/** * @output wp-admin/js/customize-controls.js */ /* global _wpCustomizeHeader, _wpCustomizeBackground, _wpMediaViewsL10n, MediaElementPlayer, console, confirm */ (function( exports, $ ){ var Container, focus, normalizedTransitionendEventName, api = wp.customize; var reducedMotionMediaQuery = window.matchMedia( '(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)' ); var isReducedMotion = reducedMotionMediaQuery.matches; reducedMotionMediaQuery.addEventListener( 'change' , function handleReducedMotionChange( event ) { isReducedMotion = event.matches; }); api.OverlayNotification = api.Notification.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.OverlayNotification.prototype */{ /** * Whether the notification should show a loading spinner. * * @since 4.9.0 * @var {boolean} */ loading: false, /** * A notification that is displayed in a full-screen overlay. * * @constructs wp.customize.OverlayNotification * @augments wp.customize.Notification * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string} code - Code. * @param {Object} params - Params. */ initialize: function( code, params ) { var notification = this; api.Notification.prototype.initialize.call( notification, code, params ); notification.containerClasses += ' notification-overlay'; if ( notification.loading ) { notification.containerClasses += ' notification-loading'; } }, /** * Render notification. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @return {jQuery} Notification container. */ render: function() { var li = api.Notification.prototype.render.call( this ); li.on( 'keydown', _.bind( this.handleEscape, this ) ); return li; }, /** * Stop propagation on escape key presses, but also dismiss notification if it is dismissible. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {jQuery.Event} event - Event. * @return {void} */ handleEscape: function( event ) { var notification = this; if ( 27 === event.which ) { event.stopPropagation(); if ( notification.dismissible && notification.parent ) { notification.parent.remove( notification.code ); } } } }); api.Notifications = api.Values.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Notifications.prototype */{ /** * Whether the alternative style should be used. * * @since 4.9.0 * @type {boolean} */ alt: false, /** * The default constructor for items of the collection. * * @since 4.9.0 * @type {object} */ defaultConstructor: api.Notification, /** * A collection of observable notifications. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @constructs wp.customize.Notifications * @augments wp.customize.Values * * @param {Object} options - Options. * @param {jQuery} [options.container] - Container element for notifications. This can be injected later. * @param {boolean} [options.alt] - Whether alternative style should be used when rendering notifications. * * @return {void} */ initialize: function( options ) { var collection = this; api.Values.prototype.initialize.call( collection, options ); _.bindAll( collection, 'constrainFocus' ); // Keep track of the order in which the notifications were added for sorting purposes. collection._addedIncrement = 0; collection._addedOrder = {}; // Trigger change event when notification is added or removed. collection.bind( 'add', function( notification ) { collection.trigger( 'change', notification ); }); collection.bind( 'removed', function( notification ) { collection.trigger( 'change', notification ); }); }, /** * Get the number of notifications added. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {number} Count of notifications. */ count: function() { return _.size( this._value ); }, /** * Add notification to the collection. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string|wp.customize.Notification} notification - Notification object to add. Alternatively code may be supplied, and in that case the second notificationObject argument must be supplied. * @param {wp.customize.Notification} [notificationObject] - Notification to add when first argument is the code string. * @return {wp.customize.Notification} Added notification (or existing instance if it was already added). */ add: function( notification, notificationObject ) { var collection = this, code, instance; if ( 'string' === typeof notification ) { code = notification; instance = notificationObject; } else { code = notification.code; instance = notification; } if ( ! collection.has( code ) ) { collection._addedIncrement += 1; collection._addedOrder[ code ] = collection._addedIncrement; } return api.Values.prototype.add.call( collection, code, instance ); }, /** * Add notification to the collection. * * @since 4.9.0 * @param {string} code - Notification code to remove. * @return {api.Notification} Added instance (or existing instance if it was already added). */ remove: function( code ) { var collection = this; delete collection._addedOrder[ code ]; return api.Values.prototype.remove.call( this, code ); }, /** * Get list of notifications. * * Notifications may be sorted by type followed by added time. * * @since 4.9.0 * @param {Object} args - Args. * @param {boolean} [args.sort=false] - Whether to return the notifications sorted. * @return {Array.<wp.customize.Notification>} Notifications. */ get: function( args ) { var collection = this, notifications, errorTypePriorities, params; notifications = _.values( collection._value ); params = _.extend( { sort: false }, args ); if ( params.sort ) { errorTypePriorities = { error: 4, warning: 3, success: 2, info: 1 }; notifications.sort( function( a, b ) { var aPriority = 0, bPriority = 0; if ( ! _.isUndefined( errorTypePriorities[ a.type ] ) ) { aPriority = errorTypePriorities[ a.type ]; } if ( ! _.isUndefined( errorTypePriorities[ b.type ] ) ) { bPriority = errorTypePriorities[ b.type ]; } if ( aPriority !== bPriority ) { return bPriority - aPriority; // Show errors first. } return collection._addedOrder[ b.code ] - collection._addedOrder[ a.code ]; // Show newer notifications higher. }); } return notifications; }, /** * Render notifications area. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ render: function() { var collection = this, notifications, hadOverlayNotification = false, hasOverlayNotification, overlayNotifications = [], previousNotificationsByCode = {}, listElement, focusableElements; // Short-circuit if there are no container to render into. if ( ! collection.container || ! collection.container.length ) { return; } notifications = collection.get( { sort: true } ); collection.container.toggle( 0 !== notifications.length ); // Short-circuit if there are no changes to the notifications. if ( collection.container.is( collection.previousContainer ) && _.isEqual( notifications, collection.previousNotifications ) ) { return; } // Make sure list is part of the container. listElement = collection.container.children( 'ul' ).first(); if ( ! listElement.length ) { listElement = $( '<ul></ul>' ); collection.container.append( listElement ); } // Remove all notifications prior to re-rendering. listElement.find( '> [data-code]' ).remove(); _.each( collection.previousNotifications, function( notification ) { previousNotificationsByCode[ notification.code ] = notification; }); // Add all notifications in the sorted order. _.each( notifications, function( notification ) { var notificationContainer; if ( wp.a11y && ( ! previousNotificationsByCode[ notification.code ] || ! _.isEqual( notification.message, previousNotificationsByCode[ notification.code ].message ) ) ) { wp.a11y.speak( notification.message, 'assertive' ); } notificationContainer = $( notification.render() ); notification.container = notificationContainer; listElement.append( notificationContainer ); // @todo Consider slideDown() as enhancement. if ( notification.extended( api.OverlayNotification ) ) { overlayNotifications.push( notification ); } }); hasOverlayNotification = Boolean( overlayNotifications.length ); if ( collection.previousNotifications ) { hadOverlayNotification = Boolean( _.find( collection.previousNotifications, function( notification ) { return notification.extended( api.OverlayNotification ); } ) ); } if ( hasOverlayNotification !== hadOverlayNotification ) { $( document.body ).toggleClass( 'customize-loading', hasOverlayNotification ); collection.container.toggleClass( 'has-overlay-notifications', hasOverlayNotification ); if ( hasOverlayNotification ) { collection.previousActiveElement = document.activeElement; $( document ).on( 'keydown', collection.constrainFocus ); } else { $( document ).off( 'keydown', collection.constrainFocus ); } } if ( hasOverlayNotification ) { collection.focusContainer = overlayNotifications[ overlayNotifications.length - 1 ].container; collection.focusContainer.prop( 'tabIndex', -1 ); focusableElements = collection.focusContainer.find( ':focusable' ); if ( focusableElements.length ) { focusableElements.first().focus(); } else { collection.focusContainer.focus(); } } else if ( collection.previousActiveElement ) { $( collection.previousActiveElement ).trigger( 'focus' ); collection.previousActiveElement = null; } collection.previousNotifications = notifications; collection.previousContainer = collection.container; collection.trigger( 'rendered' ); }, /** * Constrain focus on focus container. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {jQuery.Event} event - Event. * @return {void} */ constrainFocus: function constrainFocus( event ) { var collection = this, focusableElements; // Prevent keys from escaping. event.stopPropagation(); if ( 9 !== event.which ) { // Tab key. return; } focusableElements = collection.focusContainer.find( ':focusable' ); if ( 0 === focusableElements.length ) { focusableElements = collection.focusContainer; } if ( ! $.contains( collection.focusContainer[0], event.target ) || ! $.contains( collection.focusContainer[0], document.activeElement ) ) { event.preventDefault(); focusableElements.first().focus(); } else if ( focusableElements.last().is( event.target ) && ! event.shiftKey ) { event.preventDefault(); focusableElements.first().focus(); } else if ( focusableElements.first().is( event.target ) && event.shiftKey ) { event.preventDefault(); focusableElements.last().focus(); } } }); api.Setting = api.Value.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Setting.prototype */{ /** * Default params. * * @since 4.9.0 * @var {object} */ defaults: { transport: 'refresh', dirty: false }, /** * A Customizer Setting. * * A setting is WordPress data (theme mod, option, menu, etc.) that the user can * draft changes to in the Customizer. * * @see PHP class WP_Customize_Setting. * * @constructs wp.customize.Setting * @augments wp.customize.Value * * @since 3.4.0 * * @param {string} id - The setting ID. * @param {*} value - The initial value of the setting. * @param {Object} [options={}] - Options. * @param {string} [options.transport=refresh] - The transport to use for previewing. Supports 'refresh' and 'postMessage'. * @param {boolean} [options.dirty=false] - Whether the setting should be considered initially dirty. * @param {Object} [options.previewer] - The Previewer instance to sync with. Defaults to wp.customize.previewer. */ initialize: function( id, value, options ) { var setting = this, params; params = _.extend( { previewer: api.previewer }, setting.defaults, options || {} ); api.Value.prototype.initialize.call( setting, value, params ); setting.id = id; setting._dirty = params.dirty; // The _dirty property is what the Customizer reads from. setting.notifications = new api.Notifications(); // Whenever the setting's value changes, refresh the preview. setting.bind( setting.preview ); }, /** * Refresh the preview, respective of the setting's refresh policy. * * If the preview hasn't sent a keep-alive message and is likely * disconnected by having navigated to a non-allowed URL, then the * refresh transport will be forced when postMessage is the transport. * Note that postMessage does not throw an error when the recipient window * fails to match the origin window, so using try/catch around the * previewer.send() call to then fallback to refresh will not work. * * @since 3.4.0 * @access public * * @return {void} */ preview: function() { var setting = this, transport; transport = setting.transport; if ( 'postMessage' === transport && ! api.state( 'previewerAlive' ).get() ) { transport = 'refresh'; } if ( 'postMessage' === transport ) { setting.previewer.send( 'setting', [ setting.id, setting() ] ); } else if ( 'refresh' === transport ) { setting.previewer.refresh(); } }, /** * Find controls associated with this setting. * * @since 4.6.0 * @return {wp.customize.Control[]} Controls associated with setting. */ findControls: function() { var setting = this, controls = []; api.control.each( function( control ) { _.each( control.settings, function( controlSetting ) { if ( controlSetting.id === setting.id ) { controls.push( control ); } } ); } ); return controls; } }); /** * Current change count. * * @alias wp.customize._latestRevision * * @since 4.7.0 * @type {number} * @protected */ api._latestRevision = 0; /** * Last revision that was saved. * * @alias wp.customize._lastSavedRevision * * @since 4.7.0 * @type {number} * @protected */ api._lastSavedRevision = 0; /** * Latest revisions associated with the updated setting. * * @alias wp.customize._latestSettingRevisions * * @since 4.7.0 * @type {object} * @protected */ api._latestSettingRevisions = {}; /* * Keep track of the revision associated with each updated setting so that * requestChangesetUpdate knows which dirty settings to include. Also, once * ready is triggered and all initial settings have been added, increment * revision for each newly-created initially-dirty setting so that it will * also be included in changeset update requests. */ api.bind( 'change', function incrementChangedSettingRevision( setting ) { api._latestRevision += 1; api._latestSettingRevisions[ setting.id ] = api._latestRevision; } ); api.bind( 'ready', function() { api.bind( 'add', function incrementCreatedSettingRevision( setting ) { if ( setting._dirty ) { api._latestRevision += 1; api._latestSettingRevisions[ setting.id ] = api._latestRevision; } } ); } ); /** * Get the dirty setting values. * * @alias wp.customize.dirtyValues * * @since 4.7.0 * @access public * * @param {Object} [options] Options. * @param {boolean} [options.unsaved=false] Whether only values not saved yet into a changeset will be returned (differential changes). * @return {Object} Dirty setting values. */ api.dirtyValues = function dirtyValues( options ) { var values = {}; api.each( function( setting ) { var settingRevision; if ( ! setting._dirty ) { return; } settingRevision = api._latestSettingRevisions[ setting.id ]; // Skip including settings that have already been included in the changeset, if only requesting unsaved. if ( api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).get() && ( options && options.unsaved ) && ( _.isUndefined( settingRevision ) || settingRevision <= api._lastSavedRevision ) ) { return; } values[ setting.id ] = setting.get(); } ); return values; }; /** * Request updates to the changeset. * * @alias wp.customize.requestChangesetUpdate * * @since 4.7.0 * @access public * * @param {Object} [changes] - Mapping of setting IDs to setting params each normally including a value property, or mapping to null. * If not provided, then the changes will still be obtained from unsaved dirty settings. * @param {Object} [args] - Additional options for the save request. * @param {boolean} [args.autosave=false] - Whether changes will be stored in autosave revision if the changeset has been promoted from an auto-draft. * @param {boolean} [args.force=false] - Send request to update even when there are no changes to submit. This can be used to request the latest status of the changeset on the server. * @param {string} [args.title] - Title to update in the changeset. Optional. * @param {string} [args.date] - Date to update in the changeset. Optional. * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolving with the response data. */ api.requestChangesetUpdate = function requestChangesetUpdate( changes, args ) { var deferred, request, submittedChanges = {}, data, submittedArgs; deferred = new $.Deferred(); // Prevent attempting changeset update while request is being made. if ( 0 !== api.state( 'processing' ).get() ) { deferred.reject( 'already_processing' ); return deferred.promise(); } submittedArgs = _.extend( { title: null, date: null, autosave: false, force: false }, args ); if ( changes ) { _.extend( submittedChanges, changes ); } // Ensure all revised settings (changes pending save) are also included, but not if marked for deletion in changes. _.each( api.dirtyValues( { unsaved: true } ), function( dirtyValue, settingId ) { if ( ! changes || null !== changes[ settingId ] ) { submittedChanges[ settingId ] = _.extend( {}, submittedChanges[ settingId ] || {}, { value: dirtyValue } ); } } ); // Allow plugins to attach additional params to the settings. api.trigger( 'changeset-save', submittedChanges, submittedArgs ); // Short-circuit when there are no pending changes. if ( ! submittedArgs.force && _.isEmpty( submittedChanges ) && null === submittedArgs.title && null === submittedArgs.date ) { deferred.resolve( {} ); return deferred.promise(); } // A status would cause a revision to be made, and for this wp.customize.previewer.save() should be used. // Status is also disallowed for revisions regardless. if ( submittedArgs.status ) { return deferred.reject( { code: 'illegal_status_in_changeset_update' } ).promise(); } // Dates not beung allowed for revisions are is a technical limitation of post revisions. if ( submittedArgs.date && submittedArgs.autosave ) { return deferred.reject( { code: 'illegal_autosave_with_date_gmt' } ).promise(); } // Make sure that publishing a changeset waits for all changeset update requests to complete. api.state( 'processing' ).set( api.state( 'processing' ).get() + 1 ); deferred.always( function() { api.state( 'processing' ).set( api.state( 'processing' ).get() - 1 ); } ); // Ensure that if any plugins add data to save requests by extending query() that they get included here. data = api.previewer.query( { excludeCustomizedSaved: true } ); delete data.customized; // Being sent in customize_changeset_data instead. _.extend( data, { nonce: api.settings.nonce.save, customize_theme: api.settings.theme.stylesheet, customize_changeset_data: JSON.stringify( submittedChanges ) } ); if ( null !== submittedArgs.title ) { data.customize_changeset_title = submittedArgs.title; } if ( null !== submittedArgs.date ) { data.customize_changeset_date = submittedArgs.date; } if ( false !== submittedArgs.autosave ) { data.customize_changeset_autosave = 'true'; } // Allow plugins to modify the params included with the save request. api.trigger( 'save-request-params', data ); request = wp.ajax.post( 'customize_save', data ); request.done( function requestChangesetUpdateDone( data ) { var savedChangesetValues = {}; // Ensure that all settings updated subsequently will be included in the next changeset update request. api._lastSavedRevision = Math.max( api._latestRevision, api._lastSavedRevision ); api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).set( data.changeset_status ); if ( data.changeset_date ) { api.state( 'changesetDate' ).set( data.changeset_date ); } deferred.resolve( data ); api.trigger( 'changeset-saved', data ); if ( data.setting_validities ) { _.each( data.setting_validities, function( validity, settingId ) { if ( true === validity && _.isObject( submittedChanges[ settingId ] ) && ! _.isUndefined( submittedChanges[ settingId ].value ) ) { savedChangesetValues[ settingId ] = submittedChanges[ settingId ].value; } } ); } api.previewer.send( 'changeset-saved', _.extend( {}, data, { saved_changeset_values: savedChangesetValues } ) ); } ); request.fail( function requestChangesetUpdateFail( data ) { deferred.reject( data ); api.trigger( 'changeset-error', data ); } ); request.always( function( data ) { if ( data.setting_validities ) { api._handleSettingValidities( { settingValidities: data.setting_validities } ); } } ); return deferred.promise(); }; /** * Watch all changes to Value properties, and bubble changes to parent Values instance * * @alias wp.customize.utils.bubbleChildValueChanges * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param {wp.customize.Class} instance * @param {Array} properties The names of the Value instances to watch. */ api.utils.bubbleChildValueChanges = function ( instance, properties ) { $.each( properties, function ( i, key ) { instance[ key ].bind( function ( to, from ) { if ( instance.parent && to !== from ) { instance.parent.trigger( 'change', instance ); } } ); } ); }; /** * Expand a panel, section, or control and focus on the first focusable element. * * @alias wp.customize~focus * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param {Object} [params] * @param {Function} [params.completeCallback] */ focus = function ( params ) { var construct, completeCallback, focus, focusElement, sections; construct = this; params = params || {}; focus = function () { // If a child section is currently expanded, collapse it. if ( construct.extended( api.Panel ) ) { sections = construct.sections(); if ( 1 < sections.length ) { sections.forEach( function ( section ) { if ( section.expanded() ) { section.collapse(); } } ); } } var focusContainer; if ( ( construct.extended( api.Panel ) || construct.extended( api.Section ) ) && construct.expanded && construct.expanded() ) { focusContainer = construct.contentContainer; } else { focusContainer = construct.container; } focusElement = focusContainer.find( '.control-focus:first' ); if ( 0 === focusElement.length ) { // Note that we can't use :focusable due to a jQuery UI issue. See: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/pull/1583 focusElement = focusContainer.find( 'input, select, textarea, button, object, a[href], [tabindex]' ).filter( ':visible' ).first(); } focusElement.focus(); }; if ( params.completeCallback ) { completeCallback = params.completeCallback; params.completeCallback = function () { focus(); completeCallback(); }; } else { params.completeCallback = focus; } api.state( 'paneVisible' ).set( true ); if ( construct.expand ) { construct.expand( params ); } else { params.completeCallback(); } }; /** * Stable sort for Panels, Sections, and Controls. * * If a.priority() === b.priority(), then sort by their respective params.instanceNumber. * * @alias wp.customize.utils.prioritySort * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param {(wp.customize.Panel|wp.customize.Section|wp.customize.Control)} a * @param {(wp.customize.Panel|wp.customize.Section|wp.customize.Control)} b * @return {number} */ api.utils.prioritySort = function ( a, b ) { if ( a.priority() === b.priority() && typeof a.params.instanceNumber === 'number' && typeof b.params.instanceNumber === 'number' ) { return a.params.instanceNumber - b.params.instanceNumber; } else { return a.priority() - b.priority(); } }; /** * Return whether the supplied Event object is for a keydown event but not the Enter key. * * @alias wp.customize.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param {jQuery.Event} event * @return {boolean} */ api.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent = function ( event ) { return ( 'keydown' === event.type && 13 !== event.which ); }; /** * Return whether the two lists of elements are the same and are in the same order. * * @alias wp.customize.utils.areElementListsEqual * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param {Array|jQuery} listA * @param {Array|jQuery} listB * @return {boolean} */ api.utils.areElementListsEqual = function ( listA, listB ) { var equal = ( listA.length === listB.length && // If lists are different lengths, then naturally they are not equal. -1 === _.indexOf( _.map( // Are there any false values in the list returned by map? _.zip( listA, listB ), // Pair up each element between the two lists. function ( pair ) { return $( pair[0] ).is( pair[1] ); // Compare to see if each pair is equal. } ), false ) // Check for presence of false in map's return value. ); return equal; }; /** * Highlight the existence of a button. * * This function reminds the user of a button represented by the specified * UI element, after an optional delay. If the user focuses the element * before the delay passes, the reminder is canceled. * * @alias wp.customize.utils.highlightButton * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {jQuery} button - The element to highlight. * @param {Object} [options] - Options. * @param {number} [options.delay=0] - Delay in milliseconds. * @param {jQuery} [options.focusTarget] - A target for user focus that defaults to the highlighted element. * If the user focuses the target before the delay passes, the reminder * is canceled. This option exists to accommodate compound buttons * containing auxiliary UI, such as the Publish button augmented with a * Settings button. * @return {Function} An idempotent function that cancels the reminder. */ api.utils.highlightButton = function highlightButton( button, options ) { var animationClass = 'button-see-me', canceled = false, params; params = _.extend( { delay: 0, focusTarget: button }, options ); function cancelReminder() { canceled = true; } params.focusTarget.on( 'focusin', cancelReminder ); setTimeout( function() { params.focusTarget.off( 'focusin', cancelReminder ); if ( ! canceled ) { button.addClass( animationClass ); button.one( 'animationend', function() { /* * Remove animation class to avoid situations in Customizer where * DOM nodes are moved (re-inserted) and the animation repeats. */ button.removeClass( animationClass ); } ); } }, params.delay ); return cancelReminder; }; /** * Get current timestamp adjusted for server clock time. * * Same functionality as the `current_time( 'mysql', false )` function in PHP. * * @alias wp.customize.utils.getCurrentTimestamp * * @since 4.9.0 * * @return {number} Current timestamp. */ api.utils.getCurrentTimestamp = function getCurrentTimestamp() { var currentDate, currentClientTimestamp, timestampDifferential; currentClientTimestamp = _.now(); currentDate = new Date( api.settings.initialServerDate.replace( /-/g, '/' ) ); timestampDifferential = currentClientTimestamp - api.settings.initialClientTimestamp; timestampDifferential += api.settings.initialClientTimestamp - api.settings.initialServerTimestamp; currentDate.setTime( currentDate.getTime() + timestampDifferential ); return currentDate.getTime(); }; /** * Get remaining time of when the date is set. * * @alias wp.customize.utils.getRemainingTime * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string|number|Date} datetime - Date time or timestamp of the future date. * @return {number} remainingTime - Remaining time in milliseconds. */ api.utils.getRemainingTime = function getRemainingTime( datetime ) { var millisecondsDivider = 1000, remainingTime, timestamp; if ( datetime instanceof Date ) { timestamp = datetime.getTime(); } else if ( 'string' === typeof datetime ) { timestamp = ( new Date( datetime.replace( /-/g, '/' ) ) ).getTime(); } else { timestamp = datetime; } remainingTime = timestamp - api.utils.getCurrentTimestamp(); remainingTime = Math.ceil( remainingTime / millisecondsDivider ); return remainingTime; }; /** * Return browser supported `transitionend` event name. * * @since 4.7.0 * * @ignore * * @return {string|null} Normalized `transitionend` event name or null if CSS transitions are not supported. */ normalizedTransitionendEventName = (function () { var el, transitions, prop; el = document.createElement( 'div' ); transitions = { 'transition' : 'transitionend', 'OTransition' : 'oTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition' : 'transitionend', 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd' }; prop = _.find( _.keys( transitions ), function( prop ) { return ! _.isUndefined( el.style[ prop ] ); } ); if ( prop ) { return transitions[ prop ]; } else { return null; } })(); Container = api.Class.extend(/** @lends wp.customize~Container.prototype */{ defaultActiveArguments: { duration: 'fast', completeCallback: $.noop }, defaultExpandedArguments: { duration: 'fast', completeCallback: $.noop }, containerType: 'container', defaults: { title: '', description: '', priority: 100, type: 'default', content: null, active: true, instanceNumber: null }, /** * Base class for Panel and Section. * * @constructs wp.customize~Container * @augments wp.customize.Class * * @since 4.1.0 * * @borrows wp.customize~focus as focus * * @param {string} id - The ID for the container. * @param {Object} options - Object containing one property: params. * @param {string} options.title - Title shown when panel is collapsed and expanded. * @param {string} [options.description] - Description shown at the top of the panel. * @param {number} [options.priority=100] - The sort priority for the panel. * @param {string} [options.templateId] - Template selector for container. * @param {string} [options.type=default] - The type of the panel. See wp.customize.panelConstructor. * @param {string} [options.content] - The markup to be used for the panel container. If empty, a JS template is used. * @param {boolean} [options.active=true] - Whether the panel is active or not. * @param {Object} [options.params] - Deprecated wrapper for the above properties. */ initialize: function ( id, options ) { var container = this; container.id = id; if ( ! Container.instanceCounter ) { Container.instanceCounter = 0; } Container.instanceCounter++; $.extend( container, { params: _.defaults( options.params || options, // Passing the params is deprecated. container.defaults ) } ); if ( ! container.params.instanceNumber ) { container.params.instanceNumber = Container.instanceCounter; } container.notifications = new api.Notifications(); container.templateSelector = container.params.templateId || 'customize-' + container.containerType + '-' + container.params.type; container.container = $( container.params.content ); if ( 0 === container.container.length ) { container.container = $( container.getContainer() ); } container.headContainer = container.container; container.contentContainer = container.getContent(); container.container = container.container.add( container.contentContainer ); container.deferred = { embedded: new $.Deferred() }; container.priority = new api.Value(); container.active = new api.Value(); container.activeArgumentsQueue = []; container.expanded = new api.Value(); container.expandedArgumentsQueue = []; container.active.bind( function ( active ) { var args = container.activeArgumentsQueue.shift(); args = $.extend( {}, container.defaultActiveArguments, args ); active = ( active && container.isContextuallyActive() ); container.onChangeActive( active, args ); }); container.expanded.bind( function ( expanded ) { var args = container.expandedArgumentsQueue.shift(); args = $.extend( {}, container.defaultExpandedArguments, args ); container.onChangeExpanded( expanded, args ); }); container.deferred.embedded.done( function () { container.setupNotifications(); container.attachEvents(); }); api.utils.bubbleChildValueChanges( container, [ 'priority', 'active' ] ); container.priority.set( container.params.priority ); container.active.set( container.params.active ); container.expanded.set( false ); }, /** * Get the element that will contain the notifications. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {jQuery} Notification container element. */ getNotificationsContainerElement: function() { var container = this; return container.contentContainer.find( '.customize-control-notifications-container:first' ); }, /** * Set up notifications. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ setupNotifications: function() { var container = this, renderNotifications; container.notifications.container = container.getNotificationsContainerElement(); // Render notifications when they change and when the construct is expanded. renderNotifications = function() { if ( container.expanded.get() ) { container.notifications.render(); } }; container.expanded.bind( renderNotifications ); renderNotifications(); container.notifications.bind( 'change', _.debounce( renderNotifications ) ); }, /** * @since 4.1.0 * * @abstract */ ready: function() {}, /** * Get the child models associated with this parent, sorting them by their priority Value. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param {string} parentType * @param {string} childType * @return {Array} */ _children: function ( parentType, childType ) { var parent = this, children = []; api[ childType ].each( function ( child ) { if ( child[ parentType ].get() === parent.id ) { children.push( child ); } } ); children.sort( api.utils.prioritySort ); return children; }, /** * To override by subclass, to return whether the container has active children. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @abstract */ isContextuallyActive: function () { throw new Error( 'Container.isContextuallyActive() must be overridden in a subclass.' ); }, /** * Active state change handler. * * Shows the container if it is active, hides it if not. * * To override by subclass, update the container's UI to reflect the provided active state. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param {boolean} active - The active state to transiution to. * @param {Object} [args] - Args. * @param {Object} [args.duration] - The duration for the slideUp/slideDown animation. * @param {boolean} [args.unchanged] - Whether the state is already known to not be changed, and so short-circuit with calling completeCallback early. * @param {Function} [args.completeCallback] - Function to call when the slideUp/slideDown has completed. */ onChangeActive: function( active, args ) { var construct = this, headContainer = construct.headContainer, duration, expandedOtherPanel; if ( args.unchanged ) { if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } return; } duration = ( 'resolved' === api.previewer.deferred.active.state() ? args.duration : 0 ); if ( construct.extended( api.Panel ) ) { // If this is a panel is not currently expanded but another panel is expanded, do not animate. api.panel.each(function ( panel ) { if ( panel !== construct && panel.expanded() ) { expandedOtherPanel = panel; duration = 0; } }); // Collapse any expanded sections inside of this panel first before deactivating. if ( ! active ) { _.each( construct.sections(), function( section ) { section.collapse( { duration: 0 } ); } ); } } if ( ! $.contains( document, headContainer.get( 0 ) ) ) { // If the element is not in the DOM, then jQuery.fn.slideUp() does nothing. // In this case, a hard toggle is required instead. headContainer.toggle( active ); if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } } else if ( active ) { headContainer.slideDown( duration, args.completeCallback ); } else { if ( construct.expanded() ) { construct.collapse({ duration: duration, completeCallback: function() { headContainer.slideUp( duration, args.completeCallback ); } }); } else { headContainer.slideUp( duration, args.completeCallback ); } } }, /** * @since 4.1.0 * * @param {boolean} active * @param {Object} [params] * @return {boolean} False if state already applied. */ _toggleActive: function ( active, params ) { var self = this; params = params || {}; if ( ( active && this.active.get() ) || ( ! active && ! this.active.get() ) ) { params.unchanged = true; self.onChangeActive( self.active.get(), params ); return false; } else { params.unchanged = false; this.activeArgumentsQueue.push( params ); this.active.set( active ); return true; } }, /** * @param {Object} [params] * @return {boolean} False if already active. */ activate: function ( params ) { return this._toggleActive( true, params ); }, /** * @param {Object} [params] * @return {boolean} False if already inactive. */ deactivate: function ( params ) { return this._toggleActive( false, params ); }, /** * To override by subclass, update the container's UI to reflect the provided active state. * @abstract */ onChangeExpanded: function () { throw new Error( 'Must override with subclass.' ); }, /** * Handle the toggle logic for expand/collapse. * * @param {boolean} expanded - The new state to apply. * @param {Object} [params] - Object containing options for expand/collapse. * @param {Function} [params.completeCallback] - Function to call when expansion/collapse is complete. * @return {boolean} False if state already applied or active state is false. */ _toggleExpanded: function( expanded, params ) { var instance = this, previousCompleteCallback; params = params || {}; previousCompleteCallback = params.completeCallback; // Short-circuit expand() if the instance is not active. if ( expanded && ! instance.active() ) { return false; } api.state( 'paneVisible' ).set( true ); params.completeCallback = function() { if ( previousCompleteCallback ) { previousCompleteCallback.apply( instance, arguments ); } if ( expanded ) { instance.container.trigger( 'expanded' ); } else { instance.container.trigger( 'collapsed' ); } }; if ( ( expanded && instance.expanded.get() ) || ( ! expanded && ! instance.expanded.get() ) ) { params.unchanged = true; instance.onChangeExpanded( instance.expanded.get(), params ); return false; } else { params.unchanged = false; instance.expandedArgumentsQueue.push( params ); instance.expanded.set( expanded ); return true; } }, /** * @param {Object} [params] * @return {boolean} False if already expanded or if inactive. */ expand: function ( params ) { return this._toggleExpanded( true, params ); }, /** * @param {Object} [params] * @return {boolean} False if already collapsed. */ collapse: function ( params ) { return this._toggleExpanded( false, params ); }, /** * Animate container state change if transitions are supported by the browser. * * @since 4.7.0 * @private * * @param {function} completeCallback Function to be called after transition is completed. * @return {void} */ _animateChangeExpanded: function( completeCallback ) { // Return if CSS transitions are not supported or if reduced motion is enabled. if ( ! normalizedTransitionendEventName || isReducedMotion ) { // Schedule the callback until the next tick to prevent focus loss. _.defer( function () { if ( completeCallback ) { completeCallback(); } } ); return; } var construct = this, content = construct.contentContainer, overlay = content.closest( '.wp-full-overlay' ), elements, transitionEndCallback, transitionParentPane; // Determine set of elements that are affected by the animation. elements = overlay.add( content ); if ( ! construct.panel || '' === construct.panel() ) { transitionParentPane = true; } else if ( api.panel( construct.panel() ).contentContainer.hasClass( 'skip-transition' ) ) { transitionParentPane = true; } else { transitionParentPane = false; } if ( transitionParentPane ) { elements = elements.add( '#customize-info, .customize-pane-parent' ); } // Handle `transitionEnd` event. transitionEndCallback = function( e ) { if ( 2 !== e.eventPhase || ! $( e.target ).is( content ) ) { return; } content.off( normalizedTransitionendEventName, transitionEndCallback ); elements.removeClass( 'busy' ); if ( completeCallback ) { completeCallback(); } }; content.on( normalizedTransitionendEventName, transitionEndCallback ); elements.addClass( 'busy' ); // Prevent screen flicker when pane has been scrolled before expanding. _.defer( function() { var container = content.closest( '.wp-full-overlay-sidebar-content' ), currentScrollTop = container.scrollTop(), previousScrollTop = content.data( 'previous-scrollTop' ) || 0, expanded = construct.expanded(); if ( expanded && 0 < currentScrollTop ) { content.css( 'top', currentScrollTop + 'px' ); content.data( 'previous-scrollTop', currentScrollTop ); } else if ( ! expanded && 0 < currentScrollTop + previousScrollTop ) { content.css( 'top', previousScrollTop - currentScrollTop + 'px' ); container.scrollTop( previousScrollTop ); } } ); }, /* * is documented using @borrows in the constructor. */ focus: focus, /** * Return the container html, generated from its JS template, if it exists. * * @since 4.3.0 */ getContainer: function () { var template, container = this; if ( 0 !== $( '#tmpl-' + container.templateSelector ).length ) { template = wp.template( container.templateSelector ); } else { template = wp.template( 'customize-' + container.containerType + '-default' ); } if ( template && container.container ) { return template( _.extend( { id: container.id }, container.params ) ).toString().trim(); } return '<li></li>'; }, /** * Find content element which is displayed when the section is expanded. * * After a construct is initialized, the return value will be available via the `contentContainer` property. * By default the element will be related it to the parent container with `aria-owns` and detached. * Custom panels and sections (such as the `NewMenuSection`) that do not have a sliding pane should * just return the content element without needing to add the `aria-owns` element or detach it from * the container. Such non-sliding pane custom sections also need to override the `onChangeExpanded` * method to handle animating the panel/section into and out of view. * * @since 4.7.0 * @access public * * @return {jQuery} Detached content element. */ getContent: function() { var construct = this, container = construct.container, content = container.find( '.accordion-section-content, .control-panel-content' ).first(), contentId = 'sub-' + container.attr( 'id' ), ownedElements = contentId, alreadyOwnedElements = container.attr( 'aria-owns' ); if ( alreadyOwnedElements ) { ownedElements = ownedElements + ' ' + alreadyOwnedElements; } container.attr( 'aria-owns', ownedElements ); return content.detach().attr( { 'id': contentId, 'class': 'customize-pane-child ' + content.attr( 'class' ) + ' ' + container.attr( 'class' ) } ); } }); api.Section = Container.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Section.prototype */{ containerType: 'section', containerParent: '#customize-theme-controls', containerPaneParent: '.customize-pane-parent', defaults: { title: '', description: '', priority: 100, type: 'default', content: null, active: true, instanceNumber: null, panel: null, customizeAction: '' }, /** * @constructs wp.customize.Section * @augments wp.customize~Container * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param {string} id - The ID for the section. * @param {Object} options - Options. * @param {string} options.title - Title shown when section is collapsed and expanded. * @param {string} [options.description] - Description shown at the top of the section. * @param {number} [options.priority=100] - The sort priority for the section. * @param {string} [options.type=default] - The type of the section. See wp.customize.sectionConstructor. * @param {string} [options.content] - The markup to be used for the section container. If empty, a JS template is used. * @param {boolean} [options.active=true] - Whether the section is active or not. * @param {string} options.panel - The ID for the panel this section is associated with. * @param {string} [options.customizeAction] - Additional context information shown before the section title when expanded. * @param {Object} [options.params] - Deprecated wrapper for the above properties. */ initialize: function ( id, options ) { var section = this, params; params = options.params || options; // Look up the type if one was not supplied. if ( ! params.type ) { _.find( api.sectionConstructor, function( Constructor, type ) { if ( Constructor === section.constructor ) { params.type = type; return true; } return false; } ); } Container.prototype.initialize.call( section, id, params ); section.id = id; section.panel = new api.Value(); section.panel.bind( function ( id ) { $( section.headContainer ).toggleClass( 'control-subsection', !! id ); }); section.panel.set( section.params.panel || '' ); api.utils.bubbleChildValueChanges( section, [ 'panel' ] ); section.embed(); section.deferred.embedded.done( function () { section.ready(); }); }, /** * Embed the container in the DOM when any parent panel is ready. * * @since 4.1.0 */ embed: function () { var inject, section = this; section.containerParent = api.ensure( section.containerParent ); // Watch for changes to the panel state. inject = function ( panelId ) { var parentContainer; if ( panelId ) { // The panel has been supplied, so wait until the panel object is registered. api.panel( panelId, function ( panel ) { // The panel has been registered, wait for it to become ready/initialized. panel.deferred.embedded.done( function () { parentContainer = panel.contentContainer; if ( ! section.headContainer.parent().is( parentContainer ) ) { parentContainer.append( section.headContainer ); } if ( ! section.contentContainer.parent().is( section.headContainer ) ) { section.containerParent.append( section.contentContainer ); } section.deferred.embedded.resolve(); }); } ); } else { // There is no panel, so embed the section in the root of the customizer. parentContainer = api.ensure( section.containerPaneParent ); if ( ! section.headContainer.parent().is( parentContainer ) ) { parentContainer.append( section.headContainer ); } if ( ! section.contentContainer.parent().is( section.headContainer ) ) { section.containerParent.append( section.contentContainer ); } section.deferred.embedded.resolve(); } }; section.panel.bind( inject ); inject( section.panel.get() ); // Since a section may never get a panel, assume that it won't ever get one. }, /** * Add behaviors for the accordion section. * * @since 4.1.0 */ attachEvents: function () { var meta, content, section = this; if ( section.container.hasClass( 'cannot-expand' ) ) { return; } // Expand/Collapse accordion sections on click. section.container.find( '.accordion-section-title, .customize-section-back' ).on( 'click keydown', function( event ) { if ( api.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); // Keep this AFTER the key filter above. if ( section.expanded() ) { section.collapse(); } else { section.expand(); } }); // This is very similar to what is found for api.Panel.attachEvents(). section.container.find( '.customize-section-title .customize-help-toggle' ).on( 'click', function() { meta = section.container.find( '.section-meta' ); if ( meta.hasClass( 'cannot-expand' ) ) { return; } content = meta.find( '.customize-section-description:first' ); content.toggleClass( 'open' ); content.slideToggle( section.defaultExpandedArguments.duration, function() { content.trigger( 'toggled' ); } ); $( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', function( i, attr ) { return 'true' === attr ? 'false' : 'true'; }); }); }, /** * Return whether this section has any active controls. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @return {boolean} */ isContextuallyActive: function () { var section = this, controls = section.controls(), activeCount = 0; _( controls ).each( function ( control ) { if ( control.active() ) { activeCount += 1; } } ); return ( activeCount !== 0 ); }, /** * Get the controls that are associated with this section, sorted by their priority Value. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @return {Array} */ controls: function () { return this._children( 'section', 'control' ); }, /** * Update UI to reflect expanded state. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param {boolean} expanded * @param {Object} args */ onChangeExpanded: function ( expanded, args ) { var section = this, container = section.headContainer.closest( '.wp-full-overlay-sidebar-content' ), content = section.contentContainer, overlay = section.headContainer.closest( '.wp-full-overlay' ), backBtn = content.find( '.customize-section-back' ), sectionTitle = section.headContainer.find( '.accordion-section-title' ).first(), expand, panel; if ( expanded && ! content.hasClass( 'open' ) ) { if ( args.unchanged ) { expand = args.completeCallback; } else { expand = function() { section._animateChangeExpanded( function() { sectionTitle.attr( 'tabindex', '-1' ); backBtn.attr( 'tabindex', '0' ); backBtn.trigger( 'focus' ); content.css( 'top', '' ); container.scrollTop( 0 ); if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } } ); content.addClass( 'open' ); overlay.addClass( 'section-open' ); api.state( 'expandedSection' ).set( section ); }.bind( this ); } if ( ! args.allowMultiple ) { api.section.each( function ( otherSection ) { if ( otherSection !== section ) { otherSection.collapse( { duration: args.duration } ); } }); } if ( section.panel() ) { api.panel( section.panel() ).expand({ duration: args.duration, completeCallback: expand }); } else { if ( ! args.allowMultiple ) { api.panel.each( function( panel ) { panel.collapse(); }); } expand(); } } else if ( ! expanded && content.hasClass( 'open' ) ) { if ( section.panel() ) { panel = api.panel( section.panel() ); if ( panel.contentContainer.hasClass( 'skip-transition' ) ) { panel.collapse(); } } section._animateChangeExpanded( function() { backBtn.attr( 'tabindex', '-1' ); sectionTitle.attr( 'tabindex', '0' ); sectionTitle.trigger( 'focus' ); content.css( 'top', '' ); if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } } ); content.removeClass( 'open' ); overlay.removeClass( 'section-open' ); if ( section === api.state( 'expandedSection' ).get() ) { api.state( 'expandedSection' ).set( false ); } } else { if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } } } }); api.ThemesSection = api.Section.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.ThemesSection.prototype */{ currentTheme: '', overlay: '', template: '', screenshotQueue: null, $window: null, $body: null, loaded: 0, loading: false, fullyLoaded: false, term: '', tags: '', nextTerm: '', nextTags: '', filtersHeight: 0, headerContainer: null, updateCountDebounced: null, /** * wp.customize.ThemesSection * * Custom section for themes that loads themes by category, and also * handles the theme-details view rendering and navigation. * * @constructs wp.customize.ThemesSection * @augments wp.customize.Section * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string} id - ID. * @param {Object} options - Options. * @return {void} */ initialize: function( id, options ) { var section = this; section.headerContainer = $(); section.$window = $( window ); section.$body = $( document.body ); api.Section.prototype.initialize.call( section, id, options ); section.updateCountDebounced = _.debounce( section.updateCount, 500 ); }, /** * Embed the section in the DOM when the themes panel is ready. * * Insert the section before the themes container. Assume that a themes section is within a panel, but not necessarily the themes panel. * * @since 4.9.0 */ embed: function() { var inject, section = this; // Watch for changes to the panel state. inject = function( panelId ) { var parentContainer; api.panel( panelId, function( panel ) { // The panel has been registered, wait for it to become ready/initialized. panel.deferred.embedded.done( function() { parentContainer = panel.contentContainer; if ( ! section.headContainer.parent().is( parentContainer ) ) { parentContainer.find( '.customize-themes-full-container-container' ).before( section.headContainer ); } if ( ! section.contentContainer.parent().is( section.headContainer ) ) { section.containerParent.append( section.contentContainer ); } section.deferred.embedded.resolve(); }); } ); }; section.panel.bind( inject ); inject( section.panel.get() ); // Since a section may never get a panel, assume that it won't ever get one. }, /** * Set up. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @return {void} */ ready: function() { var section = this; section.overlay = section.container.find( '.theme-overlay' ); section.template = wp.template( 'customize-themes-details-view' ); // Bind global keyboard events. section.container.on( 'keydown', function( event ) { if ( ! section.overlay.find( '.theme-wrap' ).is( ':visible' ) ) { return; } // Pressing the right arrow key fires a theme:next event. if ( 39 === event.keyCode ) { section.nextTheme(); } // Pressing the left arrow key fires a theme:previous event. if ( 37 === event.keyCode ) { section.previousTheme(); } // Pressing the escape key fires a theme:collapse event. if ( 27 === event.keyCode ) { if ( section.$body.hasClass( 'modal-open' ) ) { // Escape from the details modal. section.closeDetails(); } else { // Escape from the infinite scroll list. section.headerContainer.find( '.customize-themes-section-title' ).focus(); } event.stopPropagation(); // Prevent section from being collapsed. } }); section.renderScreenshots = _.throttle( section.renderScreenshots, 100 ); _.bindAll( section, 'renderScreenshots', 'loadMore', 'checkTerm', 'filtersChecked' ); }, /** * Override Section.isContextuallyActive method. * * Ignore the active states' of the contained theme controls, and just * use the section's own active state instead. This prevents empty search * results for theme sections from causing the section to become inactive. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @return {boolean} */ isContextuallyActive: function () { return this.active(); }, /** * Attach events. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @return {void} */ attachEvents: function () { var section = this, debounced; // Expand/Collapse accordion sections on click. section.container.find( '.customize-section-back' ).on( 'click keydown', function( event ) { if ( api.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); // Keep this AFTER the key filter above. section.collapse(); }); section.headerContainer = $( '#accordion-section-' + section.id ); // Expand section/panel. Only collapse when opening another section. section.headerContainer.on( 'click', '.customize-themes-section-title', function() { // Toggle accordion filters under section headers. if ( section.headerContainer.find( '.filter-details' ).length ) { section.headerContainer.find( '.customize-themes-section-title' ) .toggleClass( 'details-open' ) .attr( 'aria-expanded', function( i, attr ) { return 'true' === attr ? 'false' : 'true'; }); section.headerContainer.find( '.filter-details' ).slideToggle( 180 ); } // Open the section. if ( ! section.expanded() ) { section.expand(); } }); // Preview installed themes. section.container.on( 'click', '.theme-actions .preview-theme', function() { api.panel( 'themes' ).loadThemePreview( $( this ).data( 'slug' ) ); }); // Theme navigation in details view. section.container.on( 'click', '.left', function() { section.previousTheme(); }); section.container.on( 'click', '.right', function() { section.nextTheme(); }); section.container.on( 'click', '.theme-backdrop, .close', function() { section.closeDetails(); }); if ( 'local' === section.params.filter_type ) { // Filter-search all theme objects loaded in the section. section.container.on( 'input', '.wp-filter-search-themes', function( event ) { section.filterSearch( event.currentTarget.value ); }); } else if ( 'remote' === section.params.filter_type ) { // Event listeners for remote queries with user-entered terms. // Search terms. debounced = _.debounce( section.checkTerm, 500 ); // Wait until there is no input for 500 milliseconds to initiate a search. section.contentContainer.on( 'input', '.wp-filter-search', function() { if ( ! api.panel( 'themes' ).expanded() ) { return; } debounced( section ); if ( ! section.expanded() ) { section.expand(); } }); // Feature filters. section.contentContainer.on( 'click', '.filter-group input', function() { section.filtersChecked(); section.checkTerm( section ); }); } // Toggle feature filters. section.contentContainer.on( 'click', '.feature-filter-toggle', function( e ) { var $themeContainer = $( '.customize-themes-full-container' ), $filterToggle = $( e.currentTarget ); section.filtersHeight = $filterToggle.parents( '.themes-filter-bar' ).next( '.filter-drawer' ).height(); if ( 0 < $themeContainer.scrollTop() ) { $themeContainer.animate( { scrollTop: 0 }, 400 ); if ( $filterToggle.hasClass( 'open' ) ) { return; } } $filterToggle .toggleClass( 'open' ) .attr( 'aria-expanded', function( i, attr ) { return 'true' === attr ? 'false' : 'true'; }) .parents( '.themes-filter-bar' ).next( '.filter-drawer' ).slideToggle( 180, 'linear' ); if ( $filterToggle.hasClass( 'open' ) ) { var marginOffset = 1018 < window.innerWidth ? 50 : 76; section.contentContainer.find( '.themes' ).css( 'margin-top', section.filtersHeight + marginOffset ); } else { section.contentContainer.find( '.themes' ).css( 'margin-top', 0 ); } }); // Setup section cross-linking. section.contentContainer.on( 'click', '.no-themes-local .search-dotorg-themes', function() { api.section( 'wporg_themes' ).focus(); }); function updateSelectedState() { var el = section.headerContainer.find( '.customize-themes-section-title' ); el.toggleClass( 'selected', section.expanded() ); el.attr( 'aria-expanded', section.expanded() ? 'true' : 'false' ); if ( ! section.expanded() ) { el.removeClass( 'details-open' ); } } section.expanded.bind( updateSelectedState ); updateSelectedState(); // Move section controls to the themes area. api.bind( 'ready', function () { section.contentContainer = section.container.find( '.customize-themes-section' ); section.contentContainer.appendTo( $( '.customize-themes-full-container' ) ); section.container.add( section.headerContainer ); }); }, /** * Update UI to reflect expanded state * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param {boolean} expanded * @param {Object} args * @param {boolean} args.unchanged * @param {Function} args.completeCallback * @return {void} */ onChangeExpanded: function ( expanded, args ) { // Note: there is a second argument 'args' passed. var section = this, container = section.contentContainer.closest( '.customize-themes-full-container' ); // Immediately call the complete callback if there were no changes. if ( args.unchanged ) { if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } return; } function expand() { // Try to load controls if none are loaded yet. if ( 0 === section.loaded ) { section.loadThemes(); } // Collapse any sibling sections/panels. api.section.each( function ( otherSection ) { var searchTerm; if ( otherSection !== section ) { // Try to sync the current search term to the new section. if ( 'themes' === otherSection.params.type ) { searchTerm = otherSection.contentContainer.find( '.wp-filter-search' ).val(); section.contentContainer.find( '.wp-filter-search' ).val( searchTerm ); // Directly initialize an empty remote search to avoid a race condition. if ( '' === searchTerm && '' !== section.term && 'local' !== section.params.filter_type ) { section.term = ''; section.initializeNewQuery( section.term, section.tags ); } else { if ( 'remote' === section.params.filter_type ) { section.checkTerm( section ); } else if ( 'local' === section.params.filter_type ) { section.filterSearch( searchTerm ); } } otherSection.collapse( { duration: args.duration } ); } } }); section.contentContainer.addClass( 'current-section' ); container.scrollTop(); container.on( 'scroll', _.throttle( section.renderScreenshots, 300 ) ); container.on( 'scroll', _.throttle( section.loadMore, 300 ) ); if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } section.updateCount(); // Show this section's count. } if ( expanded ) { if ( section.panel() && api.panel.has( section.panel() ) ) { api.panel( section.panel() ).expand({ duration: args.duration, completeCallback: expand }); } else { expand(); } } else { section.contentContainer.removeClass( 'current-section' ); // Always hide, even if they don't exist or are already hidden. section.headerContainer.find( '.filter-details' ).slideUp( 180 ); container.off( 'scroll' ); if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } } }, /** * Return the section's content element without detaching from the parent. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @return {jQuery} */ getContent: function() { return this.container.find( '.control-section-content' ); }, /** * Load theme data via Ajax and add themes to the section as controls. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @return {void} */ loadThemes: function() { var section = this, params, page, request; if ( section.loading ) { return; // We're already loading a batch of themes. } // Parameters for every API query. Additional params are set in PHP. page = Math.ceil( section.loaded / 100 ) + 1; params = { 'nonce': api.settings.nonce.switch_themes, 'wp_customize': 'on', 'theme_action': section.params.action, 'customized_theme': api.settings.theme.stylesheet, 'page': page }; // Add fields for remote filtering. if ( 'remote' === section.params.filter_type ) { params.search = section.term; params.tags = section.tags; } // Load themes. section.headContainer.closest( '.wp-full-overlay' ).addClass( 'loading' ); section.loading = true; section.container.find( '.no-themes' ).hide(); request = wp.ajax.post( 'customize_load_themes', params ); request.done(function( data ) { var themes = data.themes; // Stop and try again if the term changed while loading. if ( '' !== section.nextTerm || '' !== section.nextTags ) { if ( section.nextTerm ) { section.term = section.nextTerm; } if ( section.nextTags ) { section.tags = section.nextTags; } section.nextTerm = ''; section.nextTags = ''; section.loading = false; section.loadThemes(); return; } if ( 0 !== themes.length ) { section.loadControls( themes, page ); if ( 1 === page ) { // Pre-load the first 3 theme screenshots. _.each( section.controls().slice( 0, 3 ), function( control ) { var img, src = control.params.theme.screenshot[0]; if ( src ) { img = new Image(); img.src = src; } }); if ( 'local' !== section.params.filter_type ) { wp.a11y.speak( api.settings.l10n.themeSearchResults.replace( '%d', data.info.results ) ); } } _.delay( section.renderScreenshots, 100 ); // Wait for the controls to become visible. if ( 'local' === section.params.filter_type || 100 > themes.length ) { // If we have less than the requested 100 themes, it's the end of the list. section.fullyLoaded = true; } } else { if ( 0 === section.loaded ) { section.container.find( '.no-themes' ).show(); wp.a11y.speak( section.container.find( '.no-themes' ).text() ); } else { section.fullyLoaded = true; } } if ( 'local' === section.params.filter_type ) { section.updateCount(); // Count of visible theme controls. } else { section.updateCount( data.info.results ); // Total number of results including pages not yet loaded. } section.container.find( '.unexpected-error' ).hide(); // Hide error notice in case it was previously shown. // This cannot run on request.always, as section.loading may turn false before the new controls load in the success case. section.headContainer.closest( '.wp-full-overlay' ).removeClass( 'loading' ); section.loading = false; }); request.fail(function( data ) { if ( 'undefined' === typeof data ) { section.container.find( '.unexpected-error' ).show(); wp.a11y.speak( section.container.find( '.unexpected-error' ).text() ); } else if ( 'undefined' !== typeof console && console.error ) { console.error( data ); } // This cannot run on request.always, as section.loading may turn false before the new controls load in the success case. section.headContainer.closest( '.wp-full-overlay' ).removeClass( 'loading' ); section.loading = false; }); }, /** * Loads controls into the section from data received from loadThemes(). * * @since 4.9.0 * @param {Array} themes - Array of theme data to create controls with. * @param {number} page - Page of results being loaded. * @return {void} */ loadControls: function( themes, page ) { var newThemeControls = [], section = this; // Add controls for each theme. _.each( themes, function( theme ) { var themeControl = new api.controlConstructor.theme( section.params.action + '_theme_' + theme.id, { type: 'theme', section: section.params.id, theme: theme, priority: section.loaded + 1 } ); api.control.add( themeControl ); newThemeControls.push( themeControl ); section.loaded = section.loaded + 1; }); if ( 1 !== page ) { Array.prototype.push.apply( section.screenshotQueue, newThemeControls ); // Add new themes to the screenshot queue. } }, /** * Determines whether more themes should be loaded, and loads them. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ loadMore: function() { var section = this, container, bottom, threshold; if ( ! section.fullyLoaded && ! section.loading ) { container = section.container.closest( '.customize-themes-full-container' ); bottom = container.scrollTop() + container.height(); // Use a fixed distance to the bottom of loaded results to avoid unnecessarily // loading results sooner when using a percentage of scroll distance. threshold = container.prop( 'scrollHeight' ) - 3000; if ( bottom > threshold ) { section.loadThemes(); } } }, /** * Event handler for search input that filters visible controls. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string} term - The raw search input value. * @return {void} */ filterSearch: function( term ) { var count = 0, visible = false, section = this, noFilter = ( api.section.has( 'wporg_themes' ) && 'remote' !== section.params.filter_type ) ? '.no-themes-local' : '.no-themes', controls = section.controls(), terms; if ( section.loading ) { return; } // Standardize search term format and split into an array of individual words. terms = term.toLowerCase().trim().replace( /-/g, ' ' ).split( ' ' ); _.each( controls, function( control ) { visible = control.filter( terms ); // Shows/hides and sorts control based on the applicability of the search term. if ( visible ) { count = count + 1; } }); if ( 0 === count ) { section.container.find( noFilter ).show(); wp.a11y.speak( section.container.find( noFilter ).text() ); } else { section.container.find( noFilter ).hide(); } section.renderScreenshots(); api.reflowPaneContents(); // Update theme count. section.updateCountDebounced( count ); }, /** * Event handler for search input that determines if the terms have changed and loads new controls as needed. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {wp.customize.ThemesSection} section - The current theme section, passed through the debouncer. * @return {void} */ checkTerm: function( section ) { var newTerm; if ( 'remote' === section.params.filter_type ) { newTerm = section.contentContainer.find( '.wp-filter-search' ).val(); if ( section.term !== newTerm.trim() ) { section.initializeNewQuery( newTerm, section.tags ); } } }, /** * Check for filters checked in the feature filter list and initialize a new query. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @return {void} */ filtersChecked: function() { var section = this, items = section.container.find( '.filter-group' ).find( ':checkbox' ), tags = []; _.each( items.filter( ':checked' ), function( item ) { tags.push( $( item ).prop( 'value' ) ); }); // When no filters are checked, restore initial state. Update filter count. if ( 0 === tags.length ) { tags = ''; section.contentContainer.find( '.feature-filter-toggle .filter-count-0' ).show(); section.contentContainer.find( '.feature-filter-toggle .filter-count-filters' ).hide(); } else { section.contentContainer.find( '.feature-filter-toggle .theme-filter-count' ).text( tags.length ); section.contentContainer.find( '.feature-filter-toggle .filter-count-0' ).hide(); section.contentContainer.find( '.feature-filter-toggle .filter-count-filters' ).show(); } // Check whether tags have changed, and either load or queue them. if ( ! _.isEqual( section.tags, tags ) ) { if ( section.loading ) { section.nextTags = tags; } else { if ( 'remote' === section.params.filter_type ) { section.initializeNewQuery( section.term, tags ); } else if ( 'local' === section.params.filter_type ) { section.filterSearch( tags.join( ' ' ) ); } } } }, /** * Reset the current query and load new results. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string} newTerm - New term. * @param {Array} newTags - New tags. * @return {void} */ initializeNewQuery: function( newTerm, newTags ) { var section = this; // Clear the controls in the section. _.each( section.controls(), function( control ) { control.container.remove(); api.control.remove( control.id ); }); section.loaded = 0; section.fullyLoaded = false; section.screenshotQueue = null; // Run a new query, with loadThemes handling paging, etc. if ( ! section.loading ) { section.term = newTerm; section.tags = newTags; section.loadThemes(); } else { section.nextTerm = newTerm; // This will reload from loadThemes() with the newest term once the current batch is loaded. section.nextTags = newTags; // This will reload from loadThemes() with the newest tags once the current batch is loaded. } if ( ! section.expanded() ) { section.expand(); // Expand the section if it isn't expanded. } }, /** * Render control's screenshot if the control comes into view. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @return {void} */ renderScreenshots: function() { var section = this; // Fill queue initially, or check for more if empty. if ( null === section.screenshotQueue || 0 === section.screenshotQueue.length ) { // Add controls that haven't had their screenshots rendered. section.screenshotQueue = _.filter( section.controls(), function( control ) { return ! control.screenshotRendered; }); } // Are all screenshots rendered (for now)? if ( ! section.screenshotQueue.length ) { return; } section.screenshotQueue = _.filter( section.screenshotQueue, function( control ) { var $imageWrapper = control.container.find( '.theme-screenshot' ), $image = $imageWrapper.find( 'img' ); if ( ! $image.length ) { return false; } if ( $image.is( ':hidden' ) ) { return true; } // Based on unveil.js. var wt = section.$window.scrollTop(), wb = wt + section.$window.height(), et = $image.offset().top, ih = $imageWrapper.height(), eb = et + ih, threshold = ih * 3, inView = eb >= wt - threshold && et <= wb + threshold; if ( inView ) { control.container.trigger( 'render-screenshot' ); } // If the image is in view return false so it's cleared from the queue. return ! inView; } ); }, /** * Get visible count. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @return {number} Visible count. */ getVisibleCount: function() { return this.contentContainer.find( 'li.customize-control:visible' ).length; }, /** * Update the number of themes in the section. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @return {void} */ updateCount: function( count ) { var section = this, countEl, displayed; if ( ! count && 0 !== count ) { count = section.getVisibleCount(); } displayed = section.contentContainer.find( '.themes-displayed' ); countEl = section.contentContainer.find( '.theme-count' ); if ( 0 === count ) { countEl.text( '0' ); } else { // Animate the count change for emphasis. displayed.fadeOut( 180, function() { countEl.text( count ); displayed.fadeIn( 180 ); } ); wp.a11y.speak( api.settings.l10n.announceThemeCount.replace( '%d', count ) ); } }, /** * Advance the modal to the next theme. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @return {void} */ nextTheme: function () { var section = this; if ( section.getNextTheme() ) { section.showDetails( section.getNextTheme(), function() { section.overlay.find( '.right' ).focus(); } ); } }, /** * Get the next theme model. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @return {wp.customize.ThemeControl|boolean} Next theme. */ getNextTheme: function () { var section = this, control, nextControl, sectionControls, i; control = api.control( section.params.action + '_theme_' + section.currentTheme ); sectionControls = section.controls(); i = _.indexOf( sectionControls, control ); if ( -1 === i ) { return false; } nextControl = sectionControls[ i + 1 ]; if ( ! nextControl ) { return false; } return nextControl.params.theme; }, /** * Advance the modal to the previous theme. * * @since 4.2.0 * @return {void} */ previousTheme: function () { var section = this; if ( section.getPreviousTheme() ) { section.showDetails( section.getPreviousTheme(), function() { section.overlay.find( '.left' ).focus(); } ); } }, /** * Get the previous theme model. * * @since 4.2.0 * @return {wp.customize.ThemeControl|boolean} Previous theme. */ getPreviousTheme: function () { var section = this, control, nextControl, sectionControls, i; control = api.control( section.params.action + '_theme_' + section.currentTheme ); sectionControls = section.controls(); i = _.indexOf( sectionControls, control ); if ( -1 === i ) { return false; } nextControl = sectionControls[ i - 1 ]; if ( ! nextControl ) { return false; } return nextControl.params.theme; }, /** * Disable buttons when we're viewing the first or last theme. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @return {void} */ updateLimits: function () { if ( ! this.getNextTheme() ) { this.overlay.find( '.right' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } if ( ! this.getPreviousTheme() ) { this.overlay.find( '.left' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } }, /** * Load theme preview. * * @since 4.7.0 * @access public * * @deprecated * @param {string} themeId Theme ID. * @return {jQuery.promise} Promise. */ loadThemePreview: function( themeId ) { return api.ThemesPanel.prototype.loadThemePreview.call( this, themeId ); }, /** * Render & show the theme details for a given theme model. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param {Object} theme - Theme. * @param {Function} [callback] - Callback once the details have been shown. * @return {void} */ showDetails: function ( theme, callback ) { var section = this, panel = api.panel( 'themes' ); section.currentTheme = theme.id; section.overlay.html( section.template( theme ) ) .fadeIn( 'fast' ) .focus(); function disableSwitchButtons() { return ! panel.canSwitchTheme( theme.id ); } // Temporary special function since supplying SFTP credentials does not work yet. See #42184. function disableInstallButtons() { return disableSwitchButtons() || false === api.settings.theme._canInstall || true === api.settings.theme._filesystemCredentialsNeeded; } section.overlay.find( 'button.preview, button.preview-theme' ).toggleClass( 'disabled', disableSwitchButtons() ); section.overlay.find( 'button.theme-install' ).toggleClass( 'disabled', disableInstallButtons() ); section.$body.addClass( 'modal-open' ); section.containFocus( section.overlay ); section.updateLimits(); wp.a11y.speak( api.settings.l10n.announceThemeDetails.replace( '%s', theme.name ) ); if ( callback ) { callback(); } }, /** * Close the theme details modal. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @return {void} */ closeDetails: function () { var section = this; section.$body.removeClass( 'modal-open' ); section.overlay.fadeOut( 'fast' ); api.control( section.params.action + '_theme_' + section.currentTheme ).container.find( '.theme' ).focus(); }, /** * Keep tab focus within the theme details modal. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param {jQuery} el - Element to contain focus. * @return {void} */ containFocus: function( el ) { var tabbables; el.on( 'keydown', function( event ) { // Return if it's not the tab key // When navigating with prev/next focus is already handled. if ( 9 !== event.keyCode ) { return; } // Uses jQuery UI to get the tabbable elements. tabbables = $( ':tabbable', el ); // Keep focus within the overlay. if ( tabbables.last()[0] === event.target && ! event.shiftKey ) { tabbables.first().focus(); return false; } else if ( tabbables.first()[0] === event.target && event.shiftKey ) { tabbables.last().focus(); return false; } }); } }); api.OuterSection = api.Section.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.OuterSection.prototype */{ /** * Class wp.customize.OuterSection. * * Creates section outside of the sidebar, there is no ui to trigger collapse/expand so * it would require custom handling. * * @constructs wp.customize.OuterSection * @augments wp.customize.Section * * @since 4.9.0 * * @return {void} */ initialize: function() { var section = this; section.containerParent = '#customize-outer-theme-controls'; section.containerPaneParent = '.customize-outer-pane-parent'; api.Section.prototype.initialize.apply( section, arguments ); }, /** * Overrides api.Section.prototype.onChangeExpanded to prevent collapse/expand effect * on other sections and panels. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {boolean} expanded - The expanded state to transition to. * @param {Object} [args] - Args. * @param {boolean} [args.unchanged] - Whether the state is already known to not be changed, and so short-circuit with calling completeCallback early. * @param {Function} [args.completeCallback] - Function to call when the slideUp/slideDown has completed. * @param {Object} [args.duration] - The duration for the animation. */ onChangeExpanded: function( expanded, args ) { var section = this, container = section.headContainer.closest( '.wp-full-overlay-sidebar-content' ), content = section.contentContainer, backBtn = content.find( '.customize-section-back' ), sectionTitle = section.headContainer.find( '.accordion-section-title' ).first(), body = $( document.body ), expand, panel; body.toggleClass( 'outer-section-open', expanded ); section.container.toggleClass( 'open', expanded ); section.container.removeClass( 'busy' ); api.section.each( function( _section ) { if ( 'outer' === _section.params.type && _section.id !== section.id ) { _section.container.removeClass( 'open' ); } } ); if ( expanded && ! content.hasClass( 'open' ) ) { if ( args.unchanged ) { expand = args.completeCallback; } else { expand = function() { section._animateChangeExpanded( function() { sectionTitle.attr( 'tabindex', '-1' ); backBtn.attr( 'tabindex', '0' ); backBtn.trigger( 'focus' ); content.css( 'top', '' ); container.scrollTop( 0 ); if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } } ); content.addClass( 'open' ); }.bind( this ); } if ( section.panel() ) { api.panel( section.panel() ).expand({ duration: args.duration, completeCallback: expand }); } else { expand(); } } else if ( ! expanded && content.hasClass( 'open' ) ) { if ( section.panel() ) { panel = api.panel( section.panel() ); if ( panel.contentContainer.hasClass( 'skip-transition' ) ) { panel.collapse(); } } section._animateChangeExpanded( function() { backBtn.attr( 'tabindex', '-1' ); sectionTitle.attr( 'tabindex', '0' ); sectionTitle.trigger( 'focus' ); content.css( 'top', '' ); if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } } ); content.removeClass( 'open' ); } else { if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } } } }); api.Panel = Container.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Panel.prototype */{ containerType: 'panel', /** * @constructs wp.customize.Panel * @augments wp.customize~Container * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param {string} id - The ID for the panel. * @param {Object} options - Object containing one property: params. * @param {string} options.title - Title shown when panel is collapsed and expanded. * @param {string} [options.description] - Description shown at the top of the panel. * @param {number} [options.priority=100] - The sort priority for the panel. * @param {string} [options.type=default] - The type of the panel. See wp.customize.panelConstructor. * @param {string} [options.content] - The markup to be used for the panel container. If empty, a JS template is used. * @param {boolean} [options.active=true] - Whether the panel is active or not. * @param {Object} [options.params] - Deprecated wrapper for the above properties. */ initialize: function ( id, options ) { var panel = this, params; params = options.params || options; // Look up the type if one was not supplied. if ( ! params.type ) { _.find( api.panelConstructor, function( Constructor, type ) { if ( Constructor === panel.constructor ) { params.type = type; return true; } return false; } ); } Container.prototype.initialize.call( panel, id, params ); panel.embed(); panel.deferred.embedded.done( function () { panel.ready(); }); }, /** * Embed the container in the DOM when any parent panel is ready. * * @since 4.1.0 */ embed: function () { var panel = this, container = $( '#customize-theme-controls' ), parentContainer = $( '.customize-pane-parent' ); // @todo This should be defined elsewhere, and to be configurable. if ( ! panel.headContainer.parent().is( parentContainer ) ) { parentContainer.append( panel.headContainer ); } if ( ! panel.contentContainer.parent().is( panel.headContainer ) ) { container.append( panel.contentContainer ); } panel.renderContent(); panel.deferred.embedded.resolve(); }, /** * @since 4.1.0 */ attachEvents: function () { var meta, panel = this; // Expand/Collapse accordion sections on click. panel.headContainer.find( '.accordion-section-title' ).on( 'click keydown', function( event ) { if ( api.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); // Keep this AFTER the key filter above. if ( ! panel.expanded() ) { panel.expand(); } }); // Close panel. panel.container.find( '.customize-panel-back' ).on( 'click keydown', function( event ) { if ( api.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); // Keep this AFTER the key filter above. if ( panel.expanded() ) { panel.collapse(); } }); meta = panel.container.find( '.panel-meta:first' ); meta.find( '> .accordion-section-title .customize-help-toggle' ).on( 'click', function() { if ( meta.hasClass( 'cannot-expand' ) ) { return; } var content = meta.find( '.customize-panel-description:first' ); if ( meta.hasClass( 'open' ) ) { meta.toggleClass( 'open' ); content.slideUp( panel.defaultExpandedArguments.duration, function() { content.trigger( 'toggled' ); } ); $( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', false ); } else { content.slideDown( panel.defaultExpandedArguments.duration, function() { content.trigger( 'toggled' ); } ); meta.toggleClass( 'open' ); $( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', true ); } }); }, /** * Get the sections that are associated with this panel, sorted by their priority Value. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @return {Array} */ sections: function () { return this._children( 'panel', 'section' ); }, /** * Return whether this panel has any active sections. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @return {boolean} Whether contextually active. */ isContextuallyActive: function () { var panel = this, sections = panel.sections(), activeCount = 0; _( sections ).each( function ( section ) { if ( section.active() && section.isContextuallyActive() ) { activeCount += 1; } } ); return ( activeCount !== 0 ); }, /** * Update UI to reflect expanded state. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param {boolean} expanded * @param {Object} args * @param {boolean} args.unchanged * @param {Function} args.completeCallback * @return {void} */ onChangeExpanded: function ( expanded, args ) { // Immediately call the complete callback if there were no changes. if ( args.unchanged ) { if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } return; } // Note: there is a second argument 'args' passed. var panel = this, accordionSection = panel.contentContainer, overlay = accordionSection.closest( '.wp-full-overlay' ), container = accordionSection.closest( '.wp-full-overlay-sidebar-content' ), topPanel = panel.headContainer.find( '.accordion-section-title' ), backBtn = accordionSection.find( '.customize-panel-back' ), childSections = panel.sections(), skipTransition; if ( expanded && ! accordionSection.hasClass( 'current-panel' ) ) { // Collapse any sibling sections/panels. api.section.each( function ( section ) { if ( panel.id !== section.panel() ) { section.collapse( { duration: 0 } ); } }); api.panel.each( function ( otherPanel ) { if ( panel !== otherPanel ) { otherPanel.collapse( { duration: 0 } ); } }); if ( panel.params.autoExpandSoleSection && 1 === childSections.length && childSections[0].active.get() ) { accordionSection.addClass( 'current-panel skip-transition' ); overlay.addClass( 'in-sub-panel' ); childSections[0].expand( { completeCallback: args.completeCallback } ); } else { panel._animateChangeExpanded( function() { topPanel.attr( 'tabindex', '-1' ); backBtn.attr( 'tabindex', '0' ); backBtn.trigger( 'focus' ); accordionSection.css( 'top', '' ); container.scrollTop( 0 ); if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } } ); accordionSection.addClass( 'current-panel' ); overlay.addClass( 'in-sub-panel' ); } api.state( 'expandedPanel' ).set( panel ); } else if ( ! expanded && accordionSection.hasClass( 'current-panel' ) ) { skipTransition = accordionSection.hasClass( 'skip-transition' ); if ( ! skipTransition ) { panel._animateChangeExpanded( function() { topPanel.attr( 'tabindex', '0' ); backBtn.attr( 'tabindex', '-1' ); topPanel.focus(); accordionSection.css( 'top', '' ); if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } } ); } else { accordionSection.removeClass( 'skip-transition' ); } overlay.removeClass( 'in-sub-panel' ); accordionSection.removeClass( 'current-panel' ); if ( panel === api.state( 'expandedPanel' ).get() ) { api.state( 'expandedPanel' ).set( false ); } } }, /** * Render the panel from its JS template, if it exists. * * The panel's container must already exist in the DOM. * * @since 4.3.0 */ renderContent: function () { var template, panel = this; // Add the content to the container. if ( 0 !== $( '#tmpl-' + panel.templateSelector + '-content' ).length ) { template = wp.template( panel.templateSelector + '-content' ); } else { template = wp.template( 'customize-panel-default-content' ); } if ( template && panel.headContainer ) { panel.contentContainer.html( template( _.extend( { id: panel.id }, panel.params ) ) ); } } }); api.ThemesPanel = api.Panel.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.ThemsPanel.prototype */{ /** * Class wp.customize.ThemesPanel. * * Custom section for themes that displays without the customize preview. * * @constructs wp.customize.ThemesPanel * @augments wp.customize.Panel * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string} id - The ID for the panel. * @param {Object} options - Options. * @return {void} */ initialize: function( id, options ) { var panel = this; panel.installingThemes = []; api.Panel.prototype.initialize.call( panel, id, options ); }, /** * Determine whether a given theme can be switched to, or in general. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string} [slug] - Theme slug. * @return {boolean} Whether the theme can be switched to. */ canSwitchTheme: function canSwitchTheme( slug ) { if ( slug && slug === api.settings.theme.stylesheet ) { return true; } return 'publish' === api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).get() && ( '' === api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).get() || 'auto-draft' === api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).get() ); }, /** * Attach events. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ attachEvents: function() { var panel = this; // Attach regular panel events. api.Panel.prototype.attachEvents.apply( panel ); // Temporary since supplying SFTP credentials does not work yet. See #42184. if ( api.settings.theme._canInstall && api.settings.theme._filesystemCredentialsNeeded ) { panel.notifications.add( new api.Notification( 'theme_install_unavailable', { message: api.l10n.themeInstallUnavailable, type: 'info', dismissible: true } ) ); } function toggleDisabledNotifications() { if ( panel.canSwitchTheme() ) { panel.notifications.remove( 'theme_switch_unavailable' ); } else { panel.notifications.add( new api.Notification( 'theme_switch_unavailable', { message: api.l10n.themePreviewUnavailable, type: 'warning' } ) ); } } toggleDisabledNotifications(); api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).bind( toggleDisabledNotifications ); api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).bind( toggleDisabledNotifications ); // Collapse panel to customize the current theme. panel.contentContainer.on( 'click', '.customize-theme', function() { panel.collapse(); }); // Toggle between filtering and browsing themes on mobile. panel.contentContainer.on( 'click', '.customize-themes-section-title, .customize-themes-mobile-back', function() { $( '.wp-full-overlay' ).toggleClass( 'showing-themes' ); }); // Install (and maybe preview) a theme. panel.contentContainer.on( 'click', '.theme-install', function( event ) { panel.installTheme( event ); }); // Update a theme. Theme cards have the class, the details modal has the id. panel.contentContainer.on( 'click', '.update-theme, #update-theme', function( event ) { // #update-theme is a link. event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); panel.updateTheme( event ); }); // Delete a theme. panel.contentContainer.on( 'click', '.delete-theme', function( event ) { panel.deleteTheme( event ); }); _.bindAll( panel, 'installTheme', 'updateTheme' ); }, /** * Update UI to reflect expanded state * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {boolean} expanded - Expanded state. * @param {Object} args - Args. * @param {boolean} args.unchanged - Whether or not the state changed. * @param {Function} args.completeCallback - Callback to execute when the animation completes. * @return {void} */ onChangeExpanded: function( expanded, args ) { var panel = this, overlay, sections, hasExpandedSection = false; // Expand/collapse the panel normally. api.Panel.prototype.onChangeExpanded.apply( this, [ expanded, args ] ); // Immediately call the complete callback if there were no changes. if ( args.unchanged ) { if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } return; } overlay = panel.headContainer.closest( '.wp-full-overlay' ); if ( expanded ) { overlay .addClass( 'in-themes-panel' ) .delay( 200 ).find( '.customize-themes-full-container' ).addClass( 'animate' ); _.delay( function() { overlay.addClass( 'themes-panel-expanded' ); }, 200 ); // Automatically open the first section (except on small screens), if one isn't already expanded. if ( 600 < window.innerWidth ) { sections = panel.sections(); _.each( sections, function( section ) { if ( section.expanded() ) { hasExpandedSection = true; } } ); if ( ! hasExpandedSection && sections.length > 0 ) { sections[0].expand(); } } } else { overlay .removeClass( 'in-themes-panel themes-panel-expanded' ) .find( '.customize-themes-full-container' ).removeClass( 'animate' ); } }, /** * Install a theme via wp.updates. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {jQuery.Event} event - Event. * @return {jQuery.promise} Promise. */ installTheme: function( event ) { var panel = this, preview, onInstallSuccess, slug = $( event.target ).data( 'slug' ), deferred = $.Deferred(), request; preview = $( event.target ).hasClass( 'preview' ); // Temporary since supplying SFTP credentials does not work yet. See #42184. if ( api.settings.theme._filesystemCredentialsNeeded ) { deferred.reject({ errorCode: 'theme_install_unavailable' }); return deferred.promise(); } // Prevent loading a non-active theme preview when there is a drafted/scheduled changeset. if ( ! panel.canSwitchTheme( slug ) ) { deferred.reject({ errorCode: 'theme_switch_unavailable' }); return deferred.promise(); } // Theme is already being installed. if ( _.contains( panel.installingThemes, slug ) ) { deferred.reject({ errorCode: 'theme_already_installing' }); return deferred.promise(); } wp.updates.maybeRequestFilesystemCredentials( event ); onInstallSuccess = function( response ) { var theme = false, themeControl; if ( preview ) { api.notifications.remove( 'theme_installing' ); panel.loadThemePreview( slug ); } else { api.control.each( function( control ) { if ( 'theme' === control.params.type && control.params.theme.id === response.slug ) { theme = control.params.theme; // Used below to add theme control. control.rerenderAsInstalled( true ); } }); // Don't add the same theme more than once. if ( ! theme || api.control.has( 'installed_theme_' + theme.id ) ) { deferred.resolve( response ); return; } // Add theme control to installed section. theme.type = 'installed'; themeControl = new api.controlConstructor.theme( 'installed_theme_' + theme.id, { type: 'theme', section: 'installed_themes', theme: theme, priority: 0 // Add all newly-installed themes to the top. } ); api.control.add( themeControl ); api.control( themeControl.id ).container.trigger( 'render-screenshot' ); // Close the details modal if it's open to the installed theme. api.section.each( function( section ) { if ( 'themes' === section.params.type ) { if ( theme.id === section.currentTheme ) { // Don't close the modal if the user has navigated elsewhere. section.closeDetails(); } } }); } deferred.resolve( response ); }; panel.installingThemes.push( slug ); // Note: we don't remove elements from installingThemes, since they shouldn't be installed again. request = wp.updates.installTheme( { slug: slug } ); // Also preview the theme as the event is triggered on Install & Preview. if ( preview ) { api.notifications.add( new api.OverlayNotification( 'theme_installing', { message: api.l10n.themeDownloading, type: 'info', loading: true } ) ); } request.done( onInstallSuccess ); request.fail( function() { api.notifications.remove( 'theme_installing' ); } ); return deferred.promise(); }, /** * Load theme preview. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string} themeId Theme ID. * @return {jQuery.promise} Promise. */ loadThemePreview: function( themeId ) { var panel = this, deferred = $.Deferred(), onceProcessingComplete, urlParser, queryParams; // Prevent loading a non-active theme preview when there is a drafted/scheduled changeset. if ( ! panel.canSwitchTheme( themeId ) ) { deferred.reject({ errorCode: 'theme_switch_unavailable' }); return deferred.promise(); } urlParser = document.createElement( 'a' ); urlParser.href = location.href; queryParams = _.extend( api.utils.parseQueryString( urlParser.search.substr( 1 ) ), { theme: themeId, changeset_uuid: api.settings.changeset.uuid, 'return': api.settings.url['return'] } ); // Include autosaved param to load autosave revision without prompting user to restore it. if ( ! api.state( 'saved' ).get() ) { queryParams.customize_autosaved = 'on'; } urlParser.search = $.param( queryParams ); // Update loading message. Everything else is handled by reloading the page. api.notifications.add( new api.OverlayNotification( 'theme_previewing', { message: api.l10n.themePreviewWait, type: 'info', loading: true } ) ); onceProcessingComplete = function() { var request; if ( api.state( 'processing' ).get() > 0 ) { return; } api.state( 'processing' ).unbind( onceProcessingComplete ); request = api.requestChangesetUpdate( {}, { autosave: true } ); request.done( function() { deferred.resolve(); $( window ).off( 'beforeunload.customize-confirm' ); location.replace( urlParser.href ); } ); request.fail( function() { // @todo Show notification regarding failure. api.notifications.remove( 'theme_previewing' ); deferred.reject(); } ); }; if ( 0 === api.state( 'processing' ).get() ) { onceProcessingComplete(); } else { api.state( 'processing' ).bind( onceProcessingComplete ); } return deferred.promise(); }, /** * Update a theme via wp.updates. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {jQuery.Event} event - Event. * @return {void} */ updateTheme: function( event ) { wp.updates.maybeRequestFilesystemCredentials( event ); $( document ).one( 'wp-theme-update-success', function( e, response ) { // Rerender the control to reflect the update. api.control.each( function( control ) { if ( 'theme' === control.params.type && control.params.theme.id === response.slug ) { control.params.theme.hasUpdate = false; control.params.theme.version = response.newVersion; setTimeout( function() { control.rerenderAsInstalled( true ); }, 2000 ); } }); } ); wp.updates.updateTheme( { slug: $( event.target ).closest( '.notice' ).data( 'slug' ) } ); }, /** * Delete a theme via wp.updates. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {jQuery.Event} event - Event. * @return {void} */ deleteTheme: function( event ) { var theme, section; theme = $( event.target ).data( 'slug' ); section = api.section( 'installed_themes' ); event.preventDefault(); // Temporary since supplying SFTP credentials does not work yet. See #42184. if ( api.settings.theme._filesystemCredentialsNeeded ) { return; } // Confirmation dialog for deleting a theme. if ( ! window.confirm( api.settings.l10n.confirmDeleteTheme ) ) { return; } wp.updates.maybeRequestFilesystemCredentials( event ); $( document ).one( 'wp-theme-delete-success', function() { var control = api.control( 'installed_theme_' + theme ); // Remove theme control. control.container.remove(); api.control.remove( control.id ); // Update installed count. section.loaded = section.loaded - 1; section.updateCount(); // Rerender any other theme controls as uninstalled. api.control.each( function( control ) { if ( 'theme' === control.params.type && control.params.theme.id === theme ) { control.rerenderAsInstalled( false ); } }); } ); wp.updates.deleteTheme( { slug: theme } ); // Close modal and focus the section. section.closeDetails(); section.focus(); } }); api.Control = api.Class.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Control.prototype */{ defaultActiveArguments: { duration: 'fast', completeCallback: $.noop }, /** * Default params. * * @since 4.9.0 * @var {object} */ defaults: { label: '', description: '', active: true, priority: 10 }, /** * A Customizer Control. * * A control provides a UI element that allows a user to modify a Customizer Setting. * * @see PHP class WP_Customize_Control. * * @constructs wp.customize.Control * @augments wp.customize.Class * * @borrows wp.customize~focus as this#focus * @borrows wp.customize~Container#activate as this#activate * @borrows wp.customize~Container#deactivate as this#deactivate * @borrows wp.customize~Container#_toggleActive as this#_toggleActive * * @param {string} id - Unique identifier for the control instance. * @param {Object} options - Options hash for the control instance. * @param {Object} options.type - Type of control (e.g. text, radio, dropdown-pages, etc.) * @param {string} [options.content] - The HTML content for the control or at least its container. This should normally be left blank and instead supplying a templateId. * @param {string} [options.templateId] - Template ID for control's content. * @param {string} [options.priority=10] - Order of priority to show the control within the section. * @param {string} [options.active=true] - Whether the control is active. * @param {string} options.section - The ID of the section the control belongs to. * @param {mixed} [options.setting] - The ID of the main setting or an instance of this setting. * @param {mixed} options.settings - An object with keys (e.g. default) that maps to setting IDs or Setting/Value objects, or an array of setting IDs or Setting/Value objects. * @param {mixed} options.settings.default - The ID of the setting the control relates to. * @param {string} options.settings.data - @todo Is this used? * @param {string} options.label - Label. * @param {string} options.description - Description. * @param {number} [options.instanceNumber] - Order in which this instance was created in relation to other instances. * @param {Object} [options.params] - Deprecated wrapper for the above properties. * @return {void} */ initialize: function( id, options ) { var control = this, deferredSettingIds = [], settings, gatherSettings; control.params = _.extend( {}, control.defaults, control.params || {}, // In case subclass already defines. options.params || options || {} // The options.params property is deprecated, but it is checked first for back-compat. ); if ( ! api.Control.instanceCounter ) { api.Control.instanceCounter = 0; } api.Control.instanceCounter++; if ( ! control.params.instanceNumber ) { control.params.instanceNumber = api.Control.instanceCounter; } // Look up the type if one was not supplied. if ( ! control.params.type ) { _.find( api.controlConstructor, function( Constructor, type ) { if ( Constructor === control.constructor ) { control.params.type = type; return true; } return false; } ); } if ( ! control.params.content ) { control.params.content = $( '<li></li>', { id: 'customize-control-' + id.replace( /]/g, '' ).replace( /\[/g, '-' ), 'class': 'customize-control customize-control-' + control.params.type } ); } control.id = id; control.selector = '#customize-control-' + id.replace( /\]/g, '' ).replace( /\[/g, '-' ); // Deprecated, likely dead code from time before #28709. if ( control.params.content ) { control.container = $( control.params.content ); } else { control.container = $( control.selector ); // Likely dead, per above. See #28709. } if ( control.params.templateId ) { control.templateSelector = control.params.templateId; } else { control.templateSelector = 'customize-control-' + control.params.type + '-content'; } control.deferred = _.extend( control.deferred || {}, { embedded: new $.Deferred() } ); control.section = new api.Value(); control.priority = new api.Value(); control.active = new api.Value(); control.activeArgumentsQueue = []; control.notifications = new api.Notifications({ alt: control.altNotice }); control.elements = []; control.active.bind( function ( active ) { var args = control.activeArgumentsQueue.shift(); args = $.extend( {}, control.defaultActiveArguments, args ); control.onChangeActive( active, args ); } ); control.section.set( control.params.section ); control.priority.set( isNaN( control.params.priority ) ? 10 : control.params.priority ); control.active.set( control.params.active ); api.utils.bubbleChildValueChanges( control, [ 'section', 'priority', 'active' ] ); control.settings = {}; settings = {}; if ( control.params.setting ) { settings['default'] = control.params.setting; } _.extend( settings, control.params.settings ); // Note: Settings can be an array or an object, with values being either setting IDs or Setting (or Value) objects. _.each( settings, function( value, key ) { var setting; if ( _.isObject( value ) && _.isFunction( value.extended ) && value.extended( api.Value ) ) { control.settings[ key ] = value; } else if ( _.isString( value ) ) { setting = api( value ); if ( setting ) { control.settings[ key ] = setting; } else { deferredSettingIds.push( value ); } } } ); gatherSettings = function() { // Fill-in all resolved settings. _.each( settings, function ( settingId, key ) { if ( ! control.settings[ key ] && _.isString( settingId ) ) { control.settings[ key ] = api( settingId ); } } ); // Make sure settings passed as array gets associated with default. if ( control.settings[0] && ! control.settings['default'] ) { control.settings['default'] = control.settings[0]; } // Identify the main setting. control.setting = control.settings['default'] || null; control.linkElements(); // Link initial elements present in server-rendered content. control.embed(); }; if ( 0 === deferredSettingIds.length ) { gatherSettings(); } else { api.apply( api, deferredSettingIds.concat( gatherSettings ) ); } // After the control is embedded on the page, invoke the "ready" method. control.deferred.embedded.done( function () { control.linkElements(); // Link any additional elements after template is rendered by renderContent(). control.setupNotifications(); control.ready(); }); }, /** * Link elements between settings and inputs. * * @since 4.7.0 * @access public * * @return {void} */ linkElements: function () { var control = this, nodes, radios, element; nodes = control.container.find( '[data-customize-setting-link], [data-customize-setting-key-link]' ); radios = {}; nodes.each( function () { var node = $( this ), name, setting; if ( node.data( 'customizeSettingLinked' ) ) { return; } node.data( 'customizeSettingLinked', true ); // Prevent re-linking element. if ( node.is( ':radio' ) ) { name = node.prop( 'name' ); if ( radios[name] ) { return; } radios[name] = true; node = nodes.filter( '[name="' + name + '"]' ); } // Let link by default refer to setting ID. If it doesn't exist, fallback to looking up by setting key. if ( node.data( 'customizeSettingLink' ) ) { setting = api( node.data( 'customizeSettingLink' ) ); } else if ( node.data( 'customizeSettingKeyLink' ) ) { setting = control.settings[ node.data( 'customizeSettingKeyLink' ) ]; } if ( setting ) { element = new api.Element( node ); control.elements.push( element ); element.sync( setting ); element.set( setting() ); } } ); }, /** * Embed the control into the page. */ embed: function () { var control = this, inject; // Watch for changes to the section state. inject = function ( sectionId ) { var parentContainer; if ( ! sectionId ) { // @todo Allow a control to be embedded without a section, for instance a control embedded in the front end. return; } // Wait for the section to be registered. api.section( sectionId, function ( section ) { // Wait for the section to be ready/initialized. section.deferred.embedded.done( function () { parentContainer = ( section.contentContainer.is( 'ul' ) ) ? section.contentContainer : section.contentContainer.find( 'ul:first' ); if ( ! control.container.parent().is( parentContainer ) ) { parentContainer.append( control.container ); } control.renderContent(); control.deferred.embedded.resolve(); }); }); }; control.section.bind( inject ); inject( control.section.get() ); }, /** * Triggered when the control's markup has been injected into the DOM. * * @return {void} */ ready: function() { var control = this, newItem; if ( 'dropdown-pages' === control.params.type && control.params.allow_addition ) { newItem = control.container.find( '.new-content-item-wrapper' ); newItem.hide(); // Hide in JS to preserve flex display when showing. control.container.on( 'click', '.add-new-toggle', function( e ) { $( e.currentTarget ).slideUp( 180 ); newItem.slideDown( 180 ); newItem.find( '.create-item-input' ).focus(); }); control.container.on( 'click', '.add-content', function() { control.addNewPage(); }); control.container.on( 'keydown', '.create-item-input', function( e ) { if ( 13 === e.which ) { // Enter. control.addNewPage(); } }); } }, /** * Get the element inside of a control's container that contains the validation error message. * * Control subclasses may override this to return the proper container to render notifications into. * Injects the notification container for existing controls that lack the necessary container, * including special handling for nav menu items and widgets. * * @since 4.6.0 * @return {jQuery} Setting validation message element. */ getNotificationsContainerElement: function() { var control = this, controlTitle, notificationsContainer; notificationsContainer = control.container.find( '.customize-control-notifications-container:first' ); if ( notificationsContainer.length ) { return notificationsContainer; } notificationsContainer = $( '<div class="customize-control-notifications-container"></div>' ); if ( control.container.hasClass( 'customize-control-nav_menu_item' ) ) { control.container.find( '.menu-item-settings:first' ).prepend( notificationsContainer ); } else if ( control.container.hasClass( 'customize-control-widget_form' ) ) { control.container.find( '.widget-inside:first' ).prepend( notificationsContainer ); } else { controlTitle = control.container.find( '.customize-control-title' ); if ( controlTitle.length ) { controlTitle.after( notificationsContainer ); } else { control.container.prepend( notificationsContainer ); } } return notificationsContainer; }, /** * Set up notifications. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ setupNotifications: function() { var control = this, renderNotificationsIfVisible, onSectionAssigned; // Add setting notifications to the control notification. _.each( control.settings, function( setting ) { if ( ! setting.notifications ) { return; } setting.notifications.bind( 'add', function( settingNotification ) { var params = _.extend( {}, settingNotification, { setting: setting.id } ); control.notifications.add( new api.Notification( setting.id + ':' + settingNotification.code, params ) ); } ); setting.notifications.bind( 'remove', function( settingNotification ) { control.notifications.remove( setting.id + ':' + settingNotification.code ); } ); } ); renderNotificationsIfVisible = function() { var sectionId = control.section(); if ( ! sectionId || ( api.section.has( sectionId ) && api.section( sectionId ).expanded() ) ) { control.notifications.render(); } }; control.notifications.bind( 'rendered', function() { var notifications = control.notifications.get(); control.container.toggleClass( 'has-notifications', 0 !== notifications.length ); control.container.toggleClass( 'has-error', 0 !== _.where( notifications, { type: 'error' } ).length ); } ); onSectionAssigned = function( newSectionId, oldSectionId ) { if ( oldSectionId && api.section.has( oldSectionId ) ) { api.section( oldSectionId ).expanded.unbind( renderNotificationsIfVisible ); } if ( newSectionId ) { api.section( newSectionId, function( section ) { section.expanded.bind( renderNotificationsIfVisible ); renderNotificationsIfVisible(); }); } }; control.section.bind( onSectionAssigned ); onSectionAssigned( control.section.get() ); control.notifications.bind( 'change', _.debounce( renderNotificationsIfVisible ) ); }, /** * Render notifications. * * Renders the `control.notifications` into the control's container. * Control subclasses may override this method to do their own handling * of rendering notifications. * * @deprecated in favor of `control.notifications.render()` * @since 4.6.0 * @this {wp.customize.Control} */ renderNotifications: function() { var control = this, container, notifications, hasError = false; if ( 'undefined' !== typeof console && console.warn ) { console.warn( '[DEPRECATED] wp.customize.Control.prototype.renderNotifications() is deprecated in favor of instantiating a wp.customize.Notifications and calling its render() method.' ); } container = control.getNotificationsContainerElement(); if ( ! container || ! container.length ) { return; } notifications = []; control.notifications.each( function( notification ) { notifications.push( notification ); if ( 'error' === notification.type ) { hasError = true; } } ); if ( 0 === notifications.length ) { container.stop().slideUp( 'fast' ); } else { container.stop().slideDown( 'fast', null, function() { $( this ).css( 'height', 'auto' ); } ); } if ( ! control.notificationsTemplate ) { control.notificationsTemplate = wp.template( 'customize-control-notifications' ); } control.container.toggleClass( 'has-notifications', 0 !== notifications.length ); control.container.toggleClass( 'has-error', hasError ); container.empty().append( control.notificationsTemplate( { notifications: notifications, altNotice: Boolean( control.altNotice ) } ).trim() ); }, /** * Normal controls do not expand, so just expand its parent * * @param {Object} [params] */ expand: function ( params ) { api.section( this.section() ).expand( params ); }, /* * Documented using @borrows in the constructor. */ focus: focus, /** * Update UI in response to a change in the control's active state. * This does not change the active state, it merely handles the behavior * for when it does change. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param {boolean} active * @param {Object} args * @param {number} args.duration * @param {Function} args.completeCallback */ onChangeActive: function ( active, args ) { if ( args.unchanged ) { if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } return; } if ( ! $.contains( document, this.container[0] ) ) { // jQuery.fn.slideUp is not hiding an element if it is not in the DOM. this.container.toggle( active ); if ( args.completeCallback ) { args.completeCallback(); } } else if ( active ) { this.container.slideDown( args.duration, args.completeCallback ); } else { this.container.slideUp( args.duration, args.completeCallback ); } }, /** * @deprecated 4.1.0 Use this.onChangeActive() instead. */ toggle: function ( active ) { return this.onChangeActive( active, this.defaultActiveArguments ); }, /* * Documented using @borrows in the constructor */ activate: Container.prototype.activate, /* * Documented using @borrows in the constructor */ deactivate: Container.prototype.deactivate, /* * Documented using @borrows in the constructor */ _toggleActive: Container.prototype._toggleActive, // @todo This function appears to be dead code and can be removed. dropdownInit: function() { var control = this, statuses = this.container.find('.dropdown-status'), params = this.params, toggleFreeze = false, update = function( to ) { if ( 'string' === typeof to && params.statuses && params.statuses[ to ] ) { statuses.html( params.statuses[ to ] ).show(); } else { statuses.hide(); } }; // Support the .dropdown class to open/close complex elements. this.container.on( 'click keydown', '.dropdown', function( event ) { if ( api.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); if ( ! toggleFreeze ) { control.container.toggleClass( 'open' ); } if ( control.container.hasClass( 'open' ) ) { control.container.parent().parent().find( 'li.library-selected' ).focus(); } // Don't want to fire focus and click at same time. toggleFreeze = true; setTimeout(function () { toggleFreeze = false; }, 400); }); this.setting.bind( update ); update( this.setting() ); }, /** * Render the control from its JS template, if it exists. * * The control's container must already exist in the DOM. * * @since 4.1.0 */ renderContent: function () { var control = this, template, standardTypes, templateId, sectionId; standardTypes = [ 'button', 'checkbox', 'date', 'datetime-local', 'email', 'month', 'number', 'password', 'radio', 'range', 'search', 'select', 'tel', 'time', 'text', 'textarea', 'week', 'url' ]; templateId = control.templateSelector; // Use default content template when a standard HTML type is used, // there isn't a more specific template existing, and the control container is empty. if ( templateId === 'customize-control-' + control.params.type + '-content' && _.contains( standardTypes, control.params.type ) && ! document.getElementById( 'tmpl-' + templateId ) && 0 === control.container.children().length ) { templateId = 'customize-control-default-content'; } // Replace the container element's content with the control. if ( document.getElementById( 'tmpl-' + templateId ) ) { template = wp.template( templateId ); if ( template && control.container ) { control.container.html( template( control.params ) ); } } // Re-render notifications after content has been re-rendered. control.notifications.container = control.getNotificationsContainerElement(); sectionId = control.section(); if ( ! sectionId || ( api.section.has( sectionId ) && api.section( sectionId ).expanded() ) ) { control.notifications.render(); } }, /** * Add a new page to a dropdown-pages control reusing menus code for this. * * @since 4.7.0 * @access private * * @return {void} */ addNewPage: function () { var control = this, promise, toggle, container, input, title, select; if ( 'dropdown-pages' !== control.params.type || ! control.params.allow_addition || ! api.Menus ) { return; } toggle = control.container.find( '.add-new-toggle' ); container = control.container.find( '.new-content-item-wrapper' ); input = control.container.find( '.create-item-input' ); title = input.val(); select = control.container.find( 'select' ); if ( ! title ) { input.addClass( 'invalid' ); return; } input.removeClass( 'invalid' ); input.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ); // The menus functions add the page, publish when appropriate, // and also add the new page to the dropdown-pages controls. promise = api.Menus.insertAutoDraftPost( { post_title: title, post_type: 'page' } ); promise.done( function( data ) { var availableItem, $content, itemTemplate; // Prepare the new page as an available menu item. // See api.Menus.submitNew(). availableItem = new api.Menus.AvailableItemModel( { 'id': 'post-' + data.post_id, // Used for available menu item Backbone models. 'title': title, 'type': 'post_type', 'type_label': api.Menus.data.l10n.page_label, 'object': 'page', 'object_id': data.post_id, 'url': data.url } ); // Add the new item to the list of available menu items. api.Menus.availableMenuItemsPanel.collection.add( availableItem ); $content = $( '#available-menu-items-post_type-page' ).find( '.available-menu-items-list' ); itemTemplate = wp.template( 'available-menu-item' ); $content.prepend( itemTemplate( availableItem.attributes ) ); // Focus the select control. select.focus(); control.setting.set( String( data.post_id ) ); // Triggers a preview refresh and updates the setting. // Reset the create page form. container.slideUp( 180 ); toggle.slideDown( 180 ); } ); promise.always( function() { input.val( '' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ); } ); } }); /** * A colorpicker control. * * @class wp.customize.ColorControl * @augments wp.customize.Control */ api.ColorControl = api.Control.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.ColorControl.prototype */{ ready: function() { var control = this, isHueSlider = this.params.mode === 'hue', updating = false, picker; if ( isHueSlider ) { picker = this.container.find( '.color-picker-hue' ); picker.val( control.setting() ).wpColorPicker({ change: function( event, ui ) { updating = true; control.setting( ui.color.h() ); updating = false; } }); } else { picker = this.container.find( '.color-picker-hex' ); picker.val( control.setting() ).wpColorPicker({ change: function() { updating = true; control.setting.set( picker.wpColorPicker( 'color' ) ); updating = false; }, clear: function() { updating = true; control.setting.set( '' ); updating = false; } }); } control.setting.bind( function ( value ) { // Bail if the update came from the control itself. if ( updating ) { return; } picker.val( value ); picker.wpColorPicker( 'color', value ); } ); // Collapse color picker when hitting Esc instead of collapsing the current section. control.container.on( 'keydown', function( event ) { var pickerContainer; if ( 27 !== event.which ) { // Esc. return; } pickerContainer = control.container.find( '.wp-picker-container' ); if ( pickerContainer.hasClass( 'wp-picker-active' ) ) { picker.wpColorPicker( 'close' ); control.container.find( '.wp-color-result' ).focus(); event.stopPropagation(); // Prevent section from being collapsed. } } ); } }); /** * A control that implements the media modal. * * @class wp.customize.MediaControl * @augments wp.customize.Control */ api.MediaControl = api.Control.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.MediaControl.prototype */{ /** * When the control's DOM structure is ready, * set up internal event bindings. */ ready: function() { var control = this; // Shortcut so that we don't have to use _.bind every time we add a callback. _.bindAll( control, 'restoreDefault', 'removeFile', 'openFrame', 'select', 'pausePlayer' ); // Bind events, with delegation to facilitate re-rendering. control.container.on( 'click keydown', '.upload-button', control.openFrame ); control.container.on( 'click keydown', '.upload-button', control.pausePlayer ); control.container.on( 'click keydown', '.thumbnail-image img', control.openFrame ); control.container.on( 'click keydown', '.default-button', control.restoreDefault ); control.container.on( 'click keydown', '.remove-button', control.pausePlayer ); control.container.on( 'click keydown', '.remove-button', control.removeFile ); control.container.on( 'click keydown', '.remove-button', control.cleanupPlayer ); // Resize the player controls when it becomes visible (ie when section is expanded). api.section( control.section() ).container .on( 'expanded', function() { if ( control.player ) { control.player.setControlsSize(); } }) .on( 'collapsed', function() { control.pausePlayer(); }); /** * Set attachment data and render content. * * Note that BackgroundImage.prototype.ready applies this ready method * to itself. Since BackgroundImage is an UploadControl, the value * is the attachment URL instead of the attachment ID. In this case * we skip fetching the attachment data because we have no ID available, * and it is the responsibility of the UploadControl to set the control's * attachmentData before calling the renderContent method. * * @param {number|string} value Attachment */ function setAttachmentDataAndRenderContent( value ) { var hasAttachmentData = $.Deferred(); if ( control.extended( api.UploadControl ) ) { hasAttachmentData.resolve(); } else { value = parseInt( value, 10 ); if ( _.isNaN( value ) || value <= 0 ) { delete control.params.attachment; hasAttachmentData.resolve(); } else if ( control.params.attachment && control.params.attachment.id === value ) { hasAttachmentData.resolve(); } } // Fetch the attachment data. if ( 'pending' === hasAttachmentData.state() ) { wp.media.attachment( value ).fetch().done( function() { control.params.attachment = this.attributes; hasAttachmentData.resolve(); // Send attachment information to the preview for possible use in `postMessage` transport. wp.customize.previewer.send( control.setting.id + '-attachment-data', this.attributes ); } ); } hasAttachmentData.done( function() { control.renderContent(); } ); } // Ensure attachment data is initially set (for dynamically-instantiated controls). setAttachmentDataAndRenderContent( control.setting() ); // Update the attachment data and re-render the control when the setting changes. control.setting.bind( setAttachmentDataAndRenderContent ); }, pausePlayer: function () { this.player && this.player.pause(); }, cleanupPlayer: function () { this.player && wp.media.mixin.removePlayer( this.player ); }, /** * Open the media modal. */ openFrame: function( event ) { if ( api.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); if ( ! this.frame ) { this.initFrame(); } this.frame.open(); }, /** * Create a media modal select frame, and store it so the instance can be reused when needed. */ initFrame: function() { this.frame = wp.media({ button: { text: this.params.button_labels.frame_button }, states: [ new wp.media.controller.Library({ title: this.params.button_labels.frame_title, library: wp.media.query({ type: this.params.mime_type }), multiple: false, date: false }) ] }); // When a file is selected, run a callback. this.frame.on( 'select', this.select ); }, /** * Callback handler for when an attachment is selected in the media modal. * Gets the selected image information, and sets it within the control. */ select: function() { // Get the attachment from the modal frame. var node, attachment = this.frame.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON(), mejsSettings = window._wpmejsSettings || {}; this.params.attachment = attachment; // Set the Customizer setting; the callback takes care of rendering. this.setting( attachment.id ); node = this.container.find( 'audio, video' ).get(0); // Initialize audio/video previews. if ( node ) { this.player = new MediaElementPlayer( node, mejsSettings ); } else { this.cleanupPlayer(); } }, /** * Reset the setting to the default value. */ restoreDefault: function( event ) { if ( api.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); this.params.attachment = this.params.defaultAttachment; this.setting( this.params.defaultAttachment.url ); }, /** * Called when the "Remove" link is clicked. Empties the setting. * * @param {Object} event jQuery Event object */ removeFile: function( event ) { if ( api.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); this.params.attachment = {}; this.setting( '' ); this.renderContent(); // Not bound to setting change when emptying. } }); /** * An upload control, which utilizes the media modal. * * @class wp.customize.UploadControl * @augments wp.customize.MediaControl */ api.UploadControl = api.MediaControl.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.UploadControl.prototype */{ /** * Callback handler for when an attachment is selected in the media modal. * Gets the selected image information, and sets it within the control. */ select: function() { // Get the attachment from the modal frame. var node, attachment = this.frame.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON(), mejsSettings = window._wpmejsSettings || {}; this.params.attachment = attachment; // Set the Customizer setting; the callback takes care of rendering. this.setting( attachment.url ); node = this.container.find( 'audio, video' ).get(0); // Initialize audio/video previews. if ( node ) { this.player = new MediaElementPlayer( node, mejsSettings ); } else { this.cleanupPlayer(); } }, // @deprecated success: function() {}, // @deprecated removerVisibility: function() {} }); /** * A control for uploading images. * * This control no longer needs to do anything more * than what the upload control does in JS. * * @class wp.customize.ImageControl * @augments wp.customize.UploadControl */ api.ImageControl = api.UploadControl.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.ImageControl.prototype */{ // @deprecated thumbnailSrc: function() {} }); /** * A control for uploading background images. * * @class wp.customize.BackgroundControl * @augments wp.customize.UploadControl */ api.BackgroundControl = api.UploadControl.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.BackgroundControl.prototype */{ /** * When the control's DOM structure is ready, * set up internal event bindings. */ ready: function() { api.UploadControl.prototype.ready.apply( this, arguments ); }, /** * Callback handler for when an attachment is selected in the media modal. * Does an additional Ajax request for setting the background context. */ select: function() { api.UploadControl.prototype.select.apply( this, arguments ); wp.ajax.post( 'custom-background-add', { nonce: _wpCustomizeBackground.nonces.add, wp_customize: 'on', customize_theme: api.settings.theme.stylesheet, attachment_id: this.params.attachment.id } ); } }); /** * A control for positioning a background image. * * @since 4.7.0 * * @class wp.customize.BackgroundPositionControl * @augments wp.customize.Control */ api.BackgroundPositionControl = api.Control.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.BackgroundPositionControl.prototype */{ /** * Set up control UI once embedded in DOM and settings are created. * * @since 4.7.0 * @access public */ ready: function() { var control = this, updateRadios; control.container.on( 'change', 'input[name="background-position"]', function() { var position = $( this ).val().split( ' ' ); control.settings.x( position[0] ); control.settings.y( position[1] ); } ); updateRadios = _.debounce( function() { var x, y, radioInput, inputValue; x = control.settings.x.get(); y = control.settings.y.get(); inputValue = String( x ) + ' ' + String( y ); radioInput = control.container.find( 'input[name="background-position"][value="' + inputValue + '"]' ); radioInput.trigger( 'click' ); } ); control.settings.x.bind( updateRadios ); control.settings.y.bind( updateRadios ); updateRadios(); // Set initial UI. } } ); /** * A control for selecting and cropping an image. * * @class wp.customize.CroppedImageControl * @augments wp.customize.MediaControl */ api.CroppedImageControl = api.MediaControl.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.CroppedImageControl.prototype */{ /** * Open the media modal to the library state. */ openFrame: function( event ) { if ( api.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) { return; } this.initFrame(); this.frame.setState( 'library' ).open(); }, /** * Create a media modal select frame, and store it so the instance can be reused when needed. */ initFrame: function() { var l10n = _wpMediaViewsL10n; this.frame = wp.media({ button: { text: l10n.select, close: false }, states: [ new wp.media.controller.Library({ title: this.params.button_labels.frame_title, library: wp.media.query({ type: 'image' }), multiple: false, date: false, priority: 20, suggestedWidth: this.params.width, suggestedHeight: this.params.height }), new wp.media.controller.CustomizeImageCropper({ imgSelectOptions: this.calculateImageSelectOptions, control: this }) ] }); this.frame.on( 'select', this.onSelect, this ); this.frame.on( 'cropped', this.onCropped, this ); this.frame.on( 'skippedcrop', this.onSkippedCrop, this ); }, /** * After an image is selected in the media modal, switch to the cropper * state if the image isn't the right size. */ onSelect: function() { var attachment = this.frame.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON(); if ( this.params.width === attachment.width && this.params.height === attachment.height && ! this.params.flex_width && ! this.params.flex_height ) { this.setImageFromAttachment( attachment ); this.frame.close(); } else { this.frame.setState( 'cropper' ); } }, /** * After the image has been cropped, apply the cropped image data to the setting. * * @param {Object} croppedImage Cropped attachment data. */ onCropped: function( croppedImage ) { this.setImageFromAttachment( croppedImage ); }, /** * Returns a set of options, computed from the attached image data and * control-specific data, to be fed to the imgAreaSelect plugin in * wp.media.view.Cropper. * * @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment * @param {wp.media.controller.Cropper} controller * @return {Object} Options */ calculateImageSelectOptions: function( attachment, controller ) { var control = controller.get( 'control' ), flexWidth = !! parseInt( control.params.flex_width, 10 ), flexHeight = !! parseInt( control.params.flex_height, 10 ), realWidth = attachment.get( 'width' ), realHeight = attachment.get( 'height' ), xInit = parseInt( control.params.width, 10 ), yInit = parseInt( control.params.height, 10 ), ratio = xInit / yInit, xImg = xInit, yImg = yInit, x1, y1, imgSelectOptions; controller.set( 'canSkipCrop', ! control.mustBeCropped( flexWidth, flexHeight, xInit, yInit, realWidth, realHeight ) ); if ( realWidth / realHeight > ratio ) { yInit = realHeight; xInit = yInit * ratio; } else { xInit = realWidth; yInit = xInit / ratio; } x1 = ( realWidth - xInit ) / 2; y1 = ( realHeight - yInit ) / 2; imgSelectOptions = { handles: true, keys: true, instance: true, persistent: true, imageWidth: realWidth, imageHeight: realHeight, minWidth: xImg > xInit ? xInit : xImg, minHeight: yImg > yInit ? yInit : yImg, x1: x1, y1: y1, x2: xInit + x1, y2: yInit + y1 }; if ( flexHeight === false && flexWidth === false ) { imgSelectOptions.aspectRatio = xInit + ':' + yInit; } if ( true === flexHeight ) { delete imgSelectOptions.minHeight; imgSelectOptions.maxWidth = realWidth; } if ( true === flexWidth ) { delete imgSelectOptions.minWidth; imgSelectOptions.maxHeight = realHeight; } return imgSelectOptions; }, /** * Return whether the image must be cropped, based on required dimensions. * * @param {boolean} flexW * @param {boolean} flexH * @param {number} dstW * @param {number} dstH * @param {number} imgW * @param {number} imgH * @return {boolean} */ mustBeCropped: function( flexW, flexH, dstW, dstH, imgW, imgH ) { if ( true === flexW && true === flexH ) { return false; } if ( true === flexW && dstH === imgH ) { return false; } if ( true === flexH && dstW === imgW ) { return false; } if ( dstW === imgW && dstH === imgH ) { return false; } if ( imgW <= dstW ) { return false; } return true; }, /** * If cropping was skipped, apply the image data directly to the setting. */ onSkippedCrop: function() { var attachment = this.frame.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON(); this.setImageFromAttachment( attachment ); }, /** * Updates the setting and re-renders the control UI. * * @param {Object} attachment */ setImageFromAttachment: function( attachment ) { this.params.attachment = attachment; // Set the Customizer setting; the callback takes care of rendering. this.setting( attachment.id ); } }); /** * A control for selecting and cropping Site Icons. * * @class wp.customize.SiteIconControl * @augments wp.customize.CroppedImageControl */ api.SiteIconControl = api.CroppedImageControl.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.SiteIconControl.prototype */{ /** * Create a media modal select frame, and store it so the instance can be reused when needed. */ initFrame: function() { var l10n = _wpMediaViewsL10n; this.frame = wp.media({ button: { text: l10n.select, close: false }, states: [ new wp.media.controller.Library({ title: this.params.button_labels.frame_title, library: wp.media.query({ type: 'image' }), multiple: false, date: false, priority: 20, suggestedWidth: this.params.width, suggestedHeight: this.params.height }), new wp.media.controller.SiteIconCropper({ imgSelectOptions: this.calculateImageSelectOptions, control: this }) ] }); this.frame.on( 'select', this.onSelect, this ); this.frame.on( 'cropped', this.onCropped, this ); this.frame.on( 'skippedcrop', this.onSkippedCrop, this ); }, /** * After an image is selected in the media modal, switch to the cropper * state if the image isn't the right size. */ onSelect: function() { var attachment = this.frame.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON(), controller = this; if ( this.params.width === attachment.width && this.params.height === attachment.height && ! this.params.flex_width && ! this.params.flex_height ) { wp.ajax.post( 'crop-image', { nonce: attachment.nonces.edit, id: attachment.id, context: 'site-icon', cropDetails: { x1: 0, y1: 0, width: this.params.width, height: this.params.height, dst_width: this.params.width, dst_height: this.params.height } } ).done( function( croppedImage ) { controller.setImageFromAttachment( croppedImage ); controller.frame.close(); } ).fail( function() { controller.frame.trigger('content:error:crop'); } ); } else { this.frame.setState( 'cropper' ); } }, /** * Updates the setting and re-renders the control UI. * * @param {Object} attachment */ setImageFromAttachment: function( attachment ) { var sizes = [ 'site_icon-32', 'thumbnail', 'full' ], link, icon; _.each( sizes, function( size ) { if ( ! icon && ! _.isUndefined ( attachment.sizes[ size ] ) ) { icon = attachment.sizes[ size ]; } } ); this.params.attachment = attachment; // Set the Customizer setting; the callback takes care of rendering. this.setting( attachment.id ); if ( ! icon ) { return; } // Update the icon in-browser. link = $( 'link[rel="icon"][sizes="32x32"]' ); link.attr( 'href', icon.url ); }, /** * Called when the "Remove" link is clicked. Empties the setting. * * @param {Object} event jQuery Event object */ removeFile: function( event ) { if ( api.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); this.params.attachment = {}; this.setting( '' ); this.renderContent(); // Not bound to setting change when emptying. $( 'link[rel="icon"][sizes="32x32"]' ).attr( 'href', '/favicon.ico' ); // Set to default. } }); /** * @class wp.customize.HeaderControl * @augments wp.customize.Control */ api.HeaderControl = api.Control.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.HeaderControl.prototype */{ ready: function() { this.btnRemove = $('#customize-control-header_image .actions .remove'); this.btnNew = $('#customize-control-header_image .actions .new'); _.bindAll(this, 'openMedia', 'removeImage'); this.btnNew.on( 'click', this.openMedia ); this.btnRemove.on( 'click', this.removeImage ); api.HeaderTool.currentHeader = this.getInitialHeaderImage(); new api.HeaderTool.CurrentView({ model: api.HeaderTool.currentHeader, el: '#customize-control-header_image .current .container' }); new api.HeaderTool.ChoiceListView({ collection: api.HeaderTool.UploadsList = new api.HeaderTool.ChoiceList(), el: '#customize-control-header_image .choices .uploaded .list' }); new api.HeaderTool.ChoiceListView({ collection: api.HeaderTool.DefaultsList = new api.HeaderTool.DefaultsList(), el: '#customize-control-header_image .choices .default .list' }); api.HeaderTool.combinedList = api.HeaderTool.CombinedList = new api.HeaderTool.CombinedList([ api.HeaderTool.UploadsList, api.HeaderTool.DefaultsList ]); // Ensure custom-header-crop Ajax requests bootstrap the Customizer to activate the previewed theme. wp.media.controller.Cropper.prototype.defaults.doCropArgs.wp_customize = 'on'; wp.media.controller.Cropper.prototype.defaults.doCropArgs.customize_theme = api.settings.theme.stylesheet; }, /** * Returns a new instance of api.HeaderTool.ImageModel based on the currently * saved header image (if any). * * @since 4.2.0 * * @return {Object} Options */ getInitialHeaderImage: function() { if ( ! api.get().header_image || ! api.get().header_image_data || _.contains( [ 'remove-header', 'random-default-image', 'random-uploaded-image' ], api.get().header_image ) ) { return new api.HeaderTool.ImageModel(); } // Get the matching uploaded image object. var currentHeaderObject = _.find( _wpCustomizeHeader.uploads, function( imageObj ) { return ( imageObj.attachment_id === api.get().header_image_data.attachment_id ); } ); // Fall back to raw current header image. if ( ! currentHeaderObject ) { currentHeaderObject = { url: api.get().header_image, thumbnail_url: api.get().header_image, attachment_id: api.get().header_image_data.attachment_id }; } return new api.HeaderTool.ImageModel({ header: currentHeaderObject, choice: currentHeaderObject.url.split( '/' ).pop() }); }, /** * Returns a set of options, computed from the attached image data and * theme-specific data, to be fed to the imgAreaSelect plugin in * wp.media.view.Cropper. * * @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment * @param {wp.media.controller.Cropper} controller * @return {Object} Options */ calculateImageSelectOptions: function(attachment, controller) { var xInit = parseInt(_wpCustomizeHeader.data.width, 10), yInit = parseInt(_wpCustomizeHeader.data.height, 10), flexWidth = !! parseInt(_wpCustomizeHeader.data['flex-width'], 10), flexHeight = !! parseInt(_wpCustomizeHeader.data['flex-height'], 10), ratio, xImg, yImg, realHeight, realWidth, imgSelectOptions; realWidth = attachment.get('width'); realHeight = attachment.get('height'); this.headerImage = new api.HeaderTool.ImageModel(); this.headerImage.set({ themeWidth: xInit, themeHeight: yInit, themeFlexWidth: flexWidth, themeFlexHeight: flexHeight, imageWidth: realWidth, imageHeight: realHeight }); controller.set( 'canSkipCrop', ! this.headerImage.shouldBeCropped() ); ratio = xInit / yInit; xImg = realWidth; yImg = realHeight; if ( xImg / yImg > ratio ) { yInit = yImg; xInit = yInit * ratio; } else { xInit = xImg; yInit = xInit / ratio; } imgSelectOptions = { handles: true, keys: true, instance: true, persistent: true, imageWidth: realWidth, imageHeight: realHeight, x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: xInit, y2: yInit }; if (flexHeight === false && flexWidth === false) { imgSelectOptions.aspectRatio = xInit + ':' + yInit; } if (flexHeight === false ) { imgSelectOptions.maxHeight = yInit; } if (flexWidth === false ) { imgSelectOptions.maxWidth = xInit; } return imgSelectOptions; }, /** * Sets up and opens the Media Manager in order to select an image. * Depending on both the size of the image and the properties of the * current theme, a cropping step after selection may be required or * skippable. * * @param {event} event */ openMedia: function(event) { var l10n = _wpMediaViewsL10n; event.preventDefault(); this.frame = wp.media({ button: { text: l10n.selectAndCrop, close: false }, states: [ new wp.media.controller.Library({ title: l10n.chooseImage, library: wp.media.query({ type: 'image' }), multiple: false, date: false, priority: 20, suggestedWidth: _wpCustomizeHeader.data.width, suggestedHeight: _wpCustomizeHeader.data.height }), new wp.media.controller.Cropper({ imgSelectOptions: this.calculateImageSelectOptions }) ] }); this.frame.on('select', this.onSelect, this); this.frame.on('cropped', this.onCropped, this); this.frame.on('skippedcrop', this.onSkippedCrop, this); this.frame.open(); }, /** * After an image is selected in the media modal, * switch to the cropper state. */ onSelect: function() { this.frame.setState('cropper'); }, /** * After the image has been cropped, apply the cropped image data to the setting. * * @param {Object} croppedImage Cropped attachment data. */ onCropped: function(croppedImage) { var url = croppedImage.url, attachmentId = croppedImage.attachment_id, w = croppedImage.width, h = croppedImage.height; this.setImageFromURL(url, attachmentId, w, h); }, /** * If cropping was skipped, apply the image data directly to the setting. * * @param {Object} selection */ onSkippedCrop: function(selection) { var url = selection.get('url'), w = selection.get('width'), h = selection.get('height'); this.setImageFromURL(url, selection.id, w, h); }, /** * Creates a new wp.customize.HeaderTool.ImageModel from provided * header image data and inserts it into the user-uploaded headers * collection. * * @param {string} url * @param {number} attachmentId * @param {number} width * @param {number} height */ setImageFromURL: function(url, attachmentId, width, height) { var choice, data = {}; data.url = url; data.thumbnail_url = url; data.timestamp = _.now(); if (attachmentId) { data.attachment_id = attachmentId; } if (width) { data.width = width; } if (height) { data.height = height; } choice = new api.HeaderTool.ImageModel({ header: data, choice: url.split('/').pop() }); api.HeaderTool.UploadsList.add(choice); api.HeaderTool.currentHeader.set(choice.toJSON()); choice.save(); choice.importImage(); }, /** * Triggers the necessary events to deselect an image which was set as * the currently selected one. */ removeImage: function() { api.HeaderTool.currentHeader.trigger('hide'); api.HeaderTool.CombinedList.trigger('control:removeImage'); } }); /** * wp.customize.ThemeControl * * @class wp.customize.ThemeControl * @augments wp.customize.Control */ api.ThemeControl = api.Control.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.ThemeControl.prototype */{ touchDrag: false, screenshotRendered: false, /** * @since 4.2.0 */ ready: function() { var control = this, panel = api.panel( 'themes' ); function disableSwitchButtons() { return ! panel.canSwitchTheme( control.params.theme.id ); } // Temporary special function since supplying SFTP credentials does not work yet. See #42184. function disableInstallButtons() { return disableSwitchButtons() || false === api.settings.theme._canInstall || true === api.settings.theme._filesystemCredentialsNeeded; } function updateButtons() { control.container.find( 'button.preview, button.preview-theme' ).toggleClass( 'disabled', disableSwitchButtons() ); control.container.find( 'button.theme-install' ).toggleClass( 'disabled', disableInstallButtons() ); } api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).bind( updateButtons ); api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).bind( updateButtons ); updateButtons(); control.container.on( 'touchmove', '.theme', function() { control.touchDrag = true; }); // Bind details view trigger. control.container.on( 'click keydown touchend', '.theme', function( event ) { var section; if ( api.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) { return; } // Bail if the user scrolled on a touch device. if ( control.touchDrag === true ) { return control.touchDrag = false; } // Prevent the modal from showing when the user clicks the action button. if ( $( event.target ).is( '.theme-actions .button, .update-theme' ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); // Keep this AFTER the key filter above. section = api.section( control.section() ); section.showDetails( control.params.theme, function() { // Temporary special function since supplying SFTP credentials does not work yet. See #42184. if ( api.settings.theme._filesystemCredentialsNeeded ) { section.overlay.find( '.theme-actions .delete-theme' ).remove(); } } ); }); control.container.on( 'render-screenshot', function() { var $screenshot = $( this ).find( 'img' ), source = $screenshot.data( 'src' ); if ( source ) { $screenshot.attr( 'src', source ); } control.screenshotRendered = true; }); }, /** * Show or hide the theme based on the presence of the term in the title, description, tags, and author. * * @since 4.2.0 * @param {Array} terms - An array of terms to search for. * @return {boolean} Whether a theme control was activated or not. */ filter: function( terms ) { var control = this, matchCount = 0, haystack = control.params.theme.name + ' ' + control.params.theme.description + ' ' + control.params.theme.tags + ' ' + control.params.theme.author + ' '; haystack = haystack.toLowerCase().replace( '-', ' ' ); // Back-compat for behavior in WordPress 4.2.0 to 4.8.X. if ( ! _.isArray( terms ) ) { terms = [ terms ]; } // Always give exact name matches highest ranking. if ( control.params.theme.name.toLowerCase() === terms.join( ' ' ) ) { matchCount = 100; } else { // Search for and weight (by 10) complete term matches. matchCount = matchCount + 10 * ( haystack.split( terms.join( ' ' ) ).length - 1 ); // Search for each term individually (as whole-word and partial match) and sum weighted match counts. _.each( terms, function( term ) { matchCount = matchCount + 2 * ( haystack.split( term + ' ' ).length - 1 ); // Whole-word, double-weighted. matchCount = matchCount + haystack.split( term ).length - 1; // Partial word, to minimize empty intermediate searches while typing. }); // Upper limit on match ranking. if ( matchCount > 99 ) { matchCount = 99; } } if ( 0 !== matchCount ) { control.activate(); control.params.priority = 101 - matchCount; // Sort results by match count. return true; } else { control.deactivate(); // Hide control. control.params.priority = 101; return false; } }, /** * Rerender the theme from its JS template with the installed type. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @return {void} */ rerenderAsInstalled: function( installed ) { var control = this, section; if ( installed ) { control.params.theme.type = 'installed'; } else { section = api.section( control.params.section ); control.params.theme.type = section.params.action; } control.renderContent(); // Replaces existing content. control.container.trigger( 'render-screenshot' ); } }); /** * Class wp.customize.CodeEditorControl * * @since 4.9.0 * * @class wp.customize.CodeEditorControl * @augments wp.customize.Control */ api.CodeEditorControl = api.Control.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.CodeEditorControl.prototype */{ /** * Initialize. * * @since 4.9.0 * @param {string} id - Unique identifier for the control instance. * @param {Object} options - Options hash for the control instance. * @return {void} */ initialize: function( id, options ) { var control = this; control.deferred = _.extend( control.deferred || {}, { codemirror: $.Deferred() } ); api.Control.prototype.initialize.call( control, id, options ); // Note that rendering is debounced so the props will be used when rendering happens after add event. control.notifications.bind( 'add', function( notification ) { // Skip if control notification is not from setting csslint_error notification. if ( notification.code !== control.setting.id + ':csslint_error' ) { return; } // Customize the template and behavior of csslint_error notifications. notification.templateId = 'customize-code-editor-lint-error-notification'; notification.render = (function( render ) { return function() { var li = render.call( this ); li.find( 'input[type=checkbox]' ).on( 'click', function() { control.setting.notifications.remove( 'csslint_error' ); } ); return li; }; })( notification.render ); } ); }, /** * Initialize the editor when the containing section is ready and expanded. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ ready: function() { var control = this; if ( ! control.section() ) { control.initEditor(); return; } // Wait to initialize editor until section is embedded and expanded. api.section( control.section(), function( section ) { section.deferred.embedded.done( function() { var onceExpanded; if ( section.expanded() ) { control.initEditor(); } else { onceExpanded = function( isExpanded ) { if ( isExpanded ) { control.initEditor(); section.expanded.unbind( onceExpanded ); } }; section.expanded.bind( onceExpanded ); } } ); } ); }, /** * Initialize editor. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ initEditor: function() { var control = this, element, editorSettings = false; // Obtain editorSettings for instantiation. if ( wp.codeEditor && ( _.isUndefined( control.params.editor_settings ) || false !== control.params.editor_settings ) ) { // Obtain default editor settings. editorSettings = wp.codeEditor.defaultSettings ? _.clone( wp.codeEditor.defaultSettings ) : {}; editorSettings.codemirror = _.extend( {}, editorSettings.codemirror, { indentUnit: 2, tabSize: 2 } ); // Merge editor_settings param on top of defaults. if ( _.isObject( control.params.editor_settings ) ) { _.each( control.params.editor_settings, function( value, key ) { if ( _.isObject( value ) ) { editorSettings[ key ] = _.extend( {}, editorSettings[ key ], value ); } } ); } } element = new api.Element( control.container.find( 'textarea' ) ); control.elements.push( element ); element.sync( control.setting ); element.set( control.setting() ); if ( editorSettings ) { control.initSyntaxHighlightingEditor( editorSettings ); } else { control.initPlainTextareaEditor(); } }, /** * Make sure editor gets focused when control is focused. * * @since 4.9.0 * @param {Object} [params] - Focus params. * @param {Function} [params.completeCallback] - Function to call when expansion is complete. * @return {void} */ focus: function( params ) { var control = this, extendedParams = _.extend( {}, params ), originalCompleteCallback; originalCompleteCallback = extendedParams.completeCallback; extendedParams.completeCallback = function() { if ( originalCompleteCallback ) { originalCompleteCallback(); } if ( control.editor ) { control.editor.codemirror.focus(); } }; api.Control.prototype.focus.call( control, extendedParams ); }, /** * Initialize syntax-highlighting editor. * * @since 4.9.0 * @param {Object} codeEditorSettings - Code editor settings. * @return {void} */ initSyntaxHighlightingEditor: function( codeEditorSettings ) { var control = this, $textarea = control.container.find( 'textarea' ), settings, suspendEditorUpdate = false; settings = _.extend( {}, codeEditorSettings, { onTabNext: _.bind( control.onTabNext, control ), onTabPrevious: _.bind( control.onTabPrevious, control ), onUpdateErrorNotice: _.bind( control.onUpdateErrorNotice, control ) }); control.editor = wp.codeEditor.initialize( $textarea, settings ); // Improve the editor accessibility. $( control.editor.codemirror.display.lineDiv ) .attr({ role: 'textbox', 'aria-multiline': 'true', 'aria-label': control.params.label, 'aria-describedby': 'editor-keyboard-trap-help-1 editor-keyboard-trap-help-2 editor-keyboard-trap-help-3 editor-keyboard-trap-help-4' }); // Focus the editor when clicking on its label. control.container.find( 'label' ).on( 'click', function() { control.editor.codemirror.focus(); }); /* * When the CodeMirror instance changes, mirror to the textarea, * where we have our "true" change event handler bound. */ control.editor.codemirror.on( 'change', function( codemirror ) { suspendEditorUpdate = true; $textarea.val( codemirror.getValue() ).trigger( 'change' ); suspendEditorUpdate = false; }); // Update CodeMirror when the setting is changed by another plugin. control.setting.bind( function( value ) { if ( ! suspendEditorUpdate ) { control.editor.codemirror.setValue( value ); } }); // Prevent collapsing section when hitting Esc to tab out of editor. control.editor.codemirror.on( 'keydown', function onKeydown( codemirror, event ) { var escKeyCode = 27; if ( escKeyCode === event.keyCode ) { event.stopPropagation(); } }); control.deferred.codemirror.resolveWith( control, [ control.editor.codemirror ] ); }, /** * Handle tabbing to the field after the editor. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ onTabNext: function onTabNext() { var control = this, controls, controlIndex, section; section = api.section( control.section() ); controls = section.controls(); controlIndex = controls.indexOf( control ); if ( controls.length === controlIndex + 1 ) { $( '#customize-footer-actions .collapse-sidebar' ).trigger( 'focus' ); } else { controls[ controlIndex + 1 ].container.find( ':focusable:first' ).focus(); } }, /** * Handle tabbing to the field before the editor. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ onTabPrevious: function onTabPrevious() { var control = this, controls, controlIndex, section; section = api.section( control.section() ); controls = section.controls(); controlIndex = controls.indexOf( control ); if ( 0 === controlIndex ) { section.contentContainer.find( '.customize-section-title .customize-help-toggle, .customize-section-title .customize-section-description.open .section-description-close' ).last().focus(); } else { controls[ controlIndex - 1 ].contentContainer.find( ':focusable:first' ).focus(); } }, /** * Update error notice. * * @since 4.9.0 * @param {Array} errorAnnotations - Error annotations. * @return {void} */ onUpdateErrorNotice: function onUpdateErrorNotice( errorAnnotations ) { var control = this, message; control.setting.notifications.remove( 'csslint_error' ); if ( 0 !== errorAnnotations.length ) { if ( 1 === errorAnnotations.length ) { message = api.l10n.customCssError.singular.replace( '%d', '1' ); } else { message = api.l10n.customCssError.plural.replace( '%d', String( errorAnnotations.length ) ); } control.setting.notifications.add( new api.Notification( 'csslint_error', { message: message, type: 'error' } ) ); } }, /** * Initialize plain-textarea editor when syntax highlighting is disabled. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ initPlainTextareaEditor: function() { var control = this, $textarea = control.container.find( 'textarea' ), textarea = $textarea[0]; $textarea.on( 'blur', function onBlur() { $textarea.data( 'next-tab-blurs', false ); } ); $textarea.on( 'keydown', function onKeydown( event ) { var selectionStart, selectionEnd, value, tabKeyCode = 9, escKeyCode = 27; if ( escKeyCode === event.keyCode ) { if ( ! $textarea.data( 'next-tab-blurs' ) ) { $textarea.data( 'next-tab-blurs', true ); event.stopPropagation(); // Prevent collapsing the section. } return; } // Short-circuit if tab key is not being pressed or if a modifier key *is* being pressed. if ( tabKeyCode !== event.keyCode || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.shiftKey ) { return; } // Prevent capturing Tab characters if Esc was pressed. if ( $textarea.data( 'next-tab-blurs' ) ) { return; } selectionStart = textarea.selectionStart; selectionEnd = textarea.selectionEnd; value = textarea.value; if ( selectionStart >= 0 ) { textarea.value = value.substring( 0, selectionStart ).concat( '\t', value.substring( selectionEnd ) ); $textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = selectionStart + 1; } event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }); control.deferred.codemirror.rejectWith( control ); } }); /** * Class wp.customize.DateTimeControl. * * @since 4.9.0 * @class wp.customize.DateTimeControl * @augments wp.customize.Control */ api.DateTimeControl = api.Control.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.DateTimeControl.prototype */{ /** * Initialize behaviors. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ ready: function ready() { var control = this; control.inputElements = {}; control.invalidDate = false; _.bindAll( control, 'populateSetting', 'updateDaysForMonth', 'populateDateInputs' ); if ( ! control.setting ) { throw new Error( 'Missing setting' ); } control.container.find( '.date-input' ).each( function() { var input = $( this ), component, element; component = input.data( 'component' ); element = new api.Element( input ); control.inputElements[ component ] = element; control.elements.push( element ); // Add invalid date error once user changes (and has blurred the input). input.on( 'change', function() { if ( control.invalidDate ) { control.notifications.add( new api.Notification( 'invalid_date', { message: api.l10n.invalidDate } ) ); } } ); // Remove the error immediately after validity change. input.on( 'input', _.debounce( function() { if ( ! control.invalidDate ) { control.notifications.remove( 'invalid_date' ); } } ) ); // Add zero-padding when blurring field. input.on( 'blur', _.debounce( function() { if ( ! control.invalidDate ) { control.populateDateInputs(); } } ) ); } ); control.inputElements.month.bind( control.updateDaysForMonth ); control.inputElements.year.bind( control.updateDaysForMonth ); control.populateDateInputs(); control.setting.bind( control.populateDateInputs ); // Start populating setting after inputs have been populated. _.each( control.inputElements, function( element ) { element.bind( control.populateSetting ); } ); }, /** * Parse datetime string. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string} datetime - Date/Time string. Accepts Y-m-d[ H:i[:s]] format. * @return {Object|null} Returns object containing date components or null if parse error. */ parseDateTime: function parseDateTime( datetime ) { var control = this, matches, date, midDayHour = 12; if ( datetime ) { matches = datetime.match( /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)(?: (\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?)?$/ ); } if ( ! matches ) { return null; } matches.shift(); date = { year: matches.shift(), month: matches.shift(), day: matches.shift(), hour: matches.shift() || '00', minute: matches.shift() || '00', second: matches.shift() || '00' }; if ( control.params.includeTime && control.params.twelveHourFormat ) { date.hour = parseInt( date.hour, 10 ); date.meridian = date.hour >= midDayHour ? 'pm' : 'am'; date.hour = date.hour % midDayHour ? String( date.hour % midDayHour ) : String( midDayHour ); delete date.second; // @todo Why only if twelveHourFormat? } return date; }, /** * Validates if input components have valid date and time. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {boolean} If date input fields has error. */ validateInputs: function validateInputs() { var control = this, components, validityInput; control.invalidDate = false; components = [ 'year', 'day' ]; if ( control.params.includeTime ) { components.push( 'hour', 'minute' ); } _.find( components, function( component ) { var element, max, min, value; element = control.inputElements[ component ]; validityInput = element.element.get( 0 ); max = parseInt( element.element.attr( 'max' ), 10 ); min = parseInt( element.element.attr( 'min' ), 10 ); value = parseInt( element(), 10 ); control.invalidDate = isNaN( value ) || value > max || value < min; if ( ! control.invalidDate ) { validityInput.setCustomValidity( '' ); } return control.invalidDate; } ); if ( control.inputElements.meridian && ! control.invalidDate ) { validityInput = control.inputElements.meridian.element.get( 0 ); if ( 'am' !== control.inputElements.meridian.get() && 'pm' !== control.inputElements.meridian.get() ) { control.invalidDate = true; } else { validityInput.setCustomValidity( '' ); } } if ( control.invalidDate ) { validityInput.setCustomValidity( api.l10n.invalidValue ); } else { validityInput.setCustomValidity( '' ); } if ( ! control.section() || api.section.has( control.section() ) && api.section( control.section() ).expanded() ) { _.result( validityInput, 'reportValidity' ); } return control.invalidDate; }, /** * Updates number of days according to the month and year selected. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ updateDaysForMonth: function updateDaysForMonth() { var control = this, daysInMonth, year, month, day; month = parseInt( control.inputElements.month(), 10 ); year = parseInt( control.inputElements.year(), 10 ); day = parseInt( control.inputElements.day(), 10 ); if ( month && year ) { daysInMonth = new Date( year, month, 0 ).getDate(); control.inputElements.day.element.attr( 'max', daysInMonth ); if ( day > daysInMonth ) { control.inputElements.day( String( daysInMonth ) ); } } }, /** * Populate setting value from the inputs. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {boolean} If setting updated. */ populateSetting: function populateSetting() { var control = this, date; if ( control.validateInputs() || ! control.params.allowPastDate && ! control.isFutureDate() ) { return false; } date = control.convertInputDateToString(); control.setting.set( date ); return true; }, /** * Converts input values to string in Y-m-d H:i:s format. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {string} Date string. */ convertInputDateToString: function convertInputDateToString() { var control = this, date = '', dateFormat, hourInTwentyFourHourFormat, getElementValue, pad; pad = function( number, padding ) { var zeros; if ( String( number ).length < padding ) { zeros = padding - String( number ).length; number = Math.pow( 10, zeros ).toString().substr( 1 ) + String( number ); } return number; }; getElementValue = function( component ) { var value = parseInt( control.inputElements[ component ].get(), 10 ); if ( _.contains( [ 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute' ], component ) ) { value = pad( value, 2 ); } else if ( 'year' === component ) { value = pad( value, 4 ); } return value; }; dateFormat = [ 'year', '-', 'month', '-', 'day' ]; if ( control.params.includeTime ) { hourInTwentyFourHourFormat = control.inputElements.meridian ? control.convertHourToTwentyFourHourFormat( control.inputElements.hour(), control.inputElements.meridian() ) : control.inputElements.hour(); dateFormat = dateFormat.concat( [ ' ', pad( hourInTwentyFourHourFormat, 2 ), ':', 'minute', ':', '00' ] ); } _.each( dateFormat, function( component ) { date += control.inputElements[ component ] ? getElementValue( component ) : component; } ); return date; }, /** * Check if the date is in the future. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {boolean} True if future date. */ isFutureDate: function isFutureDate() { var control = this; return 0 < api.utils.getRemainingTime( control.convertInputDateToString() ); }, /** * Convert hour in twelve hour format to twenty four hour format. * * @since 4.9.0 * @param {string} hourInTwelveHourFormat - Hour in twelve hour format. * @param {string} meridian - Either 'am' or 'pm'. * @return {string} Hour in twenty four hour format. */ convertHourToTwentyFourHourFormat: function convertHour( hourInTwelveHourFormat, meridian ) { var hourInTwentyFourHourFormat, hour, midDayHour = 12; hour = parseInt( hourInTwelveHourFormat, 10 ); if ( isNaN( hour ) ) { return ''; } if ( 'pm' === meridian && hour < midDayHour ) { hourInTwentyFourHourFormat = hour + midDayHour; } else if ( 'am' === meridian && midDayHour === hour ) { hourInTwentyFourHourFormat = hour - midDayHour; } else { hourInTwentyFourHourFormat = hour; } return String( hourInTwentyFourHourFormat ); }, /** * Populates date inputs in date fields. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {boolean} Whether the inputs were populated. */ populateDateInputs: function populateDateInputs() { var control = this, parsed; parsed = control.parseDateTime( control.setting.get() ); if ( ! parsed ) { return false; } _.each( control.inputElements, function( element, component ) { var value = parsed[ component ]; // This will be zero-padded string. // Set month and meridian regardless of focused state since they are dropdowns. if ( 'month' === component || 'meridian' === component ) { // Options in dropdowns are not zero-padded. value = value.replace( /^0/, '' ); element.set( value ); } else { value = parseInt( value, 10 ); if ( ! element.element.is( document.activeElement ) ) { // Populate element with zero-padded value if not focused. element.set( parsed[ component ] ); } else if ( value !== parseInt( element(), 10 ) ) { // Forcibly update the value if its underlying value changed, regardless of zero-padding. element.set( String( value ) ); } } } ); return true; }, /** * Toggle future date notification for date control. * * @since 4.9.0 * @param {boolean} notify Add or remove the notification. * @return {wp.customize.DateTimeControl} */ toggleFutureDateNotification: function toggleFutureDateNotification( notify ) { var control = this, notificationCode, notification; notificationCode = 'not_future_date'; if ( notify ) { notification = new api.Notification( notificationCode, { type: 'error', message: api.l10n.futureDateError } ); control.notifications.add( notification ); } else { control.notifications.remove( notificationCode ); } return control; } }); /** * Class PreviewLinkControl. * * @since 4.9.0 * @class wp.customize.PreviewLinkControl * @augments wp.customize.Control */ api.PreviewLinkControl = api.Control.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.PreviewLinkControl.prototype */{ defaults: _.extend( {}, api.Control.prototype.defaults, { templateId: 'customize-preview-link-control' } ), /** * Initialize behaviors. * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ ready: function ready() { var control = this, element, component, node, url, input, button; _.bindAll( control, 'updatePreviewLink' ); if ( ! control.setting ) { control.setting = new api.Value(); } control.previewElements = {}; control.container.find( '.preview-control-element' ).each( function() { node = $( this ); component = node.data( 'component' ); element = new api.Element( node ); control.previewElements[ component ] = element; control.elements.push( element ); } ); url = control.previewElements.url; input = control.previewElements.input; button = control.previewElements.button; input.link( control.setting ); url.link( control.setting ); url.bind( function( value ) { url.element.parent().attr( { href: value, target: api.settings.changeset.uuid } ); } ); api.bind( 'ready', control.updatePreviewLink ); api.state( 'saved' ).bind( control.updatePreviewLink ); api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).bind( control.updatePreviewLink ); api.state( 'activated' ).bind( control.updatePreviewLink ); api.previewer.previewUrl.bind( control.updatePreviewLink ); button.element.on( 'click', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( control.setting() ) { input.element.select(); document.execCommand( 'copy' ); button( button.element.data( 'copied-text' ) ); } } ); url.element.parent().on( 'click', function( event ) { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) { event.preventDefault(); } } ); button.element.on( 'mouseenter', function() { if ( control.setting() ) { button( button.element.data( 'copy-text' ) ); } } ); }, /** * Updates Preview Link * * @since 4.9.0 * @return {void} */ updatePreviewLink: function updatePreviewLink() { var control = this, unsavedDirtyValues; unsavedDirtyValues = ! api.state( 'saved' ).get() || '' === api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).get() || 'auto-draft' === api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).get(); control.toggleSaveNotification( unsavedDirtyValues ); control.previewElements.url.element.parent().toggleClass( 'disabled', unsavedDirtyValues ); control.previewElements.button.element.prop( 'disabled', unsavedDirtyValues ); control.setting.set( api.previewer.getFrontendPreviewUrl() ); }, /** * Toggles save notification. * * @since 4.9.0 * @param {boolean} notify Add or remove notification. * @return {void} */ toggleSaveNotification: function toggleSaveNotification( notify ) { var control = this, notificationCode, notification; notificationCode = 'changes_not_saved'; if ( notify ) { notification = new api.Notification( notificationCode, { type: 'info', message: api.l10n.saveBeforeShare } ); control.notifications.add( notification ); } else { control.notifications.remove( notificationCode ); } } }); /** * Change objects contained within the main customize object to Settings. * * @alias wp.customize.defaultConstructor */ api.defaultConstructor = api.Setting; /** * Callback for resolved controls. * * @callback wp.customize.deferredControlsCallback * @param {wp.customize.Control[]} controls Resolved controls. */ /** * Collection of all registered controls. * * @alias wp.customize.control * * @since 3.4.0 * * @type {Function} * @param {...string} ids - One or more ids for controls to obtain. * @param {deferredControlsCallback} [callback] - Function called when all supplied controls exist. * @return {wp.customize.Control|undefined|jQuery.promise} Control instance or undefined (if function called with one id param), * or promise resolving to requested controls. * * @example <caption>Loop over all registered controls.</caption> * wp.customize.control.each( function( control ) { ... } ); * * @example <caption>Getting `background_color` control instance.</caption> * control = wp.customize.control( 'background_color' ); * * @example <caption>Check if control exists.</caption> * hasControl = wp.customize.control.has( 'background_color' ); * * @example <caption>Deferred getting of `background_color` control until it exists, using callback.</caption> * wp.customize.control( 'background_color', function( control ) { ... } ); * * @example <caption>Get title and tagline controls when they both exist, using promise (only available when multiple IDs are present).</caption> * promise = wp.customize.control( 'blogname', 'blogdescription' ); * promise.done( function( titleControl, taglineControl ) { ... } ); * * @example <caption>Get title and tagline controls when they both exist, using callback.</caption> * wp.customize.control( 'blogname', 'blogdescription', function( titleControl, taglineControl ) { ... } ); * * @example <caption>Getting setting value for `background_color` control.</caption> * value = wp.customize.control( 'background_color ').setting.get(); * value = wp.customize( 'background_color' ).get(); // Same as above, since setting ID and control ID are the same. * * @example <caption>Add new control for site title.</caption> * wp.customize.control.add( new wp.customize.Control( 'other_blogname', { * setting: 'blogname', * type: 'text', * label: 'Site title', * section: 'other_site_identify' * } ) ); * * @example <caption>Remove control.</caption> * wp.customize.control.remove( 'other_blogname' ); * * @example <caption>Listen for control being added.</caption> * wp.customize.control.bind( 'add', function( addedControl ) { ... } ) * * @example <caption>Listen for control being removed.</caption> * wp.customize.control.bind( 'removed', function( removedControl ) { ... } ) */ api.control = new api.Values({ defaultConstructor: api.Control }); /** * Callback for resolved sections. * * @callback wp.customize.deferredSectionsCallback * @param {wp.customize.Section[]} sections Resolved sections. */ /** * Collection of all registered sections. * * @alias wp.customize.section * * @since 3.4.0 * * @type {Function} * @param {...string} ids - One or more ids for sections to obtain. * @param {deferredSectionsCallback} [callback] - Function called when all supplied sections exist. * @return {wp.customize.Section|undefined|jQuery.promise} Section instance or undefined (if function called with one id param), * or promise resolving to requested sections. * * @example <caption>Loop over all registered sections.</caption> * wp.customize.section.each( function( section ) { ... } ) * * @example <caption>Getting `title_tagline` section instance.</caption> * section = wp.customize.section( 'title_tagline' ) * * @example <caption>Expand dynamically-created section when it exists.</caption> * wp.customize.section( 'dynamically_created', function( section ) { * section.expand(); * } ); * * @see {@link wp.customize.control} for further examples of how to interact with {@link wp.customize.Values} instances. */ api.section = new api.Values({ defaultConstructor: api.Section }); /** * Callback for resolved panels. * * @callback wp.customize.deferredPanelsCallback * @param {wp.customize.Panel[]} panels Resolved panels. */ /** * Collection of all registered panels. * * @alias wp.customize.panel * * @since 4.0.0 * * @type {Function} * @param {...string} ids - One or more ids for panels to obtain. * @param {deferredPanelsCallback} [callback] - Function called when all supplied panels exist. * @return {wp.customize.Panel|undefined|jQuery.promise} Panel instance or undefined (if function called with one id param), * or promise resolving to requested panels. * * @example <caption>Loop over all registered panels.</caption> * wp.customize.panel.each( function( panel ) { ... } ) * * @example <caption>Getting nav_menus panel instance.</caption> * panel = wp.customize.panel( 'nav_menus' ); * * @example <caption>Expand dynamically-created panel when it exists.</caption> * wp.customize.panel( 'dynamically_created', function( panel ) { * panel.expand(); * } ); * * @see {@link wp.customize.control} for further examples of how to interact with {@link wp.customize.Values} instances. */ api.panel = new api.Values({ defaultConstructor: api.Panel }); /** * Callback for resolved notifications. * * @callback wp.customize.deferredNotificationsCallback * @param {wp.customize.Notification[]} notifications Resolved notifications. */ /** * Collection of all global notifications. * * @alias wp.customize.notifications * * @since 4.9.0 * * @type {Function} * @param {...string} codes - One or more codes for notifications to obtain. * @param {deferredNotificationsCallback} [callback] - Function called when all supplied notifications exist. * @return {wp.customize.Notification|undefined|jQuery.promise} Notification instance or undefined (if function called with one code param), * or promise resolving to requested notifications. * * @example <caption>Check if existing notification</caption> * exists = wp.customize.notifications.has( 'a_new_day_arrived' ); * * @example <caption>Obtain existing notification</caption> * notification = wp.customize.notifications( 'a_new_day_arrived' ); * * @example <caption>Obtain notification that may not exist yet.</caption> * wp.customize.notifications( 'a_new_day_arrived', function( notification ) { ... } ); * * @example <caption>Add a warning notification.</caption> * wp.customize.notifications.add( new wp.customize.Notification( 'midnight_almost_here', { * type: 'warning', * message: 'Midnight has almost arrived!', * dismissible: true * } ) ); * * @example <caption>Remove a notification.</caption> * wp.customize.notifications.remove( 'a_new_day_arrived' ); * * @see {@link wp.customize.control} for further examples of how to interact with {@link wp.customize.Values} instances. */ api.notifications = new api.Notifications(); api.PreviewFrame = api.Messenger.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.PreviewFrame.prototype */{ sensitivity: null, // Will get set to api.settings.timeouts.previewFrameSensitivity. /** * An object that fetches a preview in the background of the document, which * allows for seamless replacement of an existing preview. * * @constructs wp.customize.PreviewFrame * @augments wp.customize.Messenger * * @param {Object} params.container * @param {Object} params.previewUrl * @param {Object} params.query * @param {Object} options */ initialize: function( params, options ) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); /* * Make the instance of the PreviewFrame the promise object * so other objects can easily interact with it. */ deferred.promise( this ); this.container = params.container; $.extend( params, { channel: api.PreviewFrame.uuid() }); api.Messenger.prototype.initialize.call( this, params, options ); this.add( 'previewUrl', params.previewUrl ); this.query = $.extend( params.query || {}, { customize_messenger_channel: this.channel() }); this.run( deferred ); }, /** * Run the preview request. * * @param {Object} deferred jQuery Deferred object to be resolved with * the request. */ run: function( deferred ) { var previewFrame = this, loaded = false, ready = false, readyData = null, hasPendingChangesetUpdate = '{}' !== previewFrame.query.customized, urlParser, params, form; if ( previewFrame._ready ) { previewFrame.unbind( 'ready', previewFrame._ready ); } previewFrame._ready = function( data ) { ready = true; readyData = data; previewFrame.container.addClass( 'iframe-ready' ); if ( ! data ) { return; } if ( loaded ) { deferred.resolveWith( previewFrame, [ data ] ); } }; previewFrame.bind( 'ready', previewFrame._ready ); urlParser = document.createElement( 'a' ); urlParser.href = previewFrame.previewUrl(); params = _.extend( api.utils.parseQueryString( urlParser.search.substr( 1 ) ), { customize_changeset_uuid: previewFrame.query.customize_changeset_uuid, customize_theme: previewFrame.query.customize_theme, customize_messenger_channel: previewFrame.query.customize_messenger_channel } ); if ( api.settings.changeset.autosaved || ! api.state( 'saved' ).get() ) { params.customize_autosaved = 'on'; } urlParser.search = $.param( params ); previewFrame.iframe = $( '<iframe />', { title: api.l10n.previewIframeTitle, name: 'customize-' + previewFrame.channel() } ); previewFrame.iframe.attr( 'onmousewheel', '' ); // Workaround for Safari bug. See WP Trac #38149. previewFrame.iframe.attr( 'sandbox', 'allow-forms allow-modals allow-orientation-lock allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-presentation allow-same-origin allow-scripts' ); if ( ! hasPendingChangesetUpdate ) { previewFrame.iframe.attr( 'src', urlParser.href ); } else { previewFrame.iframe.attr( 'data-src', urlParser.href ); // For debugging purposes. } previewFrame.iframe.appendTo( previewFrame.container ); previewFrame.targetWindow( previewFrame.iframe[0].contentWindow ); /* * Submit customized data in POST request to preview frame window since * there are setting value changes not yet written to changeset. */ if ( hasPendingChangesetUpdate ) { form = $( '<form>', { action: urlParser.href, target: previewFrame.iframe.attr( 'name' ), method: 'post', hidden: 'hidden' } ); form.append( $( '<input>', { type: 'hidden', name: '_method', value: 'GET' } ) ); _.each( previewFrame.query, function( value, key ) { form.append( $( '<input>', { type: 'hidden', name: key, value: value } ) ); } ); previewFrame.container.append( form ); form.trigger( 'submit' ); form.remove(); // No need to keep the form around after submitted. } previewFrame.bind( 'iframe-loading-error', function( error ) { previewFrame.iframe.remove(); // Check if the user is not logged in. if ( 0 === error ) { previewFrame.login( deferred ); return; } // Check for cheaters. if ( -1 === error ) { deferred.rejectWith( previewFrame, [ 'cheatin' ] ); return; } deferred.rejectWith( previewFrame, [ 'request failure' ] ); } ); previewFrame.iframe.one( 'load', function() { loaded = true; if ( ready ) { deferred.resolveWith( previewFrame, [ readyData ] ); } else { setTimeout( function() { deferred.rejectWith( previewFrame, [ 'ready timeout' ] ); }, previewFrame.sensitivity ); } }); }, login: function( deferred ) { var self = this, reject; reject = function() { deferred.rejectWith( self, [ 'logged out' ] ); }; if ( this.triedLogin ) { return reject(); } // Check if we have an admin cookie. $.get( api.settings.url.ajax, { action: 'logged-in' }).fail( reject ).done( function( response ) { var iframe; if ( '1' !== response ) { reject(); } iframe = $( '<iframe />', { 'src': self.previewUrl(), 'title': api.l10n.previewIframeTitle } ).hide(); iframe.appendTo( self.container ); iframe.on( 'load', function() { self.triedLogin = true; iframe.remove(); self.run( deferred ); }); }); }, destroy: function() { api.Messenger.prototype.destroy.call( this ); if ( this.iframe ) { this.iframe.remove(); } delete this.iframe; delete this.targetWindow; } }); (function(){ var id = 0; /** * Return an incremented ID for a preview messenger channel. * * This function is named "uuid" for historical reasons, but it is a * misnomer as it is not an actual UUID, and it is not universally unique. * This is not to be confused with `api.settings.changeset.uuid`. * * @return {string} */ api.PreviewFrame.uuid = function() { return 'preview-' + String( id++ ); }; }()); /** * Set the document title of the customizer. * * @alias wp.customize.setDocumentTitle * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param {string} documentTitle */ api.setDocumentTitle = function ( documentTitle ) { var tmpl, title; tmpl = api.settings.documentTitleTmpl; title = tmpl.replace( '%s', documentTitle ); document.title = title; api.trigger( 'title', title ); }; api.Previewer = api.Messenger.extend(/** @lends wp.customize.Previewer.prototype */{ refreshBuffer: null, // Will get set to api.settings.timeouts.windowRefresh. /** * @constructs wp.customize.Previewer * @augments wp.customize.Messenger * * @param {Array} params.allowedUrls * @param {string} params.container A selector or jQuery element for the preview * frame to be placed. * @param {string} params.form * @param {string} params.previewUrl The URL to preview. * @param {Object} options */ initialize: function( params, options ) { var previewer = this, urlParser = document.createElement( 'a' ); $.extend( previewer, options || {} ); previewer.deferred = { active: $.Deferred() }; // Debounce to prevent hammering server and then wait for any pending update requests. previewer.refresh = _.debounce( ( function( originalRefresh ) { return function() { var isProcessingComplete, refreshOnceProcessingComplete; isProcessingComplete = function() { return 0 === api.state( 'processing' ).get(); }; if ( isProcessingComplete() ) { originalRefresh.call( previewer ); } else { refreshOnceProcessingComplete = function() { if ( isProcessingComplete() ) { originalRefresh.call( previewer ); api.state( 'processing' ).unbind( refreshOnceProcessingComplete ); } }; api.state( 'processing' ).bind( refreshOnceProcessingComplete ); } }; }( previewer.refresh ) ), previewer.refreshBuffer ); previewer.container = api.ensure( params.container ); previewer.allowedUrls = params.allowedUrls; params.url = window.location.href; api.Messenger.prototype.initialize.call( previewer, params ); urlParser.href = previewer.origin(); previewer.add( 'scheme', urlParser.protocol.replace( /:$/, '' ) ); /* * Limit the URL to internal, front-end links. * * If the front end and the admin are served from the same domain, load the * preview over ssl if the Customizer is being loaded over ssl. This avoids * insecure content warnings. This is not attempted if the admin and front end * are on different domains to avoid the case where the front end doesn't have * ssl certs. */ previewer.add( 'previewUrl', params.previewUrl ).setter( function( to ) { var result = null, urlParser, queryParams, parsedAllowedUrl, parsedCandidateUrls = []; urlParser = document.createElement( 'a' ); urlParser.href = to; // Abort if URL is for admin or (static) files in wp-includes or wp-content. if ( /\/wp-(admin|includes|content)(\/|$)/.test( urlParser.pathname ) ) { return null; } // Remove state query params. if ( urlParser.search.length > 1 ) { queryParams = api.utils.parseQueryString( urlParser.search.substr( 1 ) ); delete queryParams.customize_changeset_uuid; delete queryParams.customize_theme; delete queryParams.customize_messenger_channel; delete queryParams.customize_autosaved; if ( _.isEmpty( queryParams ) ) { urlParser.search = ''; } else { urlParser.search = $.param( queryParams ); } } parsedCandidateUrls.push( urlParser ); // Prepend list with URL that matches the scheme/protocol of the iframe. if ( previewer.scheme.get() + ':' !== urlParser.protocol ) { urlParser = document.createElement( 'a' ); urlParser.href = parsedCandidateUrls[0].href; urlParser.protocol = previewer.scheme.get() + ':'; parsedCandidateUrls.unshift( urlParser ); } // Attempt to match the URL to the control frame's scheme and check if it's allowed. If not, try the original URL. parsedAllowedUrl = document.createElement( 'a' ); _.find( parsedCandidateUrls, function( parsedCandidateUrl ) { return ! _.isUndefined( _.find( previewer.allowedUrls, function( allowedUrl ) { parsedAllowedUrl.href = allowedUrl; if ( urlParser.protocol === parsedAllowedUrl.protocol && urlParser.host === parsedAllowedUrl.host && 0 === urlParser.pathname.indexOf( parsedAllowedUrl.pathname.replace( /\/$/, '' ) ) ) { result = parsedCandidateUrl.href; return true; } } ) ); } ); return result; }); previewer.bind( 'ready', previewer.ready ); // Start listening for keep-alive messages when iframe first loads. previewer.deferred.active.done( _.bind( previewer.keepPreviewAlive, previewer ) ); previewer.bind( 'synced', function() { previewer.send( 'active' ); } ); // Refresh the preview when the URL is changed (but not yet). previewer.previewUrl.bind( previewer.refresh ); previewer.scroll = 0; previewer.bind( 'scroll', function( distance ) { previewer.scroll = distance; }); // Update the URL when the iframe sends a URL message, resetting scroll position. If URL is unchanged, then refresh. previewer.bind( 'url', function( url ) { var onUrlChange, urlChanged = false; previewer.scroll = 0; onUrlChange = function() { urlChanged = true; }; previewer.previewUrl.bind( onUrlChange ); previewer.previewUrl.set( url ); previewer.previewUrl.unbind( onUrlChange ); if ( ! urlChanged ) { previewer.refresh(); } } ); // Update the document title when the preview changes. previewer.bind( 'documentTitle', function ( title ) { api.setDocumentTitle( title ); } ); }, /** * Handle the preview receiving the ready message. * * @since 4.7.0 * @access public * * @param {Object} data - Data from preview. * @param {string} data.currentUrl - Current URL. * @param {Object} data.activePanels - Active panels. * @param {Object} data.activeSections Active sections. * @param {Object} data.activeControls Active controls. * @return {void} */ ready: function( data ) { var previewer = this, synced = {}, constructs; synced.settings = api.get(); synced['settings-modified-while-loading'] = previewer.settingsModifiedWhileLoading; if ( 'resolved' !== previewer.deferred.active.state() || previewer.loading ) { synced.scroll = previewer.scroll; } synced['edit-shortcut-visibility'] = api.state( 'editShortcutVisibility' ).get(); previewer.send( 'sync', synced ); // Set the previewUrl without causing the url to set the iframe. if ( data.currentUrl ) { previewer.previewUrl.unbind( previewer.refresh ); previewer.previewUrl.set( data.currentUrl ); previewer.previewUrl.bind( previewer.refresh ); } /* * Walk over all panels, sections, and controls and set their * respective active states to true if the preview explicitly * indicates as such. */ constructs = { panel: data.activePanels, section: data.activeSections, control: data.activeControls }; _( constructs ).each( function ( activeConstructs, type ) { api[ type ].each( function ( construct, id ) { var isDynamicallyCreated = _.isUndefined( api.settings[ type + 's' ][ id ] ); /* * If the construct was created statically in PHP (not dynamically in JS) * then consider a missing (undefined) value in the activeConstructs to * mean it should be deactivated (since it is gone). But if it is * dynamically created then only toggle activation if the value is defined, * as this means that the construct was also then correspondingly * created statically in PHP and the active callback is available. * Otherwise, dynamically-created constructs should normally have * their active states toggled in JS rather than from PHP. */ if ( ! isDynamicallyCreated || ! _.isUndefined( activeConstructs[ id ] ) ) { if ( activeConstructs[ id ] ) { construct.activate(); } else { construct.deactivate(); } } } ); } ); if ( data.settingValidities ) { api._handleSettingValidities( { settingValidities: data.settingValidities, focusInvalidControl: false } ); } }, /** * Keep the preview alive by listening for ready and keep-alive messages. * * If a message is not received in the allotted time then the iframe will be set back to the last known valid URL. * * @since 4.7.0 * @access public * * @return {void} */ keepPreviewAlive: function keepPreviewAlive() { var previewer = this, keepAliveTick, timeoutId, handleMissingKeepAlive, scheduleKeepAliveCheck; /** * Schedule a preview keep-alive check. * * Note that if a page load takes longer than keepAliveCheck milliseconds, * the keep-alive messages will still be getting sent from the previous * URL. */ scheduleKeepAliveCheck = function() { timeoutId = setTimeout( handleMissingKeepAlive, api.settings.timeouts.keepAliveCheck ); }; /** * Set the previewerAlive state to true when receiving a message from the preview. */ keepAliveTick = function() { api.state( 'previewerAlive' ).set( true ); clearTimeout( timeoutId ); scheduleKeepAliveCheck(); }; /** * Set the previewerAlive state to false if keepAliveCheck milliseconds have transpired without a message. * * This is most likely to happen in the case of a connectivity error, or if the theme causes the browser * to navigate to a non-allowed URL. Setting this state to false will force settings with a postMessage * transport to use refresh instead, causing the preview frame also to be replaced with the current * allowed preview URL. */ handleMissingKeepAlive = function() { api.state( 'previewerAlive' ).set( false ); }; scheduleKeepAliveCheck(); previewer.bind( 'ready', keepAliveTick ); previewer.bind( 'keep-alive', keepAliveTick ); }, /** * Query string data sent with each preview request. * * @abstract */ query: function() {}, abort: function() { if ( this.loading ) { this.loading.destroy(); delete this.loading; } }, /** * Refresh the preview seamlessly. * * @since 3.4.0 * @access public * * @return {void} */ refresh: function() { var previewer = this, onSettingChange; // Display loading indicator. previewer.send( 'loading-initiated' ); previewer.abort(); previewer.loading = new api.PreviewFrame({ url: previewer.url(), previewUrl: previewer.previewUrl(), query: previewer.query( { excludeCustomizedSaved: true } ) || {}, container: previewer.container }); previewer.settingsModifiedWhileLoading = {}; onSettingChange = function( setting ) { previewer.settingsModifiedWhileLoading[ setting.id ] = true; }; api.bind( 'change', onSettingChange ); previewer.loading.always( function() { api.unbind( 'change', onSettingChange ); } ); previewer.loading.done( function( readyData ) { var loadingFrame = this, onceSynced; previewer.preview = loadingFrame; previewer.targetWindow( loadingFrame.targetWindow() ); previewer.channel( loadingFrame.channel() ); onceSynced = function() { loadingFrame.unbind( 'synced', onceSynced ); if ( previewer._previousPreview ) { previewer._previousPreview.destroy(); } previewer._previousPreview = previewer.preview; previewer.deferred.active.resolve(); delete previewer.loading; }; loadingFrame.bind( 'synced', onceSynced ); // This event will be received directly by the previewer in normal navigation; this is only needed for seamless refresh. previewer.trigger( 'ready', readyData ); }); previewer.loading.fail( function( reason ) { previewer.send( 'loading-failed' ); if ( 'logged out' === reason ) { if ( previewer.preview ) { previewer.preview.destroy(); delete previewer.preview; } previewer.login().done( previewer.refresh ); } if ( 'cheatin' === reason ) { previewer.cheatin(); } }); }, login: function() { var previewer = this, deferred, messenger, iframe; if ( this._login ) { return this._login; } deferred = $.Deferred(); this._login = deferred.promise(); messenger = new api.Messenger({ channel: 'login', url: api.settings.url.login }); iframe = $( '<iframe />', { 'src': api.settings.url.login, 'title': api.l10n.loginIframeTitle } ).appendTo( this.container ); messenger.targetWindow( iframe[0].contentWindow ); messenger.bind( 'login', function () { var refreshNonces = previewer.refreshNonces(); refreshNonces.always( function() { iframe.remove(); messenger.destroy(); delete previewer._login; }); refreshNonces.done( function() { deferred.resolve(); }); refreshNonces.fail( function() { previewer.cheatin(); deferred.reject(); }); }); return this._login; }, cheatin: function() { $( document.body ).empty().addClass( 'cheatin' ).append( '<h1>' + api.l10n.notAllowedHeading + '</h1>' + '<p>' + api.l10n.notAllowed + '</p>' ); }, refreshNonces: function() { var request, deferred = $.Deferred(); deferred.promise(); request = wp.ajax.post( 'customize_refresh_nonces', { wp_customize: 'on', customize_theme: api.settings.theme.stylesheet }); request.done( function( response ) { api.trigger( 'nonce-refresh', response ); deferred.resolve(); }); request.fail( function() { deferred.reject(); }); return deferred; } }); api.settingConstructor = {}; api.controlConstructor = { color: api.ColorControl, media: api.MediaControl, upload: api.UploadControl, image: api.ImageControl, cropped_image: api.CroppedImageControl, site_icon: api.SiteIconControl, header: api.HeaderControl, background: api.BackgroundControl, background_position: api.BackgroundPositionControl, theme: api.ThemeControl, date_time: api.DateTimeControl, code_editor: api.CodeEditorControl }; api.panelConstructor = { themes: api.ThemesPanel }; api.sectionConstructor = { themes: api.ThemesSection, outer: api.OuterSection }; /** * Handle setting_validities in an error response for the customize-save request. * * Add notifications to the settings and focus on the first control that has an invalid setting. * * @alias wp.customize._handleSettingValidities * * @since 4.6.0 * @private * * @param {Object} args * @param {Object} args.settingValidities * @param {boolean} [args.focusInvalidControl=false] * @return {void} */ api._handleSettingValidities = function handleSettingValidities( args ) { var invalidSettingControls, invalidSettings = [], wasFocused = false; // Find the controls that correspond to each invalid setting. _.each( args.settingValidities, function( validity, settingId ) { var setting = api( settingId ); if ( setting ) { // Add notifications for invalidities. if ( _.isObject( validity ) ) { _.each( validity, function( params, code ) { var notification, existingNotification, needsReplacement = false; notification = new api.Notification( code, _.extend( { fromServer: true }, params ) ); // Remove existing notification if already exists for code but differs in parameters. existingNotification = setting.notifications( notification.code ); if ( existingNotification ) { needsReplacement = notification.type !== existingNotification.type || notification.message !== existingNotification.message || ! _.isEqual( notification.data, existingNotification.data ); } if ( needsReplacement ) { setting.notifications.remove( code ); } if ( ! setting.notifications.has( notification.code ) ) { setting.notifications.add( notification ); } invalidSettings.push( setting.id ); } ); } // Remove notification errors that are no longer valid. setting.notifications.each( function( notification ) { if ( notification.fromServer && 'error' === notification.type && ( true === validity || ! validity[ notification.code ] ) ) { setting.notifications.remove( notification.code ); } } ); } } ); if ( args.focusInvalidControl ) { invalidSettingControls = api.findControlsForSettings( invalidSettings ); // Focus on the first control that is inside of an expanded section (one that is visible). _( _.values( invalidSettingControls ) ).find( function( controls ) { return _( controls ).find( function( control ) { var isExpanded = control.section() && api.section.has( control.section() ) && api.section( control.section() ).expanded(); if ( isExpanded && control.expanded ) { isExpanded = control.expanded(); } if ( isExpanded ) { control.focus(); wasFocused = true; } return wasFocused; } ); } ); // Focus on the first invalid control. if ( ! wasFocused && ! _.isEmpty( invalidSettingControls ) ) { _.values( invalidSettingControls )[0][0].focus(); } } }; /** * Find all controls associated with the given settings. * * @alias wp.customize.findControlsForSettings * * @since 4.6.0 * @param {string[]} settingIds Setting IDs. * @return {Object<string, wp.customize.Control>} Mapping setting ids to arrays of controls. */ api.findControlsForSettings = function findControlsForSettings( settingIds ) { var controls = {}, settingControls; _.each( _.unique( settingIds ), function( settingId ) { var setting = api( settingId ); if ( setting ) { settingControls = setting.findControls(); if ( settingControls && settingControls.length > 0 ) { controls[ settingId ] = settingControls; } } } ); return controls; }; /** * Sort panels, sections, controls by priorities. Hide empty sections and panels. * * @alias wp.customize.reflowPaneContents * * @since 4.1.0 */ api.reflowPaneContents = _.bind( function () { var appendContainer, activeElement, rootHeadContainers, rootNodes = [], wasReflowed = false; if ( document.activeElement ) { activeElement = $( document.activeElement ); } // Sort the sections within each panel. api.panel.each( function ( panel ) { if ( 'themes' === panel.id ) { return; // Don't reflow theme sections, as doing so moves them after the themes container. } var sections = panel.sections(), sectionHeadContainers = _.pluck( sections, 'headContainer' ); rootNodes.push( panel ); appendContainer = ( panel.contentContainer.is( 'ul' ) ) ? panel.contentContainer : panel.contentContainer.find( 'ul:first' ); if ( ! api.utils.areElementListsEqual( sectionHeadContainers, appendContainer.children( '[id]' ) ) ) { _( sections ).each( function ( section ) { appendContainer.append( section.headContainer ); } ); wasReflowed = true; } } ); // Sort the controls within each section. api.section.each( function ( section ) { var controls = section.controls(), controlContainers = _.pluck( controls, 'container' ); if ( ! section.panel() ) { rootNodes.push( section ); } appendContainer = ( section.contentContainer.is( 'ul' ) ) ? section.contentContainer : section.contentContainer.find( 'ul:first' ); if ( ! api.utils.areElementListsEqual( controlContainers, appendContainer.children( '[id]' ) ) ) { _( controls ).each( function ( control ) { appendContainer.append( control.container ); } ); wasReflowed = true; } } ); // Sort the root panels and sections. rootNodes.sort( api.utils.prioritySort ); rootHeadContainers = _.pluck( rootNodes, 'headContainer' ); appendContainer = $( '#customize-theme-controls .customize-pane-parent' ); // @todo This should be defined elsewhere, and to be configurable. if ( ! api.utils.areElementListsEqual( rootHeadContainers, appendContainer.children() ) ) { _( rootNodes ).each( function ( rootNode ) { appendContainer.append( rootNode.headContainer ); } ); wasReflowed = true; } // Now re-trigger the active Value callbacks so that the panels and sections can decide whether they can be rendered. api.panel.each( function ( panel ) { var value = panel.active(); panel.active.callbacks.fireWith( panel.active, [ value, value ] ); } ); api.section.each( function ( section ) { var value = section.active(); section.active.callbacks.fireWith( section.active, [ value, value ] ); } ); // Restore focus if there was a reflow and there was an active (focused) element. if ( wasReflowed && activeElement ) { activeElement.trigger( 'focus' ); } api.trigger( 'pane-contents-reflowed' ); }, api ); // Define state values. api.state = new api.Values(); _.each( [ 'saved', 'saving', 'trashing', 'activated', 'processing', 'paneVisible', 'expandedPanel', 'expandedSection', 'changesetDate', 'selectedChangesetDate', 'changesetStatus', 'selectedChangesetStatus', 'remainingTimeToPublish', 'previewerAlive', 'editShortcutVisibility', 'changesetLocked', 'previewedDevice' ], function( name ) { api.state.create( name ); }); $( function() { api.settings = window._wpCustomizeSettings; api.l10n = window._wpCustomizeControlsL10n; // Check if we can run the Customizer. if ( ! api.settings ) { return; } // Bail if any incompatibilities are found. if ( ! $.support.postMessage || ( ! $.support.cors && api.settings.isCrossDomain ) ) { return; } if ( null === api.PreviewFrame.prototype.sensitivity ) { api.PreviewFrame.prototype.sensitivity = api.settings.timeouts.previewFrameSensitivity; } if ( null === api.Previewer.prototype.refreshBuffer ) { api.Previewer.prototype.refreshBuffer = api.settings.timeouts.windowRefresh; } var parent, body = $( document.body ), overlay = body.children( '.wp-full-overlay' ), title = $( '#customize-info .panel-title.site-title' ), closeBtn = $( '.customize-controls-close' ), saveBtn = $( '#save' ), btnWrapper = $( '#customize-save-button-wrapper' ), publishSettingsBtn = $( '#publish-settings' ), footerActions = $( '#customize-footer-actions' ); // Add publish settings section in JS instead of PHP since the Customizer depends on it to function. api.bind( 'ready', function() { api.section.add( new api.OuterSection( 'publish_settings', { title: api.l10n.publishSettings, priority: 0, active: api.settings.theme.active } ) ); } ); // Set up publish settings section and its controls. api.section( 'publish_settings', function( section ) { var updateButtonsState, trashControl, updateSectionActive, isSectionActive, statusControl, dateControl, toggleDateControl, publishWhenTime, pollInterval, updateTimeArrivedPoller, cancelScheduleButtonReminder, timeArrivedPollingInterval = 1000; trashControl = new api.Control( 'trash_changeset', { type: 'button', section: section.id, priority: 30, input_attrs: { 'class': 'button-link button-link-delete', value: api.l10n.discardChanges } } ); api.control.add( trashControl ); trashControl.deferred.embedded.done( function() { trashControl.container.find( '.button-link' ).on( 'click', function() { if ( confirm( api.l10n.trashConfirm ) ) { wp.customize.previewer.trash(); } } ); } ); api.control.add( new api.PreviewLinkControl( 'changeset_preview_link', { section: section.id, priority: 100 } ) ); /** * Return whether the publish settings section should be active. * * @return {boolean} Is section active. */ isSectionActive = function() { if ( ! api.state( 'activated' ).get() ) { return false; } if ( api.state( 'trashing' ).get() || 'trash' === api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).get() ) { return false; } if ( '' === api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).get() && api.state( 'saved' ).get() ) { return false; } return true; }; // Make sure publish settings are not available while the theme is not active and the customizer is in a published state. section.active.validate = isSectionActive; updateSectionActive = function() { section.active.set( isSectionActive() ); }; api.state( 'activated' ).bind( updateSectionActive ); api.state( 'trashing' ).bind( updateSectionActive ); api.state( 'saved' ).bind( updateSectionActive ); api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).bind( updateSectionActive ); updateSectionActive(); // Bind visibility of the publish settings button to whether the section is active. updateButtonsState = function() { publishSettingsBtn.toggle( section.active.get() ); saveBtn.toggleClass( 'has-next-sibling', section.active.get() ); }; updateButtonsState(); section.active.bind( updateButtonsState ); function highlightScheduleButton() { if ( ! cancelScheduleButtonReminder ) { cancelScheduleButtonReminder = api.utils.highlightButton( btnWrapper, { delay: 1000, /* * Only abort the reminder when the save button is focused. * If the user clicks the settings button to toggle the * settings closed, we'll still remind them. */ focusTarget: saveBtn } ); } } function cancelHighlightScheduleButton() { if ( cancelScheduleButtonReminder ) { cancelScheduleButtonReminder(); cancelScheduleButtonReminder = null; } } api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).bind( cancelHighlightScheduleButton ); section.contentContainer.find( '.customize-action' ).text( api.l10n.updating ); section.contentContainer.find( '.customize-section-back' ).removeAttr( 'tabindex' ); publishSettingsBtn.prop( 'disabled', false ); publishSettingsBtn.on( 'click', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); section.expanded.set( ! section.expanded.get() ); } ); section.expanded.bind( function( isExpanded ) { var defaultChangesetStatus; publishSettingsBtn.attr( 'aria-expanded', String( isExpanded ) ); publishSettingsBtn.toggleClass( 'active', isExpanded ); if ( isExpanded ) { cancelHighlightScheduleButton(); return; } defaultChangesetStatus = api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).get(); if ( '' === defaultChangesetStatus || 'auto-draft' === defaultChangesetStatus ) { defaultChangesetStatus = 'publish'; } if ( api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).get() !== defaultChangesetStatus ) { highlightScheduleButton(); } else if ( 'future' === api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).get() && api.state( 'selectedChangesetDate' ).get() !== api.state( 'changesetDate' ).get() ) { highlightScheduleButton(); } } ); statusControl = new api.Control( 'changeset_status', { priority: 10, type: 'radio', section: 'publish_settings', setting: api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ), templateId: 'customize-selected-changeset-status-control', label: api.l10n.action, choices: api.settings.changeset.statusChoices } ); api.control.add( statusControl ); dateControl = new api.DateTimeControl( 'changeset_scheduled_date', { priority: 20, section: 'publish_settings', setting: api.state( 'selectedChangesetDate' ), minYear: ( new Date() ).getFullYear(), allowPastDate: false, includeTime: true, twelveHourFormat: /a/i.test( api.settings.timeFormat ), description: api.l10n.scheduleDescription } ); dateControl.notifications.alt = true; api.control.add( dateControl ); publishWhenTime = function() { api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).set( 'publish' ); api.previewer.save(); }; // Start countdown for when the dateTime arrives, or clear interval when it is . updateTimeArrivedPoller = function() { var shouldPoll = ( 'future' === api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).get() && 'future' === api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).get() && api.state( 'changesetDate' ).get() && api.state( 'selectedChangesetDate' ).get() === api.state( 'changesetDate' ).get() && api.utils.getRemainingTime( api.state( 'changesetDate' ).get() ) >= 0 ); if ( shouldPoll && ! pollInterval ) { pollInterval = setInterval( function() { var remainingTime = api.utils.getRemainingTime( api.state( 'changesetDate' ).get() ); api.state( 'remainingTimeToPublish' ).set( remainingTime ); if ( remainingTime <= 0 ) { clearInterval( pollInterval ); pollInterval = 0; publishWhenTime(); } }, timeArrivedPollingInterval ); } else if ( ! shouldPoll && pollInterval ) { clearInterval( pollInterval ); pollInterval = 0; } }; api.state( 'changesetDate' ).bind( updateTimeArrivedPoller ); api.state( 'selectedChangesetDate' ).bind( updateTimeArrivedPoller ); api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).bind( updateTimeArrivedPoller ); api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).bind( updateTimeArrivedPoller ); updateTimeArrivedPoller(); // Ensure dateControl only appears when selected status is future. dateControl.active.validate = function() { return 'future' === api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).get(); }; toggleDateControl = function( value ) { dateControl.active.set( 'future' === value ); }; toggleDateControl( api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).get() ); api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).bind( toggleDateControl ); // Show notification on date control when status is future but it isn't a future date. api.state( 'saving' ).bind( function( isSaving ) { if ( isSaving && 'future' === api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).get() ) { dateControl.toggleFutureDateNotification( ! dateControl.isFutureDate() ); } } ); } ); // Prevent the form from saving when enter is pressed on an input or select element. $('#customize-controls').on( 'keydown', function( e ) { var isEnter = ( 13 === e.which ), $el = $( e.target ); if ( isEnter && ( $el.is( 'input:not([type=button])' ) || $el.is( 'select' ) ) ) { e.preventDefault(); } }); // Expand/Collapse the main customizer customize info. $( '.customize-info' ).find( '> .accordion-section-title .customize-help-toggle' ).on( 'click', function() { var section = $( this ).closest( '.accordion-section' ), content = section.find( '.customize-panel-description:first' ); if ( section.hasClass( 'cannot-expand' ) ) { return; } if ( section.hasClass( 'open' ) ) { section.toggleClass( 'open' ); content.slideUp( api.Panel.prototype.defaultExpandedArguments.duration, function() { content.trigger( 'toggled' ); } ); $( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', false ); } else { content.slideDown( api.Panel.prototype.defaultExpandedArguments.duration, function() { content.trigger( 'toggled' ); } ); section.toggleClass( 'open' ); $( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', true ); } }); /** * Initialize Previewer * * @alias wp.customize.previewer */ api.previewer = new api.Previewer({ container: '#customize-preview', form: '#customize-controls', previewUrl: api.settings.url.preview, allowedUrls: api.settings.url.allowed },/** @lends wp.customize.previewer */{ nonce: api.settings.nonce, /** * Build the query to send along with the Preview request. * * @since 3.4.0 * @since 4.7.0 Added options param. * @access public * * @param {Object} [options] Options. * @param {boolean} [options.excludeCustomizedSaved=false] Exclude saved settings in customized response (values pending writing to changeset). * @return {Object} Query vars. */ query: function( options ) { var queryVars = { wp_customize: 'on', customize_theme: api.settings.theme.stylesheet, nonce: this.nonce.preview, customize_changeset_uuid: api.settings.changeset.uuid }; if ( api.settings.changeset.autosaved || ! api.state( 'saved' ).get() ) { queryVars.customize_autosaved = 'on'; } /* * Exclude customized data if requested especially for calls to requestChangesetUpdate. * Changeset updates are differential and so it is a performance waste to send all of * the dirty settings with each update. */ queryVars.customized = JSON.stringify( api.dirtyValues( { unsaved: options && options.excludeCustomizedSaved } ) ); return queryVars; }, /** * Save (and publish) the customizer changeset. * * Updates to the changeset are transactional. If any of the settings * are invalid then none of them will be written into the changeset. * A revision will be made for the changeset post if revisions support * has been added to the post type. * * @since 3.4.0 * @since 4.7.0 Added args param and return value. * * @param {Object} [args] Args. * @param {string} [args.status=publish] Status. * @param {string} [args.date] Date, in local time in MySQL format. * @param {string} [args.title] Title * @return {jQuery.promise} Promise. */ save: function( args ) { var previewer = this, deferred = $.Deferred(), changesetStatus = api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).get(), selectedChangesetDate = api.state( 'selectedChangesetDate' ).get(), processing = api.state( 'processing' ), submitWhenDoneProcessing, submit, modifiedWhileSaving = {}, invalidSettings = [], invalidControls = [], invalidSettingLessControls = []; if ( args && args.status ) { changesetStatus = args.status; } if ( api.state( 'saving' ).get() ) { deferred.reject( 'already_saving' ); deferred.promise(); } api.state( 'saving' ).set( true ); function captureSettingModifiedDuringSave( setting ) { modifiedWhileSaving[ setting.id ] = true; } submit = function () { var request, query, settingInvalidities = {}, latestRevision = api._latestRevision, errorCode = 'client_side_error'; api.bind( 'change', captureSettingModifiedDuringSave ); api.notifications.remove( errorCode ); /* * Block saving if there are any settings that are marked as * invalid from the client (not from the server). Focus on * the control. */ api.each( function( setting ) { setting.notifications.each( function( notification ) { if ( 'error' === notification.type && ! notification.fromServer ) { invalidSettings.push( setting.id ); if ( ! settingInvalidities[ setting.id ] ) { settingInvalidities[ setting.id ] = {}; } settingInvalidities[ setting.id ][ notification.code ] = notification; } } ); } ); // Find all invalid setting less controls with notification type error. api.control.each( function( control ) { if ( ! control.setting || ! control.setting.id && control.active.get() ) { control.notifications.each( function( notification ) { if ( 'error' === notification.type ) { invalidSettingLessControls.push( [ control ] ); } } ); } } ); invalidControls = _.union( invalidSettingLessControls, _.values( api.findControlsForSettings( invalidSettings ) ) ); if ( ! _.isEmpty( invalidControls ) ) { invalidControls[0][0].focus(); api.unbind( 'change', captureSettingModifiedDuringSave ); if ( invalidSettings.length ) { api.notifications.add( new api.Notification( errorCode, { message: ( 1 === invalidSettings.length ? api.l10n.saveBlockedError.singular : api.l10n.saveBlockedError.plural ).replace( /%s/g, String( invalidSettings.length ) ), type: 'error', dismissible: true, saveFailure: true } ) ); } deferred.rejectWith( previewer, [ { setting_invalidities: settingInvalidities } ] ); api.state( 'saving' ).set( false ); return deferred.promise(); } /* * Note that excludeCustomizedSaved is intentionally false so that the entire * set of customized data will be included if bypassed changeset update. */ query = $.extend( previewer.query( { excludeCustomizedSaved: false } ), { nonce: previewer.nonce.save, customize_changeset_status: changesetStatus } ); if ( args && args.date ) { query.customize_changeset_date = args.date; } else if ( 'future' === changesetStatus && selectedChangesetDate ) { query.customize_changeset_date = selectedChangesetDate; } if ( args && args.title ) { query.customize_changeset_title = args.title; } // Allow plugins to modify the params included with the save request. api.trigger( 'save-request-params', query ); /* * Note that the dirty customized values will have already been set in the * changeset and so technically query.customized could be deleted. However, * it is remaining here to make sure that any settings that got updated * quietly which may have not triggered an update request will also get * included in the values that get saved to the changeset. This will ensure * that values that get injected via the saved event will be included in * the changeset. This also ensures that setting values that were invalid * will get re-validated, perhaps in the case of settings that are invalid * due to dependencies on other settings. */ request = wp.ajax.post( 'customize_save', query ); api.state( 'processing' ).set( api.state( 'processing' ).get() + 1 ); api.trigger( 'save', request ); request.always( function () { api.state( 'processing' ).set( api.state( 'processing' ).get() - 1 ); api.state( 'saving' ).set( false ); api.unbind( 'change', captureSettingModifiedDuringSave ); } ); // Remove notifications that were added due to save failures. api.notifications.each( function( notification ) { if ( notification.saveFailure ) { api.notifications.remove( notification.code ); } }); request.fail( function ( response ) { var notification, notificationArgs; notificationArgs = { type: 'error', dismissible: true, fromServer: true, saveFailure: true }; if ( '0' === response ) { response = 'not_logged_in'; } else if ( '-1' === response ) { // Back-compat in case any other check_ajax_referer() call is dying. response = 'invalid_nonce'; } if ( 'invalid_nonce' === response ) { previewer.cheatin(); } else if ( 'not_logged_in' === response ) { previewer.preview.iframe.hide(); previewer.login().done( function() { previewer.save(); previewer.preview.iframe.show(); } ); } else if ( response.code ) { if ( 'not_future_date' === response.code && api.section.has( 'publish_settings' ) && api.section( 'publish_settings' ).active.get() && api.control.has( 'changeset_scheduled_date' ) ) { api.control( 'changeset_scheduled_date' ).toggleFutureDateNotification( true ).focus(); } else if ( 'changeset_locked' !== response.code ) { notification = new api.Notification( response.code, _.extend( notificationArgs, { message: response.message } ) ); } } else { notification = new api.Notification( 'unknown_error', _.extend( notificationArgs, { message: api.l10n.unknownRequestFail } ) ); } if ( notification ) { api.notifications.add( notification ); } if ( response.setting_validities ) { api._handleSettingValidities( { settingValidities: response.setting_validities, focusInvalidControl: true } ); } deferred.rejectWith( previewer, [ response ] ); api.trigger( 'error', response ); // Start a new changeset if the underlying changeset was published. if ( 'changeset_already_published' === response.code && response.next_changeset_uuid ) { api.settings.changeset.uuid = response.next_changeset_uuid; api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).set( '' ); if ( api.settings.changeset.branching ) { parent.send( 'changeset-uuid', api.settings.changeset.uuid ); } api.previewer.send( 'changeset-uuid', api.settings.changeset.uuid ); } } ); request.done( function( response ) { previewer.send( 'saved', response ); api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).set( response.changeset_status ); if ( response.changeset_date ) { api.state( 'changesetDate' ).set( response.changeset_date ); } if ( 'publish' === response.changeset_status ) { // Mark all published as clean if they haven't been modified during the request. api.each( function( setting ) { /* * Note that the setting revision will be undefined in the case of setting * values that are marked as dirty when the customizer is loaded, such as * when applying starter content. All other dirty settings will have an * associated revision due to their modification triggering a change event. */ if ( setting._dirty && ( _.isUndefined( api._latestSettingRevisions[ setting.id ] ) || api._latestSettingRevisions[ setting.id ] <= latestRevision ) ) { setting._dirty = false; } } ); api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).set( '' ); api.settings.changeset.uuid = response.next_changeset_uuid; if ( api.settings.changeset.branching ) { parent.send( 'changeset-uuid', api.settings.changeset.uuid ); } } // Prevent subsequent requestChangesetUpdate() calls from including the settings that have been saved. api._lastSavedRevision = Math.max( latestRevision, api._lastSavedRevision ); if ( response.setting_validities ) { api._handleSettingValidities( { settingValidities: response.setting_validities, focusInvalidControl: true } ); } deferred.resolveWith( previewer, [ response ] ); api.trigger( 'saved', response ); // Restore the global dirty state if any settings were modified during save. if ( ! _.isEmpty( modifiedWhileSaving ) ) { api.state( 'saved' ).set( false ); } } ); }; if ( 0 === processing() ) { submit(); } else { submitWhenDoneProcessing = function () { if ( 0 === processing() ) { api.state.unbind( 'change', submitWhenDoneProcessing ); submit(); } }; api.state.bind( 'change', submitWhenDoneProcessing ); } return deferred.promise(); }, /** * Trash the current changes. * * Revert the Customizer to its previously-published state. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @return {jQuery.promise} Promise. */ trash: function trash() { var request, success, fail; api.state( 'trashing' ).set( true ); api.state( 'processing' ).set( api.state( 'processing' ).get() + 1 ); request = wp.ajax.post( 'customize_trash', { customize_changeset_uuid: api.settings.changeset.uuid, nonce: api.settings.nonce.trash } ); api.notifications.add( new api.OverlayNotification( 'changeset_trashing', { type: 'info', message: api.l10n.revertingChanges, loading: true } ) ); success = function() { var urlParser = document.createElement( 'a' ), queryParams; api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).set( 'trash' ); api.each( function( setting ) { setting._dirty = false; } ); api.state( 'saved' ).set( true ); // Go back to Customizer without changeset. urlParser.href = location.href; queryParams = api.utils.parseQueryString( urlParser.search.substr( 1 ) ); delete queryParams.changeset_uuid; queryParams['return'] = api.settings.url['return']; urlParser.search = $.param( queryParams ); location.replace( urlParser.href ); }; fail = function( code, message ) { var notificationCode = code || 'unknown_error'; api.state( 'processing' ).set( api.state( 'processing' ).get() - 1 ); api.state( 'trashing' ).set( false ); api.notifications.remove( 'changeset_trashing' ); api.notifications.add( new api.Notification( notificationCode, { message: message || api.l10n.unknownError, dismissible: true, type: 'error' } ) ); }; request.done( function( response ) { success( response.message ); } ); request.fail( function( response ) { var code = response.code || 'trashing_failed'; if ( response.success || 'non_existent_changeset' === code || 'changeset_already_trashed' === code ) { success( response.message ); } else { fail( code, response.message ); } } ); }, /** * Builds the front preview URL with the current state of customizer. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @return {string} Preview URL. */ getFrontendPreviewUrl: function() { var previewer = this, params, urlParser; urlParser = document.createElement( 'a' ); urlParser.href = previewer.previewUrl.get(); params = api.utils.parseQueryString( urlParser.search.substr( 1 ) ); if ( api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).get() && 'publish' !== api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).get() ) { params.customize_changeset_uuid = api.settings.changeset.uuid; } if ( ! api.state( 'activated' ).get() ) { params.customize_theme = api.settings.theme.stylesheet; } urlParser.search = $.param( params ); return urlParser.href; } }); // Ensure preview nonce is included with every customized request, to allow post data to be read. $.ajaxPrefilter( function injectPreviewNonce( options ) { if ( ! /wp_customize=on/.test( options.data ) ) { return; } options.data += '&' + $.param({ customize_preview_nonce: api.settings.nonce.preview }); }); // Refresh the nonces if the preview sends updated nonces over. api.previewer.bind( 'nonce', function( nonce ) { $.extend( this.nonce, nonce ); }); // Refresh the nonces if login sends updated nonces over. api.bind( 'nonce-refresh', function( nonce ) { $.extend( api.settings.nonce, nonce ); $.extend( api.previewer.nonce, nonce ); api.previewer.send( 'nonce-refresh', nonce ); }); // Create Settings. $.each( api.settings.settings, function( id, data ) { var Constructor = api.settingConstructor[ data.type ] || api.Setting; api.add( new Constructor( id, data.value, { transport: data.transport, previewer: api.previewer, dirty: !! data.dirty } ) ); }); // Create Panels. $.each( api.settings.panels, function ( id, data ) { var Constructor = api.panelConstructor[ data.type ] || api.Panel, options; // Inclusion of params alias is for back-compat for custom panels that expect to augment this property. options = _.extend( { params: data }, data ); api.panel.add( new Constructor( id, options ) ); }); // Create Sections. $.each( api.settings.sections, function ( id, data ) { var Constructor = api.sectionConstructor[ data.type ] || api.Section, options; // Inclusion of params alias is for back-compat for custom sections that expect to augment this property. options = _.extend( { params: data }, data ); api.section.add( new Constructor( id, options ) ); }); // Create Controls. $.each( api.settings.controls, function( id, data ) { var Constructor = api.controlConstructor[ data.type ] || api.Control, options; // Inclusion of params alias is for back-compat for custom controls that expect to augment this property. options = _.extend( { params: data }, data ); api.control.add( new Constructor( id, options ) ); }); // Focus the autofocused element. _.each( [ 'panel', 'section', 'control' ], function( type ) { var id = api.settings.autofocus[ type ]; if ( ! id ) { return; } /* * Defer focus until: * 1. The panel, section, or control exists (especially for dynamically-created ones). * 2. The instance is embedded in the document (and so is focusable). * 3. The preview has finished loading so that the active states have been set. */ api[ type ]( id, function( instance ) { instance.deferred.embedded.done( function() { api.previewer.deferred.active.done( function() { instance.focus(); }); }); }); }); api.bind( 'ready', api.reflowPaneContents ); $( [ api.panel, api.section, api.control ] ).each( function ( i, values ) { var debouncedReflowPaneContents = _.debounce( api.reflowPaneContents, api.settings.timeouts.reflowPaneContents ); values.bind( 'add', debouncedReflowPaneContents ); values.bind( 'change', debouncedReflowPaneContents ); values.bind( 'remove', debouncedReflowPaneContents ); } ); // Set up global notifications area. api.bind( 'ready', function setUpGlobalNotificationsArea() { var sidebar, containerHeight, containerInitialTop; api.notifications.container = $( '#customize-notifications-area' ); api.notifications.bind( 'change', _.debounce( function() { api.notifications.render(); } ) ); sidebar = $( '.wp-full-overlay-sidebar-content' ); api.notifications.bind( 'rendered', function updateSidebarTop() { sidebar.css( 'top', '' ); if ( 0 !== api.notifications.count() ) { containerHeight = api.notifications.container.outerHeight() + 1; containerInitialTop = parseInt( sidebar.css( 'top' ), 10 ); sidebar.css( 'top', containerInitialTop + containerHeight + 'px' ); } api.notifications.trigger( 'sidebarTopUpdated' ); }); api.notifications.render(); }); // Save and activated states. (function( state ) { var saved = state.instance( 'saved' ), saving = state.instance( 'saving' ), trashing = state.instance( 'trashing' ), activated = state.instance( 'activated' ), processing = state.instance( 'processing' ), paneVisible = state.instance( 'paneVisible' ), expandedPanel = state.instance( 'expandedPanel' ), expandedSection = state.instance( 'expandedSection' ), changesetStatus = state.instance( 'changesetStatus' ), selectedChangesetStatus = state.instance( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ), changesetDate = state.instance( 'changesetDate' ), selectedChangesetDate = state.instance( 'selectedChangesetDate' ), previewerAlive = state.instance( 'previewerAlive' ), editShortcutVisibility = state.instance( 'editShortcutVisibility' ), changesetLocked = state.instance( 'changesetLocked' ), populateChangesetUuidParam, defaultSelectedChangesetStatus; state.bind( 'change', function() { var canSave; if ( ! activated() ) { saveBtn.val( api.l10n.activate ); closeBtn.find( '.screen-reader-text' ).text( api.l10n.cancel ); } else if ( '' === changesetStatus.get() && saved() ) { if ( api.settings.changeset.currentUserCanPublish ) { saveBtn.val( api.l10n.published ); } else { saveBtn.val( api.l10n.saved ); } closeBtn.find( '.screen-reader-text' ).text( api.l10n.close ); } else { if ( 'draft' === selectedChangesetStatus() ) { if ( saved() && selectedChangesetStatus() === changesetStatus() ) { saveBtn.val( api.l10n.draftSaved ); } else { saveBtn.val( api.l10n.saveDraft ); } } else if ( 'future' === selectedChangesetStatus() ) { if ( saved() && selectedChangesetStatus() === changesetStatus() ) { if ( changesetDate.get() !== selectedChangesetDate.get() ) { saveBtn.val( api.l10n.schedule ); } else { saveBtn.val( api.l10n.scheduled ); } } else { saveBtn.val( api.l10n.schedule ); } } else if ( api.settings.changeset.currentUserCanPublish ) { saveBtn.val( api.l10n.publish ); } closeBtn.find( '.screen-reader-text' ).text( api.l10n.cancel ); } /* * Save (publish) button should be enabled if saving is not currently happening, * and if the theme is not active or the changeset exists but is not published. */ canSave = ! saving() && ! trashing() && ! changesetLocked() && ( ! activated() || ! saved() || ( changesetStatus() !== selectedChangesetStatus() && '' !== changesetStatus() ) || ( 'future' === selectedChangesetStatus() && changesetDate.get() !== selectedChangesetDate.get() ) ); saveBtn.prop( 'disabled', ! canSave ); }); selectedChangesetStatus.validate = function( status ) { if ( '' === status || 'auto-draft' === status ) { return null; } return status; }; defaultSelectedChangesetStatus = api.settings.changeset.currentUserCanPublish ? 'publish' : 'draft'; // Set default states. changesetStatus( api.settings.changeset.status ); changesetLocked( Boolean( api.settings.changeset.lockUser ) ); changesetDate( api.settings.changeset.publishDate ); selectedChangesetDate( api.settings.changeset.publishDate ); selectedChangesetStatus( '' === api.settings.changeset.status || 'auto-draft' === api.settings.changeset.status ? defaultSelectedChangesetStatus : api.settings.changeset.status ); selectedChangesetStatus.link( changesetStatus ); // Ensure that direct updates to status on server via wp.customizer.previewer.save() will update selection. saved( true ); if ( '' === changesetStatus() ) { // Handle case for loading starter content. api.each( function( setting ) { if ( setting._dirty ) { saved( false ); } } ); } saving( false ); activated( api.settings.theme.active ); processing( 0 ); paneVisible( true ); expandedPanel( false ); expandedSection( false ); previewerAlive( true ); editShortcutVisibility( 'visible' ); api.bind( 'change', function() { if ( state( 'saved' ).get() ) { state( 'saved' ).set( false ); } }); // Populate changeset UUID param when state becomes dirty. if ( api.settings.changeset.branching ) { saved.bind( function( isSaved ) { if ( ! isSaved ) { populateChangesetUuidParam( true ); } }); } saving.bind( function( isSaving ) { body.toggleClass( 'saving', isSaving ); } ); trashing.bind( function( isTrashing ) { body.toggleClass( 'trashing', isTrashing ); } ); api.bind( 'saved', function( response ) { state('saved').set( true ); if ( 'publish' === response.changeset_status ) { state( 'activated' ).set( true ); } }); activated.bind( function( to ) { if ( to ) { api.trigger( 'activated' ); } }); /** * Populate URL with UUID via `history.replaceState()`. * * @since 4.7.0 * @access private * * @param {boolean} isIncluded Is UUID included. * @return {void} */ populateChangesetUuidParam = function( isIncluded ) { var urlParser, queryParams; // Abort on IE9 which doesn't support history management. if ( ! history.replaceState ) { return; } urlParser = document.createElement( 'a' ); urlParser.href = location.href; queryParams = api.utils.parseQueryString( urlParser.search.substr( 1 ) ); if ( isIncluded ) { if ( queryParams.changeset_uuid === api.settings.changeset.uuid ) { return; } queryParams.changeset_uuid = api.settings.changeset.uuid; } else { if ( ! queryParams.changeset_uuid ) { return; } delete queryParams.changeset_uuid; } urlParser.search = $.param( queryParams ); history.replaceState( {}, document.title, urlParser.href ); }; // Show changeset UUID in URL when in branching mode and there is a saved changeset. if ( api.settings.changeset.branching ) { changesetStatus.bind( function( newStatus ) { populateChangesetUuidParam( '' !== newStatus && 'publish' !== newStatus && 'trash' !== newStatus ); } ); } }( api.state ) ); /** * Handles lock notice and take over request. * * @since 4.9.0 */ ( function checkAndDisplayLockNotice() { var LockedNotification = api.OverlayNotification.extend(/** @lends wp.customize~LockedNotification.prototype */{ /** * Template ID. * * @type {string} */ templateId: 'customize-changeset-locked-notification', /** * Lock user. * * @type {object} */ lockUser: null, /** * A notification that is displayed in a full-screen overlay with information about the locked changeset. * * @constructs wp.customize~LockedNotification * @augments wp.customize.OverlayNotification * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string} [code] - Code. * @param {Object} [params] - Params. */ initialize: function( code, params ) { var notification = this, _code, _params; _code = code || 'changeset_locked'; _params = _.extend( { message: '', type: 'warning', containerClasses: '', lockUser: {} }, params ); _params.containerClasses += ' notification-changeset-locked'; api.OverlayNotification.prototype.initialize.call( notification, _code, _params ); }, /** * Render notification. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @return {jQuery} Notification container. */ render: function() { var notification = this, li, data, takeOverButton, request; data = _.extend( { allowOverride: false, returnUrl: api.settings.url['return'], previewUrl: api.previewer.previewUrl.get(), frontendPreviewUrl: api.previewer.getFrontendPreviewUrl() }, this ); li = api.OverlayNotification.prototype.render.call( data ); // Try to autosave the changeset now. api.requestChangesetUpdate( {}, { autosave: true } ).fail( function( response ) { if ( ! response.autosaved ) { li.find( '.notice-error' ).prop( 'hidden', false ).text( response.message || api.l10n.unknownRequestFail ); } } ); takeOverButton = li.find( '.customize-notice-take-over-button' ); takeOverButton.on( 'click', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( request ) { return; } takeOverButton.addClass( 'disabled' ); request = wp.ajax.post( 'customize_override_changeset_lock', { wp_customize: 'on', customize_theme: api.settings.theme.stylesheet, customize_changeset_uuid: api.settings.changeset.uuid, nonce: api.settings.nonce.override_lock } ); request.done( function() { api.notifications.remove( notification.code ); // Remove self. api.state( 'changesetLocked' ).set( false ); } ); request.fail( function( response ) { var message = response.message || api.l10n.unknownRequestFail; li.find( '.notice-error' ).prop( 'hidden', false ).text( message ); request.always( function() { takeOverButton.removeClass( 'disabled' ); } ); } ); request.always( function() { request = null; } ); } ); return li; } }); /** * Start lock. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {Object} [args] - Args. * @param {Object} [args.lockUser] - Lock user data. * @param {boolean} [args.allowOverride=false] - Whether override is allowed. * @return {void} */ function startLock( args ) { if ( args && args.lockUser ) { api.settings.changeset.lockUser = args.lockUser; } api.state( 'changesetLocked' ).set( true ); api.notifications.add( new LockedNotification( 'changeset_locked', { lockUser: api.settings.changeset.lockUser, allowOverride: Boolean( args && args.allowOverride ) } ) ); } // Show initial notification. if ( api.settings.changeset.lockUser ) { startLock( { allowOverride: true } ); } // Check for lock when sending heartbeat requests. $( document ).on( 'heartbeat-send.update_lock_notice', function( event, data ) { data.check_changeset_lock = true; data.changeset_uuid = api.settings.changeset.uuid; } ); // Handle heartbeat ticks. $( document ).on( 'heartbeat-tick.update_lock_notice', function( event, data ) { var notification, code = 'changeset_locked'; if ( ! data.customize_changeset_lock_user ) { return; } // Update notification when a different user takes over. notification = api.notifications( code ); if ( notification && notification.lockUser.id !== api.settings.changeset.lockUser.id ) { api.notifications.remove( code ); } startLock( { lockUser: data.customize_changeset_lock_user } ); } ); // Handle locking in response to changeset save errors. api.bind( 'error', function( response ) { if ( 'changeset_locked' === response.code && response.lock_user ) { startLock( { lockUser: response.lock_user } ); } } ); } )(); // Set up initial notifications. (function() { var removedQueryParams = [], autosaveDismissed = false; /** * Obtain the URL to restore the autosave. * * @return {string} Customizer URL. */ function getAutosaveRestorationUrl() { var urlParser, queryParams; urlParser = document.createElement( 'a' ); urlParser.href = location.href; queryParams = api.utils.parseQueryString( urlParser.search.substr( 1 ) ); if ( api.settings.changeset.latestAutoDraftUuid ) { queryParams.changeset_uuid = api.settings.changeset.latestAutoDraftUuid; } else { queryParams.customize_autosaved = 'on'; } queryParams['return'] = api.settings.url['return']; urlParser.search = $.param( queryParams ); return urlParser.href; } /** * Remove parameter from the URL. * * @param {Array} params - Parameter names to remove. * @return {void} */ function stripParamsFromLocation( params ) { var urlParser = document.createElement( 'a' ), queryParams, strippedParams = 0; urlParser.href = location.href; queryParams = api.utils.parseQueryString( urlParser.search.substr( 1 ) ); _.each( params, function( param ) { if ( 'undefined' !== typeof queryParams[ param ] ) { strippedParams += 1; delete queryParams[ param ]; } } ); if ( 0 === strippedParams ) { return; } urlParser.search = $.param( queryParams ); history.replaceState( {}, document.title, urlParser.href ); } /** * Displays a Site Editor notification when a block theme is activated. * * @since 4.9.0 * * @param {string} [notification] - A notification to display. * @return {void} */ function addSiteEditorNotification( notification ) { api.notifications.add( new api.Notification( 'site_editor_block_theme_notice', { message: notification, type: 'info', dismissible: false, render: function() { var notification = api.Notification.prototype.render.call( this ), button = notification.find( 'button.switch-to-editor' ); button.on( 'click', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); location.assign( button.data( 'action' ) ); } ); return notification; } } ) ); } /** * Dismiss autosave. * * @return {void} */ function dismissAutosave() { if ( autosaveDismissed ) { return; } wp.ajax.post( 'customize_dismiss_autosave_or_lock', { wp_customize: 'on', customize_theme: api.settings.theme.stylesheet, customize_changeset_uuid: api.settings.changeset.uuid, nonce: api.settings.nonce.dismiss_autosave_or_lock, dismiss_autosave: true } ); autosaveDismissed = true; } /** * Add notification regarding the availability of an autosave to restore. * * @return {void} */ function addAutosaveRestoreNotification() { var code = 'autosave_available', onStateChange; // Since there is an autosave revision and the user hasn't loaded with autosaved, add notification to prompt to load autosaved version. api.notifications.add( new api.Notification( code, { message: api.l10n.autosaveNotice, type: 'warning', dismissible: true, render: function() { var li = api.Notification.prototype.render.call( this ), link; // Handle clicking on restoration link. link = li.find( 'a' ); link.prop( 'href', getAutosaveRestorationUrl() ); link.on( 'click', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); location.replace( getAutosaveRestorationUrl() ); } ); // Handle dismissal of notice. li.find( '.notice-dismiss' ).on( 'click', dismissAutosave ); return li; } } ) ); // Remove the notification once the user starts making changes. onStateChange = function() { dismissAutosave(); api.notifications.remove( code ); api.unbind( 'change', onStateChange ); api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).unbind( onStateChange ); }; api.bind( 'change', onStateChange ); api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).bind( onStateChange ); } if ( api.settings.changeset.autosaved ) { api.state( 'saved' ).set( false ); removedQueryParams.push( 'customize_autosaved' ); } if ( ! api.settings.changeset.branching && ( ! api.settings.changeset.status || 'auto-draft' === api.settings.changeset.status ) ) { removedQueryParams.push( 'changeset_uuid' ); // Remove UUID when restoring autosave auto-draft. } if ( removedQueryParams.length > 0 ) { stripParamsFromLocation( removedQueryParams ); } if ( api.settings.changeset.latestAutoDraftUuid || api.settings.changeset.hasAutosaveRevision ) { addAutosaveRestoreNotification(); } var shouldDisplayBlockThemeNotification = !! parseInt( $( '#customize-info' ).data( 'block-theme' ), 10 ); if (shouldDisplayBlockThemeNotification) { addSiteEditorNotification( api.l10n.blockThemeNotification ); } })(); // Check if preview url is valid and load the preview frame. if ( api.previewer.previewUrl() ) { api.previewer.refresh(); } else { api.previewer.previewUrl( api.settings.url.home ); } // Button bindings. saveBtn.on( 'click', function( event ) { api.previewer.save(); event.preventDefault(); }).on( 'keydown', function( event ) { if ( 9 === event.which ) { // Tab. return; } if ( 13 === event.which ) { // Enter. api.previewer.save(); } event.preventDefault(); }); closeBtn.on( 'keydown', function( event ) { if ( 9 === event.which ) { // Tab. return; } if ( 13 === event.which ) { // Enter. this.click(); } event.preventDefault(); }); $( '.collapse-sidebar' ).on( 'click', function() { api.state( 'paneVisible' ).set( ! api.state( 'paneVisible' ).get() ); }); api.state( 'paneVisible' ).bind( function( paneVisible ) { overlay.toggleClass( 'preview-only', ! paneVisible ); overlay.toggleClass( 'expanded', paneVisible ); overlay.toggleClass( 'collapsed', ! paneVisible ); if ( ! paneVisible ) { $( '.collapse-sidebar' ).attr({ 'aria-expanded': 'false', 'aria-label': api.l10n.expandSidebar }); } else { $( '.collapse-sidebar' ).attr({ 'aria-expanded': 'true', 'aria-label': api.l10n.collapseSidebar }); } }); // Keyboard shortcuts - esc to exit section/panel. body.on( 'keydown', function( event ) { var collapsedObject, expandedControls = [], expandedSections = [], expandedPanels = []; if ( 27 !== event.which ) { // Esc. return; } /* * Abort if the event target is not the body (the default) and not inside of #customize-controls. * This ensures that ESC meant to collapse a modal dialog or a TinyMCE toolbar won't collapse something else. */ if ( ! $( event.target ).is( 'body' ) && ! $.contains( $( '#customize-controls' )[0], event.target ) ) { return; } // Abort if we're inside of a block editor instance. if ( event.target.closest( '.block-editor-writing-flow' ) !== null || event.target.closest( '.block-editor-block-list__block-popover' ) !== null ) { return; } // Check for expanded expandable controls (e.g. widgets and nav menus items), sections, and panels. api.control.each( function( control ) { if ( control.expanded && control.expanded() && _.isFunction( control.collapse ) ) { expandedControls.push( control ); } }); api.section.each( function( section ) { if ( section.expanded() ) { expandedSections.push( section ); } }); api.panel.each( function( panel ) { if ( panel.expanded() ) { expandedPanels.push( panel ); } }); // Skip collapsing expanded controls if there are no expanded sections. if ( expandedControls.length > 0 && 0 === expandedSections.length ) { expandedControls.length = 0; } // Collapse the most granular expanded object. collapsedObject = expandedControls[0] || expandedSections[0] || expandedPanels[0]; if ( collapsedObject ) { if ( 'themes' === collapsedObject.params.type ) { // Themes panel or section. if ( body.hasClass( 'modal-open' ) ) { collapsedObject.closeDetails(); } else if ( api.panel.has( 'themes' ) ) { // If we're collapsing a section, collapse the panel also. api.panel( 'themes' ).collapse(); } return; } collapsedObject.collapse(); event.preventDefault(); } }); $( '.customize-controls-preview-toggle' ).on( 'click', function() { api.state( 'paneVisible' ).set( ! api.state( 'paneVisible' ).get() ); }); /* * Sticky header feature. */ (function initStickyHeaders() { var parentContainer = $( '.wp-full-overlay-sidebar-content' ), changeContainer, updateHeaderHeight, releaseStickyHeader, resetStickyHeader, positionStickyHeader, activeHeader, lastScrollTop; /** * Determine which panel or section is currently expanded. * * @since 4.7.0 * @access private * * @param {wp.customize.Panel|wp.customize.Section} container Construct. * @return {void} */ changeContainer = function( container ) { var newInstance = container, expandedSection = api.state( 'expandedSection' ).get(), expandedPanel = api.state( 'expandedPanel' ).get(), headerElement; if ( activeHeader && activeHeader.element ) { // Release previously active header element. releaseStickyHeader( activeHeader.element ); // Remove event listener in the previous panel or section. activeHeader.element.find( '.description' ).off( 'toggled', updateHeaderHeight ); } if ( ! newInstance ) { if ( ! expandedSection && expandedPanel && expandedPanel.contentContainer ) { newInstance = expandedPanel; } else if ( ! expandedPanel && expandedSection && expandedSection.contentContainer ) { newInstance = expandedSection; } else { activeHeader = false; return; } } headerElement = newInstance.contentContainer.find( '.customize-section-title, .panel-meta' ).first(); if ( headerElement.length ) { activeHeader = { instance: newInstance, element: headerElement, parent: headerElement.closest( '.customize-pane-child' ), height: headerElement.outerHeight() }; // Update header height whenever help text is expanded or collapsed. activeHeader.element.find( '.description' ).on( 'toggled', updateHeaderHeight ); if ( expandedSection ) { resetStickyHeader( activeHeader.element, activeHeader.parent ); } } else { activeHeader = false; } }; api.state( 'expandedSection' ).bind( changeContainer ); api.state( 'expandedPanel' ).bind( changeContainer ); // Throttled scroll event handler. parentContainer.on( 'scroll', _.throttle( function() { if ( ! activeHeader ) { return; } var scrollTop = parentContainer.scrollTop(), scrollDirection; if ( ! lastScrollTop ) { scrollDirection = 1; } else { if ( scrollTop === lastScrollTop ) { scrollDirection = 0; } else if ( scrollTop > lastScrollTop ) { scrollDirection = 1; } else { scrollDirection = -1; } } lastScrollTop = scrollTop; if ( 0 !== scrollDirection ) { positionStickyHeader( activeHeader, scrollTop, scrollDirection ); } }, 8 ) ); // Update header position on sidebar layout change. api.notifications.bind( 'sidebarTopUpdated', function() { if ( activeHeader && activeHeader.element.hasClass( 'is-sticky' ) ) { activeHeader.element.css( 'top', parentContainer.css( 'top' ) ); } }); // Release header element if it is sticky. releaseStickyHeader = function( headerElement ) { if ( ! headerElement.hasClass( 'is-sticky' ) ) { return; } headerElement .removeClass( 'is-sticky' ) .addClass( 'maybe-sticky is-in-view' ) .css( 'top', parentContainer.scrollTop() + 'px' ); }; // Reset position of the sticky header. resetStickyHeader = function( headerElement, headerParent ) { if ( headerElement.hasClass( 'is-in-view' ) ) { headerElement .removeClass( 'maybe-sticky is-in-view' ) .css( { width: '', top: '' } ); headerParent.css( 'padding-top', '' ); } }; /** * Update active header height. * * @since 4.7.0 * @access private * * @return {void} */ updateHeaderHeight = function() { activeHeader.height = activeHeader.element.outerHeight(); }; /** * Reposition header on throttled `scroll` event. * * @since 4.7.0 * @access private * * @param {Object} header - Header. * @param {number} scrollTop - Scroll top. * @param {number} scrollDirection - Scroll direction, negative number being up and positive being down. * @return {void} */ positionStickyHeader = function( header, scrollTop, scrollDirection ) { var headerElement = header.element, headerParent = header.parent, headerHeight = header.height, headerTop = parseInt( headerElement.css( 'top' ), 10 ), maybeSticky = headerElement.hasClass( 'maybe-sticky' ), isSticky = headerElement.hasClass( 'is-sticky' ), isInView = headerElement.hasClass( 'is-in-view' ), isScrollingUp = ( -1 === scrollDirection ); // When scrolling down, gradually hide sticky header. if ( ! isScrollingUp ) { if ( isSticky ) { headerTop = scrollTop; headerElement .removeClass( 'is-sticky' ) .css( { top: headerTop + 'px', width: '' } ); } if ( isInView && scrollTop > headerTop + headerHeight ) { headerElement.removeClass( 'is-in-view' ); headerParent.css( 'padding-top', '' ); } return; } // Scrolling up. if ( ! maybeSticky && scrollTop >= headerHeight ) { maybeSticky = true; headerElement.addClass( 'maybe-sticky' ); } else if ( 0 === scrollTop ) { // Reset header in base position. headerElement .removeClass( 'maybe-sticky is-in-view is-sticky' ) .css( { top: '', width: '' } ); headerParent.css( 'padding-top', '' ); return; } if ( isInView && ! isSticky ) { // Header is in the view but is not yet sticky. if ( headerTop >= scrollTop ) { // Header is fully visible. headerElement .addClass( 'is-sticky' ) .css( { top: parentContainer.css( 'top' ), width: headerParent.outerWidth() + 'px' } ); } } else if ( maybeSticky && ! isInView ) { // Header is out of the view. headerElement .addClass( 'is-in-view' ) .css( 'top', ( scrollTop - headerHeight ) + 'px' ); headerParent.css( 'padding-top', headerHeight + 'px' ); } }; }()); // Previewed device bindings. (The api.previewedDevice property // is how this Value was first introduced, but since it has moved to api.state.) api.previewedDevice = api.state( 'previewedDevice' ); // Set the default device. api.bind( 'ready', function() { _.find( api.settings.previewableDevices, function( value, key ) { if ( true === value['default'] ) { api.previewedDevice.set( key ); return true; } } ); } ); // Set the toggled device. footerActions.find( '.devices button' ).on( 'click', function( event ) { api.previewedDevice.set( $( event.currentTarget ).data( 'device' ) ); }); // Bind device changes. api.previewedDevice.bind( function( newDevice ) { var overlay = $( '.wp-full-overlay' ), devices = ''; footerActions.find( '.devices button' ) .removeClass( 'active' ) .attr( 'aria-pressed', false ); footerActions.find( '.devices .preview-' + newDevice ) .addClass( 'active' ) .attr( 'aria-pressed', true ); $.each( api.settings.previewableDevices, function( device ) { devices += ' preview-' + device; } ); overlay .removeClass( devices ) .addClass( 'preview-' + newDevice ); } ); // Bind site title display to the corresponding field. if ( title.length ) { api( 'blogname', function( setting ) { var updateTitle = function() { var blogTitle = setting() || ''; title.text( blogTitle.toString().trim() || api.l10n.untitledBlogName ); }; setting.bind( updateTitle ); updateTitle(); } ); } /* * Create a postMessage connection with a parent frame, * in case the Customizer frame was opened with the Customize loader. * * @see wp.customize.Loader */ parent = new api.Messenger({ url: api.settings.url.parent, channel: 'loader' }); // Handle exiting of Customizer. (function() { var isInsideIframe = false; function isCleanState() { var defaultChangesetStatus; /* * Handle special case of previewing theme switch since some settings (for nav menus and widgets) * are pre-dirty and non-active themes can only ever be auto-drafts. */ if ( ! api.state( 'activated' ).get() ) { return 0 === api._latestRevision; } // Dirty if the changeset status has been changed but not saved yet. defaultChangesetStatus = api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).get(); if ( '' === defaultChangesetStatus || 'auto-draft' === defaultChangesetStatus ) { defaultChangesetStatus = 'publish'; } if ( api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).get() !== defaultChangesetStatus ) { return false; } // Dirty if scheduled but the changeset date hasn't been saved yet. if ( 'future' === api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).get() && api.state( 'selectedChangesetDate' ).get() !== api.state( 'changesetDate' ).get() ) { return false; } return api.state( 'saved' ).get() && 'auto-draft' !== api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).get(); } /* * If we receive a 'back' event, we're inside an iframe. * Send any clicks to the 'Return' link to the parent page. */ parent.bind( 'back', function() { isInsideIframe = true; }); function startPromptingBeforeUnload() { api.unbind( 'change', startPromptingBeforeUnload ); api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).unbind( startPromptingBeforeUnload ); api.state( 'selectedChangesetDate' ).unbind( startPromptingBeforeUnload ); // Prompt user with AYS dialog if leaving the Customizer with unsaved changes. $( window ).on( 'beforeunload.customize-confirm', function() { if ( ! isCleanState() && ! api.state( 'changesetLocked' ).get() ) { setTimeout( function() { overlay.removeClass( 'customize-loading' ); }, 1 ); return api.l10n.saveAlert; } }); } api.bind( 'change', startPromptingBeforeUnload ); api.state( 'selectedChangesetStatus' ).bind( startPromptingBeforeUnload ); api.state( 'selectedChangesetDate' ).bind( startPromptingBeforeUnload ); function requestClose() { var clearedToClose = $.Deferred(), dismissAutoSave = false, dismissLock = false; if ( isCleanState() ) { dismissLock = true; } else if ( confirm( api.l10n.saveAlert ) ) { dismissLock = true; // Mark all settings as clean to prevent another call to requestChangesetUpdate. api.each( function( setting ) { setting._dirty = false; }); $( document ).off( 'visibilitychange.wp-customize-changeset-update' ); $( window ).off( 'beforeunload.wp-customize-changeset-update' ); closeBtn.css( 'cursor', 'progress' ); if ( '' !== api.state( 'changesetStatus' ).get() ) { dismissAutoSave = true; } } else { clearedToClose.reject(); } if ( dismissLock || dismissAutoSave ) { wp.ajax.send( 'customize_dismiss_autosave_or_lock', { timeout: 500, // Don't wait too long. data: { wp_customize: 'on', customize_theme: api.settings.theme.stylesheet, customize_changeset_uuid: api.settings.changeset.uuid, nonce: api.settings.nonce.dismiss_autosave_or_lock, dismiss_autosave: dismissAutoSave, dismiss_lock: dismissLock } } ).always( function() { clearedToClose.resolve(); } ); } return clearedToClose.promise(); } parent.bind( 'confirm-close', function() { requestClose().done( function() { parent.send( 'confirmed-close', true ); } ).fail( function() { parent.send( 'confirmed-close', false ); } ); } ); closeBtn.on( 'click.customize-controls-close', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); if ( isInsideIframe ) { parent.send( 'close' ); // See confirm-close logic above. } else { requestClose().done( function() { $( window ).off( 'beforeunload.customize-confirm' ); window.location.href = closeBtn.prop( 'href' ); } ); } }); })(); // Pass events through to the parent. $.each( [ 'saved', 'change' ], function ( i, event ) { api.bind( event, function() { parent.send( event ); }); } ); // Pass titles to the parent. api.bind( 'title', function( newTitle ) { parent.send( 'title', newTitle ); }); if ( api.settings.changeset.branching ) { parent.send( 'changeset-uuid', api.settings.changeset.uuid ); } // Initialize the connection with the parent frame. parent.send( 'ready' ); // Control visibility for default controls. $.each({ 'background_image': { controls: [ 'background_preset', 'background_position', 'background_size', 'background_repeat', 'background_attachment' ], callback: function( to ) { return !! to; } }, 'show_on_front': { controls: [ 'page_on_front', 'page_for_posts' ], callback: function( to ) { return 'page' === to; } }, 'header_textcolor': { controls: [ 'header_textcolor' ], callback: function( to ) { return 'blank' !== to; } } }, function( settingId, o ) { api( settingId, function( setting ) { $.each( o.controls, function( i, controlId ) { api.control( controlId, function( control ) { var visibility = function( to ) { control.container.toggle( o.callback( to ) ); }; visibility( setting.get() ); setting.bind( visibility ); }); }); }); }); api.control( 'background_preset', function( control ) { var visibility, defaultValues, values, toggleVisibility, updateSettings, preset; visibility = { // position, size, repeat, attachment. 'default': [ false, false, false, false ], 'fill': [ true, false, false, false ], 'fit': [ true, false, true, false ], 'repeat': [ true, false, false, true ], 'custom': [ true, true, true, true ] }; defaultValues = [ _wpCustomizeBackground.defaults['default-position-x'], _wpCustomizeBackground.defaults['default-position-y'], _wpCustomizeBackground.defaults['default-size'], _wpCustomizeBackground.defaults['default-repeat'], _wpCustomizeBackground.defaults['default-attachment'] ]; values = { // position_x, position_y, size, repeat, attachment. 'default': defaultValues, 'fill': [ 'left', 'top', 'cover', 'no-repeat', 'fixed' ], 'fit': [ 'left', 'top', 'contain', 'no-repeat', 'fixed' ], 'repeat': [ 'left', 'top', 'auto', 'repeat', 'scroll' ] }; // @todo These should actually toggle the active state, // but without the preview overriding the state in data.activeControls. toggleVisibility = function( preset ) { _.each( [ 'background_position', 'background_size', 'background_repeat', 'background_attachment' ], function( controlId, i ) { var control = api.control( controlId ); if ( control ) { control.container.toggle( visibility[ preset ][ i ] ); } } ); }; updateSettings = function( preset ) { _.each( [ 'background_position_x', 'background_position_y', 'background_size', 'background_repeat', 'background_attachment' ], function( settingId, i ) { var setting = api( settingId ); if ( setting ) { setting.set( values[ preset ][ i ] ); } } ); }; preset = control.setting.get(); toggleVisibility( preset ); control.setting.bind( 'change', function( preset ) { toggleVisibility( preset ); if ( 'custom' !== preset ) { updateSettings( preset ); } } ); } ); api.control( 'background_repeat', function( control ) { control.elements[0].unsync( api( 'background_repeat' ) ); control.element = new api.Element( control.container.find( 'input' ) ); control.element.set( 'no-repeat' !== control.setting() ); control.element.bind( function( to ) { control.setting.set( to ? 'repeat' : 'no-repeat' ); } ); control.setting.bind( function( to ) { control.element.set( 'no-repeat' !== to ); } ); } ); api.control( 'background_attachment', function( control ) { control.elements[0].unsync( api( 'background_attachment' ) ); control.element = new api.Element( control.container.find( 'input' ) ); control.element.set( 'fixed' !== control.setting() ); control.element.bind( function( to ) { control.setting.set( to ? 'scroll' : 'fixed' ); } ); control.setting.bind( function( to ) { control.element.set( 'fixed' !== to ); } ); } ); // Juggle the two controls that use header_textcolor. api.control( 'display_header_text', function( control ) { var last = ''; control.elements[0].unsync( api( 'header_textcolor' ) ); control.element = new api.Element( control.container.find('input') ); control.element.set( 'blank' !== control.setting() ); control.element.bind( function( to ) { if ( ! to ) { last = api( 'header_textcolor' ).get(); } control.setting.set( to ? last : 'blank' ); }); control.setting.bind( function( to ) { control.element.set( 'blank' !== to ); }); }); // Add behaviors to the static front page controls. api( 'show_on_front', 'page_on_front', 'page_for_posts', function( showOnFront, pageOnFront, pageForPosts ) { var handleChange = function() { var setting = this, pageOnFrontId, pageForPostsId, errorCode = 'show_on_front_page_collision'; pageOnFrontId = parseInt( pageOnFront(), 10 ); pageForPostsId = parseInt( pageForPosts(), 10 ); if ( 'page' === showOnFront() ) { // Change previewed URL to the homepage when changing the page_on_front. if ( setting === pageOnFront && pageOnFrontId > 0 ) { api.previewer.previewUrl.set( api.settings.url.home ); } // Change the previewed URL to the selected page when changing the page_for_posts. if ( setting === pageForPosts && pageForPostsId > 0 ) { api.previewer.previewUrl.set( api.settings.url.home + '?page_id=' + pageForPostsId ); } } // Toggle notification when the homepage and posts page are both set and the same. if ( 'page' === showOnFront() && pageOnFrontId && pageForPostsId && pageOnFrontId === pageForPostsId ) { showOnFront.notifications.add( new api.Notification( errorCode, { type: 'error', message: api.l10n.pageOnFrontError } ) ); } else { showOnFront.notifications.remove( errorCode ); } }; showOnFront.bind( handleChange ); pageOnFront.bind( handleChange ); pageForPosts.bind( handleChange ); handleChange.call( showOnFront, showOnFront() ); // Make sure initial notification is added after loading existing changeset. // Move notifications container to the bottom. api.control( 'show_on_front', function( showOnFrontControl ) { showOnFrontControl.deferred.embedded.done( function() { showOnFrontControl.container.append( showOnFrontControl.getNotificationsContainerElement() ); }); }); }); // Add code editor for Custom CSS. (function() { var sectionReady = $.Deferred(); api.section( 'custom_css', function( section ) { section.deferred.embedded.done( function() { if ( section.expanded() ) { sectionReady.resolve( section ); } else { section.expanded.bind( function( isExpanded ) { if ( isExpanded ) { sectionReady.resolve( section ); } } ); } }); }); // Set up the section description behaviors. sectionReady.done( function setupSectionDescription( section ) { var control = api.control( 'custom_css' ); // Hide redundant label for visual users. control.container.find( '.customize-control-title:first' ).addClass( 'screen-reader-text' ); // Close the section description when clicking the close button. section.container.find( '.section-description-buttons .section-description-close' ).on( 'click', function() { section.container.find( '.section-meta .customize-section-description:first' ) .removeClass( 'open' ) .slideUp(); section.container.find( '.customize-help-toggle' ) .attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ) .focus(); // Avoid focus loss. }); // Reveal help text if setting is empty. if ( control && ! control.setting.get() ) { section.container.find( '.section-meta .customize-section-description:first' ) .addClass( 'open' ) .show() .trigger( 'toggled' ); section.container.find( '.customize-help-toggle' ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); } }); })(); // Toggle visibility of Header Video notice when active state change. api.control( 'header_video', function( headerVideoControl ) { headerVideoControl.deferred.embedded.done( function() { var toggleNotice = function() { var section = api.section( headerVideoControl.section() ), noticeCode = 'video_header_not_available'; if ( ! section ) { return; } if ( headerVideoControl.active.get() ) { section.notifications.remove( noticeCode ); } else { section.notifications.add( new api.Notification( noticeCode, { type: 'info', message: api.l10n.videoHeaderNotice } ) ); } }; toggleNotice(); headerVideoControl.active.bind( toggleNotice ); } ); } ); // Update the setting validities. api.previewer.bind( 'selective-refresh-setting-validities', function handleSelectiveRefreshedSettingValidities( settingValidities ) { api._handleSettingValidities( { settingValidities: settingValidities, focusInvalidControl: false } ); } ); // Focus on the control that is associated with the given setting. api.previewer.bind( 'focus-control-for-setting', function( settingId ) { var matchedControls = []; api.control.each( function( control ) { var settingIds = _.pluck( control.settings, 'id' ); if ( -1 !== _.indexOf( settingIds, settingId ) ) { matchedControls.push( control ); } } ); // Focus on the matched control with the lowest priority (appearing higher). if ( matchedControls.length ) { matchedControls.sort( function( a, b ) { return a.priority() - b.priority(); } ); matchedControls[0].focus(); } } ); // Refresh the preview when it requests. api.previewer.bind( 'refresh', function() { api.previewer.refresh(); }); // Update the edit shortcut visibility state. api.state( 'paneVisible' ).bind( function( isPaneVisible ) { var isMobileScreen; if ( window.matchMedia ) { isMobileScreen = window.matchMedia( 'screen and ( max-width: 640px )' ).matches; } else { isMobileScreen = $( window ).width() <= 640; } api.state( 'editShortcutVisibility' ).set( isPaneVisible || isMobileScreen ? 'visible' : 'hidden' ); } ); if ( window.matchMedia ) { window.matchMedia( 'screen and ( max-width: 640px )' ).addListener( function() { var state = api.state( 'paneVisible' ); state.callbacks.fireWith( state, [ state.get(), state.get() ] ); } ); } api.previewer.bind( 'edit-shortcut-visibility', function( visibility ) { api.state( 'editShortcutVisibility' ).set( visibility ); } ); api.state( 'editShortcutVisibility' ).bind( function( visibility ) { api.previewer.send( 'edit-shortcut-visibility', visibility ); } ); // Autosave changeset. function startAutosaving() { var timeoutId, updateChangesetWithReschedule, scheduleChangesetUpdate, updatePending = false; api.unbind( 'change', startAutosaving ); // Ensure startAutosaving only fires once. function onChangeSaved( isSaved ) { if ( ! isSaved && ! api.settings.changeset.autosaved ) { api.settings.changeset.autosaved = true; // Once a change is made then autosaving kicks in. api.previewer.send( 'autosaving' ); } } api.state( 'saved' ).bind( onChangeSaved ); onChangeSaved( api.state( 'saved' ).get() ); /** * Request changeset update and then re-schedule the next changeset update time. * * @since 4.7.0 * @private */ updateChangesetWithReschedule = function() { if ( ! updatePending ) { updatePending = true; api.requestChangesetUpdate( {}, { autosave: true } ).always( function() { updatePending = false; } ); } scheduleChangesetUpdate(); }; /** * Schedule changeset update. * * @since 4.7.0 * @private */ scheduleChangesetUpdate = function() { clearTimeout( timeoutId ); timeoutId = setTimeout( function() { updateChangesetWithReschedule(); }, api.settings.timeouts.changesetAutoSave ); }; // Start auto-save interval for updating changeset. scheduleChangesetUpdate(); // Save changeset when focus removed from window. $( document ).on( 'visibilitychange.wp-customize-changeset-update', function() { if ( document.hidden ) { updateChangesetWithReschedule(); } } ); // Save changeset before unloading window. $( window ).on( 'beforeunload.wp-customize-changeset-update', function() { updateChangesetWithReschedule(); } ); } api.bind( 'change', startAutosaving ); // Make sure TinyMCE dialogs appear above Customizer UI. $( document ).one( 'tinymce-editor-setup', function() { if ( window.tinymce.ui.FloatPanel && ( ! window.tinymce.ui.FloatPanel.zIndex || window.tinymce.ui.FloatPanel.zIndex < 500001 ) ) { window.tinymce.ui.FloatPanel.zIndex = 500001; } } ); body.addClass( 'ready' ); api.trigger( 'ready' ); }); })( wp, jQuery );