phpcs:set Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent tabIndent true <meta name="twitter:site" content="<?php echo $metaTagsData['twitter:site']; ?>"> <?php class Test { function __construct() { $this->hello(); } function hello() { echo 'hello'; }//end hello() function hello2() { if (TRUE) { echo 'hello'; // no error here as its more than 4 spaces. } else { echo 'bye'; } while (TRUE) { echo 'hello'; } do { echo 'hello'; } while (TRUE); } function hello3() { switch ($hello) { case 'hello': break; } } } ?> <pre> </head> <body> <?php if ($form->validate()) { $safe = $form->getSubmitValues(); } ?> </pre> <?php class Test2 { function __construct() { // $this->open(); // error here } public function open() { // Some inline stuff that shouldn't error if (TRUE) echo 'hello'; foreach ($tokens as $token) echo $token; } /** * This is a comment 1. * This is a comment 2. * This is a comment 3. * This is a comment 4. */ public function close() { // All ok. if (TRUE) { if (TRUE) { } else if (FALSE) { foreach ($tokens as $token) { switch ($token) { case '1': case '2': if (true) { if (false) { if (false) { if (false) { echo 'hello'; } } } } break; case '5': break; } do { while (true) { foreach ($tokens as $token) { for ($i = 0; $i < $token; $i++) { echo 'hello'; } } } } while (true); } } } } /* This is another c style comment 1. This is another c style comment 2. This is another c style comment 3. This is another c style comment 4. This is another c style comment 5. */ /* This is a T_COMMENT * * * */ /** This is a T_DOC_COMMENT */ /* This T_COMMENT has a newline in it. */ public function read() { echo 'hello'; // no errors below. $array = array( 'this', 'that' => array( 'hello', 'hello again' => array( 'hello', ), ), ); } } abstract class Test3 { public function parse() { foreach ($t as $ndx => $token) { if (is_array($token)) { echo 'here'; } else { $ts[] = array("token" => $token, "value" => ''); $last = count($ts) - 1; switch ($token) { case '(': if ($last >= 3 && $ts[0]['token'] != T_CLASS && $ts[$last - 2]['token'] == T_OBJECT_OPERATOR && $ts[$last - 3]['token'] == T_VARIABLE ) { if (true) { echo 'hello'; } } array_push($braces, $token); break; } } } } } function test() { $o = <<<EOF this is some text this is some text this is some text this is some text this is some text this is some text EOF; return $o; } if ($a === true || $a === true || $a === true || $a === true || $a === true || $a === true || $a === true || $a === true) { echo 'hello'; } if ($true) { /* First comment line * * Comment test here * Comment test here * */ /* First comment line * * Comment test here * Comment test here * this si something */ } function test() { /* taken from */ # $m[] = 'declare'; /* taken from */ # $m[] = 'declare'; } foreach ($elements as $element) { if ($something) { // Do IF. } else if ($somethingElse) { // Do ELSE. } } if ($condition) { echo "This is a long string that spans $numLines lines without indenting. "; } if ($condition) { echo 'This is a long string that spans multiple lines with indenting. '; } if ($condition) { echo 'This is a long string that spans multiple lines with indenting.'; } switch ($foo) { case 1: switch ($bar) { default: echo $string{1}; } break; } function temp($foo, $bar) { switch ($foo) { case 1: switch ($bar) { default: return $foo; } break; } } switch ($foo) { case 1: switch ($bar) { default: if ($something) { echo $string{1}; } else if ($else) { switch ($else) { default: } } } break; } switch ($name) { case "1": case "2": case "3": return true; } switch ($name) { case "1": case "2": case "3": default : return true; } function myFunction() { ?> <dynamic_content> </dynamic_content> <?php } switch ($name) { case "1": switch ($name2) { case "1": break; case "2": break; } break; case "2": break; } switch (true) { case true: { } echo 'hi'; break; case false: case null:{ echo 'hi'; } break; } switch (true) { case true: { echo 'hi'; } // No break here. case false: case true: case null:{ echo 'hi'; echo 'hi'; } break; } switch (true) { case true: { if (true) { echo 'hi'; } } break; } // Testing anon function. class a { function c() { $this->doSomething( function () { echo 123; } ); } } some_function( function() { $a = 403; if ($a === 404) { $a = 403; } } ); some_function( function() { $a = 403; if ($a === 404) { $a = 403; } } ); $myFunction = function() { $a = 403; if ($a === 404) { $a = 403; } }; class Whatever { protected $_protectedArray = array( 'normalString' => 'That email address is already in use!', 'offendingString' => <<<'STRING' Each line of this string is always said to be at column 0, no matter how many spaces are placed at the beginning of each line and the ending STRING on the next line is reported as having to be indented. STRING ); } class MyClass { public static function myFunction() { if (empty($keywords) === FALSE) { $keywords = 'foo'; $existing = 'foo'; } return $keywords; }//end myFunction() }//end class $var = call_user_func( $new_var = function () use (&$a) { if ($a > 0) { return $a++; } else { return $a--; } } ); class AnonymousFn { public function getAnonFn() { return array( 'functions' => Array( 'function1' => function ($a, $b, $c) { $a = $b + $c; $b = $c / 2; return Array($a, $b, $c); }, ), ); } } ?> <div> <?php if ($myvar == 'test') { echo 'something'; } ?> <div> <div> <?php if ($myvar == 'test') { echo 'something'; } ?> <div> <div> <?php if ($myvar == 'test') { echo 'something'; } ?> <div> <body> <?php if (isset($_GET["test"])) { if ($_GET["test"] <> "") { $test = true; } else { $test = true; } } ?> </body> <?php if (true) { ?> <div> <div> <div> <?php if (true) { echo 'hello'; } else { echo 'goodbye'; } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php } else { echo 'else'; } ?> <?php if (isset($param)) { ?> <h3>some text</h3> <?php } $list = [ 'fn' => function ($a) { if ($a === true) { echo 'hi'; } } ]; $list = [ 'fn' => function ($a) { if ($a === true) { echo 'hi'; } } ]; if ($foo) { foreach ($bar as $baz) { if ($baz) { ?> <div> <div> <div> <?php if ($baz > 1) { echo '1'; } ?> </div> <?php if ($baz > 1) { echo '1'; } ?> </div> <?php if ($baz > 1) { echo '1'; } ?> </div> <?php } } } ?> <title><?= CHtml::encode($this->pageTitle); ?></title> <?php if ($foo) { echo '1'; echo '2'; echo '3'; } $array = array(); array_map( function($x) { return trim($x); }, $array ); function foo(){return function(){};} $mockedDatabase->expects($this->at(2)) ->with($this->callback( function ($subject) { } ) ); /** @var Database $mockedDatabase */ /** @var Container $mockedContainer */ echo $string->append('foo') ->appaend('bar') ->appaend('baz') ->outputUsing( function () { } ); echo PHP_EOL; switch ($arg) { case 1: break; case 2: if ($arg2 == 'foo') { } case 3: default: echo 'default'; } if ($tokens[$stackPtr]['content']{0} === '#') { } else if ($tokens[$stackPtr]['content']{0} === '/' && $tokens[$stackPtr]['content']{1} === '/' ) { } $var = call_user_func( function() { if ($foo) { $new_var = function() { if ($a > 0) { return $a++; } else { return $a--; } }; } } ); a( function() { $a = function() { $b = false; }; true; } ); $var = [ [ '1' => function () { return true; }, ], [ '1' => function () { return true; }, '2' => true, ] ]; if ($foo) { ?> </p> <?php } function foo() { $failingTests[$testName][] = array( 'comment' => self::_replaceKeywords($failingComment, $result), 'screenshot' => Test::getScreenshotPath( $projectid, $result['class_name'], ), ); } $this->mockedDatabase ->with( $this->callback( function () { return; } ) ); $this->subject->recordLogin(); function a() { if (true) { static::$a[$b] = static::where($c) ->where($c) ->where( function ($d) { $d->whereNull(); $d->orWhere(); } ) ->first(); if (static::$a[$b] === null) { static::$a[$b] = new static( array( 'a' => $a->id, 'a' => $a->id, ) ); } } return static::$a[$b]; } $foo->load( array( 'bar' => function ($baz) { $baz->call(); } ) ); hello(); $foo = array_unique( array_map( function ($entry) { return $entry * 2; }, array() ) ); bar($foo); class PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokenizers_JS { public $scopeOpeners = array( T_CASE => array( 'end' => array( T_BREAK => T_BREAK, T_RETURN => T_RETURN, ), 'strict' => true, ), ); } echo $string-> append('foo')-> appaend('bar')-> appaend('baz')-> outputUsing( function () { } ); $str = 'the items I want to show are: ' . implode( ', ', array('a', 'b', 'c') ); echo $str; $str = 'foo' . '1' . '2'; echo $str; bar([ 'foo' => foo(function () { return 'foo'; }) ]); $domains = array_unique( array_map( function ($url) { $urlObject = new \Purl\Url($url); return $urlObject->registerableDomain; }, $sites ) ); return $domains; if ($a == 5) : echo "a equals 5"; echo "..."; elseif ($a == 6) : echo "a equals 6"; echo "!!!"; else : echo "a is neither 5 nor 6"; endif; if ($foo): if ($bar) $foo = 1; elseif ($baz) $foo = 2; endif; $this ->method(array( 'foo' => 'bar', ), 'arg', array( 'foo' => 'bar', )); class Foo { use Bar { myMethod as renamedMethod; } } class Foo { use Bar { myMethod as renamedMethod; } } foo(); array( 'key1' => function ($bar) { return $bar; }, 'key2' => function ($foo) { return $foo; }, ); ?> <script> var foo = <?php echo bar( 'baz' ); ?>; </script> <?php try { echo 'foo'; } catch (\Exception $e) { echo 'catch'; } finally { if (false) { echo 'finally false'; } } class C0 { public function m0() { } public function m1() { } } namespace Foo { use \Foo\Bar; use \Foo\Baz; function test() { return true; } } declare(ticks=1) { echo 'foo'; } $a = ( $b = 1 ); $c = 2; $a = [ $b => 1, ]; $c = 2; class foo { public function get() { $foo = ['b' => 'c', 'd' => [ ['e' => 'f'] ]]; echo '42'; $foo = array('b' => 'c', 'd' => array( array('e' => 'f') )); echo '42'; } } switch ($foo) { case 1: return array(); case 2: return ''; case 3: return $function(); case 4: return $functionCall($param[0]); case 5: return array() + array(); // Array Merge case 6: // String connect return $functionReturningString('') . $functionReturningString(array()); case 7: return functionCall( $withMultiLineParam[0], array(), $functionReturningString( $withMultiLineParam[1] ) ); case 8: return $param[0][0]; } class Test { public $foo ,$bar ,$baz = [ ] ; public function wtfindent() { } } switch ($x) { case 1: return [1]; default: return [2]; } switch ($foo) { case self::FOO: return $this->bar($gfoo, function ($id) { return FOO::bar($id); }, $values); case self::BAR: $values = $this->bar($foo, $values); break; } $var = array( 'long description' => array(0, 'something'), 'another long description' => array(1, "something else") ); $services = array( 'service 1' => Mockery::mock('class 1') ->shouldReceive('setFilter')->once() ->shouldReceive('getNbResults')->atLeast()->once() ->shouldReceive('getSlice')->once()->andReturn(array()) ->getMock(), 'service 2' => Mockery::mock('class 2') ->shouldReceive('__invoke')->once() ->getMock() ); class Foo { public function setUp() { $this->foo = new class { public $name = 'Some value'; }; } } try { foo(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $foo = function() { return 'foo'; }; if (true) { } } if ($foo) { foo(); } else if ($e) { $foo = function() { return 'foo'; }; if (true) { } } else { $foo = function() { return 'foo'; }; if (true) { } } switch ($parameter) { case null: return [ 'foo' => in_array( 'foo', [] ), ]; default: return []; } class SomeClass { public function someFunc() { a(function () { echo "a"; })->b(function () { echo "b"; }); if (true) { echo "c"; } echo "d"; } } $params = self::validate_parameters(self::read_competency_framework_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id, )); $framework = api::read_framework($params['id']); self::validate_context($framework->get_context()); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('tool_lp'); class Test123 { protected static $prop1 = [ 'testA' => 123, ], $prop2 = [ 'testB' => 456, ]; protected static $prop3 = array( 'testA' => 123, ), $prop4 = array( 'testB' => 456, ); protected static $prop5; } $foo = foo( function () { $foo->debug( $a, $b ); if ($a) { $b = $a; } } ); if (somethingIsTrue()) { ?> <div> <?php $someVar = doSomething( 'foobar', true, 'foo', 'bar' ); if (somethingElseIsTrue()) { doOneThing(); } else { doTheOtherThing(); } ?> </div> <?php } $foo = [ new class() implements Bar { public static function foo(): string { return 'foo'; } }, ]; $foo = [ function () { if ($foo) { return 'foo'; } }, ]; $foo ->bar(foo(function () { }), foo(function () { })); echo 'foo'; class Test { public function a() { ?>a<?php } public function b( $a ) { echo $a; } } $foo = foo( function () { $foo->debug( $a, $b ); if ($a) { $b = $a; } } ); function test() { $array = []; foreach ($array as $data) { [ 'key1' => $var1, 'key2' => $var2, ] = $data; foreach ($var1 as $method) { echo $method . $var2; } } } switch ($a) { case 0: $a = function () { }; case 1: break; } class Test { public function __construct() { if (false) { echo 0; } } } return [ 'veryLongKeySoIWantToMakeALineBreak' => 'veryLonValueSoIWantToMakeALineBreak', 'someOtherKey' => [ 'someValue' ], 'arrayWithArraysInThere' => [ ['Value1', 'Value1'] ], ]; switch ($sContext) { case 'SOMETHING': case 'CONSTANT': do_something(); break; case 'GLOBAL': case 'GLOBAL1': do_something(); // Fall through default: { do_something(); } } array_map( static function ( $item ) { echo $item; }, $some_array ); /** * Comment. */ $a(function () use ($app) { echo 'hi'; })(); $app->run(); function foo() { $foo('some long description', function () { }); $foo('some long description', function () { }); $foo( 'some long description', function () { }); } switch ( $a ) { case 'a': $b = 2; /** * A comment. */ apply_filter( 'something', $b ); break; case 'aa': $b = 2; /* * A comment. */ apply_filter( 'something', $b ); break; case 'b': $b = 3; ?> <input name="something" value="<?php echo $b; ?>"> <?php $b = 4; break; default: $b = 3; ?> <input name="something" value="<?php echo $b; ?>"> <?php $b = 4; break; } // phpcs:set Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent exact true $shortArray = [ 'hello', 'world', ]; $shortArray = array( 'hello', 'world', ); function foo() { echo 'foo'; echo 'bar'; if ($foo) { echo 'baz'; } } // phpcs:set Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent exact false function test() { return [ <<<'SQLDATA' DATA SQLDATA , ]; } if ($foo) { if ($oo) { /* * * */ } } function foo() { $foo = array( ); if ($foo) { echo 'foo'; } return false; } ?> <div> <?php if ($foo) { echo $foo; } ?> </div> <div> <?php echo foo( $foo ); ?> </div> <?php if (true) { ?> <div> <?php if (true) { ?> <?php } if (true || false) { ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } foo(function () { if ($conditionA && $conditionB ) { if ($conditionC) { $a = 1; } } }); switch($foo) { case 1: $value = 1; break; case 2: if ($bar) { break; } default: $value = 0; } switch ($x) { case 'a': switch ($y) { case 'c': return true; } case 'b': switch ($z) { case 'd': return true; } } $foo = [ [ 'a' => [ ], 'b' => <<<'FOO' foo; FOO ], $a, ]; $query = Model::query() ->when($a, function () { static $b = ''; }); $result = array_map( static fn(int $number) : int => $number + 1, $numbers ); $a = $a === true ? [ 'a' => 1, ] : [ 'a' => 100, ]; return [ Url::make('View Song', fn($song) => $song->url()) ->onlyOnDetail(), new Panel('Information', [ Text::make('Title') ]), ]; echo $string?->append('foo') ?->outputUsing(); // phpcs:set Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent exact true echo $string?->append('foo') ?->outputUsing(); // phpcs:set Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent exact false if (true) { ?><?php echo addslashes( '' )?><?php } class Foo { public function __construct( public int $intArg, ) { } } $value = match ($value) { '' => null, false => false, 1, 2, 3 => true, default => $value, }; $value = match ($value) { '' => null, false => false, 1, 2, 3 => true, default => $value, }; $value = match ( $value ) { '' => null, false => false, 1, 2, 3 => true, default => $value, }; function toString(): string { return sprintf( '%s', match ($type) { 'foo' => 'bar', }, ); } $list = [ 'fn' => function ($a) { if ($a === true) { echo 'hi'; } }, 'fn' => function ($a) { if ($a === true) { echo 'hi'; $list2 = [ 'fn' => function ($a) { if ($a === true) { echo 'hi'; } } ]; } } ]; $foo = match ($type) { 'a' => [ 'aa' => 'DESC', 'ab' => 'DESC', ], 'b' => [ 'ba' => 'DESC', 'bb' => 'DESC', ], default => [ 'da' => 'DESC', ], }; $a = [ 'a' => [ 'a' => fn () => foo() ], 'a' => [ 'a' => 'a', ] ]; switch ($foo) { case 'a': $foo = match ($foo) { 'bar' => 'custom_1', default => 'a' }; return $foo; case 'b': return match ($foo) { 'bar' => 'custom_1', default => 'b' }; default: return 'default'; } /* ADD NEW TESTS ABOVE THIS LINE AND MAKE SURE THAT THE 1 (space-based) AND 2 (tab-based) FILES ARE IN SYNC! */ ?> <?php if (true) : ?> <span></span> <?php endif ?> <?php if (true) { // first error after line above is here } else if (true) { } $a = 1; /* $a = array( */ ); return [ 'lor' => <<<'INTRO' lorem ipsum INTRO, 'em' => [ [ '', ], ], 'abc' => [ 'a' => 'wop wop', 'b' => 'ola ola.', ], ]; echo ""