<?php namespace MailPoetVendor; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; \define('AT_START', 1); \define('AT_END', 2); \define('SEL_START', 3); \define('SEL_END', 4); \define('PROPERTY', 5); \define('VALUE', 6); \define('COMMENT', 7); \define('IMPORTANT_COMMENT', 8); \define('DEFAULT_AT', 41); require 'class.csstidy_print.php'; require 'class.csstidy_optimise.php'; class csstidy { public $css = array(); public $tokens = array(); public $print; public $optimise; public $charset = ''; public $import = array(); public $namespace = ''; public $version = '1.7.3'; public $settings = array(); public $status = 'is'; public $at = ''; public $next_selector_at = ''; public $selector = ''; public $property = ''; public $sel_separate = array(); public $value = ''; public $sub_value = ''; public $sub_value_arr = array(); public $str_char = array(); public $cur_string = array(); public $from = array(); public $invalid_at = \false; public $added = \false; public $log = array(); public $line = 1; public $quoted_string = array(); public $tokens_list = ""; public $data = array(); public function __construct() { $data = array(); include 'data.inc.php'; $this->data = $data; $this->settings['remove_bslash'] = \true; $this->settings['compress_colors'] = \true; $this->settings['compress_font-weight'] = \true; $this->settings['lowercase_s'] = \false; $this->settings['optimise_shorthands'] = 1; $this->settings['remove_last_;'] = \true; $this->settings['space_before_important'] = \false; $this->settings['case_properties'] = 1; $this->settings['sort_properties'] = \false; $this->settings['sort_selectors'] = 0; $this->settings['merge_selectors'] = 0; $this->settings['reverse_left_and_right'] = 0; $this->settings['discard_invalid_selectors'] = \false; $this->settings['discard_invalid_properties'] = \false; $this->settings['css_level'] = 'CSS3.0'; $this->settings['preserve_css'] = \false; $this->settings['timestamp'] = \false; $this->settings['template'] = ''; // say that propertie exist $this->set_cfg('template', 'default'); // call load_template $this->optimise = new csstidy_optimise($this); $this->tokens_list =& $this->data['csstidy']['tokens']; } public function get_cfg($setting) { if (isset($this->settings[$setting])) { return $this->settings[$setting]; } return \false; } public function _load_template($template) { switch ($template) { case 'default': $this->load_template('default'); break; case 'highest': $this->load_template('highest_compression'); break; case 'high': $this->load_template('high_compression'); break; case 'low': $this->load_template('low_compression'); break; default: $this->load_template($template); break; } } public function set_cfg($setting, $value = null) { if (\is_array($setting) && $value === null) { foreach ($setting as $setprop => $setval) { $this->settings[$setprop] = $setval; } if (\array_key_exists('template', $setting)) { $this->_load_template($this->settings['template']); } return \true; } elseif (isset($this->settings[$setting]) && $value !== '') { $this->settings[$setting] = $value; if ($setting === 'template') { $this->_load_template($this->settings['template']); } return \true; } return \false; } public function _add_token($type, $data, $do = \false) { if ($this->get_cfg('preserve_css') || $do) { // nested @... : if opening a new part we just closed, remove the previous closing instead of adding opening if ($type === \AT_START and \count($this->tokens) and $last = \end($this->tokens) and $last[0] === \AT_END and $last[1] === \trim($data)) { \array_pop($this->tokens); } else { $this->tokens[] = array($type, ($type == \COMMENT or $type == \IMPORTANT_COMMENT) ? $data : \trim($data)); } } } public function log($message, $type, $line = -1) { if ($line === -1) { $line = $this->line; } $line = \intval($line); $add = array('m' => $message, 't' => $type); if (!isset($this->log[$line]) || !\in_array($add, $this->log[$line])) { $this->log[$line][] = $add; } } public function _unicode(&$string, &$i) { ++$i; $add = ''; $replaced = \false; while ($i < \strlen($string) && (\ctype_xdigit($string[$i]) || \ctype_space($string[$i])) && \strlen($add) < 6) { $add .= $string[$i]; if (\ctype_space($string[$i])) { break; } $i++; } if (\hexdec($add) > 47 && \hexdec($add) < 58 || \hexdec($add) > 64 && \hexdec($add) < 91 || \hexdec($add) > 96 && \hexdec($add) < 123) { $this->log('Replaced unicode notation: Changed \\' . $add . ' to ' . \chr(\hexdec($add)), 'Information'); $add = \chr(\hexdec($add)); $replaced = \true; } else { $add = \trim('\\' . $add); } if (@\ctype_xdigit($string[$i + 1]) && \ctype_space($string[$i]) && !$replaced || !\ctype_space($string[$i])) { $i--; } if ($add !== '\\' || !$this->get_cfg('remove_bslash') || \strpos($this->tokens_list, $string[$i + 1]) !== \false) { return $add; } if ($add === '\\') { $this->log('Removed unnecessary backslash', 'Information'); } return ''; } public function write_page($filename, $doctype = 'xhtml1.1', $externalcss = \true, $title = '', $lang = 'en') { $this->write($filename, \true); } public function write($filename, $formatted = \false, $doctype = 'xhtml1.1', $externalcss = \true, $title = '', $lang = 'en', $pre_code = \true) { $filename .= $formatted ? '.xhtml' : '.css'; if (!\is_dir('temp')) { $madedir = \mkdir('temp'); if (!$madedir) { print 'Could not make directory "temp" in ' . \dirname(__FILE__); exit; } } $handle = \fopen('temp/' . $filename, 'w'); if ($handle) { if (!$formatted) { \fwrite($handle, $this->print->plain()); } else { \fwrite($handle, $this->print->formatted_page($doctype, $externalcss, $title, $lang, $pre_code)); } } \fclose($handle); } public function load_template($content, $from_file = \true) { $predefined_templates =& $this->data['csstidy']['predefined_templates']; if ($content === 'high_compression' || $content === 'default' || $content === 'highest_compression' || $content === 'low_compression') { $this->template = $predefined_templates[$content]; return; } if ($from_file) { $content = \strip_tags(\file_get_contents($content), '<span>'); } $content = \str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $content); // Unify newlines (because the output also only uses \n) $template = \explode('|', $content); for ($i = 0; $i < \count($template); $i++) { $this->template[$i] = $template[$i]; } } public function parse_from_url($url) { return $this->parse(@\file_get_contents($url)); } public function is_token(&$string, $i) { return \strpos($this->tokens_list, $string[$i]) !== \false && !$this->escaped($string, $i); } public function parse($string) { // Temporarily set locale to en_US in order to handle floats properly $old = @\setlocale(\LC_ALL, 0); @\setlocale(\LC_ALL, 'C'); // PHP bug? Settings need to be refreshed in PHP4 $this->print = new csstidy_print($this); $this->optimise = new csstidy_optimise($this); $all_properties =& $this->data['csstidy']['all_properties']; $at_rules =& $this->data['csstidy']['at_rules']; $quoted_string_properties =& $this->data['csstidy']['quoted_string_properties']; $this->css = array(); $this->print->input_css = $string; $string = \str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $string) . ' '; $cur_comment = ''; $cur_at = ''; for ($i = 0, $size = \strlen($string); $i < $size; $i++) { if ($string[$i] === "\n" || $string[$i] === "\r") { ++$this->line; } switch ($this->status) { case 'at': if ($this->is_token($string, $i)) { if ($string[$i] === '/' && @$string[$i + 1] === '*') { $this->status = 'ic'; ++$i; $this->from[] = 'at'; } elseif ($string[$i] === '{') { $this->status = 'is'; $this->at = $this->css_new_media_section($this->at, $cur_at); $this->_add_token(\AT_START, $this->at); } elseif ($string[$i] === ',') { $cur_at = \trim($cur_at) . ','; } elseif ($string[$i] === '\\') { $cur_at .= $this->_unicode($string, $i); } elseif (\in_array($string[$i], array('(', ')', ':', '.', '/'))) { $cur_at .= $string[$i]; } } else { $lastpos = \strlen($cur_at) - 1; if (!((\ctype_space($cur_at[$lastpos]) || $this->is_token($cur_at, $lastpos) && $cur_at[$lastpos] === ',') && \ctype_space($string[$i]))) { $cur_at .= $string[$i]; } } break; case 'is': if ($this->is_token($string, $i)) { if ($string[$i] === '/' && @$string[$i + 1] === '*' && \trim($this->selector) == '') { $this->status = 'ic'; ++$i; $this->from[] = 'is'; } elseif ($string[$i] === '@' && \trim($this->selector) == '') { // Check for at-rule $this->invalid_at = \true; foreach ($at_rules as $name => $type) { if (!\strcasecmp(\substr($string, $i + 1, \strlen($name)), $name)) { $type === 'at' ? $cur_at = '@' . $name : ($this->selector = '@' . $name); if ($type === 'atis') { $this->next_selector_at = $this->next_selector_at ? $this->next_selector_at : ($this->at ? $this->at : \DEFAULT_AT); $this->at = $this->css_new_media_section($this->at, ' ', \true); $type = 'is'; } $this->status = $type; $i += \strlen($name); $this->invalid_at = \false; break; } } if ($this->invalid_at) { $this->selector = '@'; $invalid_at_name = ''; for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $size; ++$j) { if (!\ctype_alpha($string[$j])) { break; } $invalid_at_name .= $string[$j]; } $this->log('Invalid @-rule: ' . $invalid_at_name . ' (removed)', 'Warning'); } } elseif ($string[$i] === '"' || $string[$i] === "'") { $this->cur_string[] = $string[$i]; $this->status = 'instr'; $this->str_char[] = $string[$i]; $this->from[] = 'is'; $this->quoted_string[] = $string[$i - 1] === '='; } elseif ($this->invalid_at && $string[$i] === ';') { $this->invalid_at = \false; $this->status = 'is'; if ($this->next_selector_at) { $this->at = $this->css_close_media_section($this->at); $this->at = $this->css_new_media_section($this->at, $this->next_selector_at); $this->next_selector_at = ''; } } elseif ($string[$i] === '{') { $this->status = 'ip'; if ($this->at == '') { $this->at = $this->css_new_media_section($this->at, \DEFAULT_AT); } $this->selector = $this->css_new_selector($this->at, $this->selector); $this->_add_token(\SEL_START, $this->selector); $this->added = \false; } elseif ($string[$i] === '}') { $this->_add_token(\AT_END, $this->at); $this->at = $this->css_close_media_section($this->at); $this->selector = ''; $this->sel_separate = array(); } elseif ($string[$i] === ',') { $this->selector = \trim($this->selector) . ','; $this->sel_separate[] = \strlen($this->selector); } elseif ($string[$i] === '\\') { $this->selector .= $this->_unicode($string, $i); } elseif ($string[$i] === '*' && @\in_array($string[$i + 1], array('.', '#', '[', ':')) && ($i == 0 or $string[$i - 1] !== '/')) { // remove unnecessary universal selector, FS#147, but not comment in selector } else { $this->selector .= $string[$i]; } } else { $lastpos = \strlen($this->selector) - 1; if ($lastpos == -1 || !((\ctype_space($this->selector[$lastpos]) || $this->is_token($this->selector, $lastpos) && $this->selector[$lastpos] === ',') && \ctype_space($string[$i]))) { $this->selector .= $string[$i]; } } break; case 'ip': if ($this->is_token($string, $i)) { if (($string[$i] === ':' || $string[$i] === '=') && $this->property != '') { $this->status = 'iv'; if (!$this->get_cfg('discard_invalid_properties') || $this->property_is_valid($this->property)) { $this->property = $this->css_new_property($this->at, $this->selector, $this->property); $this->_add_token(\PROPERTY, $this->property); } } elseif ($string[$i] === '/' && @$string[$i + 1] === '*' && $this->property == '') { $this->status = 'ic'; ++$i; $this->from[] = 'ip'; } elseif ($string[$i] === '}') { $this->explode_selectors(); $this->status = 'is'; $this->invalid_at = \false; $this->_add_token(\SEL_END, $this->selector); $this->selector = ''; $this->property = ''; if ($this->next_selector_at) { $this->at = $this->css_close_media_section($this->at); $this->at = $this->css_new_media_section($this->at, $this->next_selector_at); $this->next_selector_at = ''; } } elseif ($string[$i] === ';') { $this->property = ''; } elseif ($string[$i] === '\\') { $this->property .= $this->_unicode($string, $i); } elseif ($this->property === '' && !\ctype_space($string[$i]) || ($this->property === '/' || $string[$i] === '/')) { $this->property .= $string[$i]; } } elseif (!\ctype_space($string[$i])) { $this->property .= $string[$i]; } break; case 'iv': $pn = ($string[$i] === "\n" || $string[$i] === "\r") && $this->property_is_next($string, $i + 1) || $i == \strlen($string) - 1; if ($this->is_token($string, $i) || $pn) { if ($string[$i] === '/' && @$string[$i + 1] === '*') { $this->status = 'ic'; ++$i; $this->from[] = 'iv'; } elseif ($string[$i] === '"' || $string[$i] === "'" || $string[$i] === '(') { $this->cur_string[] = $string[$i]; $this->str_char[] = $string[$i] === '(' ? ')' : $string[$i]; $this->status = 'instr'; $this->from[] = 'iv'; $this->quoted_string[] = \in_array(\strtolower($this->property), $quoted_string_properties); } elseif ($string[$i] === ',') { $this->sub_value = \trim($this->sub_value) . ','; } elseif ($string[$i] === '\\') { $this->sub_value .= $this->_unicode($string, $i); } elseif ($string[$i] === ';' || $pn) { if ($this->selector[0] === '@' && isset($at_rules[\substr($this->selector, 1)]) && $at_rules[\substr($this->selector, 1)] === 'iv') { $this->sub_value_arr[] = \trim($this->sub_value); $this->status = 'is'; switch ($this->selector) { case '@charset': $this->charset = '"' . $this->sub_value_arr[0] . '"'; break; case '@namespace': $this->namespace = \implode(' ', $this->sub_value_arr); break; case '@import': $this->import[] = \implode(' ', $this->sub_value_arr); break; } $this->sub_value_arr = array(); $this->sub_value = ''; $this->selector = ''; $this->sel_separate = array(); } else { $this->status = 'ip'; } } elseif ($string[$i] !== '}') { $this->sub_value .= $string[$i]; } if (($string[$i] === '}' || $string[$i] === ';' || $pn) && !empty($this->selector)) { if ($this->at == '') { $this->at = $this->css_new_media_section($this->at, \DEFAULT_AT); } // case settings if ($this->get_cfg('lowercase_s')) { $this->selector = \strtolower($this->selector); } $this->property = \strtolower($this->property); $this->optimise->subvalue(); if ($this->sub_value != '') { $this->sub_value_arr[] = $this->sub_value; $this->sub_value = ''; } $this->value = ''; while (\count($this->sub_value_arr)) { $sub = \array_shift($this->sub_value_arr); if (\strstr($this->selector, 'font-face')) { $sub = $this->quote_font_format($sub); } if ($sub != '') { $this->value .= (!\strlen($this->value) || \substr($this->value, -1, 1) === ',' ? '' : ' ') . $sub; } } $this->optimise->value(); $valid = $this->property_is_valid($this->property); if ((!$this->invalid_at || $this->get_cfg('preserve_css')) && (!$this->get_cfg('discard_invalid_properties') || $valid)) { $this->css_add_property($this->at, $this->selector, $this->property, $this->value); $this->_add_token(\VALUE, $this->value); $this->optimise->shorthands(); } if (!$valid) { if ($this->get_cfg('discard_invalid_properties')) { $this->log('Removed invalid property: ' . $this->property, 'Warning'); } else { $this->log('Invalid property in ' . \strtoupper($this->get_cfg('css_level')) . ': ' . $this->property, 'Warning'); } } $this->property = ''; $this->sub_value_arr = array(); $this->value = ''; } if ($string[$i] === '}') { $this->explode_selectors(); $this->_add_token(\SEL_END, $this->selector); $this->status = 'is'; $this->invalid_at = \false; $this->selector = ''; if ($this->next_selector_at) { $this->at = $this->css_close_media_section($this->at); $this->at = $this->css_new_media_section($this->at, $this->next_selector_at); $this->next_selector_at = ''; } } } elseif (!$pn) { $this->sub_value .= $string[$i]; if (\ctype_space($string[$i])) { $this->optimise->subvalue(); if ($this->sub_value != '') { $this->sub_value_arr[] = $this->sub_value; $this->sub_value = ''; } } } break; case 'instr': $_str_char = $this->str_char[\count($this->str_char) - 1]; $_cur_string = $this->cur_string[\count($this->cur_string) - 1]; $_quoted_string = $this->quoted_string[\count($this->quoted_string) - 1]; $temp_add = $string[$i]; // Add another string to the stack. Strings can't be nested inside of quotes, only parentheses, but // parentheticals can be nested more than once. if ($_str_char === ")" && ($string[$i] === "(" || $string[$i] === '"' || $string[$i] === '\'') && !$this->escaped($string, $i)) { $this->cur_string[] = $string[$i]; $this->str_char[] = $string[$i] === '(' ? ')' : $string[$i]; $this->from[] = 'instr'; $this->quoted_string[] = $_str_char === ')' && $string[$i] !== '(' && \trim($_cur_string) === '(' ? $_quoted_string : !($string[$i] === '('); continue 2; } if ($_str_char !== ")" && ($string[$i] === "\n" || $string[$i] === "\r") && !($string[$i - 1] === '\\' && !$this->escaped($string, $i - 1))) { $temp_add = "\\A"; $this->log('Fixed incorrect newline in string', 'Warning'); } $_cur_string .= $temp_add; if ($string[$i] === $_str_char && !$this->escaped($string, $i)) { $this->status = \array_pop($this->from); if (!\preg_match('|[' . \implode('', $this->data['csstidy']['whitespace']) . ']|uis', $_cur_string) && $this->property !== 'content') { if (!$_quoted_string) { if ($_str_char !== ')') { // Convert properties like // font-family: 'Arial'; // to // font-family: Arial; // or // url("abc") // to // url(abc) $_cur_string = \substr($_cur_string, 1, -1); } } else { $_quoted_string = \false; } } \array_pop($this->cur_string); \array_pop($this->quoted_string); \array_pop($this->str_char); if ($_str_char === ')') { $_cur_string = '(' . \trim(\substr($_cur_string, 1, -1)) . ')'; } if ($this->status === 'iv') { if (!$_quoted_string) { if (\strpos($_cur_string, ',') !== \false) { // we can on only remove space next to ',' $_cur_string = \implode(',', \array_map('trim', \explode(',', $_cur_string))); } // and multiple spaces (too expensive) if (\strpos($_cur_string, ' ') !== \false) { $_cur_string = \preg_replace(",\\s+,", ' ', $_cur_string); } } $this->sub_value .= $_cur_string; } elseif ($this->status === 'is') { $this->selector .= $_cur_string; } elseif ($this->status === 'instr') { $this->cur_string[\count($this->cur_string) - 1] .= $_cur_string; } } else { $this->cur_string[\count($this->cur_string) - 1] = $_cur_string; } break; case 'ic': if ($string[$i] === '*' && $string[$i + 1] === '/') { $this->status = \array_pop($this->from); $i++; if (\strlen($cur_comment) > 1 and \strncmp($cur_comment, '!', 1) === 0) { $this->_add_token(\IMPORTANT_COMMENT, $cur_comment); $this->css_add_important_comment($cur_comment); } else { $this->_add_token(\COMMENT, $cur_comment); } $cur_comment = ''; } else { $cur_comment .= $string[$i]; } break; } } $this->optimise->postparse(); $this->print->_reset(); @\setlocale(\LC_ALL, $old); // Set locale back to original setting return !(empty($this->css) && empty($this->import) && empty($this->charset) && empty($this->tokens) && empty($this->namespace)); } public function quote_font_format($value) { if (\strncmp($value, 'format', 6) == 0) { $p = \strpos($value, ')', 7); $end = \substr($value, $p); $format_strings = $this->parse_string_list(\substr($value, 7, $p - 7)); if (!$format_strings) { $value = ''; } else { $value = 'format('; foreach ($format_strings as $format_string) { $value .= '"' . \str_replace('"', '\\"', $format_string) . '",'; } $value = \substr($value, 0, -1) . $end; } } return $value; } public function explode_selectors() { // Explode multiple selectors if ($this->get_cfg('merge_selectors') === 1) { $new_sels = array(); $lastpos = 0; $this->sel_separate[] = \strlen($this->selector); foreach ($this->sel_separate as $num => $pos) { if ($num == \count($this->sel_separate) - 1) { $pos += 1; } $new_sels[] = \substr($this->selector, $lastpos, $pos - $lastpos - 1); $lastpos = $pos; } if (\count($new_sels) > 1) { foreach ($new_sels as $selector) { if (isset($this->css[$this->at][$this->selector])) { $this->merge_css_blocks($this->at, $selector, $this->css[$this->at][$this->selector]); } } unset($this->css[$this->at][$this->selector]); } } $this->sel_separate = array(); } static function escaped(&$string, $pos) { return !(@($string[$pos - 1] !== '\\') || csstidy::escaped($string, $pos - 1)); } public function css_add_important_comment($comment) { if ($this->get_cfg('preserve_css') || \trim($comment) == '') { return; } if (!isset($this->css['!'])) { $this->css['!'] = ''; } else { $this->css['!'] .= "\n"; } $this->css['!'] .= $comment; } public function css_add_property($media, $selector, $property, $new_val) { if ($this->get_cfg('preserve_css') || \trim($new_val) == '') { return; } $this->added = \true; if (isset($this->css[$media][$selector][$property])) { if ($this->is_important($this->css[$media][$selector][$property]) && $this->is_important($new_val) || !$this->is_important($this->css[$media][$selector][$property])) { $this->css[$media][$selector][$property] = \trim($new_val); } } else { $this->css[$media][$selector][$property] = \trim($new_val); } } public function css_check_last_media_section_or_inc($media) { // are we starting? if (!$this->css || !\is_array($this->css) || empty($this->css)) { return $media; } // if the last @media is the same as this // keep it \end($this->css); $at = \key($this->css); if ($at == $media) { return $media; } // else inc the section in the array while (isset($this->css[$media])) { if (\is_numeric($media)) { $media++; } else { $media .= ' '; } } return $media; } public function css_new_media_section($current_media, $new_media, $at_root = \false) { if ($this->get_cfg('preserve_css')) { return $new_media; } // if we already are in a media and CSS level is 3, manage nested medias if ($current_media && !$at_root && !\is_numeric($current_media) && \strncmp($this->get_cfg('css_level'), 'CSS3', 4) == 0) { $new_media = \rtrim($current_media) . "{" . \rtrim($new_media); } return $this->css_check_last_media_section_or_inc($new_media); } public function css_close_media_section($current_media) { if ($this->get_cfg('preserve_css')) { return ''; } if (\strpos($current_media, '{') !== \false) { $current_media = \explode('{', $current_media); \array_pop($current_media); $current_media = \implode('{', $current_media); return $current_media; } return ''; } public function css_new_selector($media, $selector) { if ($this->get_cfg('preserve_css')) { return $selector; } $selector = \trim($selector); if (\strncmp($selector, '@font-face', 10) != 0) { if ($this->settings['merge_selectors'] != \false) { return $selector; } if (!$this->css || !isset($this->css[$media]) || !$this->css[$media]) { return $selector; } // if last is the same, keep it \end($this->css[$media]); $sel = \key($this->css[$media]); if ($sel == $selector) { return $selector; } } while (isset($this->css[$media][$selector])) { $selector .= ' '; } return $selector; } public function css_new_property($media, $selector, $property) { if ($this->get_cfg('preserve_css')) { return $property; } if (!$this->css || !isset($this->css[$media][$selector]) || !$this->css[$media][$selector]) { return $property; } while (isset($this->css[$media][$selector][$property])) { $property .= ' '; } return $property; } public function merge_css_blocks($media, $selector, $css_add) { foreach ($css_add as $property => $value) { $this->css_add_property($media, $selector, $property, $value, \false); } } public function is_important(&$value) { return \strpos($value, '!') !== \false and !\strcasecmp(\substr(\str_replace($this->data['csstidy']['whitespace'], '', $value), -10, 10), '!important'); } public function gvw_important($value) { if ($this->is_important($value)) { $value = \trim($value); $value = \substr($value, 0, -9); $value = \trim($value); $value = \substr($value, 0, -1); $value = \trim($value); return $value; } return $value; } public function property_is_next($istring, $pos) { $all_properties =& $this->data['csstidy']['all_properties']; $istring = \substr($istring, $pos, \strlen($istring) - $pos); $pos = \strpos($istring, ':'); if ($pos === \false) { return \false; } $istring = \strtolower(\trim(\substr($istring, 0, $pos))); if (isset($all_properties[$istring])) { $this->log('Added semicolon to the end of declaration', 'Warning'); return \true; } return \false; } public function property_is_valid($property) { if (\strpos($property, '--') === 0) { $property = "--custom"; } elseif (\in_array(\trim($property), $this->data['csstidy']['multiple_properties'])) { $property = \trim($property); } $all_properties =& $this->data['csstidy']['all_properties']; return isset($all_properties[$property]) && \strpos($all_properties[$property], \strtoupper($this->get_cfg('css_level'))) !== \false; } public function parse_string_list($value) { $value = \trim($value); // Case: empty if (!$value) { return array(); } $strings = array(); $in_str = \false; $current_string = ''; for ($i = 0, $_len = \strlen($value); $i < $_len; $i++) { if (($value[$i] === ',' || $value[$i] === ' ') && $in_str === \true) { $in_str = \false; $strings[] = $current_string; $current_string = ''; } elseif ($value[$i] === '"' || $value[$i] === "'") { if ($in_str === $value[$i]) { $strings[] = $current_string; $in_str = \false; $current_string = ''; continue; } elseif (!$in_str) { $in_str = $value[$i]; } } else { if ($in_str) { $current_string .= $value[$i]; } else { if (!\preg_match("/[\\s,]/", $value[$i])) { $in_str = \true; $current_string = $value[$i]; } } } } if ($current_string) { $strings[] = $current_string; } return $strings; } }