<?php /** * PHPCompatibility, an external standard for PHP_CodeSniffer. * * @package PHPCompatibility * @copyright 2012-2019 PHPCompatibility Contributors * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0 LGPL3 * @link https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility */ namespace PHPCompatibility\Sniffs\Variables; use PHPCompatibility\AbstractRemovedFeatureSniff; use PHPCompatibility\PHPCSHelper; use PHP_CodeSniffer_File as File; use PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens as Tokens; /** * Detect the use of removed global variables. Suggests alternatives if available. * * PHP version 5.3+ * * @link https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecations_php_7_2#php_errormsg * * @since 5.5 Introduced `LongArrays` sniff. * @since 7.0 Introduced `RemovedGlobalVariables` sniff. * @since 7.0.7 The `LongArrays` sniff now throws a warning for deprecated and an error for removed. * Previously the `LongArrays` sniff would always throw a warning. * @since 7.1.0 The `RemovedGlobalVariables` sniff now extends the `AbstractNewFeatureSniff` * instead of the base `Sniff` class. * @since 7.1.3 Merged the `LongArrays` sniff into the `RemovedGlobalVariables` sniff. * @since 9.0.0 Renamed from `RemovedGlobalVariablesSniff` to `RemovedPredefinedGlobalVariablesSniff`. */ class RemovedPredefinedGlobalVariablesSniff extends AbstractRemovedFeatureSniff { /** * A list of removed global variables with their alternative, if any. * * The array lists : version number with false (deprecated) and true (removed). * If's sufficient to list the first version where the variable was deprecated/removed. * * @since 5.5 * @since 7.0 * * @var array(string => array(string => bool|string)) */ protected $removedGlobalVariables = array( 'HTTP_POST_VARS' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, 'alternative' => '$_POST', ), 'HTTP_GET_VARS' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, 'alternative' => '$_GET', ), 'HTTP_ENV_VARS' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, 'alternative' => '$_ENV', ), 'HTTP_SERVER_VARS' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, 'alternative' => '$_SERVER', ), 'HTTP_COOKIE_VARS' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, 'alternative' => '$_COOKIE', ), 'HTTP_SESSION_VARS' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, 'alternative' => '$_SESSION', ), 'HTTP_POST_FILES' => array( '5.3' => false, '5.4' => true, 'alternative' => '$_FILES', ), 'HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA' => array( '5.6' => false, '7.0' => true, 'alternative' => 'php://input', ), 'php_errormsg' => array( '7.2' => false, 'alternative' => 'error_get_last()', ), ); /** * Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for. * * @since 5.5 * @since 7.0 * * @return array */ public function register() { return array(\T_VARIABLE); } /** * Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered. * * @since 5.5 * @since 7.0 * * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned. * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in the * stack passed in $tokens. * * @return void */ public function process(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr) { if ($this->supportsAbove('5.3') === false) { return; } $tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens(); $varName = substr($tokens[$stackPtr]['content'], 1); if (isset($this->removedGlobalVariables[$varName]) === false) { return; } if ($this->isClassProperty($phpcsFile, $stackPtr) === true) { // Ok, so this was a class property declaration, not our concern. return; } // Check for static usage of class properties shadowing the removed global variables. if ($this->inClassScope($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, false) === true) { $prevToken = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(Tokens::$emptyTokens, ($stackPtr - 1), null, true, null, true); if ($prevToken !== false && $tokens[$prevToken]['code'] === \T_DOUBLE_COLON) { return; } } // Do some additional checks for the $php_errormsg variable. if ($varName === 'php_errormsg' && $this->isTargetPHPErrormsgVar($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $tokens) === false ) { return; } // Still here, so throw an error/warning. $itemInfo = array( 'name' => $varName, ); $this->handleFeature($phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $itemInfo); } /** * Get the relevant sub-array for a specific item from a multi-dimensional array. * * @since 7.1.0 * * @param array $itemInfo Base information about the item. * * @return array Version and other information about the item. */ public function getItemArray(array $itemInfo) { return $this->removedGlobalVariables[$itemInfo['name']]; } /** * Get the error message template for this sniff. * * @since 7.1.0 * * @return string */ protected function getErrorMsgTemplate() { return "Global variable '\$%s' is "; } /** * Filter the error message before it's passed to PHPCS. * * @since 8.1.0 * * @param string $error The error message which was created. * @param array $itemInfo Base information about the item this error message applies to. * @param array $errorInfo Detail information about an item this error message applies to. * * @return string */ protected function filterErrorMsg($error, array $itemInfo, array $errorInfo) { if ($itemInfo['name'] === 'php_errormsg') { $error = str_replace('Global', 'The', $error); } return $error; } /** * Run some additional checks for the `$php_errormsg` variable. * * @since 8.1.0 * * @param \PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned. * @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token in the * stack passed in $tokens. * @param array $tokens Token array of the current file. * * @return bool */ private function isTargetPHPErrormsgVar(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr, array $tokens) { $scopeStart = 0; /* * If the variable is detected within the scope of a function/closure, limit the checking. */ $function = $phpcsFile->getCondition($stackPtr, \T_CLOSURE); if ($function === false) { $function = $phpcsFile->getCondition($stackPtr, \T_FUNCTION); } // It could also be a function param, which is not in the function scope. if ($function === false && isset($tokens[$stackPtr]['nested_parenthesis']) === true) { $nestedParentheses = $tokens[$stackPtr]['nested_parenthesis']; $parenthesisCloser = end($nestedParentheses); if (isset($tokens[$parenthesisCloser]['parenthesis_owner']) && ($tokens[$tokens[$parenthesisCloser]['parenthesis_owner']]['code'] === \T_FUNCTION || $tokens[$tokens[$parenthesisCloser]['parenthesis_owner']]['code'] === \T_CLOSURE) ) { $function = $tokens[$parenthesisCloser]['parenthesis_owner']; } } if ($function !== false) { $scopeStart = $tokens[$function]['scope_opener']; } /* * Now, let's do some additional checks. */ $nextNonEmpty = $phpcsFile->findNext(Tokens::$emptyTokens, ($stackPtr + 1), null, true); // Is the variable being used as an array ? if ($nextNonEmpty !== false && $tokens[$nextNonEmpty]['code'] === \T_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET) { // The PHP native variable is a string, so this is probably not it // (except for array access to string, but why would you in this case ?). return false; } // Is this a variable assignment ? if ($nextNonEmpty !== false && isset(Tokens::$assignmentTokens[$tokens[$nextNonEmpty]['code']]) === true ) { return false; } // Is this a function param shadowing the PHP native one ? if ($function !== false) { $parameters = PHPCSHelper::getMethodParameters($phpcsFile, $function); if (\is_array($parameters) === true && empty($parameters) === false) { foreach ($parameters as $param) { if ($param['name'] === '$php_errormsg') { return false; } } } } $skipPast = array( 'T_CLASS' => true, 'T_ANON_CLASS' => true, 'T_INTERFACE' => true, 'T_TRAIT' => true, 'T_FUNCTION' => true, 'T_CLOSURE' => true, ); // Walk back and see if there is an assignment to the variable within the same scope. for ($i = ($stackPtr - 1); $i >= $scopeStart; $i--) { if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === \T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET && isset($tokens[$i]['scope_condition']) && isset($skipPast[$tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['type']]) ) { // Skip past functions, classes etc. $i = $tokens[$i]['scope_condition']; continue; } if ($tokens[$i]['code'] !== \T_VARIABLE || $tokens[$i]['content'] !== '$php_errormsg') { continue; } $nextNonEmpty = $phpcsFile->findNext(Tokens::$emptyTokens, ($i + 1), null, true); if ($nextNonEmpty !== false && isset(Tokens::$assignmentTokens[$tokens[$nextNonEmpty]['code']]) === true ) { return false; } } return true; } }