WHERE ... NOT LIKE clause to your query. */ public function where_not_like($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_where($column_name, 'NOT LIKE', $value); } /** * Add a WHERE ... > clause to your query */ public function where_gt($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_where($column_name, '>', $value); } /** * Add a WHERE ... < clause to your query */ public function where_lt($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_where($column_name, '<', $value); } /** * Add a WHERE ... >= clause to your query */ public function where_gte($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_where($column_name, '>=', $value); } /** * Add a WHERE ... <= clause to your query */ public function where_lte($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_where($column_name, '<=', $value); } /** * Add a WHERE ... IN clause to your query */ public function where_in($column_name, $values) { return $this->_add_where_placeholder($column_name, 'IN', $values); } /** * Add a WHERE ... NOT IN clause to your query */ public function where_not_in($column_name, $values) { return $this->_add_where_placeholder($column_name, 'NOT IN', $values); } /** * Add a WHERE column IS NULL clause to your query */ public function where_null($column_name) { return $this->_add_where_no_value($column_name, "IS NULL"); } /** * Add a WHERE column IS NOT NULL clause to your query */ public function where_not_null($column_name) { return $this->_add_where_no_value($column_name, "IS NOT NULL"); } /** * Add a raw WHERE clause to the query. The clause should * contain question mark placeholders, which will be bound * to the parameters supplied in the second argument. */ public function where_raw($clause, $parameters=array()) { return $this->_add_where($clause, $parameters); } /** * Add a LIMIT to the query */ public function limit($limit) { $this->_limit = $limit; return $this; } /** * Add an OFFSET to the query */ public function offset($offset) { $this->_offset = $offset; return $this; } /** * Add an ORDER BY clause to the query */ protected function _add_order_by($column_name, $ordering) { $column_name = $this->_quote_identifier($column_name); $this->_order_by[] = "{$column_name} {$ordering}"; return $this; } /** * Add an ORDER BY column DESC clause */ public function order_by_desc($column_name) { return $this->_add_order_by($column_name, 'DESC'); } /** * Add an ORDER BY column ASC clause */ public function order_by_asc($column_name) { return $this->_add_order_by($column_name, 'ASC'); } /** * Add an unquoted expression as an ORDER BY clause */ public function order_by_expr($clause) { $this->_order_by[] = $clause; return $this; } /** * Add a column to the list of columns to GROUP BY */ public function group_by($column_name) { $column_name = $this->_quote_identifier($column_name); $this->_group_by[] = $column_name; return $this; } /** * Add an unquoted expression to the list of columns to GROUP BY */ public function group_by_expr($expr) { $this->_group_by[] = $expr; return $this; } /** * Add a HAVING column = value clause to your query. Each time * this is called in the chain, an additional HAVING will be * added, and these will be ANDed together when the final query * is built. * * If you use an array in $column_name, a new clause will be * added for each element. In this case, $value is ignored. */ public function having($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->having_equal($column_name, $value); } /** * More explicitly named version of for the having() method. * Can be used if preferred. */ public function having_equal($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_having($column_name, '=', $value); } /** * Add a HAVING column != value clause to your query. */ public function having_not_equal($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_having($column_name, '!=', $value); } /** * Special method to query the table by its primary key. * * If primary key is compound, only the columns that * belong to they key will be used for the query */ public function having_id_is($id) { return (is_array($this->_get_id_column_name())) ? $this->having($this->_get_compound_id_column_values($id), null) : $this->having($this->_get_id_column_name(), $id); } /** * Add a HAVING ... LIKE clause to your query. */ public function having_like($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_having($column_name, 'LIKE', $value); } /** * Add where HAVING ... NOT LIKE clause to your query. */ public function having_not_like($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_having($column_name, 'NOT LIKE', $value); } /** * Add a HAVING ... > clause to your query */ public function having_gt($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_having($column_name, '>', $value); } /** * Add a HAVING ... < clause to your query */ public function having_lt($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_having($column_name, '<', $value); } /** * Add a HAVING ... >= clause to your query */ public function having_gte($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_having($column_name, '>=', $value); } /** * Add a HAVING ... <= clause to your query */ public function having_lte($column_name, $value=null) { return $this->_add_simple_having($column_name, '<=', $value); } /** * Add a HAVING ... IN clause to your query */ public function having_in($column_name, $values=null) { return $this->_add_having_placeholder($column_name, 'IN', $values); } /** * Add a HAVING ... NOT IN clause to your query */ public function having_not_in($column_name, $values=null) { return $this->_add_having_placeholder($column_name, 'NOT IN', $values); } /** * Add a HAVING column IS NULL clause to your query */ public function having_null($column_name) { return $this->_add_having_no_value($column_name, 'IS NULL'); } /** * Add a HAVING column IS NOT NULL clause to your query */ public function having_not_null($column_name) { return $this->_add_having_no_value($column_name, 'IS NOT NULL'); } /** * Add a raw HAVING clause to the query. The clause should * contain question mark placeholders, which will be bound * to the parameters supplied in the second argument. */ public function having_raw($clause, $parameters=array()) { return $this->_add_having($clause, $parameters); } /** * Build a SELECT statement based on the clauses that have * been passed to this instance by chaining method calls. */ protected function _build_select() { // If the query is raw, just set the $this->_values to be // the raw query parameters and return the raw query if ($this->_is_raw_query) { $this->_values = $this->_raw_parameters; return $this->_raw_query; } // Build and return the full SELECT statement by concatenating // the results of calling each separate builder method. return $this->_join_if_not_empty(" ", array( $this->_build_select_start(), $this->_build_join(), $this->_build_where(), $this->_build_group_by(), $this->_build_having(), $this->_build_order_by(), $this->_build_limit(), $this->_build_offset(), )); } /** * Build the start of the SELECT statement */ protected function _build_select_start() { $fragment = 'SELECT '; $result_columns = implode(', ', $this->_result_columns); if (!is_null($this->_limit) && self::$_config[$this->_connection_name]['limit_clause_style'] === ORM::LIMIT_STYLE_TOP_N) { $fragment .= "TOP {$this->_limit} "; } if ($this->_distinct) { $result_columns = 'DISTINCT ' . $result_columns; } $fragment .= "{$result_columns} FROM " . $this->_quote_identifier($this->_table_name); if (!is_null($this->_table_alias)) { $fragment .= " " . $this->_quote_identifier($this->_table_alias); } return $fragment; } /** * Build the JOIN sources */ protected function _build_join() { if (count($this->_join_sources) === 0) { return ''; } return implode(' ', $this->_join_sources); } /** * Build the WHERE clause(s) */ protected function _build_where() { return $this->_build_conditions('where'); } /** * Build the HAVING clause(s) */ protected function _build_having() { return $this->_build_conditions('having'); } /** * Build GROUP BY */ protected function _build_group_by() { if (count($this->_group_by) === 0) { return ''; } return "GROUP BY " . implode(', ', $this->_group_by); } /** * Build a WHERE or HAVING clause * @param string $type * @return string */ protected function _build_conditions($type) { $conditions_class_property_name = "_{$type}_conditions"; // If there are no clauses, return empty string if (count($this->$conditions_class_property_name) === 0) { return ''; } $conditions = array(); foreach ($this->$conditions_class_property_name as $condition) { $conditions[] = $condition[self::CONDITION_FRAGMENT]; $this->_values = array_merge($this->_values, $condition[self::CONDITION_VALUES]); } return strtoupper($type) . " " . implode(' AND ', $conditions); } /** * Build ORDER BY */ protected function _build_order_by() { if (count($this->_order_by) === 0) { return ''; } return "ORDER BY " . implode(', ', $this->_order_by); } /** * Build LIMIT */ protected function _build_limit() { $fragment = ''; if (!is_null($this->_limit) && self::$_config[$this->_connection_name]['limit_clause_style'] == ORM::LIMIT_STYLE_LIMIT) { if (self::get_db($this->_connection_name)->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) == 'firebird') { $fragment = 'ROWS'; } else { $fragment = 'LIMIT'; } $fragment .= " {$this->_limit}"; } return $fragment; } /** * Build OFFSET */ protected function _build_offset() { if (!is_null($this->_offset)) { $clause = 'OFFSET'; if (self::get_db($this->_connection_name)->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) == 'firebird') { $clause = 'TO'; } return "$clause " . $this->_offset; } return ''; } /** * Wrapper around PHP's join function which * only adds the pieces if they are not empty. */ protected function _join_if_not_empty($glue, $pieces) { $filtered_pieces = array(); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { if (is_string($piece)) { $piece = trim($piece); } if (!empty($piece)) { $filtered_pieces[] = $piece; } } return implode($glue, $filtered_pieces); } /** * Quote a string that is used as an identifier * (table names, column names etc). This method can * also deal with dot-separated identifiers eg table.column */ protected function _quote_one_identifier($identifier) { $parts = explode('.', $identifier); $parts = array_map(array($this, '_quote_identifier_part'), $parts); return implode('.', $parts); } /** * Quote a string that is used as an identifier * (table names, column names etc) or an array containing * multiple identifiers. This method can also deal with * dot-separated identifiers eg table.column */ protected function _quote_identifier($identifier) { if (is_array($identifier)) { $result = array_map(array($this, '_quote_one_identifier'), $identifier); return implode(', ', $result); } else { return $this->_quote_one_identifier($identifier); } } /** * This method performs the actual quoting of a single * part of an identifier, using the identifier quote * character specified in the config (or autodetected). */ protected function _quote_identifier_part($part) { if ($part === '*') { return $part; } $quote_character = self::$_config[$this->_connection_name]['identifier_quote_character']; // double up any identifier quotes to escape them return $quote_character . str_replace($quote_character, $quote_character . $quote_character, $part ) . $quote_character; } /** * Create a cache key for the given query and parameters. */ protected static function _create_cache_key($query, $parameters, $table_name = null, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) { if(isset(self::$_config[$connection_name]['create_cache_key']) and is_callable(self::$_config[$connection_name]['create_cache_key'])){ return call_user_func_array(self::$_config[$connection_name]['create_cache_key'], array($query, $parameters, $table_name, $connection_name)); } $parameter_string = implode(',', $parameters); $key = $query . ':' . $parameter_string; return sha1($key); } /** * Check the query cache for the given cache key. If a value * is cached for the key, return the value. Otherwise, return false. */ protected static function _check_query_cache($cache_key, $table_name = null, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) { if(isset(self::$_config[$connection_name]['check_query_cache']) and is_callable(self::$_config[$connection_name]['check_query_cache'])){ return call_user_func_array(self::$_config[$connection_name]['check_query_cache'], array($cache_key, $table_name, $connection_name)); } elseif (isset(self::$_query_cache[$connection_name][$cache_key])) { return self::$_query_cache[$connection_name][$cache_key]; } return false; } /** * Clear the query cache */ public static function clear_cache($table_name = null, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) { self::$_query_cache = array(); if(isset(self::$_config[$connection_name]['clear_cache']) and is_callable(self::$_config[$connection_name]['clear_cache'])){ return call_user_func_array(self::$_config[$connection_name]['clear_cache'], array($table_name, $connection_name)); } } /** * Add the given value to the query cache. */ protected static function _cache_query_result($cache_key, $value, $table_name = null, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION) { if(isset(self::$_config[$connection_name]['cache_query_result']) and is_callable(self::$_config[$connection_name]['cache_query_result'])){ return call_user_func_array(self::$_config[$connection_name]['cache_query_result'], array($cache_key, $value, $table_name, $connection_name)); } elseif (!isset(self::$_query_cache[$connection_name])) { self::$_query_cache[$connection_name] = array(); } self::$_query_cache[$connection_name][$cache_key] = $value; } /** * Execute the SELECT query that has been built up by chaining methods * on this class. Return an array of rows as associative arrays. */ protected function _run() { $query = $this->_build_select(); $caching_enabled = self::$_config[$this->_connection_name]['caching']; if ($caching_enabled) { $cache_key = self::_create_cache_key($query, $this->_values, $this->_table_name, $this->_connection_name); $cached_result = self::_check_query_cache($cache_key, $this->_table_name, $this->_connection_name); if ($cached_result !== false) { $this->_reset_idiorm_state(); return $cached_result; } } self::_execute($query, $this->_values, $this->_connection_name); $statement = self::get_last_statement(); $rows = array(); while ($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $rows[] = $row; } if ($caching_enabled) { self::_cache_query_result($cache_key, $rows, $this->_table_name, $this->_connection_name); } $this->_reset_idiorm_state(); return $rows; } /** * Reset the Idiorm instance state */ private function _reset_idiorm_state() { $this->_values = array(); $this->_result_columns = array('*'); $this->_using_default_result_columns = true; } /** * Return the raw data wrapped by this ORM * instance as an associative array. Column * names may optionally be supplied as arguments, * if so, only those keys will be returned. */ public function as_array() { if (func_num_args() === 0) { return $this->_data; } $args = func_get_args(); return array_intersect_key($this->_data, array_flip($args)); } /** * Return the value of a property of this object (database row) * or null if not present. * * If a column-names array is passed, it will return a associative array * with the value of each column or null if it is not present. */ public function get($key) { if (is_array($key)) { $result = array(); foreach($key as $column) { $result[$column] = isset($this->_data[$column]) ? $this->_data[$column] : null; } return $result; } else { return isset($this->_data[$key]) ? $this->_data[$key] : null; } } /** * Return the name of the column in the database table which contains * the primary key ID of the row. */ protected function _get_id_column_name() { if (!is_null($this->_instance_id_column)) { return $this->_instance_id_column; } if (isset(self::$_config[$this->_connection_name]['id_column_overrides'][$this->_table_name])) { return self::$_config[$this->_connection_name]['id_column_overrides'][$this->_table_name]; } return self::$_config[$this->_connection_name]['id_column']; } /** * Get the primary key ID of this object. */ public function id($disallow_null = false) { $id = $this->get($this->_get_id_column_name()); if ($disallow_null) { if (is_array($id)) { foreach ($id as $id_part) { if ($id_part === null) { throw new Exception('Primary key ID contains null value(s)'); } } } else if ($id === null) { throw new Exception('Primary key ID missing from row or is null'); } } return $id; } /** * Set a property to a particular value on this object. * To set multiple properties at once, pass an associative array * as the first parameter and leave out the second parameter. * Flags the properties as 'dirty' so they will be saved to the * database when save() is called. */ public function set($key, $value = null) { return $this->_set_orm_property($key, $value); } /** * Set a property to a particular value on this object. * To set multiple properties at once, pass an associative array * as the first parameter and leave out the second parameter. * Flags the properties as 'dirty' so they will be saved to the * database when save() is called. * @param string|array $key * @param string|null $value */ public function set_expr($key, $value = null) { return $this->_set_orm_property($key, $value, true); } /** * Set a property on the ORM object. * @param string|array $key * @param string|null $value * @param bool $raw Whether this value should be treated as raw or not */ protected function _set_orm_property($key, $value = null, $expr = false) { if (!is_array($key)) { $key = array($key => $value); } foreach ($key as $field => $value) { $this->_data[$field] = $value; $this->_dirty_fields[$field] = $value; if (false === $expr and isset($this->_expr_fields[$field])) { unset($this->_expr_fields[$field]); } else if (true === $expr) { $this->_expr_fields[$field] = true; } } return $this; } /** * Check whether the given field has been changed since this * object was saved. */ public function is_dirty($key) { return array_key_exists($key, $this->_dirty_fields); } /** * Check whether the model was the result of a call to create() or not * @return bool */ public function is_new() { return $this->_is_new; } /** * Save any fields which have been modified on this object * to the database. */ public function save() { $query = array(); // remove any expression fields as they are already baked into the query $values = array_values(array_diff_key($this->_dirty_fields, $this->_expr_fields)); if (!$this->_is_new) { // UPDATE // If there are no dirty values, do nothing if (empty($values) && empty($this->_expr_fields)) { return true; } $query = $this->_build_update(); $id = $this->id(true); if (is_array($id)) { $values = array_merge($values, array_values($id)); } else { $values[] = $id; } } else { // INSERT $query = $this->_build_insert(); } $success = self::_execute($query, $values, $this->_connection_name); $caching_auto_clear_enabled = self::$_config[$this->_connection_name]['caching_auto_clear']; if($caching_auto_clear_enabled){ self::clear_cache($this->_table_name, $this->_connection_name); } // If we've just inserted a new record, set the ID of this object if ($this->_is_new) { $this->_is_new = false; if ($this->count_null_id_columns() != 0) { $db = self::get_db($this->_connection_name); if($db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) == 'pgsql') { // it may return several columns if a compound primary // key is used $row = self::get_last_statement()->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach($row as $key => $value) { $this->_data[$key] = $value; } } else { $column = $this->_get_id_column_name(); // if the primary key is compound, assign the last inserted id // to the first column if (is_array($column)) { $column = reset($column); } $this->_data[$column] = $db->lastInsertId(); } } } $this->_dirty_fields = $this->_expr_fields = array(); return $success; } /** * Add a WHERE clause for every column that belongs to the primary key */ public function _add_id_column_conditions(&$query) { $query[] = "WHERE"; $keys = is_array($this->_get_id_column_name()) ? $this->_get_id_column_name() : array( $this->_get_id_column_name() ); $first = true; foreach($keys as $key) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $query[] = "AND"; } $query[] = $this->_quote_identifier($key); $query[] = "= ?"; } } /** * Build an UPDATE query */ protected function _build_update() { $query = array(); $query[] = "UPDATE {$this->_quote_identifier($this->_table_name)} SET"; $field_list = array(); foreach ($this->_dirty_fields as $key => $value) { if(!array_key_exists($key, $this->_expr_fields)) { $value = '?'; } $field_list[] = "{$this->_quote_identifier($key)} = $value"; } $query[] = implode(', ', $field_list); $this->_add_id_column_conditions($query); return implode(' ', $query); } /** * Build an INSERT query */ protected function _build_insert() { $query[] = "INSERT INTO"; $query[] = $this->_quote_identifier($this->_table_name); $field_list = array_map(array($this, '_quote_identifier'), array_keys($this->_dirty_fields)); $query[] = "(" . implode(', ', $field_list) . ")"; $query[] = "VALUES"; $placeholders = $this->_create_placeholders($this->_dirty_fields); $query[] = "({$placeholders})"; if (self::get_db($this->_connection_name)->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) == 'pgsql') { $query[] = 'RETURNING ' . $this->_quote_identifier($this->_get_id_column_name()); } return implode(' ', $query); } /** * Delete this record from the database */ public function delete() { $query = array( "DELETE FROM", $this->_quote_identifier($this->_table_name) ); $this->_add_id_column_conditions($query); return self::_execute(implode(' ', $query), is_array($this->id(true)) ? array_values($this->id(true)) : array($this->id(true)), $this->_connection_name); } /** * Delete many records from the database */ public function delete_many() { // Build and return the full DELETE statement by concatenating // the results of calling each separate builder method. $query = $this->_join_if_not_empty(" ", array( "DELETE FROM", $this->_quote_identifier($this->_table_name), $this->_build_where(), )); return self::_execute($query, $this->_values, $this->_connection_name); } // --------------------- // // --- ArrayAccess --- // // --------------------- // public function offsetExists($key): bool { return array_key_exists($key, $this->_data); } #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] // Need to use annotation since mixed was added in 8.0 public function offsetGet($key) { return $this->get($key); } public function offsetSet($key, $value): void { if(is_null($key)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('You must specify a key/array index.'); } $this->set($key, $value); } public function offsetUnset($key): void { unset($this->_data[$key]); unset($this->_dirty_fields[$key]); } // --------------------- // // --- MAGIC METHODS --- // // --------------------- // public function __get($key) { return $this->offsetGet($key); } public function __set($key, $value) { $this->offsetSet($key, $value); } public function __unset($key) { $this->offsetUnset($key); } public function __isset($key) { return $this->offsetExists($key); } /** * Magic method to capture calls to undefined class methods. * In this case we are attempting to convert camel case formatted * methods into underscore formatted methods. * * This allows us to call ORM methods using camel case and remain * backwards compatible. * * @param string $name * @param array $arguments * @return ORM */ public function __call($name, $arguments) { $method = strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', '$1_$2', $name)); if (method_exists($this, $method)) { return call_user_func_array(array($this, $method), $arguments); } else { throw new IdiormMethodMissingException("Method $name() does not exist in class " . get_class($this)); } } /** * Magic method to capture calls to undefined static class methods. * In this case we are attempting to convert camel case formatted * methods into underscore formatted methods. * * This allows us to call ORM methods using camel case and remain * backwards compatible. * * @param string $name * @param array $arguments * @return ORM */ public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) { $method = strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', '$1_$2', $name)); return call_user_func_array(array('MailPoetVendor\Idiorm\ORM', $method), $arguments); } } /** * A class to handle str_replace operations that involve quoted strings * @example IdiormString::str_replace_outside_quotes('?', '%s', 'columnA = "Hello?" AND columnB = ?'); * @example IdiormString::value('columnA = "Hello?" AND columnB = ?')->replace_outside_quotes('?', '%s'); * @author Jeff Roberson <ridgerunner@fluxbb.org> * @author Simon Holywell <treffynnon@php.net> * @link http://stackoverflow.com/a/13370709/461813 StackOverflow answer */ class IdiormString { protected $subject; protected $search; protected $replace; /** * Get an easy to use instance of the class * @param string $subject * @return \self */ public static function value($subject) { return new self($subject); } /** * Shortcut method: Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement * string where they appear outside quotes. * @param string $search * @param string $replace * @param string $subject * @return string */ public static function str_replace_outside_quotes($search, $replace, $subject) { return self::value($subject)->replace_outside_quotes($search, $replace); } /** * Set the base string object * @param string $subject */ public function __construct($subject) { $this->subject = (string) $subject; } /** * Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement * string where they appear outside quotes * @param string $search * @param string $replace * @return string */ public function replace_outside_quotes($search, $replace) { $this->search = $search; $this->replace = $replace; return $this->_str_replace_outside_quotes(); } /** * Validate an input string and perform a replace on all ocurrences * of $this->search with $this->replace * @author Jeff Roberson <ridgerunner@fluxbb.org> * @link http://stackoverflow.com/a/13370709/461813 StackOverflow answer * @return string */ protected function _str_replace_outside_quotes(){ $re_valid = '/ # Validate string having embedded quoted substrings. ^ # Anchor to start of string. (?: # Zero or more string chunks. "[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*" # Either a double quoted chunk, | \'[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*\' # or a single quoted chunk, | [^\'"\\\\]+ # or an unquoted chunk (no escapes). )* # Zero or more string chunks. \z # Anchor to end of string. /sx'; if (!preg_match($re_valid, $this->subject)) { throw new IdiormStringException("Subject string is not valid in the replace_outside_quotes context."); } $re_parse = '/ # Match one chunk of a valid string having embedded quoted substrings. ( # Either $1: Quoted chunk. "[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*" # Either a double quoted chunk, | \'[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*\' # or a single quoted chunk. ) # End $1: Quoted chunk. | ([^\'"\\\\]+) # or $2: an unquoted chunk (no escapes). /sx'; return preg_replace_callback($re_parse, array($this, '_str_replace_outside_quotes_cb'), $this->subject); } /** * Process each matching chunk from preg_replace_callback replacing * each occurrence of $this->search with $this->replace * @author Jeff Roberson <ridgerunner@fluxbb.org> * @link http://stackoverflow.com/a/13370709/461813 StackOverflow answer * @param array $matches * @return string */ protected function _str_replace_outside_quotes_cb($matches) { // Return quoted string chunks (in group $1) unaltered. if ($matches[1]) return $matches[1]; // Process only unquoted chunks (in group $2). return preg_replace('/'. preg_quote($this->search, '/') .'/', $this->replace, $matches[2]); } } /** * A result set class for working with collections of model instances * @author Simon Holywell <treffynnon@php.net> * @method null setResults(array $results) * @method array getResults() */ class IdiormResultSet implements Countable, IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess { /** * The current result set as an array * @var array */ protected $_results = array(); /** * Optionally set the contents of the result set by passing in array * @param array $results */ public function __construct(array $results = array()) { $this->set_results($results); } /** * Set the contents of the result set by passing in array * @param array $results */ public function set_results(array $results) { $this->_results = $results; } /** * Get the current result set as an array * @return array */ public function get_results() { return $this->_results; } /** * Get the current result set as an array * @return array */ public function as_array() { return $this->get_results(); } /** * Get the number of records in the result set * @return int */ public function count(): int { return count($this->_results); } /** * Get an iterator for this object. In this case it supports foreaching * over the result set. * @return \ArrayIterator */ public function getIterator(): \Traversable { return new ArrayIterator($this->_results); } /** * ArrayAccess * @param int|string $offset * @return bool */ public function offsetExists($offset): bool { return isset($this->_results[$offset]); } /** * ArrayAccess * @param int|string $offset * @return mixed */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] // Can't use mixed return typehint since it was added in 8.0 public function offsetGet($offset) { return $this->_results[$offset]; } /** * ArrayAccess * @param int|string $offset * @param mixed $value */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value): void { $this->_results[$offset] = $value; } /** * ArrayAccess * @param int|string $offset */ public function offsetUnset($offset): void { unset($this->_results[$offset]); } /** * Serializable * @return string */ public function serialize() { return serialize($this->_results); } public function __serialize() { return $this->serialize(); } /** * Serializable * @param string $serialized * @return array */ public function unserialize($serialized) { return unserialize($serialized); } public function __unserialize($serialized) { return $this->unserialize($serialized); } /** * Call a method on all models in a result set. This allows for method * chaining such as setting a property on all models in a result set or * any other batch operation across models. * @example ORM::for_table('Widget')->find_many()->set('field', 'value')->save(); * @param string $method * @param array $params * @return IdiormResultSet */ public function __call($method, $params = array()) { foreach($this->_results as $model) { if (method_exists($model, $method)) { call_user_func_array(array($model, $method), $params); } else { throw new IdiormMethodMissingException("Method $method() does not exist in class " . get_class($this)); } } return $this; } } /** * A placeholder for exceptions eminating from the IdiormString class */ class IdiormStringException extends Exception {} class IdiormMethodMissingException extends Exception {}