<% block content %> <% if(before_widget) %> <%= before_widget | raw %> <% endif %> <% if(title) %> <%= before_title | raw %><%= title | raw %><%= after_title | raw %> <% endif %> <div class=" mailpoet_form_popup_overlay <% if(animation != '') %> mailpoet_form_overlay_animation_<%= animation %> mailpoet_form_overlay_animation <% endif %> "></div> <div id="<%= form_html_id %>" class=" mailpoet_form mailpoet_form_<%= form_type %> mailpoet_form_position_<%= position %> mailpoet_form_animation_<%= animation %> " <% if(is_preview) %> data-is-preview="1" data-editor-url="<%= editor_url %>" <% endif %> > <% if form_type == 'popup' or form_type == 'fixed_bar' or form_type == 'slide_in' %> <img class="mailpoet_form_close_icon" alt="close" width=20 height=20 src='<%= image_url("form_close_icon/" ~ close_button_icon ~ ".svg") %>' > <% endif %> <style type="text/css"> <%= styles|raw %> </style> <form target="_self" method="post" action="<%= admin_url('admin-post.php?action=mailpoet_subscription_form') | raw %>" class="mailpoet_form mailpoet_form_form mailpoet_form_<%= form_type %>" novalidate data-delay="<%= delay %>" data-exit-intent-enabled="<%= enableExitIntent %>" data-font-family="<%= fontFamily %>" data-cookie-expiration-time="<%= cookieFormExpirationTime %>" > <input type="hidden" name="data[form_id]" value="<%= form_id %>" /> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<%= token %>" /> <input type="hidden" name="api_version" value="<%= api_version %>" /> <input type="hidden" name="endpoint" value="subscribers" /> <input type="hidden" name="mailpoet_method" value="subscribe" /> <%= html | raw %> <div class="mailpoet_message"> <p class="mailpoet_validate_success" <% if not(success) %> style="display:none;" <% endif %> ><%= form_success_message %> </p> <p class="mailpoet_validate_error" <% if not(error) %> style="display:none;" <% endif %> ><% if (error) %> <%= __("An error occurred, make sure you have filled all the required fields.") %> <% endif %> </p> </div> </form> </div> <% if(after_widget) %> <%= after_widget | raw %> <% endif %> <% endblock %>