<documentation title="Object Operator Indentation"> <standard> <![CDATA[ Chained object operators when spread out over multiple lines should be the first thing on the line and be indented by 1 level. ]]> </standard> <code_comparison> <code title="Valid: Object operator at the start of a new line."> <![CDATA[ $foo <em>-></em>bar() <em>-></em>baz(); ]]> </code> <code title="Invalid: Object operator at the end of the line."> <![CDATA[ $foo<em>-></em> bar()<em>-></em> baz(); ]]> </code> </code_comparison> <code_comparison> <code title="Valid: Object operator indented correctly."> <![CDATA[ $foo <em> </em>->bar() <em> </em>->baz(); ]]> </code> <code title="Invalid: Object operator not indented correctly."> <![CDATA[ $foo <em></em>->bar() <em></em>->baz(); ]]> </code> </code_comparison> </documentation>