<?php // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Files.FileName.InvalidClassFileName /** * Class file for provisioning Jetpack. * * @package automattic/jetpack */ use Automattic\Jetpack\Connection\Client; use Automattic\Jetpack\Connection\Secrets; use Automattic\Jetpack\Connection\Tokens; use Automattic\Jetpack\Identity_Crisis; use Automattic\Jetpack\Roles; use Automattic\Jetpack\Sync\Actions; /** * Jetpack_Provision class. */ class Jetpack_Provision { /** * Responsible for checking pre-conditions, registering site, and returning an array of details * that can be used to provision a plan for the site. * * @param array $named_args The array of arguments. * * @return WP_Error|array */ public static function register_and_build_request_body( $named_args ) { $url_args = array( 'home_url' => 'WP_HOME', 'site_url' => 'WP_SITEURL', ); foreach ( $url_args as $url_arg => $constant_name ) { if ( isset( $named_args[ $url_arg ] ) ) { add_filter( $url_arg, function () use ( $url_arg, $named_args ) { return $named_args[ $url_arg ]; }, 11 ); } } // If Jetpack is currently connected, and is not in Safe Mode already, kick off a sync of the current // functions/callables so that we can test if this site is in IDC. if ( Jetpack::is_connection_ready() && ! Identity_Crisis::validate_sync_error_idc_option() && Actions::sync_allowed() ) { Actions::do_full_sync( array( 'functions' => true ) ); Actions::$sender->do_full_sync(); } if ( Identity_Crisis::validate_sync_error_idc_option() ) { return new WP_Error( 'site_in_safe_mode', __( 'Can not provision a plan while in safe mode. See: https://jetpack.com/support/safe-mode/', 'jetpack' ) ); } if ( ! Jetpack::connection()->is_connected() || ( isset( $named_args['force_register'] ) && (int) $named_args['force_register'] ) ) { // This code mostly copied from Jetpack::admin_page_load. Jetpack::maybe_set_version_option(); Jetpack::connection()->add_register_request_param( 'from', 'jetpack-start' ); $registered = Jetpack::connection()->try_registration(); if ( is_wp_error( $registered ) ) { return $registered; } elseif ( ! $registered ) { return new WP_Error( 'registration_error', __( 'There was an unspecified error registering the site', 'jetpack' ) ); } } // If the user isn't specified, but we have a current master user, then set that to current user. $master_user_id = Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'master_user' ); if ( ! get_current_user_id() && $master_user_id ) { wp_set_current_user( $master_user_id ); } $site_icon = get_site_icon_url(); $auto_enable_sso = ( ! Jetpack::connection()->has_connected_owner() || Jetpack::is_module_active( 'sso' ) ); /** This filter is documented in class.jetpack-cli.php */ if ( apply_filters( 'jetpack_start_enable_sso', $auto_enable_sso ) ) { $redirect_uri = add_query_arg( array( 'action' => 'jetpack-sso', 'redirect_to' => rawurlencode( admin_url() ), ), wp_login_url() // TODO: come back to Jetpack dashboard? ); } else { $redirect_uri = admin_url(); } $request_body = array( 'jp_version' => JETPACK__VERSION, 'redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri, ); if ( $site_icon ) { $request_body['site_icon'] = $site_icon; } if ( get_current_user_id() ) { $user = wp_get_current_user(); // Role. $roles = new Roles(); $role = $roles->translate_current_user_to_role(); $signed_role = Jetpack::connection()->sign_role( $role ); $secrets = ( new Secrets() )->generate( 'authorize' ); // Jetpack auth stuff. $request_body['scope'] = $signed_role; $request_body['secret'] = $secrets['secret_1']; // User stuff. $request_body['user_id'] = $user->ID; $request_body['user_email'] = $user->user_email; $request_body['user_login'] = $user->user_login; } // Optional additional params. if ( isset( $named_args['wpcom_user_id'] ) && ! empty( $named_args['wpcom_user_id'] ) ) { $request_body['wpcom_user_id'] = $named_args['wpcom_user_id']; } // Override email of selected user. if ( isset( $named_args['wpcom_user_email'] ) && ! empty( $named_args['wpcom_user_email'] ) ) { $request_body['user_email'] = $named_args['wpcom_user_email']; } if ( isset( $named_args['plan'] ) && ! empty( $named_args['plan'] ) ) { $request_body['plan'] = $named_args['plan']; } if ( isset( $named_args['onboarding'] ) && ! empty( $named_args['onboarding'] ) ) { $request_body['onboarding'] = (int) $named_args['onboarding']; } if ( isset( $named_args['force_connect'] ) && ! empty( $named_args['force_connect'] ) ) { $request_body['force_connect'] = (int) $named_args['force_connect']; } if ( isset( $request_body['onboarding'] ) && (bool) $request_body['onboarding'] ) { Jetpack::create_onboarding_token(); } return $request_body; } /** * Given an access token and an array of arguments, will provision a plan for this site. * * @param string $access_token The access token from the partner. * @param array $named_args The arguments used for registering the site and then provisioning a plan. * * @return WP_Error|array */ public static function partner_provision( $access_token, $named_args ) { // First, verify the token. $verify_response = self::verify_token( $access_token ); if ( is_wp_error( $verify_response ) ) { return $verify_response; } $request_body = self::register_and_build_request_body( $named_args ); if ( is_wp_error( $request_body ) ) { return $request_body; } $request = array( 'headers' => array( 'Authorization' => "Bearer $access_token", 'Host' => 'public-api.wordpress.com', ), 'timeout' => 60, 'method' => 'POST', 'body' => wp_json_encode( $request_body ), ); $blog_id = Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'id' ); $url = esc_url_raw( sprintf( '%s/rest/v1.3/jpphp/%d/partner-provision', self::get_api_host(), $blog_id ) ); if ( ! empty( $named_args['partner_tracking_id'] ) ) { $url = esc_url_raw( add_query_arg( 'partner_tracking_id', $named_args['partner_tracking_id'], $url ) ); } // Add calypso env if set. $calypso_env = Jetpack::get_calypso_env(); if ( ! empty( $calypso_env ) ) { $url = add_query_arg( array( 'calypso_env' => $calypso_env ), $url ); } $result = Client::_wp_remote_request( $url, $request ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { return $result; } $response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $result ); $body_json = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $result ) ); if ( 200 !== $response_code ) { if ( isset( $body_json->error ) ) { return new WP_Error( $body_json->error, $body_json->message ); } else { return new WP_Error( 'server_error', /* translators: %s is an HTTP status code retured from an API request. Ex. – 400 */ sprintf( __( 'Request failed with code %s', 'jetpack' ), $response_code ) ); } } if ( isset( $body_json->access_token ) && is_user_logged_in() ) { // Check if this matches the existing token before replacing. $existing_token = ( new Tokens() )->get_access_token( get_current_user_id() ); if ( empty( $existing_token ) || $existing_token->secret !== $body_json->access_token ) { self::authorize_user( get_current_user_id(), $body_json->access_token ); } } return $body_json; } /** * Authorizes the passed user. * * @param int $user_id User ID. * @param string $access_token Access token. */ private static function authorize_user( $user_id, $access_token ) { // authorize user and enable SSO. ( new Tokens() )->update_user_token( $user_id, sprintf( '%s.%d', $access_token, $user_id ), true ); /** * Auto-enable SSO module for new Jetpack Start connections * * @since 5.0.0 * * @param bool $enable_sso Whether to enable the SSO module. Default to true. */ $other_modules = apply_filters( 'jetpack_start_enable_sso', true ) ? array( 'sso' ) : array(); $active_modules = Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'active_modules' ); if ( $active_modules ) { Jetpack::delete_active_modules(); Jetpack::activate_default_modules( 999, 1, array_merge( $active_modules, $other_modules ), false ); } else { Jetpack::activate_default_modules( false, false, $other_modules, false ); } } /** * Verifies the access token being used. * * @param string $access_token Access token. * * @return array|\Automattic\Jetpack\Connection\WP_Error|bool|WP_Error */ private static function verify_token( $access_token ) { $request = array( 'headers' => array( 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $access_token, 'Host' => 'public-api.wordpress.com', ), 'timeout' => 10, 'method' => 'POST', 'body' => '', ); $url = sprintf( '%s/rest/v1.3/jpphp/partner-keys/verify', self::get_api_host() ); $result = Client::_wp_remote_request( $url, $request ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { return $result; } $response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $result ); $body_json = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $result ) ); if ( 200 !== $response_code ) { if ( isset( $body_json->error ) ) { return new WP_Error( $body_json->error, $body_json->message ); } else { /* translators: %s is HTTP response code (e.g. 500, 401, etc). */ return new WP_Error( 'server_error', sprintf( __( 'Request failed with code %s', 'jetpack' ), $response_code ) ); } } return true; } /** * Gets the API host as set via env. * * @return string API URL. */ private static function get_api_host() { $env_api_host = getenv( 'JETPACK_START_API_HOST', true ); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.NewFunctionParameters.getenv_local_onlyFound return $env_api_host ? 'https://' . $env_api_host : JETPACK__WPCOM_JSON_API_BASE; } }