<?php /** * Stores the rules used to check and fix files. * * A ruleset object directly maps to a ruleset XML file. * * @author Greg Sherwood <gsherwood@squiz.net> * @copyright 2006-2015 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600) * @license https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/blob/master/licence.txt BSD Licence */ namespace PHP_CodeSniffer; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\RuntimeException; use PHP_CodeSniffer\Util; class Ruleset { /** * The name of the coding standard being used. * * If a top-level standard includes other standards, or sniffs * from other standards, only the name of the top-level standard * will be stored in here. * * If multiple top-level standards are being loaded into * a single ruleset object, this will store a comma separated list * of the top-level standard names. * * @var string */ public $name = ''; /** * A list of file paths for the ruleset files being used. * * @var string[] */ public $paths = []; /** * A list of regular expressions used to ignore specific sniffs for files and folders. * * Is also used to set global exclude patterns. * The key is the regular expression and the value is the type * of ignore pattern (absolute or relative). * * @var array<string, string> */ public $ignorePatterns = []; /** * A list of regular expressions used to include specific sniffs for files and folders. * * The key is the sniff code and the value is an array with * the key being a regular expression and the value is the type * of ignore pattern (absolute or relative). * * @var array<string, array<string, string>> */ public $includePatterns = []; /** * An array of sniff objects that are being used to check files. * * The key is the fully qualified name of the sniff class * and the value is the sniff object. * * @var array<string, \PHP_CodeSniffer\Sniffs\Sniff> */ public $sniffs = []; /** * A mapping of sniff codes to fully qualified class names. * * The key is the sniff code and the value * is the fully qualified name of the sniff class. * * @var array<string, string> */ public $sniffCodes = []; /** * An array of token types and the sniffs that are listening for them. * * The key is the token name being listened for and the value * is the sniff object. * * @var array<int, \PHP_CodeSniffer\Sniffs\Sniff> */ public $tokenListeners = []; /** * An array of rules from the ruleset.xml file. * * It may be empty, indicating that the ruleset does not override * any of the default sniff settings. * * @var array<string, mixed> */ public $ruleset = []; /** * The directories that the processed rulesets are in. * * @var string[] */ protected $rulesetDirs = []; /** * The config data for the run. * * @var \PHP_CodeSniffer\Config */ private $config = null; /** * Initialise the ruleset that the run will use. * * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\Config $config The config data for the run. * * @return void * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\RuntimeException If no sniffs were registered. */ public function __construct(Config $config) { $this->config = $config; $restrictions = $config->sniffs; $exclusions = $config->exclude; $sniffs = []; $standardPaths = []; foreach ($config->standards as $standard) { $installed = Util\Standards::getInstalledStandardPath($standard); if ($installed === null) { $standard = Util\Common::realpath($standard); if (is_dir($standard) === true && is_file(Util\Common::realpath($standard.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'ruleset.xml')) === true ) { $standard = Util\Common::realpath($standard.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'ruleset.xml'); } } else { $standard = $installed; } $standardPaths[] = $standard; } foreach ($standardPaths as $standard) { $ruleset = @simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($standard)); if ($ruleset !== false) { $standardName = (string) $ruleset['name']; if ($this->name !== '') { $this->name .= ', '; } $this->name .= $standardName; // Allow autoloading of custom files inside this standard. if (isset($ruleset['namespace']) === true) { $namespace = (string) $ruleset['namespace']; } else { $namespace = basename(dirname($standard)); } Autoload::addSearchPath(dirname($standard), $namespace); } if (defined('PHP_CODESNIFFER_IN_TESTS') === true && empty($restrictions) === false) { // In unit tests, only register the sniffs that the test wants and not the entire standard. try { foreach ($restrictions as $restriction) { $sniffs = array_merge($sniffs, $this->expandRulesetReference($restriction, dirname($standard))); } } catch (RuntimeException $e) { // Sniff reference could not be expanded, which probably means this // is an installed standard. Let the unit test system take care of // setting the correct sniff for testing. return; } break; } if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY === 1) { echo "Registering sniffs in the $standardName standard... "; if (count($config->standards) > 1 || PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 2) { echo PHP_EOL; } } $sniffs = array_merge($sniffs, $this->processRuleset($standard)); }//end foreach // Ignore sniff restrictions if caching is on. if ($config->cache === true) { $restrictions = []; $exclusions = []; } $sniffRestrictions = []; foreach ($restrictions as $sniffCode) { $parts = explode('.', strtolower($sniffCode)); $sniffName = $parts[0].'\sniffs\\'.$parts[1].'\\'.$parts[2].'sniff'; $sniffRestrictions[$sniffName] = true; } $sniffExclusions = []; foreach ($exclusions as $sniffCode) { $parts = explode('.', strtolower($sniffCode)); $sniffName = $parts[0].'\sniffs\\'.$parts[1].'\\'.$parts[2].'sniff'; $sniffExclusions[$sniffName] = true; } $this->registerSniffs($sniffs, $sniffRestrictions, $sniffExclusions); $this->populateTokenListeners(); $numSniffs = count($this->sniffs); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY === 1) { echo "DONE ($numSniffs sniffs registered)".PHP_EOL; } if ($numSniffs === 0) { throw new RuntimeException('No sniffs were registered'); } }//end __construct() /** * Prints a report showing the sniffs contained in a standard. * * @return void */ public function explain() { $sniffs = array_keys($this->sniffCodes); sort($sniffs); ob_start(); $lastStandard = null; $lastCount = ''; $sniffCount = count($sniffs); // Add a dummy entry to the end so we loop // one last time and clear the output buffer. $sniffs[] = ''; echo PHP_EOL."The $this->name standard contains $sniffCount sniffs".PHP_EOL; ob_start(); foreach ($sniffs as $i => $sniff) { if ($i === $sniffCount) { $currentStandard = null; } else { $currentStandard = substr($sniff, 0, strpos($sniff, '.')); if ($lastStandard === null) { $lastStandard = $currentStandard; } } if ($currentStandard !== $lastStandard) { $sniffList = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo PHP_EOL.$lastStandard.' ('.$lastCount.' sniff'; if ($lastCount > 1) { echo 's'; } echo ')'.PHP_EOL; echo str_repeat('-', (strlen($lastStandard.$lastCount) + 10)); echo PHP_EOL; echo $sniffList; $lastStandard = $currentStandard; $lastCount = 0; if ($currentStandard === null) { break; } ob_start(); }//end if echo ' '.$sniff.PHP_EOL; $lastCount++; }//end foreach }//end explain() /** * Processes a single ruleset and returns a list of the sniffs it represents. * * Rules founds within the ruleset are processed immediately, but sniff classes * are not registered by this method. * * @param string $rulesetPath The path to a ruleset XML file. * @param int $depth How many nested processing steps we are in. This * is only used for debug output. * * @return string[] * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\RuntimeException - If the ruleset path is invalid. * - If a specified autoload file could not be found. */ public function processRuleset($rulesetPath, $depth=0) { $rulesetPath = Util\Common::realpath($rulesetPath); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo 'Processing ruleset '.Util\Common::stripBasepath($rulesetPath, $this->config->basepath).PHP_EOL; } libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $ruleset = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($rulesetPath)); if ($ruleset === false) { $errorMsg = "Ruleset $rulesetPath is not valid".PHP_EOL; $errors = libxml_get_errors(); foreach ($errors as $error) { $errorMsg .= '- On line '.$error->line.', column '.$error->column.': '.$error->message; } libxml_clear_errors(); throw new RuntimeException($errorMsg); } libxml_use_internal_errors(false); $ownSniffs = []; $includedSniffs = []; $excludedSniffs = []; $this->paths[] = $rulesetPath; $rulesetDir = dirname($rulesetPath); $this->rulesetDirs[] = $rulesetDir; $sniffDir = $rulesetDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Sniffs'; if (is_dir($sniffDir) === true) { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\tAdding sniff files from ".Util\Common::stripBasepath($sniffDir, $this->config->basepath).' directory'.PHP_EOL; } $ownSniffs = $this->expandSniffDirectory($sniffDir, $depth); } // Include custom autoloaders. foreach ($ruleset->{'autoload'} as $autoload) { if ($this->shouldProcessElement($autoload) === false) { continue; } $autoloadPath = (string) $autoload; // Try relative autoload paths first. $relativePath = Util\Common::realPath(dirname($rulesetPath).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$autoloadPath); if ($relativePath !== false && is_file($relativePath) === true) { $autoloadPath = $relativePath; } else if (is_file($autoloadPath) === false) { throw new RuntimeException('The specified autoload file "'.$autoload.'" does not exist'); } include_once $autoloadPath; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t=> included autoloader $autoloadPath".PHP_EOL; } }//end foreach // Process custom sniff config settings. foreach ($ruleset->{'config'} as $config) { if ($this->shouldProcessElement($config) === false) { continue; } Config::setConfigData((string) $config['name'], (string) $config['value'], true); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t=> set config value ".(string) $config['name'].': '.(string) $config['value'].PHP_EOL; } } foreach ($ruleset->rule as $rule) { if (isset($rule['ref']) === false || $this->shouldProcessElement($rule) === false ) { continue; } if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\tProcessing rule \"".$rule['ref'].'"'.PHP_EOL; } $expandedSniffs = $this->expandRulesetReference((string) $rule['ref'], $rulesetDir, $depth); $newSniffs = array_diff($expandedSniffs, $includedSniffs); $includedSniffs = array_merge($includedSniffs, $expandedSniffs); $parts = explode('.', $rule['ref']); if (count($parts) === 4 && $parts[0] !== '' && $parts[1] !== '' && $parts[2] !== '' ) { $sniffCode = $parts[0].'.'.$parts[1].'.'.$parts[2]; if (isset($this->ruleset[$sniffCode]['severity']) === true && $this->ruleset[$sniffCode]['severity'] === 0 ) { // This sniff code has already been turned off, but now // it is being explicitly included again, so turn it back on. $this->ruleset[(string) $rule['ref']]['severity'] = 5; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t* disabling sniff exclusion for specific message code *".PHP_EOL; echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t=> severity set to 5".PHP_EOL; } } else if (empty($newSniffs) === false) { $newSniff = $newSniffs[0]; if (in_array($newSniff, $ownSniffs, true) === false) { // Including a sniff that hasn't been included higher up, but // only including a single message from it. So turn off all messages in // the sniff, except this one. $this->ruleset[$sniffCode]['severity'] = 0; $this->ruleset[(string) $rule['ref']]['severity'] = 5; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\tExcluding sniff \"".$sniffCode.'" except for "'.$parts[3].'"'.PHP_EOL; } } }//end if }//end if if (isset($rule->exclude) === true) { foreach ($rule->exclude as $exclude) { if (isset($exclude['name']) === false) { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t* ignoring empty exclude rule *".PHP_EOL; echo "\t\t\t=> ".$exclude->asXML().PHP_EOL; } continue; } if ($this->shouldProcessElement($exclude) === false) { continue; } if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\tExcluding rule \"".$exclude['name'].'"'.PHP_EOL; } // Check if a single code is being excluded, which is a shortcut // for setting the severity of the message to 0. $parts = explode('.', $exclude['name']); if (count($parts) === 4) { $this->ruleset[(string) $exclude['name']]['severity'] = 0; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t=> severity set to 0".PHP_EOL; } } else { $excludedSniffs = array_merge( $excludedSniffs, $this->expandRulesetReference((string) $exclude['name'], $rulesetDir, ($depth + 1)) ); } }//end foreach }//end if $this->processRule($rule, $newSniffs, $depth); }//end foreach // Process custom command line arguments. $cliArgs = []; foreach ($ruleset->{'arg'} as $arg) { if ($this->shouldProcessElement($arg) === false) { continue; } if (isset($arg['name']) === true) { $argString = '--'.(string) $arg['name']; if (isset($arg['value']) === true) { $argString .= '='.(string) $arg['value']; } } else { $argString = '-'.(string) $arg['value']; } $cliArgs[] = $argString; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t=> set command line value $argString".PHP_EOL; } }//end foreach // Set custom php ini values as CLI args. foreach ($ruleset->{'ini'} as $arg) { if ($this->shouldProcessElement($arg) === false) { continue; } if (isset($arg['name']) === false) { continue; } $name = (string) $arg['name']; $argString = $name; if (isset($arg['value']) === true) { $value = (string) $arg['value']; $argString .= "=$value"; } else { $value = 'true'; } $cliArgs[] = '-d'; $cliArgs[] = $argString; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t=> set PHP ini value $name to $value".PHP_EOL; } }//end foreach if (empty($this->config->files) === true) { // Process hard-coded file paths. foreach ($ruleset->{'file'} as $file) { $file = (string) $file; $cliArgs[] = $file; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t=> added \"$file\" to the file list".PHP_EOL; } } } if (empty($cliArgs) === false) { // Change the directory so all relative paths are worked // out based on the location of the ruleset instead of // the location of the user. $inPhar = Util\Common::isPharFile($rulesetDir); if ($inPhar === false) { $currentDir = getcwd(); chdir($rulesetDir); } $this->config->setCommandLineValues($cliArgs); if ($inPhar === false) { chdir($currentDir); } } // Process custom ignore pattern rules. foreach ($ruleset->{'exclude-pattern'} as $pattern) { if ($this->shouldProcessElement($pattern) === false) { continue; } if (isset($pattern['type']) === false) { $pattern['type'] = 'absolute'; } $this->ignorePatterns[(string) $pattern] = (string) $pattern['type']; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t=> added global ".(string) $pattern['type'].' ignore pattern: '.(string) $pattern.PHP_EOL; } } $includedSniffs = array_unique(array_merge($ownSniffs, $includedSniffs)); $excludedSniffs = array_unique($excludedSniffs); if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $included = count($includedSniffs); $excluded = count($excludedSniffs); echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "=> Ruleset processing complete; included $included sniffs and excluded $excluded".PHP_EOL; } // Merge our own sniff list with our externally included // sniff list, but filter out any excluded sniffs. $files = []; foreach ($includedSniffs as $sniff) { if (in_array($sniff, $excludedSniffs, true) === true) { continue; } else { $files[] = Util\Common::realpath($sniff); } } return $files; }//end processRuleset() /** * Expands a directory into a list of sniff files within. * * @param string $directory The path to a directory. * @param int $depth How many nested processing steps we are in. This * is only used for debug output. * * @return array */ private function expandSniffDirectory($directory, $depth=0) { $sniffs = []; $rdi = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS); $di = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($rdi, 0, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD); $dirLen = strlen($directory); foreach ($di as $file) { $filename = $file->getFilename(); // Skip hidden files. if (substr($filename, 0, 1) === '.') { continue; } // We are only interested in PHP and sniff files. $fileParts = explode('.', $filename); if (array_pop($fileParts) !== 'php') { continue; } $basename = basename($filename, '.php'); if (substr($basename, -5) !== 'Sniff') { continue; } $path = $file->getPathname(); // Skip files in hidden directories within the Sniffs directory of this // standard. We use the offset with strpos() to allow hidden directories // before, valid example: // /home/foo/.composer/vendor/squiz/custom_tool/MyStandard/Sniffs/... if (strpos($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.', $dirLen) !== false) { continue; } if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t=> ".Util\Common::stripBasepath($path, $this->config->basepath).PHP_EOL; } $sniffs[] = $path; }//end foreach return $sniffs; }//end expandSniffDirectory() /** * Expands a ruleset reference into a list of sniff files. * * @param string $ref The reference from the ruleset XML file. * @param string $rulesetDir The directory of the ruleset XML file, used to * evaluate relative paths. * @param int $depth How many nested processing steps we are in. This * is only used for debug output. * * @return array * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\RuntimeException If the reference is invalid. */ private function expandRulesetReference($ref, $rulesetDir, $depth=0) { // Ignore internal sniffs codes as they are used to only // hide and change internal messages. if (substr($ref, 0, 9) === 'Internal.') { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t* ignoring internal sniff code *".PHP_EOL; } return []; } // As sniffs can't begin with a full stop, assume references in // this format are relative paths and attempt to convert them // to absolute paths. If this fails, let the reference run through // the normal checks and have it fail as normal. if (substr($ref, 0, 1) === '.') { $realpath = Util\Common::realpath($rulesetDir.'/'.$ref); if ($realpath !== false) { $ref = $realpath; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t=> ".Util\Common::stripBasepath($ref, $this->config->basepath).PHP_EOL; } } } // As sniffs can't begin with a tilde, assume references in // this format are relative to the user's home directory. if (substr($ref, 0, 2) === '~/') { $realpath = Util\Common::realpath($ref); if ($realpath !== false) { $ref = $realpath; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t=> ".Util\Common::stripBasepath($ref, $this->config->basepath).PHP_EOL; } } } if (is_file($ref) === true) { if (substr($ref, -9) === 'Sniff.php') { // A single external sniff. $this->rulesetDirs[] = dirname(dirname(dirname($ref))); return [$ref]; } } else { // See if this is a whole standard being referenced. $path = Util\Standards::getInstalledStandardPath($ref); if ($path !== null && Util\Common::isPharFile($path) === true && strpos($path, 'ruleset.xml') === false) { // If the ruleset exists inside the phar file, use it. if (file_exists($path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'ruleset.xml') === true) { $path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'ruleset.xml'; } else { $path = null; } } if ($path !== null) { $ref = $path; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t=> ".Util\Common::stripBasepath($ref, $this->config->basepath).PHP_EOL; } } else if (is_dir($ref) === false) { // Work out the sniff path. $sepPos = strpos($ref, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if ($sepPos !== false) { $stdName = substr($ref, 0, $sepPos); $path = substr($ref, $sepPos); } else { $parts = explode('.', $ref); $stdName = $parts[0]; if (count($parts) === 1) { // A whole standard? $path = ''; } else if (count($parts) === 2) { // A directory of sniffs? $path = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Sniffs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$parts[1]; } else { // A single sniff? $path = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Sniffs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$parts[1].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$parts[2].'Sniff.php'; } } $newRef = false; $stdPath = Util\Standards::getInstalledStandardPath($stdName); if ($stdPath !== null && $path !== '') { if (Util\Common::isPharFile($stdPath) === true && strpos($stdPath, 'ruleset.xml') === false ) { // Phar files can only return the directory, // since ruleset can be omitted if building one standard. $newRef = Util\Common::realpath($stdPath.$path); } else { $newRef = Util\Common::realpath(dirname($stdPath).$path); } } if ($newRef === false) { // The sniff is not locally installed, so check if it is being // referenced as a remote sniff outside the install. We do this // by looking through all directories where we have found ruleset // files before, looking for ones for this particular standard, // and seeing if it is in there. foreach ($this->rulesetDirs as $dir) { if (strtolower(basename($dir)) !== strtolower($stdName)) { continue; } $newRef = Util\Common::realpath($dir.$path); if ($newRef !== false) { $ref = $newRef; } } } else { $ref = $newRef; } if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t=> ".Util\Common::stripBasepath($ref, $this->config->basepath).PHP_EOL; } }//end if }//end if if (is_dir($ref) === true) { if (is_file($ref.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'ruleset.xml') === true) { // We are referencing an external coding standard. if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t* rule is referencing a standard using directory name; processing *".PHP_EOL; } return $this->processRuleset($ref.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'ruleset.xml', ($depth + 2)); } else { // We are referencing a whole directory of sniffs. if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t* rule is referencing a directory of sniffs *".PHP_EOL; echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\tAdding sniff files from directory".PHP_EOL; } return $this->expandSniffDirectory($ref, ($depth + 1)); } } else { if (is_file($ref) === false) { $error = "Referenced sniff \"$ref\" does not exist"; throw new RuntimeException($error); } if (substr($ref, -9) === 'Sniff.php') { // A single sniff. return [$ref]; } else { // Assume an external ruleset.xml file. if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t* rule is referencing a standard using ruleset path; processing *".PHP_EOL; } return $this->processRuleset($ref, ($depth + 2)); } }//end if }//end expandRulesetReference() /** * Processes a rule from a ruleset XML file, overriding built-in defaults. * * @param \SimpleXMLElement $rule The rule object from a ruleset XML file. * @param string[] $newSniffs An array of sniffs that got included by this rule. * @param int $depth How many nested processing steps we are in. * This is only used for debug output. * * @return void * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\RuntimeException If rule settings are invalid. */ private function processRule($rule, $newSniffs, $depth=0) { $ref = (string) $rule['ref']; $todo = [$ref]; $parts = explode('.', $ref); $partsCount = count($parts); if ($partsCount <= 2 || $partsCount > count(array_filter($parts)) || in_array($ref, $newSniffs) === true ) { // We are processing a standard, a category of sniffs or a relative path inclusion. foreach ($newSniffs as $sniffFile) { $parts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $sniffFile); if (count($parts) === 1 && DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\') { // Path using forward slashes while running on Windows. $parts = explode('/', $sniffFile); } $sniffName = array_pop($parts); $sniffCategory = array_pop($parts); array_pop($parts); $sniffStandard = array_pop($parts); $todo[] = $sniffStandard.'.'.$sniffCategory.'.'.substr($sniffName, 0, -9); } } foreach ($todo as $code) { // Custom severity. if (isset($rule->severity) === true && $this->shouldProcessElement($rule->severity) === true ) { if (isset($this->ruleset[$code]) === false) { $this->ruleset[$code] = []; } $this->ruleset[$code]['severity'] = (int) $rule->severity; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t=> severity set to ".(int) $rule->severity; if ($code !== $ref) { echo " for $code"; } echo PHP_EOL; } } // Custom message type. if (isset($rule->type) === true && $this->shouldProcessElement($rule->type) === true ) { if (isset($this->ruleset[$code]) === false) { $this->ruleset[$code] = []; } $type = strtolower((string) $rule->type); if ($type !== 'error' && $type !== 'warning') { throw new RuntimeException("Message type \"$type\" is invalid; must be \"error\" or \"warning\""); } $this->ruleset[$code]['type'] = $type; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t=> message type set to ".(string) $rule->type; if ($code !== $ref) { echo " for $code"; } echo PHP_EOL; } }//end if // Custom message. if (isset($rule->message) === true && $this->shouldProcessElement($rule->message) === true ) { if (isset($this->ruleset[$code]) === false) { $this->ruleset[$code] = []; } $this->ruleset[$code]['message'] = (string) $rule->message; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t=> message set to ".(string) $rule->message; if ($code !== $ref) { echo " for $code"; } echo PHP_EOL; } } // Custom properties. if (isset($rule->properties) === true && $this->shouldProcessElement($rule->properties) === true ) { foreach ($rule->properties->property as $prop) { if ($this->shouldProcessElement($prop) === false) { continue; } if (isset($this->ruleset[$code]) === false) { $this->ruleset[$code] = [ 'properties' => [], ]; } else if (isset($this->ruleset[$code]['properties']) === false) { $this->ruleset[$code]['properties'] = []; } $name = (string) $prop['name']; if (isset($prop['type']) === true && (string) $prop['type'] === 'array' ) { $values = []; if (isset($prop['extend']) === true && (string) $prop['extend'] === 'true' && isset($this->ruleset[$code]['properties'][$name]) === true ) { $values = $this->ruleset[$code]['properties'][$name]; } if (isset($prop->element) === true) { $printValue = ''; foreach ($prop->element as $element) { if ($this->shouldProcessElement($element) === false) { continue; } $value = (string) $element['value']; if (isset($element['key']) === true) { $key = (string) $element['key']; $values[$key] = $value; $printValue .= $key.'=>'.$value.','; } else { $values[] = $value; $printValue .= $value.','; } } $printValue = rtrim($printValue, ','); } else { $value = (string) $prop['value']; $printValue = $value; foreach (explode(',', $value) as $val) { list($k, $v) = explode('=>', $val.'=>'); if ($v !== '') { $values[trim($k)] = trim($v); } else { $values[] = trim($k); } } }//end if $this->ruleset[$code]['properties'][$name] = $values; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t=> array property \"$name\" set to \"$printValue\""; if ($code !== $ref) { echo " for $code"; } echo PHP_EOL; } } else { $this->ruleset[$code]['properties'][$name] = (string) $prop['value']; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t=> property \"$name\" set to \"".(string) $prop['value'].'"'; if ($code !== $ref) { echo " for $code"; } echo PHP_EOL; } }//end if }//end foreach }//end if // Ignore patterns. foreach ($rule->{'exclude-pattern'} as $pattern) { if ($this->shouldProcessElement($pattern) === false) { continue; } if (isset($this->ignorePatterns[$code]) === false) { $this->ignorePatterns[$code] = []; } if (isset($pattern['type']) === false) { $pattern['type'] = 'absolute'; } $this->ignorePatterns[$code][(string) $pattern] = (string) $pattern['type']; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t=> added rule-specific ".(string) $pattern['type'].' ignore pattern'; if ($code !== $ref) { echo " for $code"; } echo ': '.(string) $pattern.PHP_EOL; } }//end foreach // Include patterns. foreach ($rule->{'include-pattern'} as $pattern) { if ($this->shouldProcessElement($pattern) === false) { continue; } if (isset($this->includePatterns[$code]) === false) { $this->includePatterns[$code] = []; } if (isset($pattern['type']) === false) { $pattern['type'] = 'absolute'; } $this->includePatterns[$code][(string) $pattern] = (string) $pattern['type']; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "\t\t=> added rule-specific ".(string) $pattern['type'].' include pattern'; if ($code !== $ref) { echo " for $code"; } echo ': '.(string) $pattern.PHP_EOL; } }//end foreach }//end foreach }//end processRule() /** * Determine if an element should be processed or ignored. * * @param \SimpleXMLElement $element An object from a ruleset XML file. * * @return bool */ private function shouldProcessElement($element) { if (isset($element['phpcbf-only']) === false && isset($element['phpcs-only']) === false ) { // No exceptions are being made. return true; } if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_CBF === true && isset($element['phpcbf-only']) === true && (string) $element['phpcbf-only'] === 'true' ) { return true; } if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_CBF === false && isset($element['phpcs-only']) === true && (string) $element['phpcs-only'] === 'true' ) { return true; } return false; }//end shouldProcessElement() /** * Loads and stores sniffs objects used for sniffing files. * * @param array $files Paths to the sniff files to register. * @param array $restrictions The sniff class names to restrict the allowed * listeners to. * @param array $exclusions The sniff class names to exclude from the * listeners list. * * @return void */ public function registerSniffs($files, $restrictions, $exclusions) { $listeners = []; foreach ($files as $file) { // Work out where the position of /StandardName/Sniffs/... is // so we can determine what the class will be called. $sniffPos = strrpos($file, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Sniffs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if ($sniffPos === false) { continue; } $slashPos = strrpos(substr($file, 0, $sniffPos), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if ($slashPos === false) { continue; } $className = Autoload::loadFile($file); $compareName = Util\Common::cleanSniffClass($className); // If they have specified a list of sniffs to restrict to, check // to see if this sniff is allowed. if (empty($restrictions) === false && isset($restrictions[$compareName]) === false ) { continue; } // If they have specified a list of sniffs to exclude, check // to see if this sniff is allowed. if (empty($exclusions) === false && isset($exclusions[$compareName]) === true ) { continue; } // Skip abstract classes. $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($className); if ($reflection->isAbstract() === true) { continue; } $listeners[$className] = $className; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 2) { echo "Registered $className".PHP_EOL; } }//end foreach $this->sniffs = $listeners; }//end registerSniffs() /** * Populates the array of PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff objects for this file. * * @return void * @throws \PHP_CodeSniffer\Exceptions\RuntimeException If sniff registration fails. */ public function populateTokenListeners() { // Construct a list of listeners indexed by token being listened for. $this->tokenListeners = []; foreach ($this->sniffs as $sniffClass => $sniffObject) { $this->sniffs[$sniffClass] = null; $this->sniffs[$sniffClass] = new $sniffClass(); $sniffCode = Util\Common::getSniffCode($sniffClass); $this->sniffCodes[$sniffCode] = $sniffClass; // Set custom properties. if (isset($this->ruleset[$sniffCode]['properties']) === true) { foreach ($this->ruleset[$sniffCode]['properties'] as $name => $value) { $this->setSniffProperty($sniffClass, $name, $value); } } $tokenizers = []; $vars = get_class_vars($sniffClass); if (isset($vars['supportedTokenizers']) === true) { foreach ($vars['supportedTokenizers'] as $tokenizer) { $tokenizers[$tokenizer] = $tokenizer; } } else { $tokenizers = ['PHP' => 'PHP']; } $tokens = $this->sniffs[$sniffClass]->register(); if (is_array($tokens) === false) { $msg = "Sniff $sniffClass register() method must return an array"; throw new RuntimeException($msg); } $ignorePatterns = []; $patterns = $this->getIgnorePatterns($sniffCode); foreach ($patterns as $pattern => $type) { $replacements = [ '\\,' => ',', '*' => '.*', ]; $ignorePatterns[] = strtr($pattern, $replacements); } $includePatterns = []; $patterns = $this->getIncludePatterns($sniffCode); foreach ($patterns as $pattern => $type) { $replacements = [ '\\,' => ',', '*' => '.*', ]; $includePatterns[] = strtr($pattern, $replacements); } foreach ($tokens as $token) { if (isset($this->tokenListeners[$token]) === false) { $this->tokenListeners[$token] = []; } if (isset($this->tokenListeners[$token][$sniffClass]) === false) { $this->tokenListeners[$token][$sniffClass] = [ 'class' => $sniffClass, 'source' => $sniffCode, 'tokenizers' => $tokenizers, 'ignore' => $ignorePatterns, 'include' => $includePatterns, ]; } } }//end foreach }//end populateTokenListeners() /** * Set a single property for a sniff. * * @param string $sniffClass The class name of the sniff. * @param string $name The name of the property to change. * @param string $value The new value of the property. * * @return void */ public function setSniffProperty($sniffClass, $name, $value) { // Setting a property for a sniff we are not using. if (isset($this->sniffs[$sniffClass]) === false) { return; } $name = trim($name); if (is_string($value) === true) { $value = trim($value); } if ($value === '') { $value = null; } // Special case for booleans. if ($value === 'true') { $value = true; } else if ($value === 'false') { $value = false; } else if (substr($name, -2) === '[]') { $name = substr($name, 0, -2); $values = []; if ($value !== null) { foreach (explode(',', $value) as $val) { list($k, $v) = explode('=>', $val.'=>'); if ($v !== '') { $values[trim($k)] = trim($v); } else { $values[] = trim($k); } } } $value = $values; } $this->sniffs[$sniffClass]->$name = $value; }//end setSniffProperty() /** * Gets the array of ignore patterns. * * Optionally takes a listener to get ignore patterns specified * for that sniff only. * * @param string $listener The listener to get patterns for. If NULL, all * patterns are returned. * * @return array */ public function getIgnorePatterns($listener=null) { if ($listener === null) { return $this->ignorePatterns; } if (isset($this->ignorePatterns[$listener]) === true) { return $this->ignorePatterns[$listener]; } return []; }//end getIgnorePatterns() /** * Gets the array of include patterns. * * Optionally takes a listener to get include patterns specified * for that sniff only. * * @param string $listener The listener to get patterns for. If NULL, all * patterns are returned. * * @return array */ public function getIncludePatterns($listener=null) { if ($listener === null) { return $this->includePatterns; } if (isset($this->includePatterns[$listener]) === true) { return $this->includePatterns[$listener]; } return []; }//end getIncludePatterns() }//end class