<?php namespace MailPoet\Config\PopulatorData\Templates; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; use MailPoet\WP\Functions as WPFunctions; class WelcomeBlank12Column { private $assets_url; private $external_template_image_url; private $template_image_url; private $social_icon_url; public function __construct($assets_url) { $this->assets_url = $assets_url; $this->external_template_image_url = 'https://ps.w.org/mailpoet/assets/newsletter-templates/welcome-email-blank-1-2-column'; $this->template_image_url = $this->assets_url . '/img/blank_templates'; $this->social_icon_url = $this->assets_url . '/img/newsletter_editor/social-icons'; } public function get() { return [ 'name' => __("Welcome Email: Blank 1:2 Column", 'mailpoet'), 'categories' => json_encode(['welcome', 'blank']), 'readonly' => 1, 'thumbnail' => $this->getThumbnail(), 'body' => json_encode($this->getBody()), ]; } private function getBody() { return [ "content" => [ "type" => "container", "orientation" => "vertical", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "transparent", ], ], "blocks" => [ [ "type" => "container", "orientation" => "horizontal", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "#f8f8f8", ], ], "blocks" => [ [ "type" => "container", "orientation" => "vertical", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "transparent", ], ], "blocks" => [ [ "type" => "header", "text" => '<a href="[link:newsletter_view_in_browser_url]">'.__("View this in your browser.", 'mailpoet').'</a>', "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "transparent", ], "text" => [ "fontColor" => "#222222", "fontFamily" => "Arial", "fontSize" => "12px", "textAlign" => "center", ], "link" => [ "fontColor" => "#6cb7d4", "textDecoration" => "underline", ], ], ], ], ], ], ], [ "type" => "container", "orientation" => "horizontal", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "#ffffff", ], ], "blocks" => [ [ "type" => "container", "orientation" => "vertical", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "transparent", ], ], "blocks" => [ [ "type" => "spacer", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "transparent", "height" => "30px", ], ], ], [ "type" => "image", "link" => "", "src" => $this->template_image_url . "/fake-logo.png", "alt" => __("Fake logo", 'mailpoet'), "fullWidth" => false, "width" => "598px", "height" => "71px", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "textAlign" => "center", ], ], ], [ "type" => "text", "text" => __("<h1 style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>Hi, new subscriber!</strong></h1>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>[subscriber:firstname | default:Subscriber],</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>You recently joined our list and we'd like to give you a warm welcome!</p>", 'mailpoet'), ], [ "type" => "divider", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "transparent", "padding" => "13px", "borderStyle" => "solid", "borderWidth" => "3px", "borderColor" => "#aaaaaa", ], ], ], [ "type" => "spacer", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "transparent", "height" => "20px", ], ], ], ], ], ], ], [ "type" => "container", "orientation" => "horizontal", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "transparent", ], ], "blocks" => [ [ "type" => "container", "orientation" => "vertical", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "transparent", ], ], "blocks" => [ [ "type" => "text", "text" => __("<h3>Our Most Popular Posts</h3>", 'mailpoet'), ], [ "type" => "text", "text" => __("<ul>\n<li><a href=\"http://www.mailpoet.com/the-importance-of-focus-when-writing/\">The Importance of Focus When Writing</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"http://www.mailpoet.com/write-great-subject-line/\">How to Write a Great Subject Line</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"http://www.mailpoet.com/just-sit-write-advice-motivation-ernest-hemingway/\">Just Sit Down and Write &ndash; Advice on Motivation from Ernest Hemingway</a></li>\n</ul>", 'mailpoet'), ], ], ], [ "type" => "container", "orientation" => "vertical", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "transparent", ], ], "blocks" => [ [ "type" => "text", "text" => __("<h3>What's Next?</h3>", 'mailpoet'), ], [ "type" => "text", "text" => __("<p>Add a single button to your newsletter in order to have one clear call-to-action, which will increase your click rates.</p>", 'mailpoet'), ], [ "type" => "button", "text" => __("Read up!", 'mailpoet'), "url" => "", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "#2ea1cd", "borderColor" => "#0074a2", "borderWidth" => "1px", "borderRadius" => "5px", "borderStyle" => "solid", "width" => "180px", "lineHeight" => "40px", "fontColor" => "#ffffff", "fontFamily" => "Verdana", "fontSize" => "18px", "fontWeight" => "normal", "textAlign" => "center", ], ], ], ], ], ], ], [ "type" => "container", "orientation" => "horizontal", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "#f8f8f8", ], ], "blocks" => [ [ "type" => "container", "orientation" => "vertical", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "transparent", ], ], "blocks" => [ [ "type" => "divider", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "transparent", "padding" => "24.5px", "borderStyle" => "solid", "borderWidth" => "3px", "borderColor" => "#aaaaaa", ], ], ], [ "type" => "social", "iconSet" => "grey", "icons" => [ [ "type" => "socialIcon", "iconType" => "facebook", "link" => "http://www.facebook.com", "image" => $this->social_icon_url . "/02-grey/Facebook.png", "height" => "32px", "width" => "32px", "text" => "Facebook", ], [ "type" => "socialIcon", "iconType" => "twitter", "link" => "http://www.twitter.com", "image" => $this->social_icon_url . "/02-grey/Twitter.png", "height" => "32px", "width" => "32px", "text" => "Twitter", ], ], ], [ "type" => "divider", "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "transparent", "padding" => "7.5px", "borderStyle" => "solid", "borderWidth" => "3px", "borderColor" => "#aaaaaa", ], ], ], [ "type" => "footer", "text" => '<p><a href="[link:subscription_unsubscribe_url]">'.__("Unsubscribe", 'mailpoet').'</a> | <a href="[link:subscription_manage_url]">'.__("Manage your subscription", 'mailpoet').'</a><br />'.__("Add your postal address here!", 'mailpoet').'</p>', "styles" => [ "block" => [ "backgroundColor" => "transparent", ], "text" => [ "fontColor" => "#222222", "fontFamily" => "Arial", "fontSize" => "12px", "textAlign" => "center", ], "link" => [ "fontColor" => "#6cb7d4", "textDecoration" => "none", ], ], ], ], ], ], ], ], ], "globalStyles" => [ "text" => [ "fontColor" => "#000000", "fontFamily" => "Arial", "fontSize" => "16px", ], "h1" => [ "fontColor" => "#111111", "fontFamily" => "Trebuchet MS", "fontSize" => "26px", ], "h2" => [ "fontColor" => "#222222", "fontFamily" => "Trebuchet MS", "fontSize" => "24px", ], "h3" => [ "fontColor" => "#333333", "fontFamily" => "Trebuchet MS", "fontSize" => "22px", ], "link" => [ "fontColor" => "#21759B", "textDecoration" => "underline", ], "wrapper" => [ "backgroundColor" => "#ffffff", ], "body" => [ "backgroundColor" => "#eeeeee", ], ], ]; } private function getThumbnail() { return $this->external_template_image_url . '/thumbnail.20190411-1500.jpg'; } }